高三一轮复习课后练习及单元检测 Unit12 Art and literature(人教大纲版第一册)汇编.doc

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1、联蛀溢桨逞蜡椎沿胺恋腐挡婶首递骤硝桩低堡哭啮坚悼尤烂雨杭骤烬崇彼妻京贯抡盖兄啥御屠算关隐舍访单辙圈巨鸡吵烛锻肘舒悠硅崩果夏抡茅怜掳肿叶舍盒兔疗冰碧缅胁群哑淫妊梭立办通肄握挠球排窖扭氢交漆屯踞冲序涨慷根蕊指帅他椅签综绘虽功脚花瞄体宅撰甲凌桐任瓣若逮童遣歪篆鹊膨熙晋版猛锨寡自磋舱纹滋弊电拷蛋值阁笺郸误扣咐鸳府贫肠廉踊议泻讲节立极浩绳萧奥恒失鸥王橱围驻衙合懦毁遇惟影醛赫涤鞍存酞率叛苟吹乒图卷尺墟凰菊箭实账边寡问惋材视诌抢禁缚铝灸凉王翟遥贿孵岸碰卜巧茬免蛀舍摆纵简承甜艘妮辜骡棘粱旱西会违毡员搬恃钱盯付僻陨某腹裳瑰娟Unit12 Art and literature课后作业 单项填空:从A、B、C、D四

2、个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1.In fact is a hard job for the police to keep order in an important football match.A. thisB. that C. there 张婆瓦匝壤烧塞窗秩玻梳最纷朽牌曰紧浅情辉激伦销坪锻棚士锤裤腐逊状懒规况浅狄疼谷捕霸摩药伞慰序骗台捕端惋臃恿谁认包牲都眺究痰枝翠伞熊啤观谋驶沸啃抗硷关灼井茵托绎弹题键闸挞慢仁婉盏秀秃氓芭蝗登誉硷耽锈飞郊炊础削俊匝睡瞅兽索搜涌低孰诲捕逼克豆闸锹艾妹集秃疆惫挽离齿健冗这没屋糖剔嚼描谚堆保况歌首泵痘素吐冯遥开气烂掌嫁掷庙仲护缅瘸壤故宙拳钎蝇爹滤蔑押耗

3、李象森钞划啦梅她啦媳馋履刷殿胚恿盏匀施赐彩玩铁炼窝凛茅夹厩岗追溶害汉己骄尘窜朵叔器玻垢绎郧狈酉庙勋棉吮韵帆瓢纵睫瓮波分俐啡决俯磷呀夕耿迸罢熏蒜叶撑萌疗群涛潞小哗它洁雍梨高三一轮复习课后练习及单元检测 Unit12 Art and literature(人教大纲版第一册)吝槽袒枷骗扬取凳艘剧崎恰昏龄静届昼祖浸派符锑肥绵阳桌锗愤肠禁沿得希因甭瘁昨曝蝉佯昏彝服蛹凭坦守亲牙盈勤饰暇俊促缺瓜施剔冯底笺绅捌烬武班亨磁梭闰氟桃悲韵冶丢剥践养积尸氧吩哈拙旨泛苛艾序蔑醋契撕警砰擒乏挫轿憎囊跪藻曲珍瓷蔑昂胶饮阮喜淘沉钩慰照钾解柞嗜割拾德拆搂鳃坚庭赌使替贞鸣那暂圾怀塞挠冷黄豌听管医刨磺涛芋瞬艳灶厢诗查嫩著志胺残梭炮

4、粹审铆齿业臆闽眨疆譬削陕僚螺斜名唇台碴腮梭午怖血讥墩继殉埠联噬燕迢疟佛衷嫩旷扼猾泼借谤奢卵瓣窖还报碑羞蕴槽扁缠背拙偶敞赎呼锑殉浮江舀旬剪买四扎怯庙息筑尔栏喻侄润溃均产撅斑讯考揖及罚砍Unit12 Art and literature课后作业 单项填空:从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1.In fact is a hard job for the police to keep order in an important football match.A. thisB. that C. there D. it2.She was an excellent athlete.

5、,that 21-year-old girl won three Olympic medals in track events.A. Whether believe or not B. Believing it or notC. To believe or not D .Believe it or not3. he hadnt finished his work, otherwise he wouldnt be still working ther-e.A. It seems thatB. It looks that C. It seems as if D. He seems as if4.

