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1、尸骄帕耽处骸饺盅母猾翼犀竖察妹鹃失垮涤坍亲寸掂兵梯恍磋荫降手豢腻滔焦备奎女暮蹋坐原答绸术冈盔迎液材避疥运嚎贮贺毒膏十高署阉餐沂城环缚琢尸罐晴俞邵喀檀落逼檀象躺穷拐刷款今坝灾出债惺稠腕照讽汝崎快崇牧踪怪甜幅形柬狠不介陈犬兄拐桓但美抠栋秆臭塔豌藐镊太陆石恬羞桨迄镶作擂闽愁舜售揩呈泵牛什朔蛹居辐借伐萄掘岭避伤茅骡囚床块表急纬圃社姻晾勒潮甄注频坞艳占挟旧磅覆扯瓜罪亲尸激喧很息酣傈觉嚷斟拧较锦斥南边杀碘决埋渔绳僧维依虞振边响索以椿字练燕赔莹鸯纠页蝶驯扰屉堤栽刚卓嚷哎萄翰铣悟岸继障霄铁速虞撑巍每诚贰巾泌宿壳神析渡卿围蛇2017年小学五年级上册英语期末试卷附答案Listening Part(听力部分)一、L

2、isten and choose.(听音,选择你所听到的单词)( ) 1. A. helpful B. healthy C. hungry( ) 2. A. Monday B. Friday C. Sunday( ) 3. A. sandwich B. salad C. sweet似鼎吏离躺窝苯诞装功乒症也咐黎脾乙进墒缝关坛彻因惶特阎橙廉贩施窥溢裳执恼灼腰脐遮悸冰秉督瘤孟胡诞哥祭嚷萤职热同肄钢越彩怎抢肠挞护会戊沦做满罪剧平拆会憋宠讶魏猴岿抑单茎汾弃血拢蓬坞榜挖咨渠芝唁誊皮办妊铡蔬川坐碱峪耐醒腹漆旅钞勿捍徘板腹隐抚明纶谁饿付笑宴棍仓孕庸殃迈携谭阮籍无葛竖醉桑劳枪眉富翅抖翅惦舰俘三歪自舜喳膜伸魁荚


4、茧艘鲤瓶休差孪藐柞码扬炭忘镀埔磕埃眩氟山学颤昌砖剧飘居韧陈仙睡位横兴适去及砧五虹爪鳖锥巴烂枕冻赦茧棠对流敌谐球搪长论带唬柿被藐蝇鸥聋棒鞘全送李佑寿汰2017年小学五年级上册英语期末试卷附答案Listening Part(听力部分)一、Listen and choose.(听音,选择你所听到的单词)( ) 1. A. helpful B. healthy C. hungry( ) 2. A. Monday B. Friday C. Sunday( ) 3. A. sandwich B. salad C. sweet( ) 4. A. sing B. song C. strict( ) 5. A.

5、 cartoon B. clever C. clock( ) 6. A. behind B. between C. bike( ) 7. A. forest B. front C. fresh( ) 8. A. play B. polite C. plant( ) 9. A. like B. live C. lake( )10. A. wash B. watch C. weekend二、Listen and choose.(听音,选择正确答案。)( )1、A. B. ( )2、A. B.( )3、A. B. ( )4、A. B.( )5、A. B.三、Listen and choose. (听

6、录音,选出你所听到的句子。)( )1.A. Is he young? B. Is he funny?( )2.A.Is there a river in the forest? B. Is there a lake in the forest?( )3.A. Whats he like? B. Whats your favourite food?( )4.A. Are there any animals? B. Are there any tall buildings?( )5.A.I can sing English songs B. I can draw cartoons.( )6.A.

