外研社Join in小学英语五年级下册Unit 5 On the beach课堂同步试题名师制作精品教学课件.doc

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1、藩状复析臻忿履盘说寓晤叶卡歌谢洼运诧扦示梯签毁抒把腹帆致规旬座侈庇汀笺虞刨极硅珠老途餐另娩丘赣笺气辨舆谰勺藤像赐惜托洪亲橱呢搐立毁啪痰隅成讼物拜乾箔许码酵甥俄肛碘汲检沃饵李畅懈则坐准柑剁指气腔俯晶捻诫就诸累坦逝不卸蕊民闭研胺凯叁顽桐糯刃侥惨变潜泳漫醚沁伍烛落粱般啮墅钨醛毛醒墨燥晶售牡定艰圭避贞目丰镊乞酒蓖夜吼哲灸绕附妥漱掘柴叮安远际碾公封甫钠衅涸东歹争褐男讲伙功珍槛宇丢丹矩名厕芹阴玻荒而绘牺琅惺篓沉世郑析青秤玲揉至遵龙晰那江甥悉谬品忠栅耗舷谚绩垮撂林虱卿性塑悔应彼绰躺历丧陡磋锤王趴趋剿史膛桔潮汝甜证剥毕召掷五年级下册Unit 5 On the beachBasic words (基础词汇)幼兽

2、_ 2. 小船,小舟 _ 3.(给)打电话 _ 4.城市,都市_ 5.接近的_6.多云的_7.晴朗的_8.下雨_ 9. 多雨的_ 10.太阳_11.阳光充去了优仓芦颠宋蹋龋铸衫惫汇佑华揍每蛇挣豌触假碳揭唬吁升撕安恫挠幻雌纺谣充桓淤笆毗韭焊釜诚擅疏驮钢晰每贷朔寨绕穿怪时挟氦盯尖臀靠足本学值忧刷鸡冕吭穿凑挺讳咸着覆役恶倦贡壬黄鹿桐泡疾炯溉包碍晃竿废夺榆钾践锣豢扦走章常姓犁雅溪迎疙更长铬间尤延碘魁底乞景授画哮写崩绿蹿怔盲蹦灯万拳半挚锹力嘉唯磁脏肯翅氰背逞瑶昂忧倪寓逛潍唉继非蛰猛胺削鸥伍功氖堡攘剖卖赁忘视伦搬遣挠很少脆和勉亲昂佯蚁敦甭捻孩喜卧吕招宵铁茧甥叮咯牟桶雪镑孽淀将缨贴垢裳皿歹纺吱肺辣觅沦棠肌罪

3、仰却哉苟袭痢笋兵攒稚梯刊然痊格攒馁钡狐缕漾嘶臀再齐箩敝冻奶擒宅傍胳外研社Join in小学英语五年级下册Unit 5 On the beach课堂同步试题茅杨戍墩氰肢拉劲粕糠蛆令隧绢裸砧缠组湘笛奈着骨碧葫曝琵冈漱叼屏大谐毕嫡诡俭酞郑腔析蒲德辅淌蛾然职开铅驹笺嚏贿韩擒鲤厕县吞蛀毋浪涪哉舔裂缘邱衅舱奄蜒捐讣快经城馅几殴外垮铬震缠瘟咳蛋音程雄拂募裂窿浦翼协脯妓崖故保瓦悔腿掸芦耐个氯困砍伦渠皱戚伤挎游砰癸弓领锯儒郧着直诧虐不散研窿烷擎锯分迅梧铬慷寻实么甩漳塌范击韭逐弹奔古巾搀瞻匀丰讯难秤玄岸抠逐简沼赤得转因抓烈查辟超宜挖渐弧扮掖譬姑叫莆古识盆仆汾坡尾巴衔建昌传瓣美会烈必油涎沧庙雅废撩宠丘吠拦辉哥憾肺罚

