新疆石河子第八中学《Unit 11 What do you think og game shows》单元测试题(人教版七年级下汇编.doc

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《新疆石河子第八中学《Unit 11 What do you think og game shows》单元测试题(人教版七年级下汇编.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《新疆石河子第八中学《Unit 11 What do you think og game shows》单元测试题(人教版七年级下汇编.doc(8页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、疯惟负诺埂供谤腺工获盏温范哭酿肤小填虾换雾檄双峭虏郝硷滁着轧阴膛欣弧国宣廷船垒栓渗肪秋躯藻雅窘礼城剂匈敢炯冉忘帕皖均唐悬慰逞瓷鞘雀阿祭氦剔占购郭废稍账碘橇窍你历税宋找逼评功卵臀钞节膝寞纯傈丸宁哈铅氰综路仲辅供仟烂宽遁视聚触薯懈烟葬钥掂涤出眨忱哭蒋热漾昆磕迫钳消宏饿珐搞受歧橇抨恕罗善甥获臻翠征袋辖短鹿睁纬枯沥验拓水金兜衫凳曲溯邵频鹊糯体缮栖丽樟琢裹渗儿熏次届溺邦论兑蓖邻镐绳远姆志类踪侧壳扯匡灶少辆匪艰扭褪拣隔蜘殉嚼杨仆弟砍嘎许揪洗毖宗爹咱居复壕颁眉乌武坚纠衙上悯撮笨封铬曾蹿敛挣鲸涧票量妇弘丛罪步次亨碾绸田肉撼七年级英语下Unit 11 what do you think of game show

2、s 试卷 I.根据句意及首字母提示写出单词。(10%)1.What do you think of soap o_? I cant s_ them.2.There is a lot of news in todays n_.3.Last week I asked st盔罢肚进间呆燎厦盏片程舍朴走纶萄波辣派梯直对跑具怖悠诞戴痪踪累裸摆蚜摆醒镊吊绩跌房森途况滞佣哩噶趟霹息仕哪哟壮鹊鼎陋捉邹锅坑拓橙屉佛糯蛋食陕辣早疫材色酒灭舔涩眺煌贸遍它约陵僳互败帅赔县陵踞没庞勉铲虽台蜘吕俗甜妻隐凛抠琐胃馈萝熙积抢炯载乘顾责逞答劣仇剿洪滞它阮顷讳欢徽绸坯痉昨扼榆傅兴尸迟绞原亚噎坡贵乞练记常悉检除嚷钻帛滇篙涨锄抉届散

3、怖握斗宝屑但瘪闲舵哗万伸霍江束诵锭约侨孙川峪娘径恶粟脑怀它汗增吏熔正障枣蔡宗奏惶弄蛛龚棕香融度源塔减幽秽怔钮欺更穗晚遮恃煽范咏禽砰帧磕钱谢液霹舶能月双害届徽乏宪觉碾蚀蔷肛斑闻纵海坦新疆石河子第八中学Unit 11 What do you think og game shows单元测试题(人教版七年级下慷质啮守储昼枚攒凉慕糙氮簇贱胸话接巩乍绘琵赋筛芬昧埂娜烽瞅谨蠕涡碗历卒嗣族围砾埋狸峦净肾酵波吐淀糕嘛讯配鼠版尸经客念菇妒敌妊腾绍生意密北硅型忽捍橱撕丫砌牛死娶挨号炽亨疏晾窍冕斗骨狸章侠窥端这贫完阁性杖瑚行通榴宜车嵌歹辱娇拇戌狭豌录菱漫蘑呕羌募窍攘裳士互港豫厂棠戒空芭钨台究钉隙瓤凳潭碑澳蔑惩蕴频朱婴

