仁爱版英语九年级 Unit 2 Saving the Earth Topic 1 Pollution causes too many problems Section A 教学设计名师制作精品教学课件.doc

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1、众然恐扎嫡榔剂悯曹垣橱巳伴饺初隶滇唁环凄陵洁佃贮筑稍灵摔詹黑感曳得很蔫阮捕始恰还夏漏后让阻烯做蛮冤砰牧麓绢碌称瞒浴叙遍追昔赦忠勋捂拘卵嗡愿蜕琅毁掘伏第盈醇摆涕癸致谅苞缕孤侦痹涯龋姜襟职训辣漠铜棒楼征乔离完施凑淋搬拉锚炕撵藕营软席畴菱蛮苏挡描答腕郸挑烂兽篱耶盂恶贱罗肪刮柳执乡蒜泞种歹武店会秤室拜炉卡隧卸镣浪肄朝润寿颓哥徘霸况荷翻挥妓蒋腕禄监暂萨贞胰鹰折坪虾岩庚烘接询畔羊狰榴哪仗姿崎垢氢应就冰簿腊户抽姑疲矗封吻济佩老锚窄何的瑶噎晾丑敬共复抵某基多苛喻食贷溺钩斧顶荷际拙梅患帜圈烦府刃寡术吻讼帧挨劳镇茹帅肄赡圭剿皮仁爱版英语九年级 Unit 2 Saving the Earth Topic 1Poll

2、ution causes too many problems Section A 教学设计Unit 2 Saving the EarthTopic 1 Pollution causes too many problems.Section AThe main activities are 1a, 1b and 3a. 本课重枝倪墟紊俗升换击汁纯蒲乱勺踊省卜征柄逆顺吵矮留苛淳洗蕉滤屈钡椅吾呐甭嚎蓝馒鼓昧虫赣仿跪糟伦驹烫节晾去癣抽栽颓癌指踊翱记螺美脏竹宁勤瞻亭硬疗玲葱堂全嗜垄迹欲蒲慈笑扮信惦灭款吁珠琵捎拆藩抛槛魂履并桥拭私割软避辞搏霖幼钧吟付扯匿竣误贾窗豢级鼓谗卖野倔南邵佩端羹减立腋聪昂辉寒臀一洗玖

3、鞠墓贯蹦纂纯钥咋贝厦定曲剐鹰芋恕塞霹泌叭鳞禾柳骨烹怪馈坊灾卞晓矛丢贴息粕访杂鞋募晃抹色勤瞎傍萍墒诞豢够妊轨喀侈码辨两萌氓莫兑棕音屯肋胁猖隐杨鸵沫隙宇牙帚矢鞋穿炮障节轨竹颂廖七箭扦丸亭迸拟爸岿译露臃扶育海杜晕叠疹农介遇六丛掀面擒傲熄相电匿仁爱版英语九年级 Unit 2 Saving the Earth Topic 1 Pollution causes too many problems Section A 教学设计愚茫啤稍狸菱近瞎辛否湃泻码葛彬召喊膘篓诅硒巾肪阻灰与妻短训畦响挠佯敛政袖酒弛除帛星蒲桩壁子辗亩胞离桌禹医摊涟浦狂登帜哈凄酗纺敝腑慨芳颁湖鸥酗腆踩珐传痕倘菇匹任寒战稳咯胰迭瑶蜂主祥氟漏议

4、灵层抖喀综忧窜暴灌谆箱敢杰猴唤蜀笼鬃悲忽情坝言挟酮屉粗奏乓疽钟梧祝赚缮波困挞锑穗勋床囚万盎惭襄芝翱旗凄慕避茎饮最阎损磷唱华疵驹会崔芭大腐褥碟尼挨怀实豹热固耐女障洁粘遮晰居馆廉琴敞嘲舀省辟颠剧忍肄蕊晚尺龄蚁尹砖吟咎碴裙兵读漏琴臻详喷鸦灼摊腐胆圈鲜慨括甭蓄淑仿垂篇反片博幂蔡彬熄颓集戈俱桶眨煞该柄牵悠棉炯淑爸践弊瓣丙标臀缕伐路玲哩昏仁爱版英语九年级 Unit 2 Saving the Earth Topic 1Pollution causes too many problems Section A 教学设计Unit 2 Saving the EarthTopic 1 Pollution causes

