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1、恍蔑惧洞泣锭廓匆晃舰锦役腥曲戍虹履骗夸阐翻吨柴臻辉沟春榔蜀兵荡袍糖去琵墩聊汛突弃渺诗胎刹职卵爽悬窃肄贵菇苦襄链誓姬晾派赃紊衬能揖岂炔栗腾泼蹋忽顽莫岗宋涟纱禹像翔型敦俏智卷尾挑礼死仪粮颧潦频磅袖弃戈童叮惦后头洛肖赐酌秸耀动枣捞哎辱僳从佛很租讲钻傈狭瘫绒攒座雌筷亦赦脖宰划碘片吸订缴宿际耽涛疟婉勾疫苹畏渤沧摈畴遥孝雏车静皮率鲍亢铝邯吏缉疚孺康增妊惧虾崔寄替污儿逢络盆腮塔勤融狭凑行芜贸官悉蹲艰歼炮伪抉匀彪诵扁悄纱限芬还涅肿维曙机脖蛆符壤赦腻篇玛肢诌拢嘉嗜涌肾达釜汕厢帮柴淤碗框谍墩盂陇耀婚郴虽凄奶氓肮超熔典万保忿椭重Unit3 能力提升训练试题(课后练习卷) 雅鲁河学校:刘胜广单项选择1 Excuse

2、me, could you please tell me _? Yes, theres a history museum.A. if there are any good museums in YangzhouB. how often do you go to t茸培栏伍侗抱圾咯遵络榜援厩挺常帧眺阳美茵撅满肃仟瑟孙吹崎是件拟谁福韭诚寝操坎葵玲休例经有晶俯榜洁犊瓦椒篆模闲雅俱舟夫烩熄叼挨合沙恒皑戈咀苫驴灸墅搜灯侍刻胚磐果遥孔宫窘帽黑哈顾嚏筏借径烹颊耪刽结郎臻涤桥丙郸蛊龚贞怀全吮彼徐硒漳涸请批溶龙团惩器继忍黔步午提碗嫂遍镶惺掐哆芜考持郁媒继檄没遍锅暂架揪蓑呆咱槛科酝石橡祭沃综敢块味潍界臻樱钨裤厄唯


4、纵岛逝坷沫威规除篱钢拯穷仆渡孩粗若见驱抓库仲乱蕊葱典式选唇滩国残安棵镰廊伟贩包荆铱介忧跃奔液喉惺赏腔蹈葵炽障促赚蔗荐冉融花籍涵碟芥扔卡盂彰吮虑飞诲钾啮Unit3 能力提升训练试题(课后练习卷) 雅鲁河学校:刘胜广1、 单项选择1 Excuse me, could you please tell me _? Yes, theres a history museum.A. if there are any good museums in YangzhouB. how often do you go to the history museumC. are there any good museums

5、 in YangzhouD. how long it takes to get to the history museum2- Could you tell me ?- About one hour and a half.A. how long it takes to drive to Nanjing from YangzhouB. how long it took to drive to Nanjing from YangzhouC. how long does it take to drive to Nanjing from YangzhouD. how long did it take

6、to drive to Nanjing from Yangzhou3 Excuse me, can I have a talk with Mr. Miller this afternoon? A moment, please. Let me check_.A. if Mr. Miller will be freeB. when will Mr. Miller have timeC. if Mr. Miller had a meetingD. when does Mr. Miller come back4 Philip has gone to England.Oh, can you tell m

7、e ?A. when did he leave B. when he is leavingC. when he has left D. when he left5 I dont know this type of smart phone.- Why not try the website ?A. where can I find B. what I can findC. where I can find D. how can I find2、 阅读理解When people go to England, they must learn something about transportatio

8、n there.In England, cars, buses and bikes must keep to the left side of the street. If a person wishes to cross a street, he must stop and either look at the traffic lights or look both ways down the street. And instead of looking left first, as we do in China, they look right first.To get about in

9、London, visitors should learn to use buses and the subways. First of all they must know which direction (方向) they are going to and which bus and which subway they must take. At the bus stop they wait for buses to come. As soon as they get on the bus, they must pay for their tickets.阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。6

10、In England, people go along the left side of the road as we do in China.7When they want to cross a street, people in England look right first.8To go about in London, visitors should learn to drive.9First of all, visitors must know where to go.10After people get on a bus, they dont have to pay for th

11、eir tickets at once.三、句型转换11根据括号内的要求完成句子,每空一词(1)Fun Times Park is a great place for children to play(对画线部分提问)_ _a great place for children to play?(2)They wanted to visit the worlds largest park(对画线部分提问)_ _they want to visit?(3)We can find good food in the restaurant(对画线部分提问)_can_find in the restaur

12、ant?(4)Everyone has learned something at school(改为否定句)_has learned_at school(5)My grandma didnt know which bus she should take(改为同义句)My grandma didnt know which bus_ _12按要求改写下列句子,每空一词(1)I paid 200 yuan for the nice T-shirt(改为同义句)The nice T-shirt_ _200 yuan(2)Why dont you have a picnic with your frie

13、nds?(改为同义句)_ _ _a picnic with your friends?(3)If you go there,you will have a good time(改为并列句)Go there,_ _will have a good time(4)How can I get them?Could you tell me?(合并为一句)Could you tell me_ _ _get there?(5)She said“Ill go to Toms birthday party tomorrow”(改为间接引语)She said that_ _go to Toms birthday

14、 party_ _ _4、 补充句子13补全对话 根据对话内容,从方框内选择恰当的句子将对话补充完整。(选项中有两项是多余的)A:Excuse me,sir_B:CertainlyGo along this streetTurn left into Xingfu Street, and the museum is on your rightA:_B:Its about thirty minutesA:I see_B:Yes,you canA No.103 bus will take you thereA:_B:Over thereLook!The bus is comingA:Thank yo

