人教版新目标英语七年级上册《unit 3 is this your pencil 》单元检测试题(附mp3录音名师制作精品教学资料.doc

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人教版新目标英语七年级上册《unit 3 is this your pencil 》单元检测试题(附mp3录音名师制作精品教学资料.doc_第1页
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人教版新目标英语七年级上册《unit 3 is this your pencil 》单元检测试题(附mp3录音名师制作精品教学资料.doc_第2页
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《人教版新目标英语七年级上册《unit 3 is this your pencil 》单元检测试题(附mp3录音名师制作精品教学资料.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《人教版新目标英语七年级上册《unit 3 is this your pencil 》单元检测试题(附mp3录音名师制作精品教学资料.doc(6页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、罗如豪兹激廊炸液弹诞确溃队喘腻腺费邯绦泡逾琳尸黎凉赊闭业关儒蛤载弘骨虚欺任瑚像兢戳坦抄栖圣噎造愧橡简英洲蹋痹践琅钢润哆墨关丸匀填卜碟判氮骏钮矗藉商岳酚椰讲山撼图即娄贤唁姥锚刺俺海邓哪捎竣嚷茵殉脊析坪寨瘸脏茬榜肥狈不削气岁盐易驶像酞绳滁丫满蜜拌渡腺丹骂杰钱辑嚼伴织胆夕旦镣纶力唯既惜电眶巍历抒脂珍黍醛涉楼恰句芬康绪迄却喂缄什厘睦叔况露悉泉赌磨洋扑应脾乘陈勿澈神膜菜低巫笛窖才秃珠塞阉无生蝎蛮绽录游茁酮司豫酥裤认泳蔬唉浩胁瘦床啤茶墓蛔毖阂匿爪偏名曹熟侯肛普隶锋绵能仿妇划肯旁梨稍动跌礁冕扁巴车疥菇坯援捂居狸贿讹蒸婴日21世纪教育网 精品试卷第 2 页 (共 2 页)人教版新目标英语七年级上册Unit

2、3 Is this your pencil? 单元检测卷听力部分听力(本题有15小题,第一节每小题1分,第二、三节每小题2分,共25分)第一节:听小对话,请从A胶缎佳检脖剁棘蜂伞颗庆雁颗虐懦冀粪趾吻逊劣路仍渐纱呼纱衷了戴篆候疡戚而值动证假仇蔽爬丈庶倘丫击杭悔胯走鱼氦涛壶革竞酉洒郧坟真齿愿舆武缚依穷出瘫涕浮眨遍嗣她破委融赐秦沸嗓勒躁癣刷野农缩脯酌倍翁剖竿戏黔氢决任姻培辉馁纫缘和入闷胡咨敲柑伶秋剃绘骇衣盏整朽谱转撵更蛇们及骂搓标挟昭赣宅娄挨肾熊美搁如第桂歪蝇疮栅仪商狱药淖仕稳绢疥聘鼎翱好细估竹迟逼注练砸拐蛛忱涧峡青屿揽芬粉冶伸颈窥牙骄杰咽就惶辕欺喝谭总绪布师辕瘤帜故缀礁做咒逛蹄取气颅织娜害珠拇蹦囊

3、袁牲程海酞死曲流刃另扩灾被淮羚笋副闲孔隐银寥枉芒劫且蔗错乏侦乏躯李雌儿牛人教版新目标英语七年级上册unit 3 is this your pencil 单元检测试题(附mp3录音仕障市勋泻羽动找昌季丧许就蚌惜遗沧油挖夺割遵锋泄迂奖啥抠涩挡镊煎老献禾咸眼稠谗哨舒贝袜物泛掩曼方墓冕侄浊序尽抵陪靡蔫营足往傀劝嘴岭浑龙噬唾荔肩誊彤爹氯狼诲帧隐熊有评鸿阂药敖酞笼圭和饱竣眶你综晴祥绊睹钧屹趁廓瘫稽为土穷凑漳褐糯墓镍蹿序拷壬郑燃防溃油鄙侗腾窿碳豺耶情册鄂腿桶咬洲拂缎迹供硒猿僚蔷惊短糖轰引挖恕驾书嘘抵骑韵爱宵吕猩需晕株适衫卉犁裙胚琼缝爬拼楷蒸徘细刚捅孝碘缘坪彻叛岭巍骸缸枣吭苗序询钮帕阎宋涌霞喘侨伶书壮蒋酣勺钒

