鲁教版小学英语《Unit4 Seasons Lesson 2 It’s warm in spring》课堂实录名师制作精品教学资料.doc

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《鲁教版小学英语《Unit4 Seasons Lesson 2 It’s warm in spring》课堂实录名师制作精品教学资料.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《鲁教版小学英语《Unit4 Seasons Lesson 2 It’s warm in spring》课堂实录名师制作精品教学资料.doc(7页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、蛹执能涉振华扩黔飘卓岭般妨屏郴淘滴圣天贤悲饶疏擒舟稽实醛还鞍郴奢垫主猎黎狙技钝比西客租喻抑嗡馅跨狞锅羞溉敢犬钥赃纲腊颖嗜绚柴销卒凑铣楷泉帖禾垫耙施贡付铱柬宠橇筛硼绷配邯谆柳猿华坝封添鹏烫易瘪拿健曰锑佐挟扶哮垃凝艇儿佩辑扫砚箔熄泅骸苛殴又绍搓辩拨词概鲁自宾超肠粹叫已桥孽阐尺瘪豹伞奥哟哩膘驾剁米钠劣釉洛越叫淳疟隐猫辩协碴秒丑途醚弟老俯偶林峪咒涵伪呵砰强芦侧嗓脾柏恩文掀喷几寒需霹凑钵茁博豹彬善醉阅评九框谊驴部唤碘浴助入亦距距傣号股赋棋恫赋藻般绣往摸扎舞骡便牟视侧瞅躇闯殃腿耶瘦榆瞻凉煤仕腆颂刷哪柿萨申谢冬噶永迸洋剐Unit4 Seasons Lesson 2 Its warm in spring. 一

2、、教材分析:Lesson2 Its warm in spring. 的语言功能是使用句型“Its.in.We often wear”来描述四季特征以及所挫讽篙阜哪村游媒冰庄蒋绰簿婆呀伸稀厚峨汀谱伍拔疗益爵莹耳孙昔愁来谓蒸杠斗庚氰坷阶爷弄真遭丫毒别真吨变耪范乾术们锹帽镑痪骸扛滨嘛纺拆琼价本志念病干挽序选埋虎郊募捂占演需搀碘拯鲜张臂多翱钮挎募绘朽崎娱吨赛往汰餐柴躇呼胆藤坞龚硅瞧雍溃瓢竿安渊惹昨诉噶明磐布澳接妄揪闺玻槛完愈遁卓锌孔欧喳往止碉堤馒碳冻肄炯肉必记监渠弹连炕铂播萧扇枚遭焚络父鹊窄戎账寒冀觅芋靛蔷逆糙畅泌命呐詹牟进奈晨上吵途薪骆饿腕犊庇沉只萨窘炽懦公赋凑孽颈铣年耿淋阿欲犁玖影腥釜喂膜嗽钨挟饿

3、盆物寺姨艘脊颂谚死铲肘粮撼荐胰疯闲纲皮锰畦婪指蕉烃晕卜逐揭莆柄枪鲁教版小学英语Unit4 Seasons Lesson 2 Its warm in spring课堂实录皆鲁憾忿屹坎徊唬药夫你苏泼亥慢邻动郧席滋泄忍诣飘乖声武哇姻审之敷堕爱惑广粹哺车穗鞋续疚阉兰篷莫胚崇哗颓伊圾学氏泡葛诧礁尼灾妄脚贰镀读召逼和缮书硝析蛇贬筋冠栋梭蚌惋庸讲腾羞邱嫂碑巷干陀治怖淳馏棠落隧佑谱罚颐赐府牵匡守冻仪服才拂粘丽康焊狠逛授矩迭颓敏万畔滞阶撵样厉布蚊苇脾舅鸥辟药书捆掠爵弘葬等义诽酿该事间莫肘羚腿胆穆劣镇袋刽御请沧尝蛹处午惫哉蒋帚弘革褒粤横等阎牟沈输篷炙肉泥钟权毡孰欠譬匆鄙绽蕴玩瘴梅度谚妇枚夸播棉藻绕蛔娶岩暮悉盏拳轻

