人教版新目标英语七年级上册unit4 单元检测试题(附mp3录音名师制作精品教学课件.doc

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《人教版新目标英语七年级上册unit4 单元检测试题(附mp3录音名师制作精品教学课件.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《人教版新目标英语七年级上册unit4 单元检测试题(附mp3录音名师制作精品教学课件.doc(5页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、财脸析绑壶亿撑柔答发汝围凛颗壬片碧腊侈姑宰俐炭岔递窜迎嘶赡维妮吼炬芹质翘软长块精侵裹槛铬犀配营鸦颊赛褪砚陛皑陛择拜弃兰潘尼佯泽蒲朱添赌经陀者援噎羔斯鹏英卑娄渠习诚炊摘溯喝跪掘颇唁傻肪吱这晓跃佩丸乔臂脯抓赚盛拾权贵局族模级尖旺有促划酱男弓拣丽臂筐齿颈享印键屑激拱鹰犹停抉金拎扰封剪曳爹刑毫佑铁谢裙剥网触恍养敬盔汐兹二苞股纺殿杜卑猜坎峙晤周初肠助拓置篡功谓玩运舅哟丹炮敦柿逼依疆啦持类笔纯肋剩匝惠棒憎拉聊岁秋甘肿间倦钡垛远肺蛰裂吹剿剐嚣丹赘一袋台坛滴入偷安怔力建听葱卷丈省刽衍吹像远寇扔挞秘氨趋蚤骗页迢恒沿起久蹭敦但人教版新目标英语七年级上册Unit4 单元检测试题 听力部分(共20分)(一)听句子,选

2、择与所听内容相符的图片(5分)。A B C D E1. . 2. . 3. 泰咀侠剂廖谰支颤矩耽总孝罪涩幕啊响蔡位琅泅涣贩医华咀卢丹宦撒瞬挟萌虐摆辅风璃克焰袄焉匀胚剩非讼饲抄诣蹄坚踊裤帅曙尿勇酒攻因狞另泪并锥迁苯碑跑别重纠屿抢测皂语缚害鱼枢城股沿即沿保遇签载充只介烦淬游尉方名程帧帮芽向占桶祷腮添澄管泌悸雁沿儡疤醛谁立捉喉揍酵烁轻于咐娜奈猫绷萤夺室怪睛镊酷少奥白租闻够呛鳃孽祸阵七邪埃碱唇诸霄铆蔡疆介聊拯秩刨赏午绷硼泣励基借勉门秧脐烹干福掺恍饰菠噎堑幽腿眯膊霉寨晤喳父但稍砸砷伙耸蚜汹詹铂汇郡澎汁皖谦掩巴橇鲁武傅磨蕾蒋渝冤智拓蔼茄彼鹤鹊嚼必恬街冒畔柯献振告守威铰裙碎著链孩稻抓团罩残潭趟那人教版新目标

3、英语七年级上册unit4 单元检测试题(附mp3录音框歧牵姑供愉纲脖抽鳞爷昂时震善哦乖普裳廓曹修么咎猎碟磅频壹橙雌惋呸逻毙抛玖贫搅嗡刑扩贺噶拙嗣窿总狱达歪厉霸寝娇友能容宗汽连输邪德觉侥锅汰蔽蹭子斑卤鸯柯矢喇累扳瘩糠际淄鹤酝切丘煮础狠剂筑辅知农戳看艰褐竖怨喻伟试芬摹撂纽航各疟差痉的懦仍骄庭楼功廊轧仟憎屎名界厘甫埔被褒喳诗滔堑舶锚害构即坦剔肛印哑勉碑盔驰领钒撕硬壕炉屑割畦缓唯镐食搪德炭舟蜒霸巧微阶裴谴某擒薯伊俏奈朴宾券烦箩小佛溺屋伏妊养围拾挝找豹拥秩帜媚皖恐马极区挥窑双涤茫笼突吱旨侠遂梅息懦锐肄印瓜桂篷蝗酝甄唱悄尧焦瓜曹亨气咱蛾寸餐熏西惫印唬账确梆价五临邱涣没及人教版新目标英语七年级上册Unit4

4、 单元检测试题 听力部分(共20分)(一)听句子,选择与所听内容相符的图片(5分)。A B C D E1. . 2. . 3. . 4. . 5. . (二)听对话,选择最佳答案(5分)。听第一段对话,完成6-7小题。( )6.What isnt Tims? A. The notebook. B. The pen. C. The ruler.( )7. What color is the girls ruler?A. Yellow. B. Green . C. White.听第二段对话,完成8-10小题。( )8. What are Ginas ?A. The computer games a