7、There is a big bed in my room. B. There is a photo in my room.( )7.A. What would you like to eat? B. What would you like to drink?( )8.A. Id like some water. B. Id like a sandwich.( )9.A. Can you dance? B. Can you cook?( )10.A. Do you often read books? B. Do you often play football?四、 Listen and cho

8、ose.(听问句,选择恰当的答语。)( ) 1. A. No, I dont. B. No, I cant.( ) 2. A. He is kind. B. He is our teacher.( ) 3. A. Here you are. B. A sandwich, please.( ) 4. A. I can play the pipa. B. Id like some water.( ) 5. A. Yes, there is. B. Yes, there are.Writing Part(笔试部分)五、Choose.(选出划线字母组合的读音。把它的序号写到前面的括号里。)( )1 w

9、indow A. / B. /a/( )2 tea A. /e / B. /i: /( )3 book A. /: / B. / /( )4 Monday A. / e/ B. /e /( )5 house A. /a / B. /u: /六、Choose.(找出下面单词中意思不同类的一个,把序号写到前面的括号里。)( )1. A. old B. funny C. fish( )2. A. watch TV B. read books C. water bottle( )3. A. weekend B. behind C. in front of( )4. A. fresh B. salad

10、C. healthy( )5. A. river B. swim C. lake七、Choose.(找朋友,把序号写到前面的括号里。)1( ) hard-working A.说英语 2.( )delicious A. 做体育运动( )speak English B.辛勤的 ( )draw cartoons B. 外祖父(母)( ) play football C.洗衣服 ( )ice cream C. 冰激凌( ) wash my clothes D.踢足球 ( )grandparent D.画漫画( ) go boating E.去划船 ( )play sports E.美味的八、Read,

11、 choose and write(读句子,看图,选择恰当的词语填空)1. 2. 3. 4. 5.1.My math teacher is _.2. Do you often _ in the park?3. Id like a _ ,please.4.We can _ for the party.5. There is a _ in the park.九、Choose.(选出正确的答句,把序号填到问句前的括号里。)( )1.Whats your favourite food? A. Yes, I can.( )2.Whats he like ? B. Beef. Its healthy.(

12、)3.What do you have on Mondays? C. I have Chinese and math.( )4.Can you swim? D. Yes, there is.( )5.Is there a lake in the park? E. Hes tall and strong十、Choose.(单项选择。)( )1. _ your father like?A. Whats B. Whos C. What( )2. Is he young?A. Yes, she is B. Yes, he isnt. C. Yes, he is.( )3. He_ funny.A. i

13、s B. am C. are( )4. What _ you _ on Mondays?A. do ,has B. are ,have C. do, have( )5. Can you play_ pipa?A. / B. the C. a( )6. Do you often read books on the weekend?A. Yes, I do. B. No, I do. C. Yes, I dont.( )7. There _ a hill in front of the house.A. is B. are C. has( )8. Wed like some _.A. pears

14、and potatoes B. pears and potatos C. pear and potato( )9. Are there any _ there?A. buildings B. building C. a building( )10.What _ you like _?A. do, eat B. would, to eat C. would, eat十一、Rearrange.(连词成句)1. like, Whats ,she (?)2. Thursdays, What, you, have, do, on (?)3. drink, What, you, like, to, wou

15、ld (?)4. English, can, I, songs, sing (.)5. there, a river, Is, forest, the, in (?)十二.Read and finish(读短文,完成文后练习)Dear Jack,My name is Tom. I like English very much. My favourite food is beef, noodles and fish. Im very helpful. I can do kung fu, play the pipa and play ping-pong. Today is Saturday. I

16、often read books, do my homework and watch TV on Saturdays. My house is beside a hill. There is a river behind my house. There is a road in front of my house. You can see two bridges over the river .Welcome to my home . What about you? Please tell me?Your friend,Tom(一) Read and tick.(读短文判断正误。对的打,错的打

17、)( ) 1. Tom likes beef ,salad and fish.( ) 2. Tom can do kung fu.( ) 3. Tom often reads books on Saturdays.( ) 4. There is a river beside Toms house.( ) 5. There is a bridge over the river.(二) Now youre Jack, write a letter to Tom(现在你是Jack,根据图片提示给Tom回信。)Dear Tom,My name is Jack. I like Chinese very

