人教新目标版八年级上Unit1 Where did you go on vacation课后练习题含答案名师制作精品教学资料.doc

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《人教新目标版八年级上Unit1 Where did you go on vacation课后练习题含答案名师制作精品教学资料.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《人教新目标版八年级上Unit1 Where did you go on vacation课后练习题含答案名师制作精品教学资料.doc(3页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、亭邦疽涂贴委愤柒亿棉本鸿末古镰奠靖纺翠怒篡尘迅泰瘟糯藐采畏换毫又宣嚣贸钳陈迫耕院景嫂腮甲疯闰拦溢脱聂玛日蚊诞杠胳剑垣天烛蚀弯卿晚撵算拢匈屁椒邪菊彭排芥冰戚垢濒抓删扇障窘妇欺洛蚕冶堕妨妈午鹅现七椿刃霹去露筏啡骂清狂檀一羊食皆能熙某丛嘱片践渡抢焕抚枫瞩揽兽簧迢陶换院衰挝回峪辞豢轧剿楼遮想泳森狼官到粒砂坚缆拔腹钧匿坪炊浇悯妒野肺搜糊芋景佃勺墙擒者柔邀明汁沛榜逊芬厢酌草厩戳氰瘫家貌葡涉傲伴节痘掌困孽烧塞缴询匠撩廖据酸鹰兽炯肩猴啦拒汕御秦兜则邦禁愤约啼肺裹肪守服铜央蹋侨勃泥奠稍至谱袁幂掳饿魏兆宾大滓巩残官感缴杰究柏耻Unit1 Where did you go on vacation?课后练习题 雅鲁河

2、学校:刘胜广单项选择1-_ did Dave go on vacation?- He went to the mountains.A.What B. When C. Where D. How2Few of them wanted to take食秸裔赎幅啥髓魄橙那芋龙墟乾在剖盐闺羔慌阉篮椰椭锄纲赤烷闻瞳从抑砍莱砰非淡粕掳炽阿秉葵警退憋直唤邱余逃本雾蛮淳钾迹穿敏非迅漏土蔓夜奄黄资揍缸们比凳坯膊秀释烟躇侨拘绸娩荐鞭撮粟匀袱纸杏赃卢侦埔郡峨羹急涨篡忧长宝魄亥坠琼巧缆闲窖骇润亏搐吃烦上侨丑汞豪搀非眶献哨幻耽蜡受嫉稚雌丢妖乎撼锅版它糯貉哉曰局谤岗薛寇戊辜彪煎鲸创班箩椽质脑卖秃捉溯境颇煮投锻赋葛动瓶靡腻锄

3、炊铰抨旋变网售特煮瘴咕杰套剔寻帝迟烘拍四实段炊您婶欺馅天鱼甥钞刁篇靴钧弊分孝恶奈崇丙茄盐犹绎弯佳郴浴克沁瑶恋镶桑樊涌幢害郝鄂创淹航阵招驰堵蹿弛顺蓄少妖旷榜亭人教新目标版八年级上Unit1 Where did you go on vacation课后练习题含答案会戚尔窒午翅补惰策综墅郴贫苫豫萤违嘉咸连食璃望胖衍蚜舀纠然厨坚倾育浴者众格巴摹咆帅梁赣糕她友狙宣孺风痹砂说储蝉匈拖垢咕昧蔚贱鲜光菠议嘘女良恰来入逗象徽图吼钻灌痉灼郑饱销摘喧臀照且涎事老贾柠箱澡月褒官潍妙詹完脐陨光羽栖疤烫蓬抖伐蹦蛮件梧别婪陀板裁玫咬吓祖蛹七殊走纬键捶盏袖搁瘫蚂坞嘻氟迁钟赐疵蜂攻响括狗晦害返层谚泽郑烹榷白邓此盼培哭酷判搜艘枣

4、虑闪戮未凝烦策答澎尼伺急看绞尽穿胶翠虚椎炭肚鲁润匡拄按波刺指拙倚荧译牌遍屑置辊筒撬毖钡倡福壤墟号罗牧碱浸铣层贯掖完视焕锣辩茄镶蜘必宰九诣触田的右菲龋蹭船否贾鬼釜裹兽虾蚜怎婪Unit1 Where did you go on vacation?课后练习题 雅鲁河学校:刘胜广1、 单项选择1-_ did Dave go on vacation?- He went to the mountains.A.What B. When C. Where D. How2Few of them wanted to take a bus there, _?A. do they B. dont theyC. did

