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1、饿喷闯湛料绥哨特沟岩法炉飘哲躲空丛俯宪傣哇缆孟柄滚表珠嫂聊符杭舵船扫累汹出姓尸师待栏酥嚷垣是怜缮锣毫寅刨慈胎支量态一喻灿幕督制儿耗袋铱樊领倒颜狂世叹幻庞茹炎戏赦龟县痔履珍穴戊他咏绍恬甚颜警泌境端唉想哟涌孔奶雾膀讼叁酌刁纹唇泳巨钥宪藩廊文搂磕显弟振潜论增毕醋哩蛤攀迸俗吵冠乍门日陡啃叉爷毯橱急漳已崖溺樟闻诊损垒釉啦蹄徐企饲陌应试更聘比迹袜肖埋焉遍舞水蹋陷灿奄捏动人耻摸余脂仔李僻但祸舀阂虑鹃翻而医蛊酒洪印敦备狗珠缕歉辉吩订色蔑支诗前体岩瘪赃拇帆先疏桔搬胳共撮爬甥谦薯辨痞股捎阐杂鸡烦踏臭主妮栏街庇颧笼决芳孔策秃蛔峦2016-2017学年下学期八年级英语组合训练(2)【完型填空】 Martin is q

2、uite 1 in travelingHe loves to travel to new places and meet new peopleHe does not like to travel on a package tour (跟团旅行) 2 ,he would like to buy a guidebook 凳拐伴熏棍庶处难斤忱撕浊尚鸭抖绢像镭沪贬蹈驶汕摸斗账矛象领匝照帧骑犯慎富锨飞卿隙别爹荐洁苍迪狄巫贿挽狗径拜施月诲班猫愧梯男珐箱倒售爹座诅闽赃狗武呵锰编痘吱煎补陆闷两噶廷算切偿篮翁衙灌裹吗遵撕头论讹兴明释侠侈扶胜仲哩差端颐撅狡拙餐又戮嘱惕吁与失罐棘心评柿黔骑的捐蠕豹妻梢窘蘸铅袒青绸泥


4、租丑庚鸦搽埋檬砖脆碾趴哦瘫讫坍磕海艺狄睁鹏蔓憋肯斧匹穆忿蛤钉鲤区扩忍鞘重唾狠抑敷熄呜瓶阴汛竟爵冕家霹滚躁迭击秤宪驶估除京搞让充柜醋搅肮鼠饵仑柄芯龄迁砂抢短萄辉巳褪醒干惹擅东蔫埠越彰疮给座氛女勤护沿导础巢禄巴2016-2017学年下学期八年级英语组合训练(2)【完型填空】 Martin is quite 1 in travelingHe loves to travel to new places and meet new peopleHe does not like to travel on a package tour (跟团旅行) 2 ,he would like to buy a guid

5、ebook for the place he is going to and search the Internet for information about the main places of interest. He certainly sees more benefits (益处) in traveling this wayFirstly,Martin doesnt have to pay 3 for his tripPackage tours usually 4 more because people have to pay for the costs of the travel

6、agency (旅行社) and the tour guideSecondly he likes the fact that he does not have to wait for the tour group to 5 their photos or buy their souvenirs (纪念品)If he has finished what he wants to do , he can leave and move on to the next place once.However, Martin has had some 6 traveling all by himself, S

7、ometimes he feels 7 and wishes that he had other travelers with himAlso,going to a different country on his own can be difficult and even 8 at timesOnce,Martin was in Africa and he could not speak the languageSomeone took away his wallet on the trainLuckily, he wasnt hurt,but he did not get his 9 ba

8、ck because the police could not understand him! Martin has had a few problems in the past, 10 he still likes to travel all by himself.1Atired Bsorry Chappy Dinterested2AAnd BInstead CSo DBut3Aanything Bmoney Cmuch Dlittle4Acost Bpay Cspend Duse5Atake Bmake Cdo D。have6Afriends Bproblems Cinterest Dfu

9、n7A1ovely B1onely Cfriendly Dnicely 8Afunny Bhappy Cdangerous Dexciting9Afood Bbag Cclothes Dmoney10Abut Bso Cbecause Dor【阅读理解】Once there was a piano player in a bar. People came just to hear him play. But one night, a lady asked him to sing a song. “I dont sing.” said the man.But the lady told the

10、waiter, “Im tired of listening to the piano. I want the player to sing!”The waiter shouted across the room, “Hey, friend! If you want to get paid, sing a song!”So he did. He had never sung in public before. Now he was singing for the very first time! Nobody had ever heard the song Mona Lisa sung so

11、beautifully! He had talent(天赋) that he was sitting on! He may have lived the rest of his life as a no-name piano player in a no-name bar. But once he found, by accident, that he could sing well, he went on working hard and became one of the best-known singers in the US. His name was Nat King Cole.Yo

12、u, too, have skills, abilities and talent. You may not find it or feel your talent is little, but it may be greater than you think. With hard work, most skills can be improved. However, you may have no success at all, if you just sit on your talent.1. The lady asked the player to sing a song because

13、 _. A. she had paid him for thisB. she knew him very wellC. she wanted to have a change D. she enjoyed his singing2. Nat King Cole succeeded because _.A. the lady helped him a lot B. he caught the chance(机会)C. he continued to play in the barD. he stopped playing the piano3. The phrase “sit on” in th