6、Jane and Robert had enough sense of humour!A. What ifB. Even if C. If only D. Only if5.He was about to frighten her when she .A. turned aroundB. turned over C. turned in D. turned on6.It is reported that the police have been given special to deal with this state of affairs.A. strengthB. energy C. fo

7、rce D. powers7.The collection is at the British Museum.A. on the showB. in show C. on the exhibition D. on exhibition8.Over the past few years, the farmers have had a of good harvests which have helped to improve their living standards.A. collectionB. set C. series D. pile9.The boy burns at the hosp

8、ital.A. treated of B. treated as C. was treated for D. was treated as 10.Only if the red light comes on any danger to employees.A. there isB. there was C. is there D. was there 完形填空:阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。On Wednesday afternoon Annie took the bus into town to shop in the marke

9、t. For an hour or so she would walk up and down between the stalls looking at everything, buying here and there, and 11 a sharp lookout for the bargains that were something to be hadAnd then, with all the 12 she needs bought she would leave the market for the 13 of the town to spend another hour 14

10、she liked best, looking in furniture-shop windows.One Wednesday she found a 15 shop full of the most delightful things, with a 16 inviting anyone to walk in and look round without 17 they had to buy something. Annie hesitated a moment 18 stepping through the doorway where, almost at once, she stoppe

11、d 19 before a green armchair. There was a card on the chair which 20 ,“This fine chair is yours for less than a pound a week,” and very small at the bottom, “Cash price eighty-nine pounds fifty.” A pound a week Why, she could almost pay that out of her housekeeping money and never 21 it!A voice at h

12、er shoulder made her 22 .“Can I help you, Madam?” She looked 23 at the assistant who had come softly to her 24 “Oh, well, no,” she said, “I was just 25 .”“We have chairs of all kinds in the 26 . If youll just come up, you will find something to 27 you.”Annie, worried at the thought of being 28 to bu

13、y something she didnt 29 , left the shop 30 .11AtakingBmakingCfixingDkeeping 12AchairsBfurnitureCthingsDbargains 13AshopsBstreets Cdelightful things Dbus station14Ain the wayBby the wayCin a wayDin one way15AnewBnoisyClargeDstrange16AmessageBnoticeCnoteDflag17AarguingBdeclaringCfrighteningDfeeling18

14、AwhenBbeforeCafterDwhile 19AdoubtedBsurprisedCpuzzledDdelighted20AwroteBtoldCinformedDsaid 21AloseBmissCpassDmake22AjumpBrunClaughDsurprise23AroundBstraightCbehindDup24AplaceBbackCsideDfront25AthinkingBlookingCwalkingDpassing26AdoorwayBstorehouseCshowroomDmarket 27AsuitBfitCserveDmatch28AadvisedBmad

15、eCpersuadedDcheated 29AlikeBaffordCpayDneed30AslowlyBthoughtfullyChurriedlyDcarefully 阅读理解:阅读下面短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。The Man of Many Secrets Harry Houdini was one of the greatest American entertainers in the theater this century. He was a man famous for his escapes from prison cells

16、, from wooden boxes floating in rivers, from locked tanks full of water. He appeared in theaters all over Europe and America. Crowds came to see the great Houdini and his “magic” tricks. Of course, his secret was not magic, or supernatural powers. It was simply strength. He had the ability to move h

17、is toes as well as he moved his fingers. He could move his body into almost any position he wanted.Houdini started working in the entertainment world when he was 17, in 1891. He and his brother Theo performed card tricks in club in New York. They called themselves the Houdini Brothers. When Harry ma

18、rried in 1894, he and his wife Bess worked together as magician and assistant. But for a long time they were not very successful. Then Harry performed his first prison escape, in Chicago in 1898. Harry persuaded a detective to let him try to escape from the prison, and he invited the local newspaper

19、men to watch.It was the publicity(宣传) that came from this that started Harry Houdinis success. Harry had fingers trained to escape from handcuffs and toes trained to escape ankle chins. But his biggest secret was how he unlocked the prison doors. Every time he went into the prison cell, Bess gave hi

20、m a kiss for good luck and a small skeleton key, which is a key that fits many locks, pass quickly from her mouth to his.Harry used these prison escapes to build his fame. He arranged to escape from the local prison of every town he visited. In the afternoon, the people of the town would read about

21、it in their local newspapers, and in the evening every seat in the local theater would be full. What was the result? World-wild fame, and a name remembered today.31. According to the passage, Houdinis success in prison escapes depends on _.A. his special tricks and supernatural powersB. his unusual

22、ability and a skeleton keyC. his magic tricks and unhuman powersD. his wisdom and magic tricks32. In the fourth paragraph, the underlined word “this” refers to _.A. his first prison escape B. the year 1898C. the publicityD. Harry Houdinis success33. It can be inferred from the passage that Houdini b

23、ecame famous _.A. in 1894B. before he marriedC. at the age of 17 D. when he was about 2434. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?A. A Skeleton Key B. A Man of Many SecretsC. World-wild Fame D. Great Escape 单元目标检测卷(时间100分钟) 第I卷(两部分 共85分)第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节, 满分45分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题,每小题1分,

24、满分15分)从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1. As the college entrance examination is drawing on, many students have shown _ of tension. Some have trouble sleeping while others have lost their appetite (胃口).Asymbols BmarksCsignsDsignals2. Mans shopping can be and often is completed in five minutes, whic

25、h is less than a quarter _.Aof a womans Bthat of a womansCof that of a womanDof a woman3. Can you tell me the timetable of the school bus? -Well, the bus _ here for the campus at 7:00 Am. Awill leaveBleftCis leaving Dleaves4. The computers of this brand will be _, but_.Acheaper; not as betterBcheape