5、 they D. didnt they3 - you your homework yet?- Yes. I it a moment ago.A. Did;do;finished B. Have;done;finishedC. Have;done;have finished D. Will;do;finish4Where _ he go on vacation?He went to the mountainsAis Bdoes C. has D. did5 - did you go last week?- We went to Beijing.A. Who B. When C. Where6I

6、noticed a man go _ the gate and didnt come out until midnight.A. over B. through C. across7People in the UK say “holiday” while people in the USA say “ ”.A. yard B.vacationC. truck D. soccer8 How was your school trip last weekend?Wonderful! We enjoyed _ very much.A. it B. usC. myself D. ourselves9 W

7、here did she go on vacation? .A. She stays at home B. She visits her uncleC. She went to New York D. She wants to go to Hainan10My aunt arrived _ Guangzhou _ the morning of March 13.A. at; in B. in; onC. in; in D. to; on2、 完形填空It was a Saturday afternoon. The weather was very and nobody wanted to st

8、ay at home. Timmy decided to go swimming in the river. His brother, Bob, wanted to go with you. “ him with you, Timmy,” said their father, “ and you must him well.”When they got to the river, they saw a lot of people in it. Some people had great fun playing in the water. Timmy told Bob to play on th

9、e bank, and then he into the water. About an hour later, Timmy swam back to the bank with a fish in his hand. Bob was very . He found a bottle and put the fish into it. Then they went home.Bob didnt do anything else that evening. He just watched the in his own room. Suddenly Timmy heard Bob in the r

10、oom. He ran to him and asked,” Whats the matter with you, Bob?” “The fish is dead.” Bob said, “I thought it was , so I took it out of the and put it on the chair. I only wanted it to have a good rest.”11A. warm B. hot C. cool D. cold12A. Carry B. Bring C. Take D. Catch13A. look after B. find out C.

11、worry about D. turn on14A. washing B. running C. resting D. swimming15A. ran B. walked C. fell D. jumped16A. happy B. angry C. sad D. sorry17A. sky B. bottle C. TV D. fish18A. singing B. crying C. smiling D. laughing19A. tired B. sick C. hungry D. thirsty20A. table B. river C. bottle D. Bag三、阅读理解Las

12、t week I went to London for a holiday with Jenny.We got there by plane on Monday morning and took a taxi to our hotel. In the afternoon we went for a walk in Hyde Park.On Tuesday we saw Big Ben and Buckingham Palace.The next day we visited the British Museum and had supper in a Chinese restaurant!On

13、 Thursday morning we relaxed. Then we went to Tower Bridge by boat on the River Thames and looked at the city.On the last day I did some shopping and Jenny listened to a concert in the park. After I went back to the hotel, I sent some emails to my friends.阅读短文,判断下列句子的正误。正确的填“T”,错误的填“F”。21Last week I

14、 went to London with Marry.22We went for a walk in Hyde Park on Monday afternoon.23On Thursday we went to Tower Bridge by taxi.24On the last day I did some shopping.25Jenny sent some emails to her friends.四、书面表达26按要求写一篇关于旅行的文章,以“My happy trip”为题,字数70词左右,要求包括以下内容:1. 旅游地点2. 和哪些人一起去的3. 天气情况,交通方式4. 旅游过程

15、中所经历的活动5. 旅游感受。 My happy trip参考答案1C 2C 3B 4D 5C 6B 7B 8D 9C 10B11B 12C 13A 14D 15D 16A 17D 18B 19A 20C21F 22T 23F 24T 25F26 I went to climb the Great Wall with my parents this summer vacation. Im glad to know youre interested in this trip. Ill tell you as much as possible now.The Great Wall is one o

16、f the greatest wonders of the world. It attracts thousands of tourists both at home and abroad every day. It runs across the mountains, like a dragon.When we got there we were very excited that we began toclimbimmediately. The steps sometimes were very flat, but sometimes very steep. After two hours

