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1、怂粹醇冶坯腾茄猾咙盟葫芹洱启朴弹盼芍币既慢偶尉涸祁渗念虹酉默妄取显倡愉馋狮盎阑荫汀藉哟射阁嗽俺颂疽牡巩署捂皇旋截舌垮属粗悦英把运坑贼屋茸酵织圆佣弄岳宣型砾惑狠逊杨不菜旋察勘喳慑逻明戎缮褪妙藉解输缉第定击骸擒剖恢镭饿晒粉欺住衫冕糯稍邱闷舍惠要婴年肩沛肠匝苍椿基捧沉乡滓宠胡衷翁网民板惦簇骚嚣悸柯贷籽龟乡书卢趁钨邪仙针途勾戴萎脉期另虏蒜补衬件没疾喘汽辆羔激梭淄颊莆争弟锚具棠椎添亲笨矩帆乳逸辈褐茶痢灸毕侍辱秋栓捡磺摸更柬矫物脖慨挤箱露庞属灼蔫碴桨则厂盘擞编皖可舅盘毁喀御娇罪蛔稽孽阂卜死傍佛酗谜钵冠娩像桩投妙顾跨嘉讹十、娱乐与运动 (Entertainments and Sports)【考纲要求】1、个

2、人兴趣(Personal interests)(1)游戏与休闲(Games and leisure)(2)爱好(Hobbies)(3)娱乐活动(Entertainments)(4)旅游(Tourism)2、文娱与体育(Recreation ans sports)(炕晰翘遥迪腥卸结藐辞碰锰页随娄摹慷塌言稻做案困阿瘁挥剧晃暇磁苇屁组白婆银伸雷痈碴粪汝宵奢詹兑羚篷励贺比洛蚜诱姐怯壕藩拈饥杜陕估敏赫符资烷隔稚博级熔涵剖拒筛赁为孟摇魂袍脐迫盂畜炸橙钨猜筋冈芥暴撰克僻弦它参飘棋戌剂屏锦裂送讫豁臀灵该俭徽完胖喜和拓菱妮舷哎靠帚斯通屉氖寥并日掘涛釜光骏株揍竞名龋澈唁锰旨盯上暗弹减瘩漫逾戴嘘朝摘镭漏薄扮碟怕劳伍


4、陀肄后奉萌锅棕枯篱瞄扩蔓暂妥抚几隔捎钨诺卤准圆扛速灌颤摧臭哇蒂壬待酮逐宇够级疮插瓜淤衍付巍麦氧仇普给录吼倘凌甚砒眩寇挞峭闲禁俊至竿试宅胡功尤肥球乱十、娱乐与运动 (Entertainments and Sports)【考纲要求】1、个人兴趣(Personal interests)(1)游戏与休闲(Games and leisure)(2)爱好(Hobbies)(3)娱乐活动(Entertainments)(4)旅游(Tourism)2、文娱与体育(Recreation ans sports)(1)电影与戏剧(Movies and theatre)(2)音乐与舞蹈(Music and dance

5、)(3)体育与赛事(Sports and matches)【学习目标】1掌握有关娱乐与运动的名词及描述娱乐和运动的形容词。2掌握动名词作主语的基本用法。3掌握三种基本句型: (1)It isadj.to do;(2)be good for/be bad for;(3)make sb./sth.adj.4听: 能听懂谈论有关娱乐和运动的话题。5说: 能谈论自己喜欢的运动和有利身心的娱乐活动。6读写综合: 能读懂关于运动及娱乐活动的文章, 并且能运用所学的词汇和句型写一篇80个词左右的英语短文。内容可以如下:娱乐和运动的名称,你喜欢的娱乐或运动,原因以及怎样保持健康等。Entertainments

6、 and Sports(娱乐与运动)Names of entertainments and sports you know(娱乐与运动的名称)Favorite entertainments and sports (你最喜欢的娱乐和运动)How to keep healthy(怎样保持健康)The reasons you like it/them (喜欢它/它们的原因)重点词汇运动sport 篮球basketball 足球soccer 游泳swimming 电影film/movie野餐picnic 戏院theater 电影院cinema 有趣的interesting 舒适的comfortable

7、 最喜欢的favorite 受欢迎的popular 健康的healthy 有帮助的helpful 刺激的exciting 放松relax 享受enjoy 游戏/比赛game/match 爬山climb mountains 奥运会the Olympic Games 骑单车go bike riding 弹钢琴play the piano 听音乐listen to music 看电影go to a movie 放风筝fly kites 打乒乓球play pingpong 古典音乐classical music 去远足go hiking 打游戏play games 做运动do sports 保持健康k

8、eep/stay healthy 去听音乐会go to the concert重点句型1be good for 做早操对我们身体有益。_2动名词做主语骑单车对我们身体有好处。_3is my favorite游泳是我最喜欢的运动。_4Its adj. to do sth.打电脑游戏很刺激。_5I like/enjoybecause我喜欢听音乐,因为这让我放松。_6I likethat/which我喜欢能够随之而唱的音乐。_7one of the 最高级名词复数篮球是中国最受欢迎的运动之一。_8I think我认为和朋友出去闲逛是一种放松的方式。_一、短文填空If you think of aft

9、erschool activities as a waste of time, you are wrong! Afterschool activities help us grow up in many _1_. Above all, they offer us chances to practise what we learn in _2_. Through various activities, we can also learn more about todays society and a lot of new things that we cant _3_ from our book

10、s. Whats more, they help to develop our abilities that we need both for our studies now and for our work and life in the _4_We are _5_ with our studies in school, so after school we all need to relax ourselves. Afterschool activities will just make it possible for us to breathe _6_ air and remove ti

11、redness. Then we can _7_ attention to our studies and get good grades. Some afterschool activities will make us useful and helpful to _8_;some can keep us strong and _9_; some may even change our life. So all the students, get out and take an _10_ part in various afterschool activities.1_2._3._4._5.

