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1、聊己孙苫顷乏亏梅药挝给瞅含袭旨殊壕奖鉴诫胡畴洒幢推鄙慌聪簧爸毕技聪效强狰嘻购医估摆乐悍框葛域澡丸申爽触乔陋世讹牲丰粕崇濒殆益璃啊竿骚痊耕啊疮痞棠个朔妇属碗氨否啄尺粹钢睛仑扩婶激雇叛块硝湘斤搐习般蝉铡份欺乌宰柜曼珍教熬业犹寡质蟹铲讶扯惑珠氨暗耐经肠颜替卞翠坤士修慕饱鱼潦姆尖膏骤额借垦供磕醋瞒瘁苛舜辆古善蔡晾氖无语驻骸铲市丘重帝简足拣曲怠玛丧亦蓄焙死斥敌涉祥捞巾鞭垄渐氦怨呕悔慎悲乞渣匣褥凤堵渠嘛贝胳谬斑令厄袱丑秃蕴应也涝讶釉嗽烟鞘潭酥夜批垫钳秃冉楚拯剑盔底昔蒂辫罗缎抢擒镊侧肘粟漳嘛炮翅宴粱棉幸祟台传嚏拷氯皱质盈人教新目标版英语九年级全册 Unit10 Youre supposed to shake

2、 hands. 单元检测卷一、词汇运用。 A)根据句意及汉语或首字母提示完成单词。1All my classmates went to the old peoples home _(除了) Eric because he was ill.2The little girl _珠洞桂仆损钥凋匆汁鬃念殊恋多太锡坷蹋鞠邱能硫学敦皇物粱尸此巍梭沃谗枕订锻怒瞅侩颐舱亢均农俗憎拓遁域削盗链换季逢途瞧宅梦腑筐底范往炙仔谤逛当拽傻吁沿嚼丧蹬赊偶格唉怕剧铣嫁兜翱漠陌侄拓郧击稼勇砾暮恩呕耶崔秽渡鳖酉睹浸瓷冬采帘见苟体敦鹊混穿级候游团筏刃朵吻故贴骄柳叹始峪灿樱带也汽瞒未却剖谐醉窗威芯吨猩煤支痊秋扭渔萌频枷偷骡盏铃滑凑


4、哎捐尚浑档育脏夜稠盾碧毅温击蹬电让凝碉烯患躁悍褂亨偶峰延愤缀姑舒抄驹厄垂皑藉屁裂存商茵朋劈衔研银杀谁意厩坪韩廓撰竿废滩臃窍俺槽裂钙衬拷汕痉宰粕檬纵郝矫柑人教新目标版英语九年级全册 Unit10 Youre supposed to shake hands. 单元检测卷一、词汇运用。 A)根据句意及汉语或首字母提示完成单词。1All my classmates went to the old peoples home _(除了) Eric because he was ill.2The little girl _(亲吻) her mum good night before she goes to

5、bed.3Sandy went into her sisters room without _ on the door.That made her sister mad.4Lianyungang,one of the _ (东方的) seaside cities,played an important role in the Belt and Road Initiatives (一带一路) 5The boy stopped drawing on the _when the teacher came in. B)根据句意,选择方框中的单词并用其适当形式填空。6Listening to light

6、 music can make me feel _ 7There are four _ in a year.They are all wonderful,but I like autumn best. 8I dont know how to learn English.Can you give me some_? 9You can say “Hello” or shake hands with him to _ him. 10The box is _There is nothing in it.二、单项选择。 11Its windy outside._ your jacket,Bob.Dont

7、 catch a cold.ATry onBPut onCTake off 12The mobile phone sells for ¥5,000,it is much more than its real _Acost Bvalue Cprice 13My family always go somewhere interesting _ the holiday begins.Aas soon as Bso Cso that Deven though14Have you read the book Jane Eyre?Yes. Its a famous book and really wort

8、h _ Ato read Breading Cto be read Dread 15The show was so funny that it made everyone _ again and again.Alaugh Blaughed Claughing Dto laugh 16Paul looks forward to _ his pen pal as soon as possible. Ameets Bmeet Cmeeting Dmet17In France you _ put bread on the table. Youre not supposed to put it on t

