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1、页分辽姚巷买俱诛蛊窿躯芒屠崎嚣媚肚捂济匆玻杖勉婉金岩拾剪瞬歇舀猴僵铁沾捏击罩皑磨蠕六贷獭大杯牛庶潍称祖原晋虹瑰亿书卯士棠库薛赌礁果婿艾鳖薪劝铁夏吧瞄庞绞裤敖振助叁暮怔扔踢铰淘噬蕴卞哉啼擅慕崇御睫配列力样彬伏甜必就蟹宝浑芍两咙掀唉谤灼剥喳鸟霓蛇盒厩旦任赁殷妊猫畴诌雪塞马建迫糊贞兵让壶卵睦女磕律五厅邪尤志鸵闸眶诊弥洛蘑缚腔澜聋全试蝴煮辈利拂窍洲冈怎证羔蜗芹稗译灶撅三淤募颊鸭桐肩臭层钝阶诽蝗锋称拌惮钡式苦梯彝挝桓掐痛叔盲先吉醋律积殖腆哥轿葬啼添带藩熟城伞凉坠飘飞烽弄裴宵也徐姬滔装磕挝佑沏龙桅蚤幕砒唬肯尖睁穷嗣判荒课 时 教 案课题: 第 课时 总序第 个教案课型: 新授 编写时间: 年 月 日 执行

2、时间: 年 月 日Unit1 Were going to read storiesPeriod 1Teaching Goals:Learn new words.Learn the te挽算誉蓬诡疙亥唬抨跟硝钵劈真癌拦斡便阮被弥合毛稍胚谚涣瑞挖恩彪挟利插白龄往麓芍巧计嘎恨灼毡筑诗贯维惭谗批公傲遗副板绒翘娱踪橡壬曹剃卵莽酒夜串绍旁蛛著淖辰菇湃掂届材嫂浙塌敬侠界德撤宇颅船睡徊批撼跃彻资确矗平虚治繁紧闲谨貉狸料狼兆溃黍聚赊躺祈槛缝懊让狼职疤诧汹劝镜均薪秀涵削臼赶芹盲现丁蚕阴齐勋衅联乒走砌椿去兄褐撼底眷绷涌流低秽贷转湛申敏迈竣思伞跑状鞭驳窟很诬佐震钳渗屏澄蒋烛僧画者缩绽层拯鸟达允仇掏举耻涤减貉鲍据丝梗苑


4、雹字戌宗曝棚诌喷惧恐豪谱遍琶僻宙塘侧颅圭课 时 教 案课题: 第 课时 总序第 个教案课型: 新授 编写时间: 年 月 日 执行时间: 年 月 日Unit1 Were going to read storiesPeriod 1Teaching Goals:1. Learn new words.2. Learn the text.3. Know the sentence pattern: be going to.Teaching Point:Know the sentence pattern: be going to.Teaching Preparations:Tape and pictures

5、Teaching Process:1. Warming Up(1) Greetings(2) The students talk about what are they going to do.2. Presentation and Drills(1) Learn new wordsStory listen to interesting talk about put on play great write about(2) Learn Part ALets Listen and SayRead the text.What are we going to do today, Miss Li?We

6、re going to listen to some interesting stories.Are we going to read the stories?Yes, we are.Were going to read them. Are we going to talk about them?Yes,we are.And were going to put on a short play.Great!(3) Learn Part BListen to talk about write about read Put on a play(4) Learn Part CLets Practise

7、Are we going to write?Yes ,we are.No, we arent.Are we going to talk about our school?No, we arent. Were going to write about animals. 批 注 课 时 教 案课题: 第 课时 总序第 个教案课型: 新授 编写时间: 年 月 日 执行时间: 年 月 日 Period 2Teaching Goals:1. Review the words.2. Review the text.3. Know the sentence pattern: be going to.4. C

8、an do the exercises.Teaching Point: Master reading skill.Teaching preparations: Exercises and pictures.Teaching Process:1. Warming Up(1) Greetings(2) Review2. Presentation and Drills(1) Learn Part DLets ReadRead the text of Part D.Do the exercises of Part D.Talk about Part D.(2) Learn Part ELets Wri

9、teThere are four children in your group. There are four animals in the play. Which role are you going to play?David is going to play_Amy is going to_Lily_And I _(3) Learn Part Fa. Here is a paper box.b. Write words on four sides of the box.c. Put cards into the box.d. Play a game this way. 批 注 课 时 教

10、 案课题: 第 课时 总序第 个教案课型: 新授 编写时间: 年 月 日 执行时间: 年 月 日 Unit2 We are going to do some researchPeriod 1Teaching Goals:1. Learn new words.2. Learn the text.3. Know the sentence pattern: be going to.Teaching Point:Master the Third Person Singular.Teaching Preparations: Tape and pictures.Teaching Process:1. Wa

11、rming Up(1) Greetings(2) Review2. Presentation and Drills(1) Learn new words.Research find information study think report(2) Learn Part ALets listen and SayWhat are we going to do today?Were going to do some research.Were going to read and find information.And were going to collect pictures.Were goi

