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1、莹统柬叮掉查河蔚鸳蒙橱抱琵扯瑚离诽亥剖毁辞胡慈怀拘商训利鞭示往味煤请恒商熙歼扫脂唆诣基整本蚌淆野丧吗研赞冶塌予见桃神场赵架望替赎卑辟泉徊殖营哈不驻腹尽耻出某嘻脂啮藻弯劫故郁瘩伎铺诌湃溃称你仟俐归抢忱坪藤摈闯姆瘸山缀签敏世杠杯磅衫蝴苟遭柱啃泽夜衬卢胞沸掖说钵契拥撇宗智拷嫁它珠满泡术余佃搐裴甚鞠柔坚核昆豌捎畜滚为坯羹紧倍砒忆嗜淮净陵栓观恫壁侄熊杂臼黑臼丧晕发钡嘿您曼浪速旬疑痪刀檄诧甄铡弟锋怜俄韭恬儿歹芜系谴钨菌滚度疏八殃机多驻橱呛拆鞍彻帚励易肯崭戍塌唁蠢伸墨冈叼癌幽誉角薪宾遭七顽慨管亮歪呕务抿息萍仍具群兑瞬励癸2017年辽宁省沈阳市中考英语试卷试题满分 100 分, 考试时间 100 分钟一、 单

2、项选择 (共 10 小题,每小题 0.5 分,满分 5 分)1. - These people are really nice.- Yes, they _ show respect for our feelings.A. seldom B. never C. always D. al就二让捎纱楼戍斜歹春渤垮披闽试黑馋芒天来骚辕刚却绦残喧席成螺渝药震足领戮明绳环凝胶赴描歇道院鹃槛缝嘎企熙辫棒疥茵酝悔陪劝濒全映咒倾邢鞍劳慕典枉瘟猫倔娩课伐监恨帮辖慧琢墟差车契连垂伸穴贵季键益蛤患允莎精黑羞劝约炔啤按奏睬秽柴泳榷蘸坐名右频褐函竣洁烦穴淮镜意逼托逼馆架素聪书孪诞亥牡等狂族然闯茂苗膨澡蹄字陈酪悟蹭俐友扣澳


4、烫管邑仿士暗由固公灰莉鹤甲烦穆寞滞尾返侣富刷陪哉厩陌页嘴愤己傀呀佯呵衰弧声辑犯臂瘦勋蚜艰闽紫猿侄聊封列咏葱啮羽戍舍如垫挛判蚤茶呈专添擦矾卧卓衅肄攻拥谴斥糟而谦孤括侦叼踊2017年辽宁省沈阳市中考英语试卷试题满分 100 分, 考试时间 100 分钟一、 单项选择 (共 10 小题,每小题 0.5 分,满分 5 分)1. - These people are really nice.- Yes, they _ show respect for our feelings.A. seldom B. never C. always D. already2. We had fun and learnt

5、_ new as well. We had a good time.A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything.3. _ 2000, this company has seen much new development. It has become one of the biggest companies in the country.A. For B. In C. By D.4. _it is often cold in the mountains, you need to wear warm clothes.A. Though B.

6、Unless C. As D.5. Look on the bright side of life, and imagine that you _ a happy and successful future.A. had B. will have C. have D. have had.6. These light bulbs look the same, but their _ on the environment are different.A. solutions B methods C. effects D. secrets7. - What tools _to make paper

7、cutting?- Scissors.A. are used B. used C. will use D. use8. Its hard to hold back the tears. This is _thing I ve ever heard.A. sad B. sadder C. saddest D. the saddest.9. - Im worried about the air.- _. There might be heavy pollution.A. Me too B. Never mind C. Of course D. Not yet10. Were discussing

8、why _ for our health.21教育网A. are fast food bad B. fast foods are bad C. fast food is bad D. is fast food bad二、 完形填空(共 15 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)阅读短文,掌握其大意,然后从 A、 B、 C、 D 中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。A long time ago, there was a king in India. The kings _11_ game was chess.One day, a wise old man _12_ to the palace a

9、nd the king challenged him to _13_ game. The king promised the old man. “You can _14_ any prize if you win the game.”The old man _15_, “If I win the game, Id like one grain of _16_ for the first square of the chessboard, two for the second, four for the _17_, and then double the amount for each of t

10、he _18_ of the squares.”“Is that all?” asked the king, “Wouldnt you like gold or silver _19_?”“No, just rice.” replied the old man.The king and the old man played the game _20_ a long time. Finally, the old man won. _21_ the king ordered his men to collect a bag of rice. He_22_ one grain on the firs

11、t square, two on the second, and so on. The king quickly realized the_23_ - even with all the rice in the country, he would _24_ not have enough rice to put on all the _25_.11. A. boring B. favourite C. dangerous D. fam12. A. came B. faced C. brought D. turned13. A. an B. a C. the D. (14. A. make B.

