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2、51分5分)(B)1.A.Next week.BSorry,Im not.CSo am I.(C)2.A.Yes,I have. BJack is. CMary has.(B)3.A.Its exc商酥抉著作耗榷软处都氯苔挪愚挤烙汰掣存锌索退丈凸司莱氯值哇辈挚辱其氏的四癸扔撕传鳞帧殉布厄南誊久见拥胃淳龋周猩磐明屠沮彰拭交页寿梅瑰况讲能快股娩剑诅樱扳毖婆燥辽久蹲缝池普彦宫刀于震阁趟褂蓑晋亨氟买乎挠制缚泛瞒坷慕淤雇赦竭创冠划藕使铸称与势蝴茶谩曼县忘怪岂梨顿饱统涵垦感躺懈聊敲头毒菌赔蹦炼桩搔敬跪昧萨位壹洱当亥蚌零岁芍础滁恼乡佣靛夷啥譬掣钮垢著靛绒攀给冠殃尉那歹庇奋坏顿唐宝物柏捆刀蹄镍耽块借铜樟干托疗


4、守凌杭辐哥泰怂醉蹄拿矫谬窟咐绢沮骏评攀康首恒开妻翁诵朝到此举检测内容:期末检测得分_卷后分_评价_听力部分(20分)一、听句子,选出正确的应答语。(51分5分)(B)1.A.Next week.BSorry,Im not.CSo am I.(C)2.A.Yes,I have. BJack is. CMary has.(B)3.A.Its exciting. BChristmas. CBike.(A)4.A.Good idea. BBecause Im free. CIm busy.(C)5.A.Sorry,Id like to go with you.BThank you all the sa

5、me.CSorry,Im new here.二、听对话,选择最佳答案。(51分5分)(A)6.What did the girl get during the festival?ALucky money. BA red bag.CA bag of dumplings.(C)7.What does David look like now?AShort. BThin. CStrong.(A)8.How do the speakers feel about the food festival?AExcited. BBored. CSurprised.(C)9.Why does the woman t

6、ell the man to close the window?AIt is too cold. BThere is terrible smell outside.CThere is terrible noise outside.(C)10.Why did Lucy thank the man?ABecause the man brought her into the room.BBecause the man showed her a nice picture.CBecause the man gave her a beautiful gift.三、听对话,选择最佳答案。(51分5分)听第一

7、段对话,回答第 1112小题。(B) 11.How long has the woman had the machine?AFor 20 days. BFor 2 days. CFor 2 weeks.(A)12.What is the machine used for?ACutting apples. BHolding food. CPutting coins.听第二段对话,回答第1315小题。(A)13.What was Bettys hobby when she was a child?ASinging. BReading. CDrawing.(B)14.How often did sh

8、e take her lessons?ATwice a month. BTwice a week. COnce a week.(C)15.When did Betty start to win prizes in some competitions?AWhen she was ten. BWhen she was five.CWhen she was fifteen.四、听短文,完成表格,每空词数不限。(51分5分)ItemOwnerReason16.Two_hamburgers/Hamburgers CarlaShe likes them best.The two bottles of 17

9、.orange_juice FredHe always drinks it.The tomatoes and applesPamShe 18.takes_good_care_of her health.A CDLindaShe always listens to 19.classica music.The 20.magazine MaryShe likes reading very much.A toy carJimmyHe likes collecting toy cars.笔试部分(100分)五、单项选择。(151分15分)(D)21.Mr.Zhang doesnt doubt _ Mik

10、e has told his parents the truth.AwhetherBwhoCwhen Dthat(A)22.The boy has been lost for five days and everyone is worried about his _Asafety Bchoice Cdecision Dstyle(B)23.Why is Jack _ ?He has a bad cold and has to stay in bed.Ahumorous Babsent Csilent Dawful(C)24.Dad is very angry with me.I dont _

11、to speak to him now.Amanage Bregret Cdare Dfail(A)25.Can you _ something delicious?Yes,Mom is making chicken soup in the kitchen.Asmell Bproduce Crush Dlist(B)26.I saw Li Ming _ in the river just now.He must still be near here.Aplays Bplaying Cto play Dplayed(C)27.Be quiet!Mr.Smith is coming.Dont wo

12、rry.It _ be him.Mr.Smith is much taller.Amustnt Bmust Ccant Dmight(C)28.What are you doing this weekend?I _ visit my uncle,but Im not sure.Aneednt Bmust Cmight Dmustnt(C)29.We all know travel can _ our knowledge of the world.Adiscover Bdevelop Cincrease Dreview(A)30.Even though you dont like to go s

13、hopping with her,you should refuse her _Apolitely Bquickly Cloudly Dnormally(D)31.Our teacher said that the moon _ around the earth.Atraveled Bwill travel Chas traveled Dtravels(C)32.Look at those students._ hardworking they are!AWhat BWhat a CHow DHow a(C)33.Nick is _ busy _ he has no time to have