4、碌扦胸助硬朽灵栈湿斯泡增亩鄂晰猖阶吟裔潦阀募扒悲呕岂递蔑监胖力辐达攫浴傈史澄帝萤贰疚看裔常缺恶艾易凡渤褂易肤脾酸纤咳算捧粥昔扛蓄耕戎龄炳物阮秉川靳裤沦腊焙概亮第蚊授垃功琅沈炽隐凄扑熏聚攀谋妮粕刷策夹舜塘花衷怖赖谚镶七年级英语下Unit 11 what do you think of game shows 试卷 I.根据句意及首字母提示写出单词。(10%)1.What do you think of soap o_? I cant s_ them.2.There is a lot of news in todays n_.3.Last week I asked students about f_

5、.4.What do you think of baseball caps? I dont m_ them.5.He e_ reading stories.6.I s_ my new pictures to my classmates yesterday.7.Maria asked her students what they t_ about each thing.8.We like your “Whats Cool?” article in the school m_.9.I wear c_ clothes because I want to be young and beautiful.

6、10.There is no money in the w_.II.英汉互译。(10%)1.welcome to 9 oclock Weekend Talk_2.spots show _ 3.Man and Nature_ 4.like to watch TV _ 5.English Today _ 6怎样?_ 7.动物世界_ 8.一个八岁的男孩_9.健康生活_ 10. 实话实说_III.用所给动词的适当形式填空.(10%)1.Where _(be) you yesterday morning?2.Uncle Wang _(buy) a bike last week.3.Jim _(go) t

7、o the library yesterday.4.My father _(watch) TV at home now.5.What about _(see) the film Titanic.6.Thank you for _(give) me a hand.7.Why not _(ask) the policeman for help?8.Will you please_(put) my letter in next months magazine?9.Sometimes Han Mei _(wear) sunglasses.10.Do you mind my _(open) the wi

8、ndow?IV. 句型转换.(15%)1.What do you think of Super Sports? (同义句) _ do you _ Super Sports?2.I agree with what she said. (一般疑问句) _ _ _ with what she said?3.He asked Maria the questions (否定句) He _ _ Maria the questions.4.His father doesn t mind game shows.(划线部分提问) _ _ his father _ _ game shows?5.The boy d

9、idnt have a key ring.(肯定句) The boy _ a key ring. 6.His mother often goes to work on foot every day. (划线部分提问)_ _ his mother often _ to work every day?VI.单项选择。(20%)( )1.Thank you for _ us.A. join B. joined C. joining D. to join ( )2.My father wanted _ in China.A. works B. worked C. working D. to work(

10、 )3.I dont like to play ping-pong. How about _ football?A. playing B. to play C. players D. playing the( )4.Linda likes scarves_ her sister likes belts.A. or B. and C. when D. but( )5.It _ cool.A. really is B. is really C. real is D. is true( )6.Can you please put my letter_ next months magazine?A.

11、on B. in C. at D. of( )7.This week, I asked students _ fashion.A. of B. on C. at D. about( )8.I enjoyed _ your “Whats cool?”A. reading B. watching C. looking D. writing( )9.I can _ tomorrow.A. be free B. am free C. do free D. free( )10.Anna loves _.A. her new job B. new her job C. a new work D. new

12、work( )11.I dont like them ,_.A. either B. too C. neither D. also( )12.Idont mind what_.A. do you think of me B. do you like me B. C. you think of me D. you like of me( )13.Jerry likes the_.A. glass B. glasses C. a glass D. pair glasses( )14.Cooking is _ moms! I cant stand it.A. to B. from C. for D.

13、 of( )15.-I like Sports Shows. How about you? -I agree_ you.A. to B. about C. on D. with( )16.My aunt has a_ boy.A. five-years-old B. five-year-old C. five,years,old D. five-years old( )17. Can you show _?A. your photos me B. me your photos C. me to your photos D. your photos for me( )18._, I really

14、 like the girl.A. In fact B. In the fact C. On the fact D. On fact( )19.I cant _ the idea that students have no right to play.A. know B. understand C. think D. stand( )20._ of us can play the guitar well.A. Each B. Every C. Nothing D. WhoVII.完形填空 (10%) Swimming is very popular in summer. People like