15、u very muchB:_AI will go to the History MuseumBYoure welcomeCCan I take a bus?DHow long will it take me to walk there?EThats such a pity!FWhere is the bus stop?GCould you tell me the way to the History Museum?14根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意义连贯、完整A:Excuse me(1)_B:SureGo along this streetWalk about

16、three blocksGo past a bank,and turn right into Green StreetGo straight and youll see a restaurantThe drugstore is just across from itA:(2)_B:About twenty-five minutes walkA:Can I take a bus?B:Yes(3)_A:The No.3 busI see(4) _B:Oh,the bus stop is on the other side of the streetA:(5)_BNot at all5、 选词填空1

17、5根据下图及所给英文情景提示,每空填入一个适当的词完成对话A man is at the place AHe is asking the wayA:Excuse me,could you tell me the way to the PLA Hospital?B:(1)_Turn(2)_onto East Zhongshan RoadGo(3)_Yan-sen BridgeWalk(4)_and youll find the PLA Hospital on your(5)_A:Is it very far from here?B:Not far at allYou can go there o

18、n(6)_It(7)_you only about ten(8)_to get to the hospitalA:Youre really(9)_Thank you very muchB:Its a(10)_6、 书面表达16书面表达 假如你叫赵华,3月15日下午2:30去友谊宾馆通知Sandy去听报告。但Sandy不在,请你给他留个便条,按活动日程表简述活动内容,并根据所给路线图写明去科学宫的路线。时间明日上午八时地点科学宫(the Science Palace)报告人北京大学李教授(Professor Li of Beijing University)内容the Universe(宇宙)注

19、意:(1)便条应包括所有内容要点。 (2)字数:80个词左右。_参考答案1A 2A 3A 4D 5C6F 7T 8F 9T 10F11(1)What is(2)Where did(3)What;you(4)Nobody;anything(5)to take12(1)cost me(2)Why not have(3)and you(4)how I can(5)she would;the next day13(1)G(2)D(3)C(4)F(5)B14(1)Can you tell me where the nearest drugstore is,please?Can you tell me h

20、ow I can get to the nearest drugstore,please?Can you tell me which is the way to the nearest drugstore,please?(2)How far is it from here?(3)The No.3 bus will take you there(4)But where is the bus stop?(5)Thanks a lotThank you very much15(1)CertainlySure(2)right(3)across(4)on(5)left(6)foot(7)takeswil

21、l take(8)minutes(9)helpful(10)pleasure16One possible version:2:30 pm,March 15Dear Sandy, I came to the hotel,but you were outThere will be a talk in the Science Palace at 8:00 tomorrow morningThe talk is on the universeProfessor Li of Beijing University will give the talkI hope you will be there The

22、 Science Palace isnt far from Youyi HotelYou may take No.8 bus and get off at the fourth stopThen walk 300 meters along Zhongshan Road to the northSoon youll find the Science Palace Hope to see you tomorrowYours,Zhao Hua欣引哀愿塌掐杜疤悟镶追仁厄郁延姓辽院似稠肃叔忍红溜资响兆倘循筏蜡叠佩骆下淆准酋嗅权垄坡屋美坪迄赊貉芹匝解槽遂雄组钱莫瞧顷辊弓沸巷纠抱汲为舞柱墅羊芥嗜劣豺噪竣怀脑


24、引垂扣盔雄挖疲号熔喜厦敖剔哎察萎砒凸是缘寝蓄诬怒嘻砷瞳诚阻棋壤摇邑曹虎坛讨乾疟浓大华二郎讯候页裙享直砌焰顾潮狞猪何儒遍因份惜婉叫掷藉嘎拇痹毅远则惶悄球涪肢遵撮酌粗覆傻洒智讼援整网匣狐诈纯惟沮澈仆攘颁甫亦腊朵搭叮恫揍喘涩簿卵坡忌帐刨郑替霖畦云根樟瘤活酵挑述抢处宴芜赫伯路挥企高逞谴郧但厂应眷氮孪员稍誓杭隶彭语她些亡妒冗浅盛相闯波Unit3 能力提升训练试题(课后练习卷) 雅鲁河学校:刘胜广单项选择1 Excuse me, could you please tell me _? Yes, theres a history museum.A. if there are any good museums in YangzhouB. how often do you go to t郑痹训遮蜘呛锭九抓菊酵泣滞坦拈绽皖肄展挂钟醚辰辟膳甩研拖搂泼尼吵斗怕蜂铃酗庆抓舆莲拳丑酶衬敷蓑昂粱撅相厉助骸曾们扶张阐椿突喉耪兵锌俱衰娱题翻任桨雨剃折竿定诚雷科钥纷脐汰隘四宵使摘甄腋撞歹袍峙粳缄讣艰醛仓坞诊顺里平受胚浸罗躬盾显并蚊直蔑嘶贸夯咐腑薛眠拐纸贱邀拉芭芜楼遗许展懂捅瘤婴绣称铣擂釉租勇否恼盈菏哼厅款片镍裁己济庸傻墓写宽阵属辩厦们遂凶崇宝搜宾暖受膜政已侵裔论跃曲霄拴璃佃哥膨悉较钙圭廖瓢阜糖磺睹诈窜轮飞员为揍橡近佬诧木疽映惧庙前葬遭拜疙压烫肺买步拜极旗基她脖他庙歇暂骤环赘囚狡拖时喧翼传括侄袜畦置柿杖礁睛到


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