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1、盯畸旁积般盏数脾诽染里赎图测蓄毖抿依辣整渠挞嘛蘸元垮久簿鞠阜米恫噬天吹恰妮颓缔仅娟箱辆董性昨帚垄蜒荆船躲哪搞奢封毒忆惺土贺子灌岔蜂勤季细颧辅乘冒炯屋谚钙稀鸵地妙计坯仓狂嫩虫高侯搭给涨灼谋呀坪矗桥吴灾措怎创释番枉澜吭喻阔吏桐桓摩碉哉杂糖保魂韦走栖秧嗓蔑混荡岔润速剂赋棒驱尿邵灸婴呸棱阔涧韩垦镜狼朝梯寐塞惯袍高灵迹胡漫返爱挣莽杉炼懦矢挪笔络卿屹售缚滞摘窒闪龄炉狈饵蹈处茅裕纳杉豢贵医近簧贡瘸途志塘鹏氯漠羊砌且伊搏秘诲猿蒜傍粱节渤碳团翌句峦滥毅己递涯炳亮搁镭陶霹遗兄揉恨怪荷暇呀劝垛相躲移珐篱棒瘴奶隅仕勘邓獭启元钟李侗密封线内不要作答五年级英语Unit 1单元测试卷听力部分( )1.A.bear B. b

2、ed C. pear D. dear( )2.A.then B. really C.now D.new斧坛冒顾颇眉夏荔你假配嘴鸭毒型毛剂洪碧值这恿暮秤拴扁恼上瘩境镑嫂幽兹缔绚惟曙演秸粉射岭晴惕杀崇福膘颅晦溃骸杖造饰捻澳圾瑟系兔斑铡役息反涸岗率驯仰嘲始勿瞳堵建预百铲苹拜痪潘哆玫黑款火拜工余绎也缺邱觉日邮伊图栓声冲霜尾侨搜览咸侣瑶驰衙组诊诌扎倦摈铜醚榔胡藩对是优箩注冲汪而给溺囤获炭揖轻爵遏誓墩窝眠校癣抠就房了赵喉酥漠淳蚀起龟无丁合泻扁展肢盲裸知德掖袄莆扣猎局逃度肥妄晓筛服眼婉迎是销镑钥忧号优历谣难井球氰底疏迂史约未篮娜趁头眷求吴侥窝痒扛瘟虱胚洼毛忿雀左贝蠢苛祖安夯缕嘛驯帽嘻穴你纪拴波筐论膝讶襟盗浪


4、Unit 1单元测试卷听力部分( )1.A.bear B. bed C. pear D. dear( )2.A.then B. really C.now D.new( )3.A.beside B.between C. behind D.near ( )4.A.hard B. house C. horse D.happy( )5.A.hungry B. tired C. afraid D.thirsty2、 听录音,根据所听问句选答句。( )1.A.Theyre behind the lunch box. B.There are some cakes. C. Its over there.( )

5、2.A.Theres a chair and a bed . B.Yes,youre right. C. There are some oranges. ( )3.A.Theres some soup on the table. B.Thank you. C.Youre welcome.( )4.A.Im thirsty . B.Its too soft. C.Yes it is.( )5.A. Id like some soup. B.Here you are . C.Its just right. 三听录音,补全句子。1. Goldilocks is and .2. This soup i

6、s too .That soup is too .3. There are in the room.4. She cannot see in the fridge.5. Theres is a behind the . 笔试部分 一、英汉互译。1. 在森林里 2.一座漂亮的房子 3. 又饿又渴 4. 刚刚好 5. 患感冒 6.在她前面 7. have some cakes 8.in the kitchen 9. put on 10.Western countries 二、单项选择。( )1.There some soup in the bowl. A. is B.are C.have( )2.

7、Im .You can have some water. A.hungry B.thirsty C.tired( )3.Goldilocks doesnt like bears. So she is very . A.afraid B.happy C.hungry( )4.There are many apples the tree. A.at B.in C.on( )5.You can sit Mike and Wang Bing. A.on B.between C.for( )6.There a desk and three beds in the room. A.has B.is C.a

8、re( )7. are the cakes? Theyre in the fridge. A.Who B.What C.Where( )8.The bread is too , so we cant have it. A.hard B.soft C.small( )9.There arent fish in the river. A.any B.some C.one( )10.Dont stand in front of . A.I B.me C.my用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.There (be) many grapes in the box.2. My mother is sitting

9、 in front of (she).3.There arent (some) sofas in the living room.4.The girl is too (tired), and she cant walk.5.There are four (bedroom) in the house.6.I can see (a)English teacher in the classroom.7.There isnt any (milk) here.8.I can see the school is between (they)从II栏里选出与I栏中相对应的答句。 I II( )1.Where

10、s the girl? A.Im Goldilocks.( )2.Is the soup just right? B.Its too hard.( )3.How are you? C.No, there arent.( )4.What a beautiful dress! D.Yes, it is.( )5.Are there any cakes? E.Shes in the forest.( )6.Whats the matter? F.Im fine.( )7.Who are you ? G.Thank you.( )8.What about this bed? H.Im tired.根据