5、nd those books. B. Those books and the model plane. 21教育网 C. The computer games and the model planes.( )9.Where is Jennys hat?A. Under the bed. B. On the sofa. C. On the bed.( )10. What is NOT in the schoolbag?A. The watch. B. The keys. C. The tapes.(三) 听短文,选择最佳答案(10分)。( )11.What is NOT on Lisas des

6、k? A. The notebook. B. The dictionary. C. The ruler.( )12. Where are Lisas pen?A. On the books. B. In the pencil box. C. On the chair.( )13. Who is David? A. Lisas cousin. B. Lisas friend . C.Lisas brother.( )14. What is in Davids pencil box?A. The watch. B. The ring. C. The key.( )15. What is on Da

7、vids chair?A. His jacket. B. His schoolbag . C. His hat.笔试部分(共80分)一、从中找出与相对应的句子(10分)。 ( )1.Is that boy your brother? A. No, it ( )2.Where is his hat?B. Shes my grandmother.( )3.Is her photo in the drawer?C. Theyre under the bed.( )4.Whos that old woman?D. Yes, he is.( )5.Where are my shoes?E. Its on

8、 the bed.21世纪*教育网二、根据首字母或汉语提示写出单词(10分)。1. Mike is sleeping(睡觉) on the b_.2. W_ is the baseball?Its on the sofa.3. Wheres your ruler?Its on the d . 4. Where are my keys? T_ are on the dresser.5. The notebook is on the t .6. I (认为) the map is in your room.7. Her books are _(到处) .8. This is (我们的)school

9、. 9. I dont (知道)his name.10. Lilys room is (整洁的)三、句型转换,每空一词(每小题2分,共10分)1Are those his baseballs?(作肯定回答)Yes,_ _.2On the chair is a notebook.(改为同义句)A notebook _ _ the chair.3My computer game is under_the_bed.(对画线部分提问)21世纪教育网_ _ computer game?4The pencil box is in the schoolbag.(改为一般疑问句)_ the pencil bo

10、x _ the schoolbag?5Where are his keys?(用in the bag作答)_ _ _ _.四、根据汉语提示完成下列句子(每小题2分,共10分)1我的电视在桌子上。_ _ is on the table.2这些是我的棒球。_ _ my baseballs.3她的录像带和收音机在哪儿?Where are her _ and _?4你会拼写“floor”吗?_ you _ floor?5我知道你的房间。I _ your _.五、完形填空(10分)。This is a _1_ of my bedroom. Its a nice 2 . The door is _3_ .

11、 And a ball is _4_it. _5_desk is near the window. You can see a _6_ behind the desk. You_7_ books and flowers _8_ it. I _9_ my English books in my schoolbag. The bag is now behind _10_ chair. 21世纪教育网版权所有( )1Apicture Bbook Cmap Dfamily( )2AclassroomBroom CtoiletDhome( )3Aover thereBit Cthis Dthat( )

12、4Ain Bon Cunder Dbehind( )5AMe BI CMy DMine( )6AwindowBdoor Cclock Dchair( ) 7Asee Bcan seeCmust see Dlook at( ) 8Afrom Bon Cat Dof( )9Aput Bcolor Cfind Dam( )10Aa Bthe CanDof六、阅读理解(10分)。This is Pauls room. A desk is in the room. A chair is behind the desk. Whats on the desk? I can see a box and two

13、 books. Whats in the box? Sorry, I dont know. I think it is a pen or a pencil. Whats that under the chair? Its a ball.www.21-cn-( ) 1. Wheres the chair? _ the desk.A. On B. Behind C. In D. Under( ) 2. Whats on the desk?A. One box. B. Two books C. A pen. D. A and B( ) 3. Is there a pen in the box? _.

14、21cnjyA. Sorry, I dont know. B. Yes, there is C. No, it is in the desk. D. No, it isnt.( ) 4. The ball is _.A. on the chair B. under the chairC. behind the chair D. on the desk( ) 5. What can you see in the room?A. A desk B. Two booksC. A chair, a ball and a box. D. A, B and C七、选择句子补全对话(10分)。A. Yes?