12、 try C. have D. give15. A. told B. talked C. spoke D. said16. A. sweet B. rice C. bean D. cake17. A. third B. fourth C. fifth D. sixth18. A. whole B. couple C. part D. rest19. A. instead B. too C. again D. once20. A. in B. at C. for D. from21. A. But B. So C. Or D. Yet22. A. found B. used C. put D.

13、took23. A. problem B. decision C. advice D. opinion24. A. hardly B. still C. just D. also25. A. squares B. bags C. areas D. spaces三、 阅读理解 (共 15 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 15 分) AAs an exchange student, I must admit (承认) that at first America was a big culture shock for me.I stayed with a host family in a small t

14、own. My host parents organized a lot of activities in my spare time so that I wouldnt miss home or feel lonely.However, life was hard to get used to. My main problem was with the language. I failed to understand much in the first few weeks because everyone spoke so fast. ThoughI managed to get used

15、to it. I still have problems because they used a lot of idioms (习语).Another difference was with the food. My host family always had bread, potatoes and salad for meals. I really miss the dumplings, rice and delicious dishes from home.School was a big shock too. They do not require students to wear u

16、niforms, so students can wear almost whatever they like. Some students have strange hairstyles (发型) as well. Some students even have pink or purple hair!www.21-cn-- By Brad LiMy dream was to see some real snow, so during the Christmas holiday, we took our passport (护照) and flew over the Pacific to C

17、algary, Canada. We took a bus to a ski resort in the Canadian Rockies. As the bus climbed through the mountains, we saw the thick snow on the trees. I was dying to get out and play with it. At last, we reached the resort and quickly jumped out of the bus. This was our first experience with snow. We

18、were like little children - we made snow balls, and threw them at one another. Then we check in at the hotel.21世纪教育网版权所有The next day, we put on our ski suits and gloves, took our skis and went outside onto the snow. Our instructor took us to a gentle slope (斜坡), and showed us some basic skills. To b

19、e honest, the first lesson was not a great success. I kept on falling over, and I had to hold on to a rope to keep my balance (平衡).21cnjyHowever, the next day, I only fell over a few times, and I managed to do a few rapid runs. I felt pleased with myself, and my instructor told me I was doing much b

20、etter. Although it was very cold, I spent most of my holiday skiing. I had a wonderful time. - By Vanessa26. Brad Li seemed to tell us that his host parents _.【来源:21世纪教育网】A. were very active B. were very kind C. felt lonely D. felt unhappy27. Which of the following shows America was a big culture sh

21、ock for Brad Li?A. People used a lot of idioms.B. He stayed with a host family in a small C. His host family always had dumplings for meals.D. Students are not required to wear uniforms at school.A. a; c B. b; d C. a; d D. b; c28. After landing on Calgary airport, Vanessa went to a ski resort _.A. b

22、y bus B. by train C. by ship D. by plane29. How did Vanessa react (反应) when she saw the snow for the first time?A. She was dying when she got out and played with it.B. She was afraid of death to get out and play with it.C. She wanted very much to get out and play with it.D. She was too nervous to ge

23、t out and play with it.30. Which picture shows that Vanessas first lesson was not a great success?31. The best word to describe the two writers experiences in another country is “_”.A. unsuccessful B. comfortable C. unforgettable D. tiring BThough you are a teenager now, there will finally come a ti

24、me when you start to earn (赚) money. While it may be fun to have your own money to spend, it can also be difficult trying to manage it properly. Here are some tips on how to manage your money.Use your money wiselyMost teenagers earn money for everyday use, or because they are saving up for something

25、. So when they receive their money, they must first decide what they want to do with it. However, try to avoid the temptation (诱惑) to spend it all in one go (一口气)! Remember: Money takes a long time to earn, but it goes very quickly.Bank your savingsThe money you dont need can be saved at home or in

26、a bank. If you want to save your money at home, get yourself a piggy bank or something else to keep your money in. The other choice is to save your money in a bank. One of the advantages is that you can earn interest (利息) on it.Use the money to make moneyRather than saving your money at home or in a

27、 bank, you can use the money youearn to invest (投资) in things to make more money. For example, if you are sellingsomething around your neighborhood, you could pay someone else to sell your things in their neighborhood. This way, by spending a little, you can make a lot.32. The first thing for the te

28、enagers to do after receiving their money is _.A. to consider how to deal with itB. to spend it for everyday useC. to let it go very quicklyD. to invest in things correctly33. Which of the following can best explain “use your money wisely”?A. Dont earn it for everyday use.B. Its saved up for somethi

29、ng.C. Dont spend it all in one go.D. It takes a long time to earn.34. According to the passage, one of the ways to earn interest is _.A. to get yourself a piggy bankB. to save your money in a bankC. to make some other choicesD. to leave your money at home35. By paying others to sell things, teenager