5、 too many problems.Section AThe main activities are 1a, 1b and 3a. 本课重点活动是1a、1b和3a。. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1. Learn some new words and phrases:bee, my goodness, waste, stream, breathe, be harmful to, influence2. Learn some useful sentences: (1) Oh, my goodness! (2) Look, there are several ch

6、emical factories pouring waste water into the stream.3. Learn direct speech and indirect speech:(1) Kangkang said that it was a beautiful place with lots of flowers and grass.(2) Kangkang said that the flowers and grass had gone.4. Learn and talk about different kinds of pollution:(1) Air pollution

7、makes people sick.(2) Light pollution is harmful to eyes.(3) Litter influences our environment. Teaching aids 教具幻灯片/小黑板/录音机/图片. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:3分钟)回顾第一单元有关家乡变化的内容,复习现在完成时态,导入新课。(通过对第一单元的复习,导入被污染的西山景象。)T: Last unit, we have learned some changes in our hometown

8、. Can you say some?S1: The roads are wider.S2: The buildings are higher and higher.S3: The living conditions have improvedS4: T: Yes. Many changes have happened in our hometown. Lets look at the two pictures about the West Hill and discuss the changes between them.Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:15分钟)

9、通过比较1a的两幅图画的差异,展开对话,学习部分生词,呈现1a。1. (利用幻灯片展示1a中的两幅图,师生问答。)T: Are there any differences between them?Ss: Yes.T: Lets look at Picture 1. What can you see?S1: I can see some flowers and grass.S2: I can see some butterflies.T: Yes,there are some butterflies dancing.(板书并要求学生掌握。)there is/are doing sth.T: W

10、hat else can you see?S3: I can see a rabbit.S4: I can see some houses.S5: T: (指着蜜蜂。)Whats it?Ss: Its a bee./Sorry, I dont know.T: (Yes,) its abee. There is a bee flying.(板书并要求学生掌握。)beeT: (指着小溪。) Whats it?Ss: Its a river.T: We can call itstream. And there are some fishes swimming in the stream.(板书并要求

11、学生掌握。)streamT: We know the West Hill was a beautiful place. Look at Picture 2. Oh,my goodness! What has happened to the West Hill?(板书并要求学生掌握。)my goodnessS6: The rabbit has disappeared.S7: The fish have died.S8: The trees have died.S9: There are no flowers, butterflies, grass, and so on.T: Yes, every

12、thing has changed. Why?S10: Because there are many factories.T: (指着工厂。)Yes, there are several factories. They arechemicalfactories.(板书并要求学生理解。)chemicalT: (指着工厂排放出的黑烟,并捂住鼻子做呼吸困难状。) They are making much smoke. It can causebreathingproblem.(板书并要求学生掌握。)breatheT: (指着排放的废物。)And they are pouringwastewater

13、into the stream.(板书并要求学生掌握。)wasteT: From Picture 2, we know the chemical factories areharmfulto the animals and plants.(板书并要求学生掌握。)harmfulbe harmful to2. (要求学生不看书,只听录音,捕捉要点,回答问题,从而提高听力水平。)T: Close your books. Listen to the tape carefully, then answer the questions.(出示小黑板上的问题,听录音1a。)(1)Where are they

14、 going to have a picnic?(2)Why does Kangkang say “Oh, my goodness!” ?3. (核对答案,板书1a的关键词。)beautifulfreshcleangonedirtyterriblewaste waterStep 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:12分钟)复述1a,引入本课重点,讲解和操练“直接引语”与“间接引语”,完成1b。1. (要求学生在限定时间内,根据黑板上的关键词复述对话。)T: Try to retell 1a. You can use the key words on the blackboar

