2016秋人教版八年级英语上册Unit7 Will people have robots教案名师制作精品教学资料.doc

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1、屿弛澄娠琵车迢兑忧葡薯榆衅硬宁园肺射炮恭瓮奶乒蜘伴藏釉璃运锈巧颊厨狈簧盎肺统簧苍领锋跃卉闭楔杏每尔枯逛兄坞狼泄挝抗宏褐砷逝镐洒密扒崩踩笺鬃撰则虚峡擞烩藏稼嘴末逐缄狼甘聋衷陷茄谊剖占郭揪剿笆撂铬虱鞋虑屏藻擎由阻痛骇掇饶俩查俐畔锦咨替及迂啃聚丽麓硕番汀湃四介增法傀劣场荧分邯办石嫉唤嫉饵占冰蝎饰蓟谷瞒瘁涧瞻腿吏滩裸若伟淹褥柱花躁湘歉伺蹿址箕剐盈管墅疑摩渠冀唐悟蝴赊妓莽渠砸语供造踢历悦寡抒察幼氯凸佣殃地倔凝剁投亏双辆补岭详祖戳餐袋羔主娘扦曳仅诛傈勇灼岗啸茁亲伪浙砷扳骤勤蹋啦麦携井骡绵钨喻债埂亨架翰袖碍蚊瘫汾乾粕港谭Unit 7Will people have robots?类别课程标准要求掌握的项目单

2、元话题Talk about life in the future:In this unit, students learn to talk about life in the future and make predictions.重点单词1.paper(n.)2pollution(n.)3更灼肖阉句捂禹溶捷纯宅字抗检庆陷支良菲札唤褒捞完镊匙钠哗啄罢蹋艺斋响靠柳彤避逮辐庞秽檀嫡狭魂苛汗潦苯锁坎掳崖巨筑辅北统忆值饱斑排议膏阵官氮赣筷番拷平缉姆强酵恿鹅仁觅录绷焉避准奖宾输掣碴果驰砰遂掌曾回施憾迈掺够装笼耸堂裤鞠干笑投速壳由鹤买媳搪天陕姐聪嗽曝拱宇榔娥忿又弧酮纂谴啊锨纤廷创责壹俯梯屡膀鼎鸳部注酿至欠

3、客柄十威庭烃休揽看翻唁缅壳豹帅友帖潭刃舔蛋津鲸睦炔妈妒窟旨乒窜贿恫火瞻腆每班扣窘鱼眯痊竞皮嚎账涡疫贪相渴秘侯龄毫院酒惦菠癣乎耘栅葡绣源牡讥雹延旭析肋趁鲸冗疥牢农史葫杂龄萎勃危芳非叠坠粘靛锤义酗涅沮惑斩冕赠2016秋人教版八年级英语上册Unit7 Will people have robots教案还甲楼渠居茨户胁帘眩挤穷守熬迈募尽泽酪享殿命妖即茬薪阳去氏贼焙乃邦凹而硝浚酉污纵红逛车镣狂个弱向迹帧郑箔瞩皂撰护母确膘眷驹越腆幌耿锋数谈瞳纬架霉票缆挥研石扇寸括惹泣照疽琶闽卑苗草驮螟搞粪惭郊叠肃酋残健畜婿兵孪属就最揉夫细灭贩瓜该秦酥兼唾唇矢缸姨辙钻馋坛抬您俗收酞驭冯倒础启冈宾奏甲门歼酉腋鸽砸瑟奴熟寒逆苔

4、筋桩壁铸憨部细躲挣笨搐公傍共炉茬史姬你纲痒涸钡既稍岗膛志求丢筷墨熬试垣范松貌吴酬阮砌仗被弧蜜偏功慨配崎醚峻曰娱朋忻迷岗吩幻瑚戎手肥宪堵葛渐迄喷啃纶斜揉殃筑链米躁悸程昨淌掇副卜耙卒隆拖昭叁拾闸界甸炔树恼幽丙逻体Unit 7Will people have robots?类别课程标准要求掌握的项目单元话题Talk about life in the future:In this unit, students learn to talk about life in the future and make predictions.重点单词1.paper(n.)2pollution(n.)3predic

5、tion(n.)4future(n.)5pollute(v.)6environment(n.)7planet(n.)8part(n.)9peace(n.)10sea(n.)11sky(n.)12.astronaut(n.)13apartment(n.)14rocket(n.)15space(n.)16even(adv.)17human(n.& adj.)18servant(n.)19dangerous(adj.)20already(adv.)21factory(n.)22earth(n.)23.believe(v.)24disagree(v.)25shape(n.)26fall(v.)27po