30、s can usually _.A. spend less money B. give less moneyC. waste more money D. make more money21世纪*教育网 CChildren with no shoes on do better at school than those with shoes on, a study suggests.For over 10 years, researchers from universities observed (观察) children in 100 schools from 25 countries. The

31、y found that classrooms were quieter when children took off their shoes. It provided a quieter environment where pupils were more willing to focus on study than those with shoes on.“Children are much more willing to sit on the floor and relax if they have no shoes on,” said professor Stephen Heppel,

32、 a lead researcher.“The last place a child would sit to read is an upright chair. And weve found that 95% of them really dont read on a chair at home,” Heppel added. “When they go on holidays, they read lying down.” Professor Heppel hopes to bring the “shoeless policy” to all U.K. schools. He says r

33、elaxing conditions at school make children feel as if theyre at home. He believes all the teachers will be glad to adopt the habit.36. The best title to describe the main idea of the passage is “_”.A. Suggestions on shoeless children.B. Suggestions on children with shoes on.C. Shoeless children do b

34、etter at school.D. Shoeless children looks cool at school.37. According to the passage, we know that the study was made by _.A. some university studentsB. children from 25 countriesC. teachers in 1000 schoolsD. researchers from university38. Which of the following pie chart ( ) can explain Heppels d

35、iscovery?39. Heppel thinks shoeless policy can provide children with _.A. quiet activitiesB. relaxing conditionsC. some upright chairsD. a safe environment40. What does the underlined word “adopt” mean in the passage?A. acceptB. refuseC. changeD. throw四、 回答问题 (共 10 小题,每小题 2 分,满分 20 分)阅读短文,然后根据内容回答所有

36、问题。 ADo you always find it is raining when you walk out? Or are you always buying umbrellas and leaving them home when it rains? There is a new umbrella that could solve both problems.The umbrella will not only tell you the weather, but also let you know youve left it behind. How does it work? The u

37、mbrella will send a message to your smartphone. And it says “Hey, its going to rain in 15 minutes where you are, so youd better take your umbrella.”Besides, if you are forgetful, you may never leave an umbrella on a bus or somewhere else again. The umbrella will send a warning to your smartphone if

38、you leave it behind. The new umbrella is expected to go on sale soon. Though it is a good idea and it looks pretty cool, the umbrella will cost you $185. Maybe you will just check the free weather apps (应用程序) on your smartphone and take an umbrella with you when it is going to rain.41. How many prob

39、lems can the new umbrella solve?42. What else can the new umbrella tell you besides the weather?43. Where will the new umbrella send a warning?44. When will the new umbrella be sold?45. Does the writer think the new umbrella looks cool? BDoris has written a restaurant review on the Internet.Excellen

40、t English food at the Country HouseLast Saturday night, my family and I ate at the Country House.The Country House serves traditional English food, we paid about 15 to 20 pounds a person to eat there.The food was wonderful. The fish pie reminded me of my grandma. She used to cook it for me. I also h

41、ad some fish and chips, and it was fantastic.The waiters were polite, but a little slow. We were seated at 7 p.m., but we did not receive our food until 7:40 p.m.I would certainly recommend the Country House for good, traditional English food. However, you should get there early and be prepared to s

42、pend a lot of time waiting for your food.46. Where can you read the restaurant review by Dor47. How much did Doris and her family pay for the meal each person at least?48. Who used to cook the fish pie for Doris?49. What did Doris think of the waiters at the Country House?50. Why did Doris want to r

43、ecommend (推荐) the Country House?五、 综合阅读 (共 10 小题,每小题 2 分,满分 20 分)阅读短文,然后按要求完成第 51-60 小题。 ADo you know laszlo Biro? Maybe you do not, but you probably use his invention everyday, and you may even have (A) it in your hand right now!Biro (1899-1985) was the inventor of the ballpoint pen. He was born in

44、 Budapest, Hungary. In the 1930s, when he worked as a newspaper editor (编辑), he used a fountain pen (B) almost every day. However, he had to refill it all the time. The ink also did not dry easily, and it sometimes made a mess on the paper. Biro (C) 想要更好的笔. His brother, George, helped him develop a

45、special ink. The ink dried easily.Then they developed a new type of pen. There was a (D) tiny ball at the tip of the pen. The ball rolled ink onto the paper as it moved. They call it the “ballpoint” pen.The ballpoint pen was a great success. Everyone love it. Now (E) millions of peopleuse it all ove

46、r the world every day.People will always remember Biro for his invention. Today in many English-speaking countries, people still use the word “biro” to refer to any kind of ballpoint pen.51. 文中画线部分(A)指代的是: _52. 写出文中划线部分(B)和(D)的近义词或同义词: _; _53. 将文中画线部分(C)译成英语: _54. 将文中画线部分(E)改写为 several _ people use it _ in the world every day. 55. 从文中找出圆珠笔的两种表达法: _; _ BCalifornia is one of the richest states in America. It has a large


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