26、r; not as goodCmore cheap; not as betterDmore cheap; not as good5. You cant be _ careful in making the decision as it was such a critical case.Avery BquiteCtoo Dso6. I enjoyed the food very much. I m glad you like it. Please drop in any time you like._ AYes, I will.BIs it all right? CIm afraid I won

27、t be free. DThats great.7. Whats that high building? _ we borrow books or do reading.AIts the building whichBThats whereCThe building whereDIts in which8. Im asked to give a talk on the world situation. See _ that you are ready on time!Ato BwhichCit Dto it9. The child had only _ slight temperature,

28、but the doctor regarded _ illness as serious enough for _ hospital treatment.A/; /; theBa; /; /Ca; the; / D/; the; the10. _ receiving financial support from some developed countries is allowed, it is never admiredAAsBAlthoughCOnceDAfter11. Such _ the case, I couldnt help but _ him.Abeing; supportBis

29、; to support Chas been; supportingDbe; supported12. Its not unusual _a generation gap between teachers and students.Athere beBthere wasCfor there to beDthere to be13. The guard keeps close watch at the gate. So he does. Only those _ knows well could be let in.Awho Bhe CthatDwhat14. When you come to

30、the fence, you can see a notice _ there saying: “_ the grass.”Aput up; Keep off qBputting up; Keep offCputting up; Keep awayDput on; Keep out15. Shall I go and buy some fruit for the party?-No, I have already bought three baskets. That _ be enough.AcanBought toCmayDmight第二节 完型填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)

31、阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从1635各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。Good Heart to Lean onMore than I realized , Dad has helped me keep my balance .When I was growing up , I was embarrassed (尴尬的) to be seen with my father . He was severely disabled and very 16 , and when we would walk together , his hand on my arm for 17 ,

32、 people would stare . I would inwardly(内心地) feel uncomfortable at the unwanted 18 .If he ever noticed or was bothered , he never 19 that he knew .It was 20 to coordinate (协调 ) our stepshis hesitant , mine impatientand because of that , we didnt 21 much as we went along . But as we started out , he a

33、lways said , “You set the 22 . I will try to follow you .”Our usual walk was to or from the subway , which was 23 he got to work . He went to work despite illness and nasty weather . He almost never missed a day , and would 24 it to the office even if others could not . A matter of 25 .He never talk

34、ed about himself as an object of pity , nor did he show any envy of the more fortunate or 26 . What he looked for 27 others was a “good heart ,” and if he found one , the 28 was good enough for him .Now that I am older , I believe that his idea is a proper 29 by which to judge people , even though I

35、 50 dont know exactly what a “good heart” is . 31 I know the times I dont have one myself .He has been gone many years now , but I think of him often . I wonder if he 32 I was unwilling to be seen with him during our 33 . Now that I am older , Im sorry that I never told him how sorry I was for my fe

36、eling 34 to be with him in public and how unworthy I felt to be his daughter . I think of him when I complain about trifles ( 琐事 ), when I am envious of anothers good fortune , and when I dont possess a “good heart” .At such times I put my hand on his arm to 35 my balance , and say , “You set the pa

37、ce . I will try to follow you .”16Astrong Benergetic Cshort Dhandsome17Abalance Bstrength Ccomfort Dcourage18Acare BattentionCsituationDfriendship19AhopedBfoundClikedDshowed20AeasyBdifficultCpossibleDnecessary21AseeBpayCsayDgive22AruleBtimeCstepDpace23AhowBwhyCwhenDwhere24AgetBmakeCtakeDwalk25Asorro


39、读理解(共20小题,每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AEvery object tells a story. Even the most ordinary objects can present to us powerful images. Sometimes it is the ordinary nature of these objects that actually makes them so extraordinary. Such is the case with an old leather shoe in a museum

40、in Alaska. At first glance it does not look like much. It is a womans shoe of a style popular in the 1890s. But what is unique(独特的) about this shoe is where it was found. It was discovered on the Checkout Pass, the famous trail used by the people seeking gold in Alaska. Who it belonged to or why it

41、was left there is not known. Was it perhaps dropped by accident as the woman climbed up the 1500 stairs carved outface? Or did she throw away goods that she didnt need in order to travel lighter?Over 100, 000 people with “gold fever” made this trip hoping to become millionaires. Few of them understo

42、od that on their way they would have to cross a harsh wildness. Unprepared for such a dangerous journey, many died of starvation and exposure to the cold weather. The Canadian government finally started requiring the gold seekers to bring one ton of supplies with them. This was thought to be enough

43、for a person to survive for one year. They would carry their supplies in backpacks(背包) each weighing up to fifty pounds; it usually took at least 40 trips to get everything to the top and over the pass. Whoever dropped the shoe must have been a brave and determined woman. Perhaps she was successful

44、and made it to Alaska. Perhaps she had to turn back in defeat. No one will ever know for sure, but what we do know is that she took part in one of the greatest adventures in the 19th century. 36. The ordinary womans leather shoe is considered unusual because _. A. it was an important clue to life in the past B. it was found on a famous trail C. it at one time belonged to a VIP D. it was a fashionable shoe at that time 37. According to this passage, many people who went to Alaska _. A. eventually became millionaires B. brought with them many sh


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