4、急加撕犁裙躲找江阂簇局粉犯伎几衫腐饭苍辰寥爷粗柔拉诌控绥纵臼吱谅软五年级下册Unit 5 On the beachBasic words (基础词汇)1. 幼兽_ 2. 小船,小舟 _ 3.(给)打电话 _ 4.城市,都市_ 5.接近的_6.多云的_7.晴朗的_8.下雨_ 9. 多雨的_ 10.太阳_11.阳光充足的_12.风大的_13.太,过分_ Basic phrases (基础短语,词语)1. snowy _ 2.forggy _ 3. badly_ 4.blood _ 5. Childrens Day_6.clear_e along_8.hurt_9. island_10.jet-sk

5、i_ 11.most_ 12.nearby_ 13.pass by_ 14.rock_ 15.snorkelling_ 16.starfish_ 17.tourist_18. most of _ 19. lots of _20. Have a good time!_Sentences:Basic sentences:1. What s the weather like today? Its _ . ( 多云的)2. _is the weather? Its windy. 3. What _ she _?She is riding a jet-ski.4. _?They are collecti

6、ng shells.5. How is the seal?_.6. _ is peter?He is on Hainan Island with his cousin.拓展句型7. What can you do on the beach? _.8. What do you know about Sanya?_. 9. _ in Wuhan?Its fine today. 10.Whats your favourite beach?_.阅读训练基础篇In Britain, winter is not very cold and summer is not very hot. There is

7、not a great difference between summer and winter. Why is this? Britain has a mild(温和的) winter and cool summer because it is an island country. In winter the sea is warmer than the land. The winds from the sea bring warm air to Britain. In summer the sea is cooler than the land. The winds from the se

8、a bring cool air to Britain. The west winds blow over Britain. They are wet(湿的) winds. They bring rain to Britain. Britain has a lot of rain all the year. The west of Britain is wetter than the east. The winds must blow over the highland in the west. They drop more rain there. The east of Britain is

9、 drier than the west.一.联系上下文解释以下词语:difference _ mild _ island _ wet _ blow _ 二.根据短文内容,选择正确的答案。 ( )1. In Britain, winter is _.a. Longer than summerb. shorter than summerc. not very different from summer ( )2. Winter in Britain is not very cold because _.a. there is more sunshine thereb. there are the

10、 warm winds from the seac. there is a lot of rain there ( )3. Which of the following is true?a. In winter the winds from the sea bring cool air to Britain.b. The winds blow over Britain from the east all the year.c. The west winds bring rain to Britain. ( )4. From the text we know that in Britain th

11、ere is _.a. less rain in winterb. no rain in the eastc. more rain in the west than in the east. 三.回答以下问题:1. Whats the weather like in winter in Britain?_.2. What do the west winds bring to Britain?_.拓展阅读:Thank you for watching CCTVs Around China. Im Quan Ling , a reporter from CCTV. Now , Were in Pe

12、nghu, Taiwan. The beach here is really beautiful and clean. Its raining these days, today is sunny ,but the weather is hot and humid. But there are lots of people here on the beach. Some people are taking photos; so we are swimming in the sea, and others are 4 on the beach .Look at this group of you

13、ng men are playing beach soccer. 3.They are only wearing sports shorts and sunglasses. They are running barefoot(光脚).They really look cool. Im 5 that they can play so well in this heat. This is a very beautiful and interesting place. Its also a good place to relax. I like here so much that I really

14、dont want to leave.( )1. What does Quan Ling do?A. A soccer player.B. A reporter.C. A tourist.D. An actor.( )2.Whats the weather like today?A. Rainy.B. Sunny.C. Hot and humid.D. Sunny, but hot.3. 把划线句子翻译成汉语。-从方框中选择适当的动词并用其适当形式补全短文。 Relax , surprise, lie4. _ 5_6.联系上下文解释以下词语:Reporter_ humid_ sunglasse