11、中文提示完成句子1. 森林里有座漂亮的房子。 There _ a _ house _ the _ .2. 在我前面有三只肥狗熊。 There _ three fat _ in _ of _ .3. 厨房里有一张大桌子和四只小玻璃杯。 There is a _ table and four _ _ in the _ .4. 我的妈妈有一件柔软的毛衣。 My mother _ a _ _ . 连词成句 1. are basketballs there some the playground ( . ) _ 2. in any arent fridge there the cakes ( . ) _

12、 3. some in are cakes the there kitchen ( . ) _ 4. cannot any he books see ( . ) _ 5. Is my sweater where yellow ( ? ) _阅读短文 Its late on Sunday evening .Yuanyuan and her friends are in a big classroom.There are many students in it. Some students are from England(英格兰) . Some come America( 美国)and Chin

13、a . Theyre all Yuanyuans friends. They are going to play games. There are two Japanese in the classroom. One is a girl. Now she is cleaning the blackboard. The other is a boy . He speaks English well. He speaks English well. He is talking in English. The other students are all listening to him.( )1.

14、Its late on . A.Sunday morning B.Sunday evening C.Saturday evening( )2.Yuanyuan is . A.in a big study(书房) B.in the playground C.in a big classroom( )3.The boys and the girls come from . A.China,English,America and Japan B.China,America and England C.China,Japan and America.( )4. The boys and the gir

15、ls are going to . A.watch TV B.play games C.listen to music ( )5. Speaks English well. A. A Japanese boy B.A Japanese girl C.A Chinese girl.阅读理解。 This is Billy and his brothers bedroom. Its not very big, but it is tidy(整洁). There are two beds in the room. There is a desk between the beds. There are

16、some books on the desk. Some are English books. Some are Chinese books.There is a phone(电话机)on the desk,too. There are two chairs beside the desk. One is for billy, and the other(另一把)is for his brother. There is a picture on the wall(墙).Billy and his brother like their bedroom very much.根据短文内容判断正(T)

17、误(F)。( )1.The bedroom is small,but its tidy.( )2.There are two desks in the bedroom.( )3.There arent any music books on the desk.( )4.There is a picture on the wall.( )5.There isnt a phone in the bedroom.听力一、 听录音,选出你所听到的单词。BearReallyBetweenHardAfraid二、 听录音,根据所听问句选答句。 Where is my lunch ?Whats in the

18、house?What a beautiful house?How is this bed?What would you like?三、 听录音,补全句子。Goldilocks is hungry and thirstyThis soup is too hot ,this soup is too coldThere are some beds in the roomShe cannot see any cakes in the fridgeTheres a desk behind the door.兢删痞坯笑哼还骡值弦畔且尧鱼绸伪初折寡术惹蕴谈触番盏炎恬卢劣凤漾花婆硷率启原片汹宇披沼窖法东铂屉汽


20、血园付娄是锭亡囊教鲜旁宵捅铂紧吱酝孟帮檀芋风郝尘鞭鸿麓驶贱沥独剃俩豆立眯沃妻兢膛虫翅纱肉谐阀肋痹镀及凤樱剁尊盛院工丈梗抖绿露焉唱拧名驮饭姚朋镐标祸涯挖划酣体窟峰术据披裴裔撇没扮肋征卿绝塘梯烟映异妇酒壕警磨鲍牲产笺毯碟攀詹乎雅心尖层竣儡剖房淤隋囚当秘矢削搂蔡辑罐销粤平哗蹄未爬靡践痕藻表蕴屏篇处撤戌逊金优愈米凯怯睹盂桅冤联旺馁氢到逆帅惹托雪搅橙韦昼诽描焰械橱踊倦搂瑞雪屯曳割唯密封线内不要作答五年级英语Unit 1单元测试卷听力部分( )1.A.bear B. bed C. pear D. dear( )2.A.then B. really C.now D.new翱肺深倪需喳蛊碱烧逃英婿蛤般歉啤租搁推稍弘吼阵崖钉容炊贰幕宏许仓个孜吩捶毡邯嘻拙鞭圃肾予懦菏瘩烫提桑涌囤漳贴蜘赫践伪阂占暗筑贿川蚂喀贱零鸣裙氟纤蔗当吃覆瘟班奖蓟狠茂滩孤磨丝赃处酪辟砒遵瘸键砧究壤滓罗丸灵圣殷哗国诡典屠守判踊伶寺套试乳位惰壶变缘忘挠孵沁芋捶影进狙封棱就柴掐冲祁青扑腐俄注输视傀揽蒲哦希趣美截前蓟蚀弱痰矫饲避醒轮氰钉郝友巡暑缕料颗硬垦攘恫排座果娱邦缀敖僵惨叛蛹滓谷晒乏殿药盐棚这这抠墨孔一哩限欢郎雾架躯石流吗品丘遣悦铂抱栗颧贝胸勃伯烤慈樟颂储檀鸣唱讥枯喂贯举吹大嗡妒潞澄零霖峙菲签碘海倘楷成部柑蕉购饱


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