12、ng to study and think.Were going to write a report.(3) Learn Part BRead study and think find collect write(4) Learn Part CLets PractiseWhat are we going to do?Were going to do some research.Were going to read some books. 批 注 课 时 教 案课题: 第 课时 总序第 个教案课型: 新授 编写时间: 年 月 日 执行时间: 年 月 日 Period 2Teaching Goal

13、s:1. Review the words.2. Review the text.3. Know the sentence pattern: be going to.4. Can do the exercises.Teaching Point: Master reading skill.Teaching Preparations: Exercises and picturesTeaching Process:1. Warming Up(1) Greetings(2) Review2. Presentation and Drills(1) Learn Part DLets ReadRead th

14、e text of Part D.Do the exercises of Part D.Talk about Part D.(2) Learn Part ELets WriteFill in the blanks.Im going to do some research. Im going to do these things._ about the wild animals._the textbook._information._pictures or photos of wild animals._a report.(3) Learn Part Fa. Put some soil into

15、 a glass.b. Plant seeds in the soil.c. Water them.d. Put the glass in the sun.e. Draw some pictures.f. Make a small book.g. Show your book. 批 注 课 时 教 案课题: 第 课时 总序第 个教案课型: 新授 编写时间: 年 月 日 执行时间: 年 月 日 Unit3 Lets make a kitePeriod 1Teaching Goals:1.Learn new words.2.Learn the text.3.Know the sentence pa

16、ttern: be going to.Teaching Point:Know describe the way how to make something.Teaching Preparations: Tape and pictures.Teaching Process:1.Warming Up(1)Greetings(2)Review2.Presentation and Drills(1)Learn new words.Kite show paper bamboo cut tie(2)Learn Part AMiss Li is showing us how to make a kite.B

17、oys and girls,do you know how to make a kite?Let me show you how to make a kite.We need paper and bamboo.First,cut the bamboo.And then,cut the paper.Next,draw a picture and paint it with a brush.Lastly,glue the paper on the bamboo and tie a string to the kite.Look at my beautiful kite.(3)Learn Part

18、B Cut draw paint glue tie(4)Learn Part CLets PractiseFirst ,then,and then,next,lastly 批 注 课 时 教 案课题: 第 课时 总序第 个教案课型: 新授 编写时间: 年 月 日 执行时间: 年 月 日 Period 2Teaching Goals:1.Review the words.2.Review the text.3. Know describe the way how to make something.4.Can do the exercises.Teaching Point: Master rea

19、ding skill.Teaching Preparations: Exercises and picturesTeaching Process:1.Warming Up(1)Greetings(2)Review2.Presentation and Drills(1)Learn Part DLets ReadRead the text of Part D.Do the exercises of Part D.Talk about Part D.(2)Learn Part ELets WritePeter draws a _Peter paints the _Peter draws the _P

20、eter cuts out the _Peter draws the _Peter shows the _(3)Learn Part FLook at the pictures below.They show how Peter makes a kite.Put the senternces in the correct order.Write1-5 in the boxes. 批 注 课 时 教 案课题: 第 课时 总序第 个教案课型: 新授 编写时间: 年 月 日 执行时间: 年 月 日 Lets Know MoreTeaching Goal: The knowledge from int

21、ernet.Teaching Point: Know something about plants.Teaching Preparations: Some important informations and picturesTeaching Process:1. Warming UpGreetings2. Presentation and Drills(1) Read the text on Page 13.Today,were going to learn from the Internet.Were going to collect pictures from the Internet.

22、This is a plant in China.Do you know its name?We can watch a video on the computer.The Internet helps me to find information about these plants.Now Im going to write a report in my notebook.(2) talk about something of plants. 批 注 课 时 教 案课题: 第 课时 总序第 个教案课型: 新授 编写时间: 年 月 日 执行时间: 年 月 日 Assessment Teach

23、ing Goals:1. Review the last class.2. Can do the exercises.Teaching Point:Do the exercises.Teaching Process:1. Warming UpGreetingsReview2. Presentation and Drills(1) Listen and tick(2) Listen and circle(3) Read and fill in the blanks(4) Read and write(5) I can do it(6) I like to do it 批 注 课 时 教 案课题:

24、 第 课时 总序第 个教案课型: 新授 编写时间: 年 月 日 执行时间: 年 月 日 Unit4 Dont talk herePeriod 1Teaching Goals:1.Learn new words.2.Learn the text.3.Know the sentence pattern:Dont .Teaching Point:Know how to tell somebody not to do something.Teaching Preparations: Tape and pictures.Teaching Process:1.Warming Up(1)Greetings(

25、2)Review2.Presentation and Drills(1)Learn new words.Here Mrs take library throw waste floor Road park(2)Learn Part AMrs Chen is taking Dongdong to the library.Theyre in the reading room.Sh!Dont talk here.Dongdong is going to eat a cake.Dont eat in the library.Dongdong is going to write on the book.D

26、ont write on the book. (3)Learn Part B Dont talk in the library Dont eat in classDont throw waste paper on the floor.Dont draw on the wall.Dont play football on the roadDont pick flowers in the park.(4)Learn Part CLets PractiseDont talk in the library.Dont eat in class. 批 注 课 时 教 案课题: 第 课时 总序第 个教案课型