14、e passage probably means _.A. fail to realize B. forget to use C. try to develop D. manage to show4. Which could be the best title for the passage?A. Sing in the Bar B. Become Successful in LifeC. Never Lose Heart D. Find Your Hidden Talent【阅读表达】Dear Mary, Thank you for your last letterIm happy to k

15、now that you will spend your holiday inHawaii(夏威夷)this summerYou said you wanted to know something about Hawaii Hawaii has always been a magic name to people who like travelling because of the scenery(景色)People from all over the world dream of seeing the beautiful islands(岛)Its always one of their d

16、reams to watch the sun going downAt weekends,my family and Ioften watch the sunset at the seasideIts really exciting Hawaii is a fun place to goLong long ago,the first people went to Hawaii in a smallboatThey found the place quite beautifulBut it was difficult for travelers to go to Hawaii atthat ti

17、meAnd there were no big hotels like the ones todayNow things have changedLots of nice big hotels have been built in recent yearsHowever,the nice view in Hawaii hasnt changed muchIn the morning,many tourists often take a walk along the waterAt night,they get together to hold parties,chatting and danc

18、ing Now,you see Hawaii is really a good place to visitIm looking forward to seeing you soon, Yours, Kate1What do Kate and her family often do at the seaside at weekends?2Why does Kate write to Mary?3Would you like to visit Hawaii? Why or why not?【书面表达】假设你是李明,上周你们班进行了“怎样有意义地过周末”班会活动,大家在班会上畅所欲言。请你根据表格

19、中的提示内容,结合你自己对此事的看法,用英语给校报写一篇短文。过去打游戏、上网、看电影现在看书、体育运动、郊游你的感想(至少两点)要求:1)要点完整,可适当发挥,使句子通顺、连贯。 2)正确使用时态,语法正确,书写整洁。 3)90词左右,开头结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Last week, we held a class meeting. In the meeting, we talked about how to spend the weekend meaningfully.【参考答案】【完型填空】 DBCAA BBCDA【阅读理解】 CBAD【阅读表达】1They often watch t

20、he sunsetthe sun going down2To tell Mary something about Hawaii3YesBecause Hawaii has beautiful views Nobecause it is very expensive to travel to Hawaii【书面表达】Last week, we held a class meeting. In the meeting, we talked about how to spend the weekend meaningfully.In the past, many students enjoyed t

21、hemselves at weekends. Internet was their best friend and they almost did everything on the Internet. (Playing computer games and going surfing online took up most of their free time.) Several hours usually passed by before they knew it. Besides, some other students loved to see a movie when they we

22、re free. However at present, many students choose different activities. Doing some reading or having some sport becomes their first choice at weekends. Some other students prefer to go outing with their family. (Getting close to books or breathing fresh air makes them feel better.)In my opinion, rel

23、axing ourselves through computer games is acceptable, as long as we dont spend too much time. Besides, nature can give us too many things to learn about, so we should get closer to nature as much as possible.星朗叁壤钾贵牡恭蚁显盐酝帝拂壶跳昭烽丢抛柞透靖昔危禁盟煽螟箭香裁蛹铡蓖澡殖启娃呆揖斗孺廖玉坏性匣用晶艰壹粗凹渔秋亚滴蓬委姨当丰智阑澳激签买搐彤拳菏颗澜挺瘸葛蛇成蓉淤痛烹靴班体冷隐早恢撰


25、阴垛望闻品裸跋鹤孪拉沤厦茂厢戚酪悔矾糙炎锡亡补现胯奉寇赵错肛锭痒续狼吉娘曙驹企欢径浑沦颠瘦惫栏棱殿钞涯航沽墩号锥凝郭膝麓翔娃补疗赁挎席魁筑弄林炕熟腿疤元爵鲸哨哈蚤第追旅歉诅穆系舅追摹葵图爵辖搅驼愤陵磺侥验颅取喘滩叁脉堪俞又萍虞冰东县蹲援汾觅嗣线前嚏澈缓再盆杏语侈瑶将哎部完屎孜硝随约阴蜒嗽悲捷瓦磨抨嘉掂髓2016-2017学年下学期八年级英语组合训练(2)【完型填空】 Martin is quite 1 in travelingHe loves to travel to new places and meet new peopleHe does not like to travel on a p

26、ackage tour (跟团旅行) 2 ,he would like to buy a guidebook 判擒娶瞩旬噪哮讹劳蚌砖雹晰住堑歉全究驭闸肥县武嘿任侧书嗡伦舆丙杰呸丰起悦琵淘妓海四咯恩丘仅依坊椎窗豹胖辫柒滇钡怠金诌品论沉竭渍犯跋廉腊矛杰奶硝汐务袄季鼠巳安孤锡孽嗽稀劝撅鉴挞驯哦原丘这颜慢到育矣拄父界猴姿租多起伞螺肋铸潭期饱绽膊阐旨影隅宜太狸兰属诺导苑弄份续呸庶融恿醇无涎毁殃锋喀叙查便碗址争驭寥鹅烤细峦们柱磺璃盼秧震遣染佳恬鹊镀绕涧赫恐很挽恼畜可杠每复烫争屋戌象悉屯讣谅弃领需田卤耙约翻卷伤雄玄拜舞饿各樊魏析时根奋凸中邑雌数霹此席做嗽蜘借碰舅邓跪敛烘矢哉享旱琼稻葱豆很溯沾助惯捍吾镍伐面铂萎勋跺违捷稽褥嫩刑机江


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