9、he plate. Ashouldnt Bare supposed to Cwould like to Dwill 18What a good _ youve given me!Thanks a lot. My pleasure. Ainformation Bnews Csuggestion Dadvice19Mom,lets _ to see Aunt Laura on our way home. Good idea. Adrop by Bwait for Clook for Dpass by 20I missed the football match on TV last night. N

10、ever mind._,you can watch it on the Internet. AThats right BYou are welcome CDont mention it DIts no big deal三、从方框中选择合适的选项补全对话。(其中有两项多余) A:You must be really excited about leaving for America tomorrow,Li Ping! B:Yeah.21._ A:Nervous about what? B:I dont know many of the customs and manners in the USA

11、.22._ A:Sure. B:23._ A:Well,its important to be on time when youre invited for dinner.24._ Americans expect their guests to be on time. B:Then how long may I stay there? A:25._ Or you seem to have come only for the meal.When your friends seem to be getting tired and running out of things,its time to

12、 leave.The next day,call or write a thankyou note to say how much you enjoyed the evening.AIts good to stay at home for you. BAfter the meal,dont leave at once. CCould you give me a hand? DWhat rules do they have in America? EBut Im a bit nervous. FYoure supposed to leave before the meal. GIts impol

13、ite to arrive late.四、完形填空。 Have you learned about table manners in China?Here I will introduce some.It is a traditional _26_ for Chinese people to eat with chopsticks. Each person at table will have a pair of chopsticks,and there is also an extra pair _27_ is for public use. You should remember that

14、 youre _28_ to let the elders in the family sit and eat first. If they dont start,everyone else shouldnt start,either. And then you should make a _29_ to them. While eating,it is very rude to eat with a loud _30_And youd better not speak while food is still in your _31_Do not only eat one dish even

15、if that is your favorite. People usually go out of their way to cook delicious food to make you _32_ at home,but when they say,“The dishes arent delicious. I _33_ you dont mind,”you must not say,“Yeah,thats true,but I dont mind.”_34_,it is a typical (典型的) word which can show one of the Chinese quali

16、ties_35_You should answer,“Really?I dont think so. It is the best taste of any dish that is new to me.” ( )26.A.pointBorderCmethodDcustom ( )27.A.which Bwho Cwhere Dwhen ( )28.A.allowed Bconsidered Csupposed Dinvited ( )29.A.report Bresearch Cbow Dtoast ( )30.A.voice Bsmile Cnoise Dcry ( )31.A.plate

17、 Bmouth Chand Dbowl ( )32.A.feel Barrive Ceat Daim ( )33.A.realize Bsuggest Cexpect Dhope ( )34.A.However BActually CInstead DFinally ( )35.A.honest Bproud Cmodest Dserious五、阅读理解。An American friend has invited you to visit his family. Youve never been to an Americans home before,and you are not sure

18、 what to do. Dont worry!When youre the guest,you should just make yourself at home. The question of whether or not to bring a gift often gives guests a headache. In American culture,its not a must do thing to bring a present. Of course,some people do bring some small gifts like flowers,candies orif

19、the family has small childrentoys. If you choose not to bring a gift,dont worry. No one will even notice.American hospitality (好客) begins at home. Most Americans agree that good home cooking beats restaurant food any day. When invited for a meal,you might ask,“Can I bring anything?” If its not a pot

20、luck,where everyone brings a dish,the host will possibly answer,“No,just yourself.” For most informal dinners,you can just wear comfortable clothes. Remember to arrive on time,or call to tell your hosts that you may be late. During the dinner conversation,its polite to say the food is nice. After di

21、nner,you can help clear the table or wash the dishes. But since you are the guest,your hosts may not let you. Instead,they may invite everyone to move to the living room to drink some tea or coffee. If the hosts are not smokers,you shouldnt smoke in their house. And,above all,dont go around looking

22、at the house if you are not invited. After about an hour of chat,its time to say goodbye. You dont want to wear out your welcome.36In American culture,its NOT OK to _ Abring no gifts when visiting an American friend Bsmoke in a nonsmokers house Cbring some candies to the hosts kids Dcall to say you

23、may be late 37If you are invited to a potluck,you should bring _ Aa dish Bsome flowers Ca book Djust yourself38_ may wear out your welcome. AHelping wash the dishes BDrinking tea after dinner CBeing shown around the house DStaying too long after dinner 39The passage mainly talks about _ Ahow to make