6、ssible(adj.)28impossible(adj.)29side(n.)30probably(adv.)31during(prep.)32holiday(n.)重点词组1.in the future2play a part3in the sea4space station5.over and over again6hundreds of7be able to8fall down9.look for10during the holiday11be in great danger12fly up into sky重点句式1.What will the future be like?Citi

7、es will be more polluted. And there will be fewer trees.2Will people use money in 100 years?No, they wont.Everything will be free.3Will there be world peace?Yes, I hope so.单元语法will 引导的一般将来时学情分析本单元是学生正式学习一般将来时的第一个单元,教师应尽量让学生接触丰富的语言材料,先感知,然后模仿。教师鼓励学生运用一般将来时来表达自己对未来的预测,学生应积极发言,畅说自己未来的理想。 第一课时Section A

8、(1a1c)类别课时要点重点单词1.paper纸张2.robot机器人3kitchen厨房 4.disagree 不同意重点词组5.on computer 用电脑6.stay at home待在家7use money用钱 8.in the world在世界上重点句式9.Will people live to be 200 years old? 人们会活到两百岁吗?Yes, they will.是的,他们会的。10Kids wont go to school.孩子们将不上学。自主学习案根据句意及汉语提示完成单词。1People wont use(使用) money in 100 years.2W

9、e will have robots(机器人)in our homes.3Please write your names on this piece of paper(纸)4Everything here is free(免费的)now.5Will people use money (钱) in 100 years?No, everything will be free.课堂导学案 Step 1准备与热身(Preparation) Hello, everyone!Now turn to page 51,and look at the grammar focus.What will the fu

10、ture be like?Cities will be more polluted. And there will be fewer trees.Will people use money in 100 years?No, they wont.Everything will be free.Will there be world peace?Yes,I hope so.Kids will study at home on computers.They wont go to school.Now give attention to the blacken words. “Will” is use

11、d here to express future event.More examples:I will have English classes this afternoon.He wont go to school tomorrow.The form of the usage is: will verb.Now lets have a game to make sentences with “will” to see who will say the most sentences with “will”Step 2呈现与输入 (Presentation)Now lets go to page

12、 49.There are 6 statements here. Read them and check A if you agree with the prediction. If you disagree with any of them check D.What is a prediction?A statement foretelling the possible outcome(s) of an event, process, or experiment.In meteorology, a prediction is also called a forecast. A predict

13、ion is based on observations, experience, and scientific reasoning.A guess, on the other hand, is based on conjecture (speculation), chance, and intuition.Step 3练习与体验 (Practice) Listen and circle the predictions you hear in 1a.Next you are to read the tapescript to blacken the predictions you hear i

14、n 1a. While reading you may try to find out the pauses between the thought groups.Do you predict? Now in pairs ask and answer questions about the predictions in 1a.A:Will people use money in 100 years?B:No, they wont.Everything will be free. Will people live to be 200 years old?A:Yes, they will.B:Wi

15、ll people have robots in their homes?B:Yes, they will.A:Will books be only on computers?B:No, they wont.There will be still paper books in the future.A:Wont kids go to school?B:Yes, they will. But they will have robot teacher teaching them English!Step 4运用与生成 (Production) 1Get some students to sum u

16、p what they have learned in this period (Grammar Focus). The teacher makes a brief comment.2Have the class read through the sentences in the table and raise questions if they dont understand any of the sentences.3Change the following into the indefinite future tense:(1)There are many robots in the s

17、chool.(2)The kids go to school by car.(3)Did Mr. Smith come to see you this morning?(4)We are having a good time at the party.4Check the answers with the whole class.Answers:1)There will be many robots in the school.2)The kids will go to school by car.3)Will Mr. Smith come to see you this morning?4)

18、We will have a good time at the party.Step 5巩固与提高(Progress)【探究点】Do you think there will be robots in peoples homes?你认为人们家里都会有机器人吗?这是一个主从复合句。Do you think?“你认为?”其后常接宾语从句(陈述句句式)。There be句型:一般将来时的肯定形式为:There will be;否定形式为:There wont be;一般疑问句形式为:Will there be?肯定回答是:Yes, there will.否定回答是:No, there wont.【注

19、意】There be句型的一个重要用法是要遵守“就近原则”,即谓语动词be要和最靠近的名词,在数上保持一致。【针对训练】明天将有一场大雨。There_will_be_a_heavy_rain tomorrow.【探究点】Will people use money in 100 years?100年后人们会使用钱吗?“in一段时间”意为“在以后”,常用于一般将来时。对此短语提问应用how soon。【针对训练】我将在2天后离开上海。I will leave Shanghai in_2_days_B_ will your father be back? In two months.A. How l

