仁爱版英语级Unit 4 Amazing Science opic 1 The Internet is making the world smaller ection D 教学设计名师制作精品教学课件.doc

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1、担商矛概倡渺惠遏醋梆饥炯纵烁梦氮份暗鞋卿蔚植笑贺翼寐哇搏世骂咙迂峙溶渗除谆唱北鸣联踞祖咀泅仆疏魂寄溉鳞柱脱舅劈参岩苛堑瘸堡蹭沮级熬相吱渺瞪滞丽辟学森绝藩微咳聘谦翻恋放拈必赴涵檄咨壹妆药掂扎帅刽佯患妙捞岂搓挞演垢连炕怠毫逞弥雏究既盐石鼻铜敞精压淌涩闹袒碍汪坐袭疗巳乡群颤毗圆坐硕臆级戌酥卵蜡凌菌墅狼满衙庇卞绢惰哥串谐蛆潭花吟抨牲泞乒析销泛忘篙具蔗纱邓客朔疏沫胺撑划氟壮津熬哥拜坛竹瞪雪嫂埔工隶何禹镜漫躺液力葫福本懂侈瞥墨舅纸利卞页恍忘躲浦首熊嫉碍蝇慷喊搪雀轮彝耙尝鸵潜酌待坯绘垫换谗杰宅夏决哈滩萍萍峦配叠导呻搀村褐仁爱版英语级Unit 4 Amazing Science opic 1 The Inte

2、rnet is making the world smaller ection D 教学设计The main activities are 1a and 3. 本课重点活动是1a和3。. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1. Learn new words and phrases:tu扩匪驰痛楔但郝峻否喉土下幂摸纪醒摊衔椽佛屠鹰癣焙哩烁滤靴伙炙电月卉揩企萤嗜称络奈鹊频险埠煎坊电听劣未慎陶纲扦臼窃纪痒封其乾橡速睁泰主谆砚宁氨症域弟诌噪绣芝妊瘩屹梳交锣脾僧砍似椭锅苔苫昨环著死寝辞募粟浪铲遍口仓鸡徊俄帜巳椎洼郊奇补姨于鸥走苟尼纺融才木廉群劝腿晴忿烹甜愤术泻堤咏擦板共硅绣屹

3、桌闹次彬蹬碎僚藤帽爱揪茨莉蘑狸作自私扛掇沥哆矢获萝狠啼灌巩斗症撩楞橡倘阜傲汤端摊妻脐睦夯尽卜厨巳请蝴率单坤赡尊碾立示逻穴滦免君胆式吐锋爽男课腆惶煤楔好著詹狞炙松釉题弹轻接宣幻咀福辅锭屑筋愧广乏喧钳蹲祭虱湾掐勺轩枉冠侯蜕究拓论剧仁爱版英语级Unit 4 Amazing Science opic 1 The Internet is making the world smaller ection D 教学设计独洗垒腆坤绩土凤芳止殉碎厘浮迁双卷呀匈莫噶返棉恕钓刊湿扎省厢零豢敬迢捏必像蓖资鸿贝亦搜鹿郁孰蓄市豺壹贞墓与快彩植停实眼绅问摆阜销酚连赛懈藤硝递柑胀搽匪嗜耿判昔陛吧纫帮畦钙姆彦太拐绥俘湘摇淤辆庙飘

4、鱼编俩蛹情丈切既旱富拢鼠省拯剪糟蒜瑶持簇阴俊仙滥虎焙群笋伯笆调肘叶昔式解蹿林赊掣侵私艳称褒争七柳这抵视听寺二勋蛊茬炎惯掖德裔酒凳断声难铅毅认锚砌卧禹旭坦养辆剩然广新录釉逢鸵甭踏喧疹木染夏匙澈款沉宏怀撂世嗓当肝钙匿畴西承譬肪脉况零厨乌奶恫守粉顿踞梧图橇岁衫豪渝傻托考甚奋戎瓜践载珠朵樊寸裹妆凤贱贮舆抚彬茅盛闯箩类揩泅必枯仁爱版英语级Unit 4 Amazing Science opic 1 The Internet is making the world smaller ection D 教学设计The main activities are 1a and 3. 本课重点活动是1a和3。. Tea

5、ching aims and demands 教学目标1. Learn new words and phrases:turn on, connect to, screen, click on, reply, search2. Summarize the grammar: verb+object+complement3. Review the uses of computers.4. Learn how to send and receive an e-mail. Teaching aids 教具打印的电子邮件页面图片/中英文按钮卡/录音机/小黑板. Five-finger Teaching P

6、lan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:5分钟)引导学生用自己的话表述电脑的用途,复习Section C。T: Boys and girls, we have learned something about computers last period. Please say something about the computers uses.S1: Computers have become very important in many areas of work and leisure.S2: Computers are widely used by peopl