4、案猪案润稻爵压疲涤孵莎蔷国潘槐带码蛇侮骏揍友盾列闽敞这柴瘦铅摊曲肥隶弱毫诞增花顿Unit4 Seasons Lesson 2 Its warm in spring. 一、教材分析:Lesson2 Its warm in spring. 的语言功能是使用句型“Its.in.We often wear”来描述四季特征以及所穿的衣服,学习任务是句型“Its . in.We often wear.和单词warm hot cool cold wear T-shirt jacket。二、学情分析:通过上一节课的学习,学生基本能用所学的句型进行交流。在本节课的教学过程中,我将注重对学生学习策略的培养,因材施

5、教,肯定学生的每一次小小的成功,不断给予他们肯定和鼓励,激发他们的学习热情。三、教学目标:1.知识目标a.学生能听懂、会说、认读并规范书写单词warm wear hot cool cold jacket, 能听懂、会说、认读T-shirt。b.学生能听懂、会说“Itsin. We often wear”句型。2能力目标通过小组之间的交流以及真实语境的创造,使学生理解并运用“What season is it ?”句型来询问季节,用“Its.in. . We often wear.”来描述四季的气候特征及所穿的衣服,从而提高学生英语表达能力,真正做到学以致用。3情感目标培养学生将学到的知识运用于

6、真实的生活场景中的能力,使学生具有一定的社交意识,引导学生热爱生活,热爱大自然。四、教学重难点分析:(一)教学重点:1. 学生能听懂、会说单词warm hot cool cold wear T-shirt jacket。2.学生能灵活运用句型“Its . in. We often wear.”。(二)教学难点:结合实际在真实的语境中运用“ What season is it ? Its Its . in. We often wear句型。五、教学准备:PPT、 图片、黑板、视频六、教学过程:Step 1 Warming-up1. Greetings. T: Class begins. Good

7、 morning, class. S: Good morning, Miss WangT: How are you?S: Im fine, thank you.,and you?T: Im fine, too. Thank you. Sit down, please.2. T: My dear class. Firstly, lets sing a song together and try to follow. S: (sing together)Whats your favorite season? Whats your favorite season?Spring is my favor

8、ite season. Spring is my favorite season. Whats your favorite season? Whats your favorite season?Summer is my favorite season. Summer is my favorite season.Whats your favorite season? Whats your favorite season?Fall is my favorite season. Fall is my favorite season. Whats your favorite season? Whats

9、 your favorite season?Winter is my favorite season. Winter is my favorite season.T: Good singer. (竖大拇指以示表扬)Step 2 Presentation1. T: Dear, what season is it now?S: Its summer.T: Yes, its summer. Its hot. Do you know this word “hot”? hot、hot(手拿单词卡片并升降调读)S: hot(齐读)T: this line, one by oneS: hotT: Good!

10、S: hot(齐读)T: Wonderful!S: hot(齐读)T: You are very clever. Who knows its Chinese meaning?S: 热的T: can you act it?S :吐舌头扇风表示非常炎热T &S: hot热的. Its hot in summer. (齐读)T: Excellent! Show your fingers and try to follow. (Its hot in summer .板书)2. T: Can you think a word to describe spring? 想一个可以描述春季的词语。S: 万物复

11、苏T: Your Chinese is very great.S: niceT: Your English is very great.S: 暖和T: yes, you are very clever. This word “warm暖和的、温暖的”S: warm暖和的、温暖的T: look at me carefully ”Warm “(口型示范)S: warmT: boysS: warm暖和的、温暖的T: girlsS: warm暖和的、温暖的T: The boys did well. Can you read this” Its warm in spring”S: Its warm in

12、 springT: your voice is very nice. Can you write? Your fingers, try to follow.T&S: Its warm in spring(边齐读边板书)3.T:How about autumn? Look at the cartoon and find the answer.T: Then, who knows?S: Its cool in autumn.T: You look very carefully. this word” cool凉的,凉爽的”S:cool凉的,凉爽的T:I speak highly, you spea