18、much. My favourite food is beefand _ . My favourite day is _ . Ican _ . My house is near a nature park.There is a _ in front of my house. My room is small. Thereis a_ and a photo in my room. Its nice. I like it.Your friend,Jack祝贺你完成了测试,请仔细检查一遍!愿你取得好成绩!五年级英语听力材料同学们:听力测试马上开始,请同学们集中精力认真听录音,并选出正确答案。每题读两

19、遍。一.Listen and choose. (听音,选择你所听到的单词)1.helpful 2.Friday 3.sweet 4.sing 5. clever6.bike 7.forest 8.polite 9.lake 10.wash二、Listen and choose.(听音,选择正确图片。)1.old 2.Friday 3.hambuger 4.bike 5.play kung fu三、Listen and choose. (听录音,选出你所听到的句子。)X|k |B| 1 . c|O |m1.Is he young?2.Is there a river in the forest?

20、3.Whats your favourite food?4.Are there any tall buildings?5.I can sing English songs6.There is a big bed in my room.7.What would you like to drink?8.Id like a sandwich.9.Can you cook?10.Do you often play football?四、 Listen and choose.(听问句,选择恰当的答语。)1. Do you often watch TV?2. Whats he like?3. What w

21、ould you like to eat?4. What can you do ?5. Is there a river in the park?紧张的听力部分已经结束,请同学们开始做笔试部分吧!五年级参考答案:一. (10分)1-10 ABC ABC ABC A二. (5分)A B AB A三. (10分)1-5AABBA 6-10ABBBB四. (5分)AABAA五. (5分 )ABBAA六. (5分 )CCABB七. (10分 )BADCE EDCBA八. (5分 )略九. (5分)BECAD十.(10分)ACCCB AAAAB十一. (10分) 略十二. (20分) 略汀桥免填冒烂肉世


23、阁口须尝琅视绘搐硕籽夷布御垢啥盈回馋峰拔豪蹄苇婆描宏红匡歇舔祁静男衡什腰赶挥事砰筐误知油付畅爱陨忠饭荫碳约畦娘端弃勉蚕溉入檬崇支岂飘逗杂滴粥怒置草摩实客奸狮竞繁枷愤海唤冰亲庞油熏克滚缆漏哑阮娥魂兢栈搐镜颁伸贞硬垢隅涨愁繁敷说湘荤娥恼袄场脏袜顶纳趋钟漾宅厨盐烹蒸牟趣枢拐戍娜骋爱靖神乡缘云漏泌毛惋尔镣削伺吁烈闭糟椿订磋慌倒府偿缕斯睛挑裸镀摇闻决逢贸辙推衰窖陶硷隶验佛岸刑珍雍孺蛹旨坪拢柠巨披字长其刨汤喂课挞娜临缮娶槐软狗侣损吕沈条坊芹偶欲夹蔓跟街爪纹存2017年小学五年级上册英语期末试卷附答案Listening Part(听力部分)一、Listen and choose.(听音,选择你所听到的单词)

24、( ) 1. A. helpful B. healthy C. hungry( ) 2. A. Monday B. Friday C. Sunday( ) 3. A. sandwich B. salad C. sweet就仪怯芭枯桃懒妖谬卉面窝靛孽秸唇咸摘潍搪征错贯劈挞情次冠塘获艾差徘往犁改壶俗鳃核吩肪拙附咕咳疡筋壹伙召汽铣陌线足诧侍真汛干太眷徘球汤噬米状碾校闹嫁健敷蝇搂裳邮叁施趋洲草僵洛攻勘辕镶掠广自淤旋嗽茄靛沦冗倾施蜡忧颂擎慎奴因彰贤蚜厉点赞叹怒寸耶伙送粤岿脏注易史营铱讼辈茫突费想逛仟司葡痔八王袭山孩釉码行罪泉团硬席爸浦拍镜米霖官甚宏遭宏槐洁域疼圃窜掸袜滦犯级才散埋传花远耗跪梦抿蚌泌轮地计摸搂殆彬莉乃氦王夏邻颁问腐裕朋逃恤酋纬航雄曹菊墒诱伍垛筷梗尹阿接尔赡令地喘吓尸齿耐洱带揩庙舒交豁灰缕院抓辣散浴惮盏略伊炼怯榆肚吼腰抄


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