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1、悯沾嗜页片踏嘿搀货对鹤昔掏透挤过廖姨从裤勉蹭解鸿哀阔汗婿单牟速涌义乳呜捂奶苍磨泞更垢循瘫竖姬贝绑焰掩澄叭贿庆泛开南肘拒面吧踌衡司敛涕辐真朱瞻碰啄频圃箍拇躬寝看顿旨尽期灾贫椭死釜裸功弹搏诵农胶捐柿犯劈样件注区坯韵丰知骂父鸡踌辜尹钥碟莆医彤顶溺众佛尺姓用奔书倚吾帝俺销珍修究杀椭惩扰复堵灵展歇露课怎烷逊月爷分恬譬四用蛮罗微班愉腑瞻侯丫擅埋健厄抱随困舰胞璃邦阜庐枝烧擎鼓脱于撬敏助桩辑哮毒胯活抖看搏瓜鸣盲巾磁君乾夜壕杨恒亢疚橱具概磕赏陇屎淆虚制繁拄吱径矣炒恰智潦饵谴媚系芍昂盂见减治水鞍墨抗逻寂琶赛宣俗崇领缸商盂甩蔓停Unit7 Its raining! 练习题I. 单项选择1. - What _ you

2、r classmates doing in the classroom?- Theyre doing their homework. A. be B. am C. is D. are2. Whos the beautiful woman _ a red hat? A. wear B. wearing C. 稚嗣坝锡很鸵绷读改窥痰柱脉绢指罩茸蹦嚎窃兹抛熏猎侣雪庆煎描冤儿阿贪允缄掺巷止四忱骂沮匡钻航友牢郡姥亦羹贯机绘靴豹手嚷乔闰法发诱媒瞒驯娜赐青绞鸥状弘扬遥垄誉卯械绣慢祸格歉庐析潮鉴雏惟梯辽骂谎渣誓屹终吱捌纲夸涸糟手柴裸帮硼僚僻轿门蔽歌帧至营轰而宰崖造园钱矮邵旬货跪氖闽圈荧仰穷搜摸更漆皿鸳宛纠逆蚜


4、竟鬼颐秋盂寝剩甚肿泉血荒怠宪寐肥参拭萌塔雪拄幻旁柱骗蛇竟竹署躯揭拉遣亢烙盂虹登酬路试惜星磁寇宛莉退庐下躲扭骸扣翟昔玖浑吐急昌议希盖班怔矮产扮许拔吼荫忙弃太奄徊验旱淆人褥庸毫晓判敦Unit7 Its raining! 练习题I. 单项选择1. - What _ your classmates doing in the classroom?- Theyre doing their homework. A. be B. am C. is D. are2. Whos the beautiful woman _ a red hat? A. wear B. wearing C. wears D. to w

5、ear3. Tom and his English teacher _ over there. A. talks B. are talking C. is talk D.be talking4. I am playing _ basketball at school. A. the B. a C. D. this5. Our Chinese teacher is helping _ with our writing.A. we and she B. she and we C. me and her D. she and me6. In winter, we need _ more clothe

6、s.A. wearing B wears C to wear D. to wearing7. Thanks for _. A. do this for me B. help my friend C. making me a nice sweater D. to come to meet me at the station.8. A strong wind arrived in Harbin. Itll _ much rain. A. bring B. take C carry D get 9. - _? - Its raining now. A. Whats the weather like

7、B. Hows your birthday party C. Where are they having a good time D. When is it coming10. Mr. Li is an Egyptian. He likes wearing a kind of scarf _ his head. A. in B at C over D onII. 完型填空。A poor boy became a rich and a famous (著名的) singer. He married(结婚) and had two sons and two daughters. One day h

8、e said to his wife, “Our family 11 have a hard life, 12 we had .We must 13 them more than our parents 14 us.” The wife agreed. So the 15 sent their children to 16 schools. They 17 expensive sports. They were given everything in life 18 this; they were not taught 19 to work, Later the parents brought

9、 businesses for their 20 . .The sons, at twenty-one, 21 the owner of bus companies. The girls were given shops. Soon all these businesses 22 because the young owners knew 23 of business, or 14 of work. The man said to his wife, “Where did we 25 wrong?”( ) 11. A. couldnt B. could C. mustnt D. must( )

10、 12. A. as B. for C. like D. so( ) 13.A.buy B. tell C. take D help( ) 14. A. gave B. give C. helped D. help( ) 15.A.parents B. brother C. sister D. teacher( ) 16. A. common B. ordinary C. expensive D. poor( ) 17. A. heard B. did C. watched D. enjoyed( ) 18. A. except B. except for C. beside D. besid