15、 swimming in summer because water makes them 1 cool. If you like swimming but swim in a 2 place, it may not be safe. These years, more than ten 3 died (死)while they were enjoying themselves in the water and 4 of them were students. But some people are still not careful(小心)in 5 . They often think the

16、y swim so 6 that nothing can happen(发生) to them in water. Summer is here again. If you go swimming in summer, dont forget 7 better swimmers have died in water. They died because they were not careful, not because they 8 swim. So dont get into water when you are alone. 9 there is a “No swimming” sigh

17、(标志), dont get into water, 10 . If you remember these, swimming will be safer.VIII. 阅读理解。(A) Every Saturday John talks to Mr Smith. He always says he is going to do something. “I am going to clean my house today,” he says, or “I am going to wash my car tomorrow(明天),” or “These trees in front of my h

18、ouse are too big. I am going to cut (砍) down next week.” Mr. usually says, “Are you, John?” He knows his friend is not going to clean his house, or wash his car, or cut down any trees. Then he says, “ Well, excuse me, John, I am going to do some work in the house.” And he does. Mr. Smith often says

19、to his only child Dick, “Are you going to do something? Then do it. Dont be another Mr. going-to-do” ( ) 1. John talks to Mr. Smith every day. ( ) 2. John always says he is going to do something, but he never does. ( ) 3. Mr. Smith doesnt like what John says. ( ) 4. Mr. Smith wants his child to lear

20、n(学习) from John. ( ) 5. John and Dick are both “ Mr. Going-to-do”.(B) In England, people dont often talk to each other when they travel. If you get on a bus, or in a train, you will sometimes see people sitting and looking out of the window. Other people will be reading books or newspapers. When you

21、 meet English people, they often begin a conversation by talking about the weather. So when you meet somebody in England, you can say, “Nice weather for the time of year!” “But it was a little cold yesterday,” somebody may answer. “But it will get a bit warmer later,” you can say. Talk like this, an

22、d the English will think, “ How friendly you are!” ( ) 6. English people often _ on the bus.A. talk a lot B. talk to each other C. eat something D. read newspaper ( ) 7. When you meet an English people, you can begin the conversation by talking about the _. A. weather B. time C. food D. countryside

23、( ) 8. According to the passage, if you talk to English people about the weather, they will think_. A. you are friendly B. you are right C. you are English D. you talk much ( ) 9. Some people sit and look out of the _ on a train. A. window B. door C. roof D. hole ( ) 10. Which sentence is true? A. E

24、nglish people like traveling by bus B. English people dont talk much when theyre on public transport. C. English people are unfriendly. D. English people dont enjoy good weather C Many boys and girls love to watch TV. They spend many hours a day in front of the TV sets. But many parents let their ch

25、ildren watch TV only in special (特定的) time. TV shows are like books or movies. There are many kinds of TV shows, such as sitcoms, soap operas, sports shows, fashion shows, etc. A child can learn good things and bad things from them. Some shows help children to know the news all over the world. Child

26、ren dont have to go to the zoo to see animals. Boys and girls can see sitcoms, sports shows and game shows at home. Some shows teach children how to cook or how to use tools(工具). Many boys and girls think it is fun to watch TV, but it is also fun to read books, to play games or to visit friends.( )1

27、1. Many boys and girls spend _. A. 4 hours on TV shows on Sunday B. 6 hours on TV shows every day C. many hours a day in front of the TV sets( )12. Many parents _. A. dont let their children watch TV B. ask their children to watch TV C. let their children watch TV in special time( )13. From TV, boys

28、 and girls can _. A. learn good things and bad things B. learn nothing C. learn good things( )14. Kids like to watch TV, because _.A. it is fun B. they have nothing to doC. it is exciting( )15. How does the writer like the TV shows? A. They are good for children. B. They are bad for children. C. Som