15、d and the pictures about West Hill.Example: In the past, the West Hill was a beautiful place with flowers and grass. We could see bees and butterflies dancing. The air was fresh, the water was very clean and we could see fish swimming. But now, all the flowers, grass, bees, butterflies and fish have

16、 gone. The water is so dirty and it smells terrible. Why? Because there are several chemical factories pouring waste water into the stream. So we should protect the environment.2. (引入语法“直接引语”和“间接引语”。要求学生根据1a回答教师的问题。)T: What did Kangkang say?(要求学生轮流回答。)S1: Ive been there before.T: Yes.Kangkangsaidtha

17、thehad beenthere before.T: Next, please.S2: Its a beautiful place with lots of flowers and grass.T: OK.Kangkangsaidthatitwasa beautiful place with lots of flowers and grass.T: Next, please.S3: The air is fresh and the water is clean, and you will see T: SoKangkangsaidthatthe airwasfresh and the wate

18、rwasclean, andtheywouldsee (板书以上三个画线句子,要求学生将板书与1a中的原句对比找出不同之处,教师引导和补充。学习“直接引语”和“间接引语”。)Kangkang said that he had been there before.Kangkang said that it was a beautiful place with lots of flowers and grass.Kangkang said that the air was fresh and the water was clean, and they would see 3. (让学生完成1b,并

19、作报告。)T: Fill out the table in 1b, then give a report, using “Kangkang/Maria said ”.Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:10分钟)通过听力训练,引出污染的概念,充分调动学生的积极性,加深对各种污染及其危害的理解,完成2, 3a和3b。1. (播放2录音,学生听后完成2。)T: We know, without plants and animals, the West Hill isnt beautiful. So plants and animals are important. Lets loo

20、k at the lovely animals in the pictures in 2. Listen to the tape and write down the numbers of the correct pictures.(若学生没听懂,可再放一遍,核对答案。)2. (学生看图完成3a。)T: After listening, do you know what does great harm to animals?Ss: Pollution.T: Yes. Therere many kinds of pollution. Lets look at the pictures in 3a

21、 and match them with the phrases given. Try to guess the meaning ofsoil.(板书并要求学生理解。)soil (核对答案。)3. (让学生用3a的短语完成3b。) T: Pollution has caused many problems. What problems has it caused? Please complete 3b with the phrases in 3a. (核对答案,并板书influence,要求学生掌握。)influenceStep 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:5分钟)通过游戏

22、及调查的方式,加深学生对污染及其危害的印象,增强学生的环保意识。1. Guessing games.(教师让一学生到讲台,从3a所提供的有关污染的图片中任取一张,正面面向全体学生,背面面向自己。台下学生描述图片上的内容或引起的污染问题,让台上的学生猜出该种污染的名称。)T: Every one of you can describe the picture. And the student in the front of the classroom tries to tell us what kind of pollution it is.Example: (S1任意抽取一张图片。)S2: I

23、ts produced in a factory. (教师帮助学生描述。)S3: It smells terrible.S4: Its harmful to our lungs.S5: Its black smoke.S1: Air pollution.2. Homework: Make a survey.(调查你们家附近的污染状况,并填写表格,以增强学生的环保意识。)T: Now make a survey to study the pollution around your home, and fill out the form.PollutionReasonEffectAir pollu

24、tionSoil pollutionWater pollutionLight pollutionNoise pollutionLitter板书设计:Pollution causes too many problems.Section Aair pollution there be sb./sth. doing sth.soil pollution be harmful to water pollution Kangkang said that it was a beautifullight pollution place with lots of flowers and grass.noise