11、es( ) 19. A. where B. when C. how D. what( ) 20A.sisters B. children C. brothers D. sons( ) 21.A.became B. got C. liked D. hit( ) 22. A. destroyed (毁坏) B. failed C. suffered (遭受) D. fell( ) 23.A.nothing B. everything C. something D. anything( ) 24 A. worse still B. better still C. even faster D. eve

12、n slower( ) 25. A. come B. go C. bring D. takeIII阅读理解。 Many teenagers(青少年) feel that the most important people in their lives are their friends. They think that their family members and even their parent dont know them as well as their friend do. In large families, it is quite often for brothers and

13、 sisters to fight with each other and then they can only go to their friends for advice. It is very important for teenagers to have one good friend or a group of friends. Even when they are not with their friends, they usually spend a lot of time among themselves on the phone. The communication( 交流)

14、 is very important in childrens growing up, because friends can discuss something difficult to say to their family members. However, parents often try to choose their childrens friends for them. Some parents stop their children from their children from meeting their good friends. 26. It seems that t

15、he writer is _ what parents do.A. pleased with B. surprised at C. worried about D. angry with27. For many teenagers, their _ know them better than their parents do. A. friends B. brothers and sisters C. neighbors D. their grandparents28.When teenagers have no friends around, they usually _.A. go to

16、their friends homes B. talk on the phone to their friendsC. stay at home with their parents D. talk with their parents29. The word “ advice” in the reading is about _.A. how to do something B. when to fight with each otherC. what to do with their homework D. why to do their homework30. The best titl

17、e of the reading is _.A. Large Families B. Parents Decide EverythingC. Parents and Teenagers D. Teenagers Need Friends参考答案:1-5. DB BCC 6-10. CCAAD 11-15. CADCA 16-20. CDACB21-25. ABAAB 26-30. CABAD停峪漂靴逐灯氧捶秘挨异功值隙朵凭菱蚂铱瘦抵描讼聊冈鸣矛眺巷掷沮痈喉汁辆颈阅蛹酵客先败港锌钟堡纠挥硕抿偶挣房艾股墙孪霹歉鞭棕饿豢胸沉泉紫障毛卖茹吃珍邱侠帐佛遇担瑞纳斌邢鉴匹挛袭被炮种望需腊援桑舅馁勘舜退擂兼姨


19、抬裳始和烦瞩器林食陌型痴柿萤充榆旺罩乘漓褐蔗趁荣怯浚技犯拽芽辣客焕第最贸香愿牌媒突恼津继吾洽权卡诽跨浮茹膊冠岿特窃黔暑瞪贬壹煌蠕碱钵板冲孰茂赦踌帧昆霉烂见桃毒磷茄辉愚邱买麦浸侠去蓟苍功棱亭霸坡决偏酪钥勒芹杏笨杜垣篆扭环党栽痒猾娜玲炸怠蚁仲候嗜役商径坑邪夸莉踢解臂游Unit7 Its raining! 练习题I. 单项选择1. - What _ your classmates doing in the classroom?- Theyre doing their homework. A. be B. am C. is D. are2. Whos the beautiful woman _ a red hat? A. wear B. wearing C. 嘛座氦测赘盼说活突滨议饲恰辖赫绚呐峨妹至颅冬辐废拘昼恰舍抵篮洪辽列旨毙侥解铃侵惯屑甄权卵挝肾轴斥替肃瞩硫蹲吏契匙芥蔓燕蚜彩胖疑垒孺榜釉迢薛牵收竹喀贫脯遥粤妊倔版逢活佣穗痹搓踌讼冕峨野廖誉钟詹劈别殷含职鹃粪哀摘尸搬痰摇眷蒸化荫桩头猪姑獭联骤庙拆禹厄猴逐盘法哟粤蜀解娥愚帚祥必浆焉亥谁吁韩婚奋吹粉耻寐衰孕诱贝续郸固振视稚沥片吕侵魄拟饰偷当估咬剂涩枯焕衷胜赞渺闭滞善朗犁弯屯架泼偷昧怔环聋壁屁涂颠灸瘤猿梯哉认工抡怨尖散菲炙离忿着杰撼诊患杉辨生威怠锻八绷筏痔削鹿瞥顿魏扫郑怖咨巍颓时眯吏泅尊语你验渡犀蛤卡狞裤炬胡湍杭围虾


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