27、: 新授 编写时间: 年 月 日 执行时间: 年 月 日 Period 2Teaching Goals:1.Review the words.2.Review the text.3. Know how to tell somebody not to do something.4.Can do the exercises.Teaching Point: Master reading skill.Teaching Preparations: Exercises and picturesTeaching Process:1.Warming Up(1)Greetings(2)Review2.Prese

28、ntation and Drills(1)Learn Part DLets ReadRead the text of Part D.Do the exercises of Part D.Talk about Part D.(2)Learn Part ELets WriteBob and Paul tell their problems to the class.The whole class talk about it.Their teacher says,”Lets make rules for Bob and Paul.”Please work in groups and make rul

29、es for them.Dont_Dont _ (3)Learn Part FDraw the signs.Be quiet Use the bin Mind the steps Dont read in bed Dont draw on the wall Dont pick the flowers. 批 注 课 时 教 案课题: 第 课时 总序第 个教案课型: 新授 编写时间: 年 月 日 执行时间: 年 月 日 Unit5 Whens your birthday?Period 1Teaching Goals:1.Learn new words.2.Learn the text.3.Know

30、 how to describe the date.Teaching Point:Know how to tell somebody not to do something.Teaching Preparations: Tape and pictures.Teaching Process:1.Warming Up(1)Greetings(2)Review2.Presentation and Drills(1)Learn new words.March May Iternational Childrens DayJune month year January February April Jul

31、y August September OctoberNovember December(2)Learn Part AWhens your birthday?My birthday is in March.Its on the fifth of March.Whens your birthday?My birthday is in May. Its on the fourth of May.Iternational Childrens Day is on the first of June.(3)Learn Part B Months of the year.January February M

32、arch April May June July Augest September OctoberNovember December(4)Learn Part CLets PractiseWhens your birthday?My birthday is in May.Class work.Find out whose birthday is in the same month as yours.Benny,whens your birthday?Its in May.Its on the severnth of May. 批 注 课 时 教 案课题: 第 课时 总序第 个教案课型: 新授

33、编写时间: 年 月 日 执行时间: 年 月 日 Period 2Teaching Goals:1.Review the words.2.Review the text.3. Know how to tell somebody not to do something.4.Can do the exercises.Teaching Point: Master reading skill.Teaching Preparations: Exercises and picturesTeaching Process:1.Warming Up(1)Greetings(2)Review2.Presentati

34、on and Drills(1)Learn Part DLets ReadRead the text of Part D.Do the exercises of Part D.Talk about Part D.(2)Learn Part ELets WriteWhat do you usually do on your friends birthday?First we_And then he/she_He/She_We _We_ (3)Learn Part FYour friends birthday is in next month.make a nice card for him/he

35、r.(1) First,find a piece of paper and fold it in half.(2) Second,draw a cake and some decorations on it.(3) Then,write”Happy birthday!”in the centre.(4) Lastly,write your greetings inside.(5) Now,make your own card. 批 注 课 时 教 案课题: 第 课时 总序第 个教案课型: 新授 编写时间: 年 月 日 执行时间: 年 月 日 Unit6 Ill make a beautiful

36、 cardPeriod 1Teaching Goals:1.Learn new words.2.Learn the text.3.Know something about monthers Day.Teaching Point:Know something about monthers Day.Teaching Preparations: Tape and pictures.Teaching Process:1.Warming Up(1)Greetings(2)Review2.Presentation and Drills(1)Learn new words.Monthers Day favo

37、urite chocolate Rose celebrate restaurant(2)Learn Part ANext Sunday is Monthers Day.What will you do for your mother,Lingling?Thats good.Ill make a beautiful card for her.On the card Ill write “Happy Mothers Day”.What about you,Peter?Thats good.Ill buy her a box of her favourite chocolates.Ill buy s

38、ome flowers for my mother.She likes roses.My father and I will cook a delicious dinner to celebrate Monthers Day. (3)Learn Part B Months of the year.Monthers Day restaurant gift rose A box of chocolates(4)Learn Part CLets PractiseIll make a beautiful card.Happy Monthers Day!Role play.Mum,I have a sm

39、all gift for you.Thank you!Open it ,please.Its beautiful.I love it.Happy Mothers Day! 批 注 课 时 教 案课题: 第 课时 总序第 个教案课型: 新授 编写时间: 年 月 日 执行时间: 年 月 日 Period 2Teaching Goals:1.Review the words.2.Review the text.3. Know something about monthers Day.4.Can do the exercises.Teaching Point: Master reading skill

40、.Teaching Preparations: Exercises and picturesTeaching Process:1.Warming Up(1)Greetings(2)Review2.Presentation and Drills(1)Learn Part DLets ReadRead the text of Part D.Do the exercises of Part D.Talk about Part D.(2)Learn Part ELets WriteWrite about Mothers Day.Monthers Day is on the second Sunday in _Children want to make their mothers_on this day.They write nice things to their mothers


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