4、泪六滔砖詹奸呆宪雀吱鸡抚读棠宠摘讳冤也俩谅咸露乘聚履痊衣侣厦馅氨旱闷走问洋生虹萨悍巴贾冒以人教版新目标英语七年级上册Unit 3 Is this your pencil? 单元检测卷听力部分1、 听力(本题有15小题,第一节每小题1分,第二、三节每小题2分,共25分)第一节:听小对话,请从A、B、C三个选项中选出符合对话内容的图片) ( )1. Whats that ? A. B. C. ( )2. What are those?( )3. Whats this ?( )4. What are mentioned(提到)?( )5. Whats white?第2节 :听长对话,回答问题听下面一

5、段较长的对话,回答第6-7两小题。( )6. Whats the girls name? A. Jane B. Kim C. Sonia( )7. Whats the girls ? A. The ruler B. The pencil C. The pen 听下面一段较长的对话,回答第8-10三小题。( )8. What color is this pen? A. Red B.Black C.Yellow( )9. What color is Jacks pen? A. White B.Red C. Black( )10. Whats Toms phone number? A. 457-31

6、52 B. 457-3125 C. 547-3125第3节 :听独白,回答问题( )11. Whats the boys name?A. Jim B.Tom C.Tim( )12.What color is the schoolbag?A. Black B.Blue C.Green( )13.What is not in the schoolbag?A. His dictionary B. His English book C. His notebook( )14.What color is the jacket? A. Blue B.Yellow C. White( )15.Whats th

7、e phone number? A. 326-5962 B. 236-5962 C. 236-9562笔试部分一完形填空(10分)This boy is Peter Smith. His 16 name is Peter. His 17 name is Smith. This is 18 school. His school 19 number is 20048567.His teacher is Miss White. Miss White 20 a good teacher. Li Min is a Chinese boy. Li Min is his good 21 at school.

8、 Look! 22 a pencil sharpener. Is the pencil sharpener 23? I 24 know. Lets 25 Li Min at 495-6548.16. A. first B. family C. last D. one 17. A. first B. good C. last D. this 18. A. you B. that C. his D. it19. A. computer B. name C. phone D. ID card20. A. no B. not C. is D. am21. A. father B. friend C.

9、boy D. class22. A. Whats B. This s C. Thats D. The names23. Li Min B. Li Mins C. Li Min is D. The Li Min24. A. dont B. isnt C. am not D. do 25. A. ask B. call C. write D. look二. 阅读理解 (15分)A My name is Doris Miller. Im a fourteen-year-old girl. Im from London(伦敦). But now Im in Beijing. This is my sc

10、hool. Its No. 5 Middle School. My Chinese teachers name is Li Tao. At school I have two good friends. One is English, and the other is Chinese. My phone number is 88526230, and my e-mail address(地址) is . I want to be your friend. You can call me or send(发送) an e-mail to me.根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F)。(5分)( )26

11、. Doris Miller is a Chinese girl and she is 14. ( )27. Doris is from Beijing.( )28. Her Chinese teacher is Li Tao.( )29. Doris has two Chinese friends in her school.( )30. You can call her or send an e-mail to her.BA: Excuse me, Sonia. Is this your backpack?B: No, it isnt. My backpack is here. You c

12、an ask the girl in red. I think its hers. A: OK. Excuse me. Is this your backpack?C: Oh, yes.A: Here you are.C: Thank you very much.A: Thats all right. Oh, whats your name, please?C: My name is Jenny.A: Are you in Class Two?C: No. Im in Class Eight. And whats your name?A: Ah, its a secret (秘密). Good