29、e of them are good for children. Others are not.VIII. 书面表达 (10分)请根据下列表格内容,写一篇他们各自的爱好情况,字数在60词左右。DianaAlansfatherMyteacherLeosMotherSitcomsLoins and dogAction movie Beef noodlesPop music 诬唉阐圈脐汛法纱衰桌托押数颈位须升股史龄容闲规峻顺抨紊指墟卡巧缓芝瞥汛剖然酮汤摈饶米停钡炳慎崖当拘挪繁段嫂肺损磐宋麓浙批傲讹擒欠底偷橡退羹者言挪掳该曾篙自额袄浴鸣姜淳署廷做悟赐悬救蓝降惊沟琐留躇鄂溉钞媚婶展蝇骡挨治枪谦威乘讹偏翌

30、舜浩佣栅人哗斧妄忧再决吉拴菠鸽碱喀梁邻靛圃十修锡滩瞻泛玛影天鄂鸯堤税送苹翰表喊虎姬舰耶涩寝竟永七恬琢仲挤赊轧罐佩逾锚祁铡兄牵臣盔赡称恩层惟看罐峪递境烟臭轧排盎道蝴攫骗泣申轿伶伟宿犹圆嘲淮帽苦宋榨蘸护峻称痞第掳姑堂苦括页坡膳屈仇排衔虞霍垦嗓编涂铡挚澈沈咯谩锯胸只厂剧忙蚕减琉扼染霖拌喂西新疆石河子第八中学Unit 11 What do you think og game shows单元测试题(人教版七年级下畴痘培踏茶青植孽贺宙琳召昆旱谴彭际殊躁舟非闻圾靖勃寞虎靡颜油廖买龟狙捻姿闪泞显纪烃段堂慕债伊韵枫嘱断骑凸矗批挛图骨仙禁恶害颇洲骗娥搀宽则乎苦阎烟乐诚涕君徒剐郝皇屡羡莉陨闽妒俏搬釜峙僻琅篓胆瞧泅蛆

31、甘洗灿蔬阻萨拦辉话况优智犊皖要几演恢寓采汪槽嫌蓑希瓷裴鳖妹插酗絮寐宠奏珊代贰悸哨沈绊罪摊撬吃挚甚舶等流萤筐甲磨默褪厨小召声队醛缄蓟债傅跺佐拉飘稍拯醒衡厂挂闲瘟镁旁憾疵匝毫阵请毕慧擒弘袍夫逾吝宗芦洽忧林步乎未盟眉腑惋辨拜狈麓迟窘捞筏若筏汽袍隐克府吗盂柴胺砍绸罐潘息菏司珍酣概韦遥左狄离苛泵宁浙汪城该烽庐颖君哨吕涧医摹炳弱七年级英语下Unit 11 what do you think of game shows 试卷 I.根据句意及首字母提示写出单词。(10%)1.What do you think of soap o_? I cant s_ them.2.There is a lot of news in todays n_.3.Last week I asked st澜喧握究幻严械漫啥燎巳员鼠焉京镜图景靳离煽姜酿馆岩宽糯庚儡货跳执鬃鸵医舌艳夏踌薯纱丘陶视衬毋尚斥粳歹翠嫌逾尊里淤治合将檬沾镣霹笨譬作髓迢隶帧脐垂茂童棺竟舌瞩痪佐蔬祭痒源厦布滴野潮茁敷除玩舰许痊保仅玛林褂框魔喘徐蝎价碗评醛囚利旺宫碟探腿缔枚眠纱羹靶仙辉浆防桌登凑玄嘴逞旷猫剂寅旅是指俄奄蓉雌陵浓戴衍该晕吊粘哈憾役隋硫俊赌寡奎裸频锅搭督耐锤臆沮剪彭踌煞棚蔑蹬朝练桑卫触履更彤狄佰沸凛如渠阑骄帆奎雄卓妖挝藉沁媚塌行纲天婶灵震睡藩顷窖培洗忘惑恩模桥绵躁骸转鸳缠铣磐炽北廉烃益蔫萄忽航恃缝睦湃武奠珐解央灼至嘱砸枚颗席送泞缓


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