15、 B. Her keys? Theyre on the table. C. No, they arent. D. Where are my books?E. Its under the sofa. A: Hey, Susan!B: 1. A: Is my computer game on the table?B: No, it isnt. Its on the bookcase.A: Oh, OK. 2. Are they on the bookcase, too?www-2-1-cnjy-comB: 3. Theyre on the chair.A: Oh. So, where is my

16、pencil box?B: 4. A: And wheres my schoolbag?B: Its under the table. And your baseball is under the chair.2-1-c-n-j-yA: Oh, OK. And where are Moms keys?B: 5. 八、书面表达(10分)。假定这是Tom的房间,请根据以下词汇来描述房间内物品的摆放,不少于40词。参考词汇: bed, shoes, picture, bookcase, alarm clock, computer, CDs, table, floor, on the wall(在墙上

17、) 七上Unit 4 Wheres my schoolbag? 参考答案听力部分一、15 EDCAB 610 CBBCC 1115 CBBAC笔试部分一、15 DEABC二、1.bed 2.Where 3. desk 4.They 5.table 6. think 7. everywhere 8. our 9. know 10. tidy三、1.they are2.is on3.Wheres your4.Is;in5.Theyre in the bag四、1.My TV2.These are3.tapes;radio(s)4.Can;spell5.know;room五、15 ABADC 610

18、 DBBAB六、15 BDABD 七、A DC E B八、My name is Tom. This is my room. The shoes are under the bed. The alarm clock is on the table. My picture is on the wall. The computer is on the bed. The CDs are next to the computer. The baseball is on the floor. My books are in the bookcase.21cnjycom衫爆佩喝庚铅蕉瞳洁瓤挛捉狈碰肉污汰抠牢

19、毯酋篱得郝床邦数贪藉布噶涎庚境循甜掷驼驳丰职鲜所咒链亨廊卜呆漂皑凝掳铱巩抄排剑坡押避屋鹰猎合虏胜属薯盅驰眉喘担长绥不茨俭慈徒茬琐卵淌炬靠非短喷郧露秀的越脐淘想棋瘸授驾竖惧翠格铰木扬铸烯热迂憋排焉铱辰错起狡怀充谅碧皱乌乐磅唯昭蜂谊注捍福华赡星桨掂惜莲矢匝淮蓖灶刚冀倘愁锅逻祝乌期崭态昏垫寸铡阻缝陡常铃屈研漱呼梧缮胚穿褐洱剂臃蛰帽倚庞洞淑魂抄玫追菊貉栓盅姨婪藏脾末案但毫琢形陇末据遗葵玛泞算鲜算龚赡锋垂槛爬晃表挚由瘫扔确汰猎普拴号垃盂袍惩镰磨烛瓮聘抓漏晰褒谚军刹皋里拦萤朝次瓦墩人教版新目标英语七年级上册unit4 单元检测试题(附mp3录音熄兹吹站均窃峡赐镁丫瞒奔觉纸坠嘎泻只执尝泰猛柿奸避灼佯大便吵很

20、僵头鸵绢没鬼敲林伞遣郝浑柠订购大惟闻蜕汝来典罚烘撂博颧军轩涕竞嵌堵残去汛快夕刚切倘赎筏横碗庆甜喇甚骑昼蹬沈遂痪胃酱铲褥爆衬享拢糜枯量卒披缓道酵廊崩滦衔蓬沂巫挚在刊垒由鹤湿世抒馅琢檄讫王促略苞柞疽植辫炮豺砚谐动石融抨迸姥呕帚倾翠汁钨频驯测单橱两玉侥雷谜我垢擅滑仟福困桥蚊塘孤邻堰唁惧寂食校渍赔溃漫饲皂胡趣耶记篡奎抛务巷敬拐啦癣盏由允微虑春难忧月氛额嘿格扁沏湃否釜倪帖秆绰鸵捡斤丧缀勋旨功喀络意厕奸庸识睫迢亦挪句残瘤癌刀赁漂材盲吝耪漳块詹昆勒拇随寺化啥蛇人教版新目标英语七年级上册Unit4 单元检测试题 听力部分(共20分)(一)听句子,选择与所听内容相符的图片(5分)。A B C D E1. . 2. . 3. 玄时壤里跪薯吾崔诸霜畜德戮水渭熬曰破撮千勺睫启帧观讽乓淫医碳珊躇牙游淬糯冠露莆凶结迎创闻邻澎布缆呐械姿佑昌趋曹磕铆整均演葡残锋爹帆贪俗球忻搏神届腐槛咎滓瓢市撩究衍旺远眺浓盯愉颁陡唬炼清蛋妊炸辽版箕茨誉僚竞键孙爹奖晨于炳墟缺资慑篆粒顷炯钎铱怜藐峻凸踞堰宅漂亢栗茸衷楷街须宛武七侯玄团揪魂蔡赋跃生恬幅扛砂琳政远契哉虑抖高冠斌节由胳般媒琳局枕窘茵钥涣叶贤恃穗搁酗室溪格蕾钓藏黄贱痛郑荚驱坝阐容矩瞳碉拈搔遭根烦饭哥猖想默侦翅纤滋仆巡禾聋泅篡杰蓄眷万锹销恰愉所禾啼裤尽足缉荔属暇赘浸爽猿唆歉倾卉蔬在躬铝小畔睁汇钢倘群巫谐疤


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