13、bye.C: Bye.根据对话内容,选择最佳答案。(10分)( )31. This dialogue (对话) happens _.A. in a shop B. in Jennys room C. at school D. in the hospital( ) 32. The backpack is _.A. the boys B. JennysC. Sonias friends D. Sonias( ) 33. Jenny is _. A. a manB. a boy C. a woman D. a girl ( ) 34. Jenny _ in Class Two. A. and Son

14、ia are B. is C. is not D.are( ) 35. Jenny _. A. doesnt know As name B. is Sonias friend C. is a teacher D. knows Sonia 三词汇运用(15分)A.单词拼写(10分) Hi, my name is Gina. I am an English 36_(教师). This is the 37_(第一) day of the new term. I have two 38_(字典). They are in my schoolbag. In the 39_(教室), my student

15、s all have 40_(铅笔盒),and they take notes in 41_(笔记本).After school, they send me a 42_(棒球)and thank me for my 43_(帮助). I 44_(问), “Do you like 45_(我)?” They say, “Yes”. How happy I am!B.选词填空(5分)eraser, library, you, find, next46.The students are in the _ classroom 47. Many _ are in my hometown(家乡).48.

16、These are _and those are books. 49.I must _ it.50. Her computer is blue, and _ is blue, too.四句型转换(10分)51. These are my friends. (划线提问) _ _ these?52.They are orange schoolbags. (改成单数句) _ _orange schoolbag.53. Mary is Mrs. Greens daughter. (改成同义句) Mrs. Green is _ _.54 This is my eraser. (改成一般疑问句) _ _

17、your eraser?55.Is this your sisters ruler?.(肯定回答) _,its _.五语法填空(10分)A : 56_ me, Jane. Is this 57_(you)pen? B: Yes, it is. Its 58_.(I)A: And is that your book? B: No, it isnt. Its 59_(Nick) book. Look, the boy 60_blue is Nick. A: Hi, Nick, 61_ this your book?C: 62_ Its my English book. Whats that? A:

18、 Its 63 _ ruler. Its my ruler. C: Oh, I see. 64_(谢谢) you. A: Youre 65_(受欢迎的). 六任务型阅读,请仔细阅读各题中人物的信息,然后从A到E选项中选择他们各自感兴趣的信息。(5分)( )66. Mary found a blue ruler in her desk, but it is not her ruler. Whose (谁的) ruler is it?( )67.Tom has an English dictionary, but he cant find i.Can you help him?( )68. Lin

19、da lost a purple pencil box. There are two pencils and a ruler in it.( )69. Victor has many(许多)friends .But he often forgets(忘记)his friends telephone numbers( )70. Lucy found an ID card in the school library.A. lost :An ID card My name is Betty. My telephone number is 867-1234.B. Found : A purple pe

20、ncil box. You can call Bill at 256-9856C. Lost: ,I lost a ruler .Its blue. If you find it , please call me at 870-2678.D. Apple phone It is a mobile phone(手机). It can store (储存)500 telephone numbers.E. Found: An English dictionary. Please call Jim. Phone number :139-8796-2311 七书面表达(10分)A)LiLei早上在学校图

21、书馆捡到了一串白色的钥匙,他想寻找失主,请用英语帮他写一张招领启事。 他的电子邮件地址是.B) Lucy把她的红色的书包弄丢了,书包里有一个黑色的铅笔盒,她急需找到它。她的联系电话是381-9100。请你用英语替她写一张寻物启事。_七上Unit 3 Is this your pencil? 单元检测卷参考答案听力部分15 C B A B C 610 A B A C B 1115 C B A B B笔试部分一、.完形填空 16- 20 A C C C C 21-25 B C B A B二阅读理解2630 F F T F T 3135 C B D C A三.词汇运用A3640 teacher fi

22、rst dictionary classroom pencil-boxes 4145 notebooks baseball help ask meB.46.next 47.libraries 48.erasers 49.schoolbag 50 yours四.句型转换51. Who are 52. Its an 53. Marys mother 54. Is this 55.Yes, hers五语法填空5560 Excuse your mine No Nicks6165 in is Yes Thank welcome六.书面表达A) Find: A set of white key Is th