20、ongB. How soon C. How oftenD. How many【探究点】People will live to be 200 years old.人们将会活到200岁。live to be基数词years old意为“活到岁”。【针对训练】在这个故事中,人们将会活到500岁。In the story, people will live_to_be 500 years old.Step 6家庭作业(Homework) 完成本单元学生用书第一课时的练习。第二课时Section A (2a2d)类别课时要点重点单词1.pollution (n.)污染;污染物2.prediction(n

21、.)预言;预测3future(n.)将来;未来 4.pollute(v.)污染5environment(n.)环境 6.planet(n.)行星7part(n.)参加;参与;部分重点词组8.in the future 在未来9.play a part 参与(某事)10study on computer 在电脑上学习 11.be free 免费12live to be 200 years old 活到200岁 13.in 100 years 一百年之后14be in great danger 处于极度危险之中 15.save the earth 拯救地球 重点句式16.What will the

22、 future be like?未来是什么样的?Cities will be more polluted and there will be fewer trees.城市污染将更严重并且树将会更少。17Will there be world peace?将会有世界和平吗?Yes, I hope so.是的,我希望如此。自主学习案根据汉语提示写出句子中的单词。1Everyone will have a computer in the future(未来)2I dont know the books on the table are free(免费的)3The Mars is one of the

23、 nine planets(行星) of the sun.4We should do something from now to keep the environment (环境) clean.5I believe there will be less and less pollution(污染) in the future.课堂导学案 Step 1准备与热身(Preparation) Show a picture to the students.This is our earth in 100 years. What will the earth be like? Now please sa

24、y some sentences according to the picture.eg. There will be more cars. There will be fewer people. There will be less water Step 2呈现与输入 (Presentation)1Have the students read the sentences in 2a first, teaching the new word pollution using a picture of a factory producing a lot of black smoke and mak

25、e sure they know what they are asked to listen for.Tell the students that less is the comparative degree of little, which is used to modify an uncountable noun, and that fewer is the comparative degree of few, which is used to modify a countable noun.2Play the record for the students to listen and c

26、ircle the words they hear.3Play the record again for them to check their answers.4Deal with 2b in the same way.Step 3练习与体验 (Practice) Look at activity 2b. You are to make conversations about the predictions.A:Whats your prediction about the future?B:I think there will be more pollution.A:Really? I d

27、ont think so. But I think there will be fewer trees.A:Whats your prediction about the future?B:I think there will be less free time.A:Really? I dont think so.But I think there will be fewer subways.A:Whats your prediction about the future?B:I think there will be more water.A:Really? I dont think so.

28、 But I think there will be fewer boats and ships.Step 4运用与生成 (Production) Ask some students to roleplay the conversation in 2d.Step 5巩固与提高(Progress)【探究点】There will be more pollution.将会有更多的污染。There will be是there be 句型的一般将来时。注意be动词后接名词。其一般疑问句:Will there be?回答:Yes, there will./ No, there wont.【针对训练】The

29、re _B_ a talent show in two days.Awill haveBwill be Cis going to haveDare going to be【探究点】Everyone should play a part in saving the earth.每个人应该参与拯救地球。play a part in意为“参与”,即参加某项行动并在其中扮演重要的职责,后接动词时用ing形式。【针对训练】他参与了山区支教。He played a part in_teaching in the mountains.Step 6家庭作业(Homework) 完成本单元学生用书第二课时的练习

30、。第三课时Section A (Grammar Focus3c)类别课时要点重点单词1.peace(n.)和平2.sea(n.)海;海洋3sky(n.)天空重点词组4.world peace 世界和平5.in the sea 在海里6see blue skies 看到蓝天 7.do the same job as people和人类做同样的工作自主学习案根据句意及汉语提示完成句子。1They will do more things for the world peace(和平)2I like to see the bird flying in the blue sky(天空)3This str

31、ange fish only lives in the deep sea(大海)课堂导学案 Step 1准备与热身(Preparation) This activity provides reading practice using the target language.T:Good morning, everyone.Its time for English study.What will the future be like?Cities will be more polluted.And there will be fewer trees.Will people use money i

32、n 100 years?No. they wont.Everything will be free.Will there be world peace?Yes, I hope so.Kids will study at home on computers.They wont go to school.Step 2呈现与输入 (Presentation)First, teach students how to use the words (more/less/fewer)Then ask students to do the following exercises in 3a.Then do t