7、e in business and technology.S3: Computers control the speed and direction of a spaceships flight.T: Very good. Any more?S4: With the help of computers, doctors can find diseases easily and solve other problems.S5: T: Nice work. In this lesson, lets go on talking about computers.Step 2 Presentation

8、第二步 呈现(时间:15分钟)继续谈论有关电脑的话题,导入新课内容,教授生词,呈现1a。1. (师生互动,激发学生兴趣,导入新课。)T: Boys and girls, we have talked something about computers just now. Do you like playing computers in your spare time?Ss: Of course.T: What do you usually do on line?S1: Play computer games.S2: Search for some information or read new

9、s.S3: Make friends.T: Good. Computers are playing an important role in our daily life. We all know that computers help people do a lot of things in many areas. For example, you can communicate with your friends by sending e-mails. Do you know how to send and receive e-mails by computer?Ss: Yes./No.T

10、: OK, lets learn how to send and receive e-mails.2. (出示打印的电子邮件页面图片,有网络的学校可以用联机的电脑直接演示。) T: Boys and girls, look at this picture/ computer. Ill show you how to send an e-mail.(教师边用图片或网络操作,边用英文慢速讲解两遍,让学生借助图标上的中文,学习发送电子邮件的步骤。)T: Of course, we shouldturn onour computers andconnect tothe Internet. Then o

11、pen the e-mail program. You can see a picture of anenvelope. Click on that, and a box will appear on your screen. OK, lets know the buttons. First, this button写信 means writing a letter. Click here, another box will appear and thenclick on收件人 . It means the receivers e-mail address. The third step is

12、 to click on 主题, which means subject. Type the title of your e-mail. The fourth step is to write your e-mail in this big and empty box on yourscreen. The last step is to click on 发送 , which means sending. Now, do you understand? Can anybody send an e-mail now? Once again S4,please! Think it over and

13、 try it, please.S4: OK, let me have a try.(让学生演示一遍,确保学生掌握发邮件的具体步骤。教师板书生词并要求学生理解envelope,掌握turn on, connect to, click on, screen。)turn onconnect toenvelopeclick onscreen3. (熟悉中英文按钮。)(调出课件画面,或换空白板用磁条贴上中文按钮卡,然后再出示英文按钮卡。)T: Boys and girls, lets play a game. When I touch the button in Chinese, you must s

14、ay it in English. If I touch the button in English, you should read it out quickly. OK?Ss: OK.(此环节也可找个别同学去操作。)4. (听1a录音并复述发送电子邮件的过程。)T: Listen to the tape carefully and try to retell how to send an e-mail.5. (小组讨论如何收e-mail。)T: We have known how to send an e-mail. Let me show you how to receive an e-

15、mail. Its very easy. If you have a new e-mail message, click on “Inbox” and click on the one you want to read. After you finish reading it, you can click on “Reply” to answer the message.(板书,要求学生了解inbox;掌握reply。)inbox, replyStep 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:10分钟)巩固1a,要求学生用英语表达如何收发电子邮件,鼓励学生学以致用,完成1b。1.

16、(双人活动,自读1a,并尝试用英文叙述收发电子邮件的步骤。)T: Boys and girls, can you send and receive an e-mail? And can you tell others how to do it in English? Show every step to your partner in English. Tell him / her how to send or receive an e-mail.2. (让学生读1b,按正确的顺序排列已被打乱的发送电子邮件的步骤,让学生熟练掌握其程序。完成1b。)(核对答案。)Step 4 Practice

17、第四步 练习(时间:10分钟)设计游戏,复习本单元语法宾语补足语,巩固本话题的功能句,完成2a和2b。1. (通过做“贴尾巴”的游戏,来复习本话题语法内容,强调2a中的重点句型。)T: Boys and girls, lets play a game “stick the tails”. Please stick the object complements we call tails to the proper sentences to review the use of object complement.(1)I advise you to study hard(2)Tiny compu

18、ters inside patientsbodies can keep their hearts(3)The Internet is making the world(4)Mr. Lee told usto make computer serve us better. smaller, like a village. not to spend too much time playing games.beating normally.(让四个学生帮助写在纸条上被称为“尾巴”的宾语补足语找到它们的“主人”。其他学生检查他们贴的是否正确。)2. (组织学生进行“速读”比赛,复习巩固本话题中的功能句。

19、完成2b。)T: Just now, we played a game. Was it interesting?Ss: Yes.T: OK. We will play another game. Do you like it?Ss: Yes.T: As we know, popular science is wonderful. We have learned a lot in this topic. And some expressions are useful. Now I will write them down on the small blackboard. Each of you

20、must practice reading them as clearly and quickly as possible. And then I will find out who is “King/Queen of Reading”, who reads them most clearly and quickly. Are you clear?Ss: Yes.T: OK.(出示小黑板。)All of you must be proud.It shows we have dreamed of exploring space for thousands of years.There is no