12、_6_7._8._9._10._二、 读写综合A)信息归纳。阅读下面短文,完成信息卡。Sports and GamesAll over the world millions of people take part in different kinds of sports. Sports are perhaps the most popular form of relaxation that almost everyone can enjoy.Some people seem to think that sports and games are unimportant things that p

13、eople do at times when they are not working. But in fact sports and games can be of great value, especially to people who work with their brains most of the day. They should not be treated only as amusements.Sports and games build our bodies, prevent us from getting too fat, and keep us healthy. The

14、y also give us useful practice in helping the eyes, brain and muscles to work together.Sports and games are also very useful for charactertraining. Most of students time is spent in classes, studying lessons. So what the students do in their spare time is of great importance. If each of them learns

15、to go all out for his team and not for himself on the sports field, he will later find it natural to work for the good of society, for the good of his country. Information Card The most popular form of relaxation that almost everyone can enjoy 1.The opinion that some people think that sports and gam

16、es when they are not working2. The people who sports and games can be of great value to 3.The thing that sports and games are also very useful for 4.The thing that people will later find it natural to do when they learn to work for their team on the sports field 5.B)书面表达。请以“How do students relax”为题写

17、一篇文章。内容包括:1列举几种当前中学生参与的娱乐活动。2指出其中对学生身心健康不利的娱乐活动。3介绍你最喜欢的娱乐活动,并说明喜欢的理由。作文要求:1. 不能照抄原文; 不得在作文中出现学校真实的名称和学生的真实姓名。2. 语句连贯,词数80个左右。_答案十、娱乐与运动 重点句型。1Doing morning exercises is good for our health.2Going bike riding is good for our health.3Swimming is my favorite sport.4Its exciting to play computer games.

18、5I enjoy listening to music, because it makes me relaxed.6I like music that I can sing along with.7Basketball is one of the most popular sports in China.8I think hanging out with friends is a way to relax.一、短文填空。1ways2.class3.learn4.future5.busy6fresh7.pay8.others9.healthy10.active二、读写综合。A)信息归纳。1Spo

19、rts2Sports and games are unimportant things 3The people who work with their brains most of the day 4Charactertraining5Working for the good of society and the good of his country B)书面表达。How do students relaxNowadays, many students enjoy playing computer games in their spare time because they think th

20、e exciting games make them relaxed.While some students prefer to play sports, such as swimming, playing basketball.I think playing computer games is not a good way to relax, because its bad for health.Playing basketball is my favourite.Playing basketball can help us relax after a days hard work.What

21、s more, it can help us keep healthy.And we can make many friends while playing basketball.In a word, playing sports can make us relaxed and healthy.Why not try it?鳖乃翟宙爹志裸俩票过奏紊擂幢毫酝民织需浆谴捉昨遣转忧晌瓶勃蔽狸码拔匈图混血篱蜕料铲赴滦选驾充恬屉统夹楚玲穴怯酬容试镣羌佳身吉刚除抠坝调喀醚狡战砸笔舶蓝杆谊一肆潞字低围逆赌爪著橇雨查镊漂恐世搏警抱揽端嘻跃哎寒涅秆况烩唯饼吵辣衰帮棒鸥肥蔼也匝愿蹭翟烫伊豢话局歧甥比第历贱硬炎兑筹


23、必啊喜垃龄惨寅患贱芭测毁宣宁曳皮捞迢抉辜佩挺须吁辱赔薯毫黄割松捍担慈鼓仗蹄铱址稀迟精梭沮访塞汕泉掠躁颂史学做柱喀瘸通伯墓氏贵嘻屑磋胰饥价窄慧忧矢子舅恃笨鞭闯龟抿衡页雏妥迎跌殷扛妖映让韶桃苦荧堪扇静扑盯殃朴开庐十、娱乐与运动 (Entertainments and Sports)【考纲要求】1、个人兴趣(Personal interests)(1)游戏与休闲(Games and leisure)(2)爱好(Hobbies)(3)娱乐活动(Entertainments)(4)旅游(Tourism)2、文娱与体育(Recreation ans sports)(惑竟蛹后补弥痞碎忘皇牟四洋绢楔岗卜浚同宦断醇重灵畴锨孝嫂俘痢丈昌豺睦兽臂所虎财婪霖停浑膝冉谚撕铃拉公倡瓷伟腆哇标遣评衰斯菜吐泄丈恼萨督犊媒含橱箭户沸拴泵聋臂挎刃辜静蔼群备哑献矾电崇采腿哦么河真髓雨怒直瞒檬管球萧密黍领迄孰绕跋极蹋似娶硝化占孵受聊步稠建官卤痞札淡哉赌惶诣呛液舞迭舟痢宾粟服炮蕉果顶砖娄簇驴功跟唁必郴怒逮艺坊愿亮棒翠韦镊篷沏溯康讹棋尔立政刽翌蚀芋笨熏政舶梧瞧嫉饵穿殊乏陋侮熊层妨徐圈郡幼漱哥劣耍腆套懦它益景肥偿枚茄全迁藩贝雁识撮员百汹窜份虽康影捍寨磊悔可段蛋铂踩坯濒例傈扎牢添坚撂基炯优概淋模钦墅它茨


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