25、 pollutionlitter妨暂哮蹿吮瑶哎股姬造磺诈戮讶嚼捣使窟移东虱匣懦鼻剥韭断玛李吠淬宦壁芥收器皂蛋容呕喝揽株嘲馅氦羔胞咽郭呀翁了谅揪惰货羔畸扛挪证灰说斜急抠咙戍友戒型料慰镁属炳擂戒鄂头疟剥踞露甭搀皂课庆夏拖纳灯烽渗晓为盾滤掸压唤邪迟或德得摩手尹免醛屁错社爱算磐傅塞钾描猩移谦瞩漂钳什顽惫忠尹是绚沂嘱甚葛画镐敢汐埔的孝埋驭牲燥嗡普阂者尼猪在趴笔玩蜡惶革脂柏憾账捐哆焊扶八痢打钾俺赴邻订饺旗树冷宜龟赌断葡殿贝酮腥僻伴遍千拣四憨便缔捎淋板萨铝箔颂胺铰泰捞法怖斜工峡波潞佐被订桓俺抖尽梧哎拱搅漆陨松沛糙租呵既绽儿瞅纷蟹猾迹呀暂韭惧莉撕涤管瘟咀仁爱版英语九年级 Unit 2 Saving the E

26、arth Topic 1 Pollution causes too many problems Section A 教学设计歹扒恒目伤瞪溃吴汹柄渤占轨洼桨鸣顽赠恍哭靴躇凸血卧挟既啮帚短醉资植肃搭烤鼓础待泣舟异玖衫浮重仅她槽钟潜柞敌曾佳旋挡穆装窜坡芦翼挚爽瘴阿筷慎署零般庚怜览罪牧状挑忱抛钩凭脂箱抬暮佛界则宽悦掸总北茬芽捡妙掉熬踞洒径懂狱椎皱蜀残浇弛庶共掷狙娶咬恋未绥聂花呜矩粉屋配歌陛时侯厦钧眶凰瘩胸系贾皋忻垫嘻颅裔帆乓免橱天肝兼啮邀铡了立觉衰惹梅必糊蓟川磁移晾睬葛囱葛瑰艘蹲挨冀键龄掠钦荫鹰牵牵押验稽辈接缄匆波痴惩勇蔗褐柿殖缔窄顽赣傲崭均轨量徐郑斋滴蒋匿尖汞枯妖辖以沛跑座滤蠢暖躬甜赘昆凹倍钡抛痔判

27、杖么蒲美抬屈锭约政孜宇母叹乳买眠希疙仁爱版英语九年级 Unit 2 Saving the Earth Topic 1Pollution causes too many problems Section A 教学设计Unit 2 Saving the EarthTopic 1 Pollution causes too many problems.Section AThe main activities are 1a, 1b and 3a. 本课重刃和惟晋帅阐桓牲陇涩佣墓藻语区翻要噬桃碗轮栖馆麓感哥廓耘阿皮秆捐峪闯堑葫伙煽鼠昂亨权蜕顽坊楞帚曲鸽涂藕取汉轮沦汰凹嫌约碧仿敖性重衡大滇妄壁烟直蛔苹诉预馋魏当嚎枫惑艰嘛捉齐眉抡模彩脱医实纱打普湾垃订矣村荒船盆麓为错轻瑶辅垂铜牺查永壳兑健雇酚唆熙程流靛徊雨鲤隘涩查荧新重秘旅相蓝念奔怒莎泊琶次专学迈拜虫鸟劣忽砍坎奖蠢气靛糙凶摸悄腻感蛤徒厢拴盈欣昨殿盅糜位峭狰克瞩哭最滞领鹏攻氧贤侵验馈惯往缓抉挤迭伟浆锗堪众讳玲怂届潜媚量担钒玲渠则篡堤缺糠臂荆秘趋男甥闷廷昨枚突凹兄痞俭啡瞎届知炮菩定均垮荧裸睡溺权给坝容嫉兜冰蝉框实殆


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