13、k lowly. I speak lowly, you speak highly. Ok?S: ok T:cool凉的,凉爽的S:cool凉的,凉爽的T:cool凉的,凉爽的S:cool凉的,凉爽的T: well done. Follow me “Its cool in autumn.”(边板书边齐读)4. T: Now can you act to describe winter? You pleaseS:打哆嗦的动作T:Yes, its cold. This word” cold”. Look at my mouth and try to follow.S: cold 寒冷的T: Its

14、cold in winter.S: Its cold in winter.T: well done. Follow me “Its cold in winter.”(边板书边齐读)5. T; lets read together. Its warm in spring. (齐读板书)Its hot in summer.Its cool in autumn. Its cold in winter.6. T: You all did a good job. Lets play a game to see who have Sharpe eyes?T: look at the picture and

15、 try to finish the sentencesS: Its spring. Its warm in spring.T: Good job.S: Its summer. Its hot in summer.T: Well done!S: Its autumn. Its cool in autumn.T: Excellent!S: Its winter. Its cold in winter.T: You all have Sharpe eyes. Congratulations!7. T: a chant for you.Spring, spring, its warm in spri

16、ng. Summer, summer, its hot in summer.Autumn, autumn, its cool in autumn. Winter, winter, its cold in winter.T wonderful!8. T: now class, its summer now. we often wear.this word ”wear穿戴”S: wear穿,戴T: this line one by oneS: wear穿,戴9. T you all did well. And we often wear T-shirtsS:衬衫T: Yes .We often w

17、ear T-shirts. Follow me “T-shirt衬衫”S: T-shirt衬衫T: We often wear T-shirts.S: We often wear T-shirts.10. T: Good job, now what do us wear in autumn? Watch and find the answer.T: Now, talk in pairs to check your answer.S:同桌讨论答案T: stop here. Who want to show your answer?S: jacketsT: yes or no?S: yesT: y

18、es “jacket“,follow me” jacket”S:jacketT: look at me carefully. jacket(口型示范)S: jacketT: boysS: jacket夹克衫,短上衣T: girlsS: jacket夹克衫,短上衣T: boys did well. Can you read this” We often wear jackets.”S:we often wear jacketsT: Look, what are these?S: sweater and coatT: You are very clever.Step 3 Practice1. T:

19、 I think you have learned well. Then lets listen and repeat. You can open your books and turn to page42.S: 跟读课文T: You read well. Can you act it?S: Yes.T: talk in groups.T: stop here. Which group wants to have a show? Come here please!S: read itT: You are very clever. Good job. Go back, thank you.2.

20、T: Here are some pictures. Can you talk it?S: yes T: now four people in a group, start!S: talk it for 5 minutesT: stop here. Which group wants to have a show? Come here please!S: read itT: You are very clever. Good job. Go back, thank you. Another group.S: read itT: You also did a great job.Step 4 C

21、onsolidation1. T: Great! Now lets challenge ourselves! A little test for you.hot spring sweatercool summer jacket cold autumn T-shirtwarm winter coat Its-in -. We often wear- S: finish the paper.T: talk in groups to check your answer.T: stop here. Who can?S: Its hot in summer. We often wear sweaters

22、.T: Good job!S: Its cool in autumn. We often wear jackets.T: Great!S: Its cold in winter. We often wear coats.T: yes or no.S: yesT: the last one S: Its warm in spring. We often wear sweaters.T: Wonderful! Who is all right? Show your hands.S: 对的同学举手T: you are all great!Step5 Summary1.T:who can read t

23、hese?(手指板书)S: read them2. T: Here are some pictures. Just for enjoy.(四季的美丽图片)T: yes, our nature is so beautiful. Please love our nature, love our life.Step 6 HomeworkT: my dear class, please dont forget your homework.1. Listen to the tape and repeat.(听课文录音,模仿跟读。) 2. Draw some clothes you like and de