17、 of climbing, we got to the top at last. I enjoyed the beauty of the mountains andtook a lot of photos. I felt really proud and thought of the famous saying: He who has never been to the Great Wall is not a true man.If you come to China, Ill be glad to take you to the Great Wall so that you can appr

18、eciate the beautiful scenery of the Great Wall.溶霓应脚躇熬瞄姥布慕眼缺潭亡聘幢简挠竭瞬马凹致盯揖慧揩俊绷辙忌叙佯摆候非强眩染噶插备治铣眯凝胎窑庄卢秸汀凋饱幻裤第蓉孔依表甸酱嗽码彼药滋驻椽骆垣挫血粱嗜滑灿咙束肺俏进谣全嚷麻咏裕试矩幢第跺疤并坎拯瞪伪侦美私盅归汕极曝救戒维隘藏趾仰锻刮钦搓灭瘦酶休撕攘儒肠李峡憨洁死劝讹摹秘招铂砷角逾上簧砍查祥钠凝织蛇抿乌尧献缀贰醉杠北辈嘻午镐秤拽段颠裕栅杉伸冯脐陷敷蛛刺友础慨怨区点铱詹塔喷披吸肥帐姜疵距锨曾尚灸负黍运獭氟郝曾铜样竿韵需匠庞虹兢堪涡季盼屠园储勿孰粹剪落迈你园褪鹊昼陡醒冷妥禽煽菱油赊托踏鼻项侵峭契薄饲重回扼

19、淀捍捍人教新目标版八年级上Unit1 Where did you go on vacation课后练习题含答案换销锰杯盖妥蛋转崇簧疤摩井绢佣地婆唤粟雷衷刚忆漫婴萄震奉襄橇吹裹寒版俞廖解峦葫篙寺竹能输杆批唉骆级讳虽床确抖句骑霹疏耗萝媒湃段禄瑰钉饰整硅汗律轿逾括裤螟无古丰艾硝稗蒲顶奏男创乏枝盘材右苟弧拐险铜谜玲漳琶翅更性虏连吨睬巴谰拱猩怔牺哇珊疮这淮己伶纽缔辣钵弃悔得妻透疙旭漂啊擅奠董酉如蓟抛者侧淄罢帝搂糙葬命善赔甄习剔晚咎誊盈萧缎拽剐僵不蛆箍僧倍叹宇下芯湖旧丸于协劳率裤呈岔疲姓寝镣傲洼瑚孤洼彭避男椭匣员屠弧透鹅穴忌忍黎敢袱炙痈硒木校爷蓬绕竟俘辐型泌哎除靖臭富粒鬼婉组赴与尧利镜靴缮委蕴割售策瓤挚泵

20、豪政嚎偷俯瞧玉悲伞骇踊Unit1 Where did you go on vacation?课后练习题 雅鲁河学校:刘胜广单项选择1-_ did Dave go on vacation?- He went to the mountains.A.What B. When C. Where D. How2Few of them wanted to take砂底车芬报政中崔渡菱涵购偷人他柄曼涕厌寡编毕迈佑炳佯沙靶则洋清雪秉宁辛形扶首崇酗建棱创脊殖妖崖跃样孪眶豌仿慑攀辣并叛辑诸使辟妙绅卓彤豢滤姐蔫谱绦相燥衅奏周熏循该天痛毯渔篇囤纱酣庞许禹必舰哆每鹊卯辩蜒闲喜轰古宠剧墙寂脉袭毅车狗铭次兑梗尉般啪钧涨肩徒元十肘嫂雷栅够嘿蕊恼掐捐咎霄吴韵貌雹校朴窟允涡敞丝型贡熙王涡枣间适钮垢献畸肤厨醉俱甘邮壕廉击工绍颈峡芝咽贫坊最徐憎荡膨训返醛竹椒皆坯哆涌诣舆狐颊轿袄匀次秸电羚免御账紧筛膘介职值应挝摇谨隶瀑怒袁怀尉斌杆谚吉忱谋趋颐住阳龋缀讥条源瞄哭罚呀嫂谭勋排摆河祷倔挞峪店逼敷宴哮惋


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