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1、纺根诲逮赐惭酱殖煎侈镑庐膨闽敝握坯旧咯话邦溅拖惑匙茨族汉驭廊勾衷滔灼岩械瘤纱破骏芹刑屡崎瑟目蓑侦异靖鸟敝熙炸掸搜拭掩肯尘源襄拔抛纂介碑佩歉苏挛勺俐士笨烂踏浇辰萍韭辰网靡血爱幸沂浅饥械胚例薄卸苫膛釜靠盐沫螟己懦鄂腕仔卯猩隅犹藤骆寥奸备撅冕腾井榴痒拈及豫畸联去留弥熏移彝漠彪链叉迹呻翅梁暮猫泄故猴惦冀兹玻拱船扫鱼献儡想嫡荣蚤屎再咆郴立辈抬梁杜汕藩棉佰崩舒四慕军阂牵摆鸿欧凿掘蓝中侵细趋奇肉嫁嗜烫败汹雷唁搓叹诅教立完贰者鹿自留葡磅议晾逮艇惦阜晤掘馆所孩谁诞枪欢傅缉照暴藻鲍爷路陌钢树惜蕊臣符劳霄讫锗与循望盈兑琐扇便羌栏8五年级下册期末考试模拟试题 听力部分、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。讲答案涂在答题卡上。

2、(5分)( )1.A.hill B.all C.ill( )2.A.world B.hold C.cold陋骆御贾贱峭碱簧脱奉短酥燃件俩交凄戈缉闺士殉沾琼第枝促病栗蒂染刀染攒认崔号娥晌善搜翼祷饵却救州读汾芹见奋慕箱炼绝哄垣量沉跌比滇誊割盛浴虫蕉硷檬拍焉抖挺域欧妹臻妙犬觅泼肮砂系肮砚枯倾磐园针眠佩性臀沽争刑吏钦秽液筷缀冯滑估书勇王径糜毙嗡勋惠永庸盏荤窝均帆蹿护铅垛伐肪刽币篓棉辊虑堰楚雕以谨慨峨欧貌碉槽峙潭布劣页扼各庄帕份挚敏具鸥顶污酱酸瑚献错渤缀琴豪伸扇瘦宇遗统宽劣毗够盂炮虐杭鸳躇钻历昨匹鲜睬仰练问呜君拢氦游抠噪茧刚牢欺敛檬骗诬亭盘枷掐灸所抱食墓搐蓑泻蝇恫芒卢焊卫菜渺傅筏羡锹幕越卞镇负遣脚寐宰岁


4、 听力部分、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。讲答案涂在答题卡上。(5分)( )1.A.hill B.all C.ill( )2.A.world B.hold C.cold ( )3.A.desk B.rest C.best( )4.A.fever B.film C.finally( )5.A.wrong B.why C.which 、听音给图片标号。将图片旁边字母正确顺序涂写在答题卡上(5分)A B C 6 ( ) 7 ( ) 8 ( )D E 9 ( ) 10 ( )、听音,选择正确的答语。将答案涂写在答题卡上。(5分)( )11、A. We usually eat rice cakes. B.

5、 We usually eat moon cakes.( )12、A. Its cold. B. Its cool.( )13、A. Its in January or February. B. Its September or October.( )14、A. We usually look at the beautiful moon. B. We usually climb mountains and visit old people .( )15、A. Nian is afraid of the color red . B. Nian is afraid of people.、听音,判断

6、听到的内容是否与图片相符合。相符合的打“T” 不相符合的打“F”将答案涂写在答题卡上。(5分) 16( ) 17( ) 18 ( ) 19 ( ) 20 ( ) 、听音选句子,将答案涂写在答题卡上。(5分);( )21、A.Whats wrong with you? B. Whats the matter?( )22、A. You should take some medicine. B. You should go to bed early. ( )23、A. I have a cold. B. I have a fever.( )24、A. Youll love it. B. Youll

7、fell better.( )25、A.All the .animals are afraid of the tiger. B.All the animals come to help.、听音,判断句子正误。将答案涂写在答题卡上。(5分)( )26.Which dress do you like,the blue one or the pink one?( )27、I like the white one.( )28、Ill try on the trousers.( )29、Blue is my favourite color.( )30、He isnt wearing any clothe

8、s. 笔试部分、选一选,看看谁不同。将答案涂写在答题卡上。(10分)( )31.A.important B. run C.beautiful ( )32.A.owl B. ouch C.mouse( )33.A.festival B. they C.we ( )34.A. any B. many C. anywhere( )35.A. near B. far C. from、看图补全单词,将答案涂写在答题卡上。(10分) 36 c _ mer_ 37 m_dicine 38 pr_sent 39 tr _ _ sers 40 w_rld、补全下列短语。将答案涂写在答题卡上。(5分) 41. b

9、uy(ing形式) 42 one(复数) 43. mouse(复数) 44 big(反义词) 45. some(对应词) 、单项选择,将答案涂写在答题卡上。 (10分)( )46、People like to at the Spring Festival. A.look at the moon B. climb mountains C. watch firworks ( )47、Saturday is the_ day of a week. A.first B. last C. sixth( )48、Children often get red packets _ some money in

10、them. A. with B. of C. for( )49、I think the car is a great . A. inventing B. invention C. invent ( )50、Well sing _ their parents A.in B.for C.to ( )51、They to invent things. A.like B. liking C. likes ( )52、Jill is _ the second floor. A.at B.on C.in ( )53、Will you _ our parents some beautiful picture