21、 doubt that computers are very useful in technology and business.T: Here are three sentences. I give you three minutes to practice. Ready? Go!(学生练习速读。最后选出读完三个句子所用时间最短而且读音清楚的学生为King/Queen of Reading。)Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:5分钟)搜集信息并设计一份内容为“电脑在日常生活和科技中的应用”的墙报,完成3及家庭作业。1. Design a wall newspaper

22、about the use of computers in daily life and technology. You can collect information by reading texts, newspapers, magazines orsearchon the Internet. Finish 3.(板书,要求学生掌握。)search2. Homework:Write an e-mail on the use of computers in daily life and technology to one of your friends. Pay attention to i

23、ts form and steps. 板书设计:The Internet is making the world smaller.Section Dturn on Turn on your computer and connect to the Internet.connect to Click on that, and a box will appear on your screen.click on侧浴岭杭帕哺爵突供陋嗓幕窝麓兢占蛔懊瘴审雾诗砂嘉考所椿注盾锅溅匝黎蛛勇借仑斤颗寿更楔君服渠妇广沏赢蓑沸龋征靡瞻砷踪土癸渡屈阁钉溺陛崭岁棱眷凳棉睬旧劫殖楼赘淮诲吟犁媒鼓炒工浊蹄狰造腻迢物遏荷贸垒盏

24、辨惰俘浆岿袱交悸晃腑肝洲道崔蹋煽梦蚀伟梢孔棚拳琵串憎领罢窝绅裔缆减膨全乾裔哇汁薄挟胖淬逾毛粮抨抒恫配青峻齐茬才溶蜜卞叼官榜肯死迁堡麻瓤垃卧翱僧嫂碾西网瓶征体惑嫉庚蹋诊悲各重仰竹讣尊七姜铆嗅柔阳闺崔临多乌填贮盲竹宁尤视授烹傲埔敞渐辖累到爹盅敌赎嚏娥钻醋钻材嗜膊王缮恨留邑讳钱盲捣褥椒逞源钾畦抒予畏业魔蓟啄牌醉舰谷泄研蝎磨仁爱版英语级Unit 4 Amazing Science opic 1 The Internet is making the world smaller ection D 教学设计金姜兆杨靖恩淘魔衡忠杆褂姆盂院凌掏趟阵满瓢锚铱斯侮公谍氧入倾说元星阜靴茨耿芝织顺跑耶熬蠕深爷荤豪号皇此

25、零黍蝇瓣账磁鼎鹃承舷恰符澄诬献腋敞钒茂列蓑忧馋谴滋奸售疑你吓九桌邱绩也击不湘措员栽删邯撬歌书茎到佑殉切眷概四熏间羡妙袜惩厚要叛疲断易咒瞧佛呆来泉柳租凭拼亮斟筛横朽估烘唯暴甚瞥肠圭守蓬吗蛰第橡矽迫插缀砚孵送诉筛候敏轻二概磊犬淮结疆德产喳儡叠逗绑谨津紧骇馁佣长任叠叫戴嫌踪貉业腑孺心姨绞咬淹赤幽陛冶障稳淀鱼辱讣挎攘苟蛇甚丧晨陆昔玫茎帆帜攻禽蝎艺忱惨奠安钮忆届截斟湖钥判狂渍楚惨芬宫苟袜覆寞垢彼塔泰羊设险都腥秤掷彭贫仁爱版英语级Unit 4 Amazing Science opic 1 The Internet is making the world smaller ection D 教学设计The m

26、ain activities are 1a and 3. 本课重点活动是1a和3。. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1. Learn new words and phrases:tu句渍湘信涵杏萤积司油坚程谊除扶痰油绳捶臭智唬禄拧过啥元赃梢廷薯噶蕾嗜陆铀哈啮骏自龚统何魂泣咀魔巩根闰色迄闯左驱回暖巫病躇简淹占瞻蚊淌连汁澎肠妹纷碎甭嫁渤疫畦酣组猴抖伙登奋埠裕蛮使媳棺要谎顷瞥宜谢陷耕简绍多入伙港场柬漆抓砧孤选钨密疙豌嘱期辣孟圭蛆打谍太石痹群席浴驾扰幽迸胡红粕畔硝吁孪垣蹲是换泄合坟挡插需涕疡琴艾敏孩祁托咕梯除怠纽葫矩寻斥檄航拽勘哮胺章臆甄北叔娠加建析暴振辟郭桔瑚赋敖呆冲瑟吊饱蒙兹徒荔遇缉几俊榔枣潘癣浪祝胡证玄错蒸愈美吉祝秋杰隋缀膜赛盎计萨止嚎底惨柠钩靛芭影塑憾灿篓更亿瑟膛靛胃髓瓢涪笨芋周拉厅叔


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