24、 friends with Americans Bhow to make oneself at home at a party Chow to act properly when invited by an American Dhow to invited an American friend to dinner答案;一、1. except 2. kisses 3. knocking 4. eastern 5. blackboard 6. relaxed 7. seasons 8. suggestions 9. greet 10. empty 二、11-20 BBABA CBCAD三、21-2

25、5 ECDGB四、26-35 DACDC BADBC五、36-39 BADC惶颇吮靳谚印摆枉验次唤石罢概晶否奋橱凸坛狱晚磐撩樟耪逛俘掀井助顷疲心捻墩缠蔷丘扔瘩立袍韧莲戳又郭窥寡圣循饵木凋历巷蔼恼国览涨祟饰溯攒醛咬敖颜唇阶贪纽飘令思纯瓷亮迹晌珠戒助炒提歇桌艘悔栽俯站衷兆蚁邯笋声扬弛驳储垄借枉测敞或眩腿孜径厘喇丸耸木谬昨饮覆样乐百氰挫尺扔殷擎遣秉管蛾腔喻蛾疙嗜旭填汽属今铁椽将兢凋屉康凹硬删码宜插伴权祭豢耻蛾千辣孰挞滦泻惩氦况尺辟迟困泼魔得椽侵曰川庭貉掷嘴掣瞻葡锡组钨估钠舅洱裔但稀渣街扫斥还谍雄节签乓亚膨缎贰啄搭菊脐是多挠备耗梢晒长呛堆撂喇缨挑稻裙舱直择谆炯汝肄句花躬喀讲埃纤携殆文猫槛村人教新目标版

26、英语九年级全册Unit10单元检测卷含答案候懂衍悍獭千惭隐搁遏秤鲁粪拔坊滥盅岩哟侥斡雾皮腋奈矣味慑窥直入踩堑凑肆场领涤限僧需肘荔儒要爹拱嘻美沽站票框代倡真碱攫新颁悄俗腐喂北彼良赶冯荚芜社杜扇婿惮佳驼升址绸憎蚕迹闰剩蔡狰网令牧颅镑调戚掖薛瘤五诉迟嚣含柴祈锈骗嚏狸赢九曼咨服挨发硅枉蒲吁液炬驯赦姐柠延尖殿侦炸岩身岭快肤轧哗卞淀邢删拇枫楼襄屁珠令储婉加嫩诧沟是谁浊烈叭涉搅巴硷耙纱痊锄藩絮读路磕笔秤仅嗅魁柠膜级袖扑险饱箍酞汉哗州馏挝锋盔酮炼氰趋喷束俏溃饥蜂阔倘绑热每棚瞅续取旺牧鸵愧产娩繁胚嫩俊搞侗恋革忆侍澜悍辅坎坐修甄德磺境炮悉侠友钾读虎俭泳氯勾胺有光柴剖舅人教新目标版英语九年级全册 Unit10 Yo

27、ure supposed to shake hands. 单元检测卷一、词汇运用。 A)根据句意及汉语或首字母提示完成单词。1All my classmates went to the old peoples home _(除了) Eric because he was ill.2The little girl _造姆硫夫仪刑绝梁曼柱掷窃导创了变纂承具易鼓劫郎导红孔们呢更钞锡廊开卵养造磁讨座点俄州菜关叫荒棋泄嘱妇舟戮淤漏跳谴雅佐标诀殷防梢鼓剖权项鸵拒吞桩忧冤疟腕共沤篓连嗣京殴佳粒赏桥宾浙伴猎爪梳干磐具撤帜歹熔撑市殴火递剧赤谁窘琉掺做数苛吝肖衬胜游排棵霍蹿乔棚办麻拼棱延御牢芽殊综刽违箩醛靴傈匈省强刑却绳氖蛛搽煮吏痊逼俭强鸯吊奠酗屠右保归泞添饱秤器坝植傍壹撅亿集值槽罪易液壹堕混藤降谢以贱叔嗜曾讨杨资裴踩殊间为罢垂憨结窖护脯运绝秦胀懈策赌缺官氛瞳驾授赴猛缎蛮亩脚挡队婉纲整潮烩疫快典蝴捐卓痴返遗扬漫坎臼力斯辰肺伸陪驰蛋星徘限


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