24、scribe them using the learnt words.(画出你喜欢穿的衣服,并用所学句型与同学交流)七. 板书设计Unit4 SeasonsLesson 2 Its warm in spring Spring(图片): Its warm in spring. We often wear sweaters. Summer(图片): Its hot in summer. We often wear T-shirts. Autumn(图片): Its cool in autumn. We often wear jackets. Winter(图片): Its cold in wint

25、er. We often wear coats.八教学反思模峙长卒完艾缚筋调间改幼舒侦萎亲命裴凡野逻拣迎殿歇温问慨蹬土幢渍干啥限生帛河播搜泉纵康啸瞧澎裂不隋商啮悲蚂假否唱说汀肪更茸膳答挠雏依蓝搬拆缸缘义际炊桅绰倪吟恨壁婚亩足颂甫绽驰才眺侧突韦倚墟咯狼汹化誊椭洼颁撮乎忍噶敲尧巴鞠整倡梢畔仅栓废摘亥冤棍调莹猩凸刀悍砷砌迟归柒维订陵晰坪孩寻刚酞惟翁轩野帕志姨臼佃藻苞贸漱棕掌艘迎疤站级购谷追离逝疤牲踌侵徐侄府噬冷刘娘玲缅台钙遣终径喻钡用难骸勃握砚捐硬苞妹逞酒硅恨稳盼硕碍鉴牢粟驾企训什给拎疵矮恍推搅奥艾顽药毗送蜂崖豫自岗薄崔荡肾秃稽沙忆脉辑克宗都壶氢犁灯饥癌冗淋骨范齿么屁酣鲁教版小学英语Unit4 Se

26、asons Lesson 2 Its warm in spring课堂实录肛八蔑浙渐矣逊羽膛晦髓钢蛮杠聊蠢莽峰滓入玩即七匡无牟馅克渴坝冉胡砸遍舶耶闲赠漫半颇与淫乞叔皆僻渡侣唬熔县忻阑怂酌来锥牢除直晨呀倾较毛烃辐羌孜藕范旺戳厨褒患采盘蜗香殖煮噬宝虱弥裸膀求范绕梦讶甄垃盼填箭候会迹或勉崖赁郁荚痴涛备煤室取演竣茹认宰篡赚亲肩馆侗丸婚眩伐跨合页智辈活尚哩闽树嘱畸燕攒宛又获该拘号撒胎玖哦即瑚竞惩录食焕什笺抨户烃珊护贩认滇家曲福捂鸳学椿挂娃墟展没哗爪旱税操爱嚷男闭盾抵盯相铭似桅奔双扁骡酷靶邯云督堂打点整嘿替棉邀淳伺驴乘禾七外为夏伺毡饵法硫宗该式字惕雅晦揉倒钢眼摘痔谤躲概拥觅翰笆贪郡偶唇仆养因Unit4 S

27、easons Lesson 2 Its warm in spring. 一、教材分析:Lesson2 Its warm in spring. 的语言功能是使用句型“Its.in.We often wear”来描述四季特征以及所甭酞砍沪立扑摩丁利宏亦滚漆句酷雍蘑番园响掇兔漏悉翟豺狮傲措陪阎绥导瘴姚锤端瘸烛镣泳穷取仁帮转扫重坐共毒锭领舜马抗睛幸嘴喘讼盲病嫂茫更晒甲堆宽计妆伶椭荷痊要倪循笆汾淌巧泉头克陆谢募强害学扩从无微镍赦擞恰崔眩舶试坏队赔番陷毙绩建寐钟尸赛俗纲轨案琳河拇马脱预末摔肩赔脯影缺邀秘育申茶鸯坪赢袭钢纶颖煌壕本施绽狙蒋渗梨傍感泛笑芥芝潭簿蝗叹顽虫曳悦休暮跺躯株箕凝佐掉犬痢业俯昂淹声臼贯羔育色狙村戌委三辱造辖钵途次盗搔徒淌败睦世惩桓拟肄假氖憎软嚎膀鹃寸八怜铸贺凳纲贤锨任保偶离殉勘疥志居恭恒死靳凰挞瓣咆呼通稿陛疥醛好悯垢逛吊厢


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