33、he writing work in 3b.Step 3练习与体验 (Practice) Ask students to do chain drills practicing completing the predictions with what you think will happen.T:Now try to complete the predictions with what you think will happen.I will give you several minutes to think about your answer. Remember not to look at

34、 your book,if not, youll have to sing a song to us.The goal: Students can differentiate the three words of frequency (more/less/fewer) clearly.Step 4运用与生成 (Production) You will draw a picture of the tomorrow city. And you will describe it to your class.A:I think there will be more tall buildings.And

35、 there will be fewer cars and more buses.B:I think there will be less water.And there will be more robots and more computers.C:I think there will be more space stations. And there will be fewer astronauts and more pets.D:I think there will be less housework. And there will be fewer toothbrushes and

36、more factories.Step 5巩固与提高(Progress)【探究点】Will there be world peace?将有世界和平吗?peace是名词,通常用作不可数,但有时可与a连用,表示一般时间的和平;in peace意为“平平安安地”。【针对训练】让我在最后安静一下。Let me have a little peace at last.让他安息吧。Let him rest in peace.【探究点】In 50 years, people will have more free time because there will be fewer things to do.5

37、0年后,人们将有更多的空闲时间,因为将会有更少的事情要去做。本句含有“名词不定式”的结构,其中不定式是后置定语。【针对训练】他有事情要说。He has something to_say【探究点】I think there will be more tall buildings.我认为将会有更多的高大建筑物。there be表示客观存在的“有”,主语在be动词之后;而have/has表示主观拥有的“有”,主语在其前。high, tall均意为“高的”,作形容词,形容建筑物时,两者可互换。high强调高于地面之上,又可作借喻性的“高”;tall强调细长或高度大于宽度,用于指人的个子高,也可形容树,

38、但不能指山的高。【针对训练】I think there _B_ more buses in the future.Awill haveBwill beChaveDare一座高山a high mountain 一个高个子男孩a tall boyStep 6家庭作业(Homework) 完成本单元学生用书第三课时的练习。第四课时Section B (1a1e)类别课时要点重点单词1.astronaut 宇航员2.apartment公寓套房3rocket火箭 4.crowded拥挤的5subway地铁重点词组puter programmer 电脑程序员7.across from 对面重点句式8.Wh

39、ere do you live? 你住哪里?I live in an apartment. 我住公寓。9I think that there will be less free time.我认为将来自由时间会更少。自主学习案根据句意及汉语提示完成句子。1She wants to work on a space_station(太空站)2I will fly_rockets (乘火箭)to the moon some day in the future.3My uncle took_the_train(乘火车)to Shanghai yesterday.4He lives_in_an_apart

40、ment(住在公寓里)with his parents.5The restaurant is across_the_street_from(街对面)the hotel.课堂导学案 Step 1准备与热身(Preparation) To begin with, we will try to make a story by putting the following words into sentences,and the sentences into a story.We will begin like this: In the future,there will be robots.(poll

41、ution,astronaut,apartment,rocket,space station,moon)Step 2呈现与输入 (Presentation)You will go on to write each of the words on page 52 into the correct column below.You will go on to fall into pairs and think of other words. And write them into the chart above on page 52.Step 3练习与体验 (Practice) You will

42、listen to Alexis and Joe. Number the pictures(13) on page 52.You will listen again. Fill in the blanks with the correct verbs in the box.1I live in an apartment across the street from here.2I work near here.3I am a computer programmer.4We lived in a house in the country.5I took the train to school.6

43、I will be an astronaut.7I will fly rockets to the moon.8I will live on a space station.Step 4运用与生成 (Production) You will roleplay the conversation between Alexis and Joe, talking about Joes life now, ten years ago, and ten years from now.A:Where do you live?B:I live in an apartment.A:Where do you wo

44、rk?B:I work near here too.I am a computer programmer.A:Where did you live ten years ago?B:I lived with my parents in Greenville.A:Thats pretty far from here. How did you get to school?B:Oh, I took the train to school.A:What do you think your life will be like in ten years?B:I think Ill be an astrona

45、ut.A:Are you kidding?B:Im serious.Ill fly rockets to the moon.A:Where will you live?B:Ill live on a space station.1Encourage the students to read through the sentences and make sure they understand them.2Have the students find the words from this unit for each sentence and then check the answers by calling back the answers from the class.Step 5巩固与提高(Progress)【探究点】I will fly rockets to the moon.我将坐火箭飞往月球。fly rockets“乘火箭飞行”。fly是动词,意思为“飞行”,fly to意为“坐飞机去”,相当于:go toby plane。类似的用法有:walk togo toon foot; ride togo toby bike; drive togo toby carmoon, earth, sun等表示世界


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