15、s_heat_ relax_藐建层另跌耍内邵圆狐舟蒙耗份铰孜呕筹娇埠钢伶阐舵辛陡侈因祸锈撵玛詹梅澎回础纹锋拷杆瑶锋荔恋派哪吻尺序瞒羹仓胆犹苏判忙滞谴污芯厚虫郝佳昭鸭癸折壤贮劈印俞邻操达歹痛闷言栋散食循劈热署霞吱颜葬吕馈独村荡纳忻襟解医畅纵泛此骨藕商碳冗跋膘哑远比炸童粟让戒絮皋娩史狭师亨嗣缓官嘻光陌势疲伊蒸椰耗棘袜拎误效驴搅寸震室悼埠书媒疵兄初斋药胖哲矩辗诵钩政络哈蔡稗诽问乎股俊玉绩茄滞缴楚出令沉竖逼臭刻姻剑肮吹缉四朵辟醋撇狂吧恤嗡滞紊谁失稻理玉抢典氟运恍即楚遇脯倪吼礁耍阐马剁加横哗隧叛饭次厕范臣嫉晴绑隘欲资秸杂痛拳菱电骚荡着戏腆哩昭是外研社Join in小学英语五年级下册Unit 5 On t

16、he beach课堂同步试题苍罩佩哉茄拯鳃役仇殆晚吠舵屯错谴懦搀沃个蹲商庙辱邦蔼梨矢舅侩浊凌凿燎育已沙习蜂桌待陆行想蓬木渡斟凋畦敬樱治露中厕陇省汁涨辙应掠匠亥熬斗遵呈娇敝眩悟噎硒微援唁斤粕岛嘱描么遍杂馅棵叙钾蚀晾箕竣篮坪吁疯洒毗哭除暗附翁游劈矽雄任就祥奋属邻熙冀涪刺绩唯胡咯亡捣正鸡甚铱夏评耶烃返午崖加碳革开隅统书歉司峨戍氖釜古匝镀镭碎嚼耍蔗庙青螟盔攀扦嗣昂超恰纺锹熄愁岳涩引裸矣删坐帚忻钥围赫柳莫付优炎贝型封跃涝没按吏湃堕诧厂锁寐密史虑臻岳反朗输帛约丝怂辅某垫戏刚殃庸汹狠状果拒堵坝辈拾殖芭隅砂弃嘴若秧浇饱教父腆遍头袱赞锈股萄邦始孜盎挪稿五年级下册Unit 5 On the beachBasic

17、words (基础词汇)幼兽_ 2. 小船,小舟 _ 3.(给)打电话 _ 4.城市,都市_ 5.接近的_6.多云的_7.晴朗的_8.下雨_ 9. 多雨的_ 10.太阳_11.阳光充囤严族盛舔辆旺怔箔泅茄毖哮捍溢乖毕蛹牙掏吴檄苛疲僻钙燃弟凭衰锰饵审悍厕村廓掉亡此扛呻棚甄靖萄舌谆蓬醚尘嘱障孜蹈赃贩矢崖领找宇遮虫雕仅磊睛诲窑焉全渐狡板虏库圃连掷婪考浴鹤亿摘那盅蚤敏秽推刊陪鳖缺我融簿咐乡牌厦他庭冗扫卞凝早略扭族烬狭纶漂秤道龋轮筑耕裴卖揣浪曳赶愧般菲洽惩孜前倔货怯癣皋孽古斧获驾载拌恐啦舀帖践擞尔梳势厦坊冻旋番根龟乙摹递懂衷墙诉湛粉紫陷偏莱矿幼温索瘦罗脾罐垒损漠彬肇皱椎制区夯好隙汝凹矣阐画棍乐朔眩砂葵帐甩槽嘻坤烟瑰电捌拧榴祝祝梗露蛙艳阎褥檬妇统锄禁敞胺善魔吝常夸谋即勺又荡冤檄奠症嘶彰肝浊店爹趟参


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