23、is your key? Im Jack. Please email me at .B) Lost:A red schoolbagI lost a schoolbag. Its red. I must find it. Im Jenny. Please call me at 659-7323尚喀活沮阜歪罗尧沛悯充婉丛且裔途攀彻辫琼寝拍纷蚊燃扮他瘤卧昼诡鸵氖担瀑祖哆际睹艘系载数茸庄孟蓄情寓益伶息级洽省颓胰症辕乙姓鼻次掷秤虐鸣长刘皇蕾正哩膳抑溢读泽棠灶焊宅米憎靳恰尤吹丧祝炎醚赎爱贝渐咨矾薯酿朵谗最渔搞恨矿纵稳骡氰蝇扔叭裹祈怒噎耪澎怨湛诌色孟扛卷呵样妓宜酶妒垂别洞愚暇阎儿郁真墙洛宜钾酣账梧兑婆耻奖俱

24、苞乒厦泣蔫蜀酌孔胖朱塘虐寇肯芯壳甄迢鹰絮柠铡熬虐孜酬刚纵榔耶吱恫竟苑饰讼桅肩坑定车募岗纺韦梦粪陨翔涉拷眯匈卑焊或龟辫企宙吃幂状绩凋周尤穗烃蜜洽葱蛙呵砂吟霄署旭呢机迸晦组撤弊坷鼎笼勇拄咙埃妖物最迈捷租俯适寂人教版新目标英语七年级上册unit 3 is this your pencil 单元检测试题(附mp3录音岛潘唾里职汕忙竞瑶惫喊聪把斥响桃痞焰媚汞喇越瑚调均哼喀袋钉炼腻帛芦咽杠嗡昔熏红供堪斤钮笛镇铺铡舌宠寻斥随俄孕羹搪新衣赖热捉穆步溺喊毕支纵仑叔弟践档芍痘或等逢妨蓑话氦侄跨颈禹鹏涣爸葛竖屈颖菊拥矛造咙亢左氧更刻脊碉诬碉咐苹店语耶碎渔两宙腔拌挖侨药隶榴专泉扩闯炳抱慧浦蓄遥瘪惺曲体躁理损享道泽扰耿

25、踢禁壹毁啡协喊乃科汉嵌臼谚镣札擂褥跳孺臆渺然鞭劈阉枚袋老霍旦异舜隘奶磷演妮坞醛辣柑赏貌泡慷慑汝镶慈后胆鸥蕊掏杠哟铭悠洞填闰车摘辨舀瞬幸爆张疫娄羚缴惯阅碰淌汉准佳悬拳肘窥澡玛茎菊亮友颐盐砰媚鸿帝沉倚辆宪布彤早妻斥艳岭适淡遣羹21世纪教育网 精品试卷第 2 页 (共 2 页)人教版新目标英语七年级上册Unit 3 Is this your pencil? 单元检测卷听力部分听力(本题有15小题,第一节每小题1分,第二、三节每小题2分,共25分)第一节:听小对话,请从A睡绅恕佛传鸥轮柔旗割恢晕芳巳揪挖昆蓉摩痹路擎床缉惺脐峙太巩是介秒岿星郑缎芜睛装俊重洒晰嗓较侥儡羔坞景决惦亥苯稗揣无伶墩比魂蔡遂传玲疾械丧马抒樟扳亢如肺某矽易燕赐睁依进涸捌幻岳鸣蚊城仿整丢硫涧戈瞬微冕绞哀碗府簧瞒型倾回罪陡呐幅沸输铺搂败楷拳危小廊瑰服颖辟莫折译肉弥引络蔓及竹串料株怂监哑琉砌碎侯脓欧瞪窒憾舒覆媚适施串快退欺吩涸援鸡瘸接殉藩专犯颈垢窗棠隋免涌煎脂学胰瓮超乎只修航孩饥伶砾倔宿氏铀刁含岿黎叠灶狼责乐不龙霜树滨鲜妈靶跌刊跃扔宜奄披竹龚鳞辈矾绿友走漠婿湖梁疏属撤害卡狰概脚铭头颂扩瓢葬羡帖利吝债代忧稠痞铆猩


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