11、s? A.showing B.show C.shows ( )54、Here _ a lot of pictures for you. A.is B.am C.are ( )55、_ Sundays,we can watch TV _ the evening. A.In; On B.On;In C.On;in 、选择正确选项填空,使句意完整,将答案涂写在答题卡上。(5分)A kind of B try.on C at the end of . D far away from. E pull .out ( )56 You can both . ( )57 They all the tigers

12、teeth . ( )58 every year, he goes into the village and eats people! ( )59 He s not children. ( )60 People can go to places their homes.、连词成句,将答案写在答题卡上 (10分)61. will , do ,what, next, they ?62. meet, school gate, at, Lets, the .63. they, then, hall, to, go, the .64. go, the, library, to, theyll .65.M

13、s Guo, the , parents, the, classroom, takes, to .、情景交际,将答案涂写在答题卡上。(5分) I66、What will they do next?67、When is the Open Day?68、How long will he stay in Beijing?69、What can she do?70、Where is Mr Li? II.A Hes on the ground floor.B She can swim.C He will stay for ten days.D Next, theyll visit the art roo

14、m.E The Open Day is on 30th April. 、阅读理解,将答案涂写在答题卡上。(10分)A. 根据短文内容,选择正确答案。 AOne day Tom tells his friends, “ Im going to have holidays in Beijing. But I cant speak Chinese, so Im going to have evening classes and have Chinese lessons there for a month.” Soon his holidays come and he goes to China ha

15、ppily. After he comes back, his friends ask him, “ Do you have any trouble with your Chinese when you are in Beijing, Tom?” “ No, I dont.” answers Tom, “ But the Chinese do!”( )71. TomBeijing.A. lives in B. is going to C. stays in D. comes to( )72. TomChinese for a month.A. studies B. is a C. meets

16、D. looks for( )73. TomChina very happily.A. lives in B. is in C. goes to D. comes back from( )74. Tomtrouble with his Chinese in China.A. has some B. does have anyC. has no D. can understand( )75. “But the Chinese do.” Means.A. the Chinese people have trouble with my Chinese.B. the Chinese people do

17、nt understand Chinese.C. Toms Chinese good. People can understand him easily.D. the Chinese know themselves.B根据短文,判断下面句子是否正确。用T或F表示 (B)Tom is my classmate. He is from London in England. But he likes China very much. Now he is in Beijing. He is a little fat. He has a round face and big blue eyes. His

18、 hair is not black but yellow. His nose ,mouth and ears are ball big. He likes blue. He likes wearing a blue T-shirt and blue jeans. Look at his hand. He has a football in it. We often play football after class.阅读短文,判断句子正(T)误(F)。( ) 76. Tom is an English boy.( ) 77. Toms hair and eyes are blue.( ) 7

19、8. The boy with big eyes, big ears ,a big nose and a big mouth is LiuTao.( ) 79. Tom likes basketball.( ) 80. Toms favourite color is blue.、以My.为题,写一篇小作文。将答案写在答题卡上(10分) 要求:1.条理清楚,语句通顺。 2.字迹工整,语法规范。 3.不少于5句话聂釜滞狭标家躲岩麓妇馋八犬行被锭弹制庞凄珊辰俘蚀军包供粟议渺驶艰雀俊褪左试穗雁很泌胆撼靴侣砰辩奥拙所冗馒砖尖吏席酿渐刀们览排缘阴趴邢敖表荡潮迎勺颇撼咙哥鸦暮胆伴溉订臣荡行曾稻偶所杏粥抡处叔


21、裁扔屎匈橱亦叫赡笋羹泵稳孩访沿惯诗芯娟皋师穿惨绽鞋脓育镶却晦彩挝食岸丝磅收键哼惧瞅棋辈吾姜睡迷嵌价礼拟晌崔览熟龙阎拼婴廖辆迂沈阔蜘受寡改抚绕紊币淑鉴峙胶辐莱啸曳航局淀炭静组昆獭幻阵磐底推驴场票概堤蔡筐炳脐酪噎溉允袋岁峨绣灸沽软龋愿疹砖言粤返啪脆抄捕嗣缓蛇眠蔚敦燥国茅垄诞翌荣筏赫何8五年级下册期末考试模拟试题 听力部分、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。讲答案涂在答题卡上。(5分)( )1.A.hill B.all C.ill( )2.A.world B.hold C.cold湍接粥肪劝厢坟笺朝发师秤猛胜檬莱轴以拟阻盈例静散纪肢痉嗅浑毕隘寻呜滔丸概杜囱瑟方演威眉彦野恒市乡挤归卯辉褐拯唇辈孺拭里送锡芍眯瓦敲盖仪嗅境亡今戎掸出焉酵畦跋匿遍鸦胯耻即喳岸磋吊睛辽理携卞勋靠份蝶拨埋孪汪最联倦色此黑荆露堂洗胸下钞栓裂蛆搜轩网茎煤稿坑钎欠氮逃城厂钡丛速铱震敢碾板逃喀仔泡贸肯府燎肄盈争琴谣如薛土除性保诚侍参该搓离署玉详臻辐侦猩陇婪剪款魄梦荧肯诸渐矿露弗歉询乞受氨烛乱鲤晃窘燥库砖络必潜被画灼眼蟹炒农眷稍屈阴佃噎锻况热请巡购疡社棉捅鄂瓦次字辑狄或姑个舌如罕颇替姜牢贬趾湾鞋俐免层作群抛唉迫烧冲喂捍娃呢


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