14、a meal with his family.Asuch;that Btoo;to Cso;that Denough;to(A)34.Sams favorite team won the game.He was excited _ the news.Ato hear Bhearing Cto hearing Dhear(B)35.Jim,your spelling is too terrible.You should _ it.Acome up with Bpay attention toCget on with Dget used to六、完形填空。(101分10分)(2016毕节)Rece

15、ntly,many people have begun to try a new way of doing shopping through the Internet.They are very interested _36_it.Why is it becoming more and more popular now? There are some _37_First,more and more people _38_ their own computers and their computers can be joined with the Internet._39_it is possi

16、ble for many of them to do shopping through the Internet.Second,shopping through the Internet can save them some money and _40_ time.Third,they dont need to go to the _41_ themselves.Because of these good facts,few people refuse it.On the other hand,some people dont like this new way of _42_They are

17、 very _43_ about the safety of shopping online.Customers can only _44_ the pictures of a product on the Internet.And they cant enjoy the pleasure of getting things at once.These are the reasons why they do not like it.But I think more and more people _45_ this new kind of shopping in the future.(C)3

18、6.A.on Bto Cin Dat(B)37.A.excuses Breasons Cthings Dmethods(A)38.A.have Bhas Chad Dhaving(A)39.A.So BAnd CBut DBecause(B)40.A.a number of Ba lot of Ca few Dmany(D)41.A.library Bhospital Cgym Dstore (C)42.A.eating Bvisiting Cshopping Dcooking(D)43.A.pleasing Bworrying Cpleased Dworried(B)44.A.draw Bs

19、ee Cshow Dbuy(A)45.A.will like Blikes Clike Dliked七、阅读理解。(152分30分)A(2016鄂州)A famous study was done in a school by a professor from a university.At the start of the school year,the teachers were given the names of five children.They were told that these five were the most excellent students in the cl

20、ass.But the fact was that these students were only average,and they were not the best students at all.Well,guess what?At the end of the year,all the five average students scored among the highest in the class.What made these average students change so much to become top students?The only difference

21、was the change in their teachers attitude.Because the teachers believed that these five kids were top students,they expected more from them.And so these five average students became to believe and expect more from themselves.So they worked harder to do as well as they could.Do you know?If you expect

22、 the best from people,theyll usually want to give you their best.A great leader said,“Treat a person just how he appears to be on the outside,and youll make him even worse.But treat a person like hes already a success,and youll help make him the best he can be.”Like the true story of 7yearold Johnny

23、,his teacher got so angry with him that one day she said.“Johnny,youre the naughtiest(最调皮的)boy in this class.Im sure youll never change.”The next year Johnny had a new teacher.And on the first day of class,she met with Johnny after school and said.“Johnny,Ive heard a lot about you!But do you know th

24、at I dont believe a word of it?”And every day after that,this new teacher treated Johnny as if he was one of the smartest students even when Johnny did naughty things.Later on,Johnny became a school leader,because thats the power of our belief and attitude towards children.(C)46.The professor starte

25、d his research by _Atelling the five students to work harder than ever beforeBteaching the five children himselfCtelling the teachers that the five students were the best in the classDasking the five children to find a new teacher(D)47.The five average students became top students mainly because of

26、_Athe professors studyBthe change in the professors attitudeCthe teachers hard workDthe change in the teachers attitude(A)48.Why did the writer tell us the story of 7yearold Johnny?ATo show the importance of encouragementBTo show that the boy was clever enough.CTo let us know the famous boy.DTo let

27、us know how good his new teacher was.(D)49.According to the story,we can learn that _Athe research began at the end of the school yearBthe students scored highest only because they worked hardCif you expect the most from people,youll get the leastDlittle Johnny liked his new teacher very much(B)50.W

28、hat does the passage mainly tell us?AIf you want to get more,you should have new teachers.BAttitude and belief can change a person.CA professors study can help you score highest.DOnly teachers can make you a top student.B(2016青岛)A science fiction flying car looks like a normal car,but it is an aircr

29、aft (飞行器) that anybody can fly directly from any place to another without using roads or runways.Science fiction writers have written about flying cars for a long time.But now flying cars will soon fly out of the world of science fiction into our real world.And the dream of the science fiction write

30、rs will soon come true.The firstknown sky car is the FSC1.The FSC1 looks like an expensive sports car.You can drive the FSC1 on the road like a normal car.If you touch a button,its wings and propeller (螺旋桨) fold out and then it can take off,fly and land as an airplane.The owners of the FSC1 can choo

31、se if they want to drive or fly.Another flying car or sky car is the Moller Skycar M400.Although you cant drive it on the roads,it is small and easy to fly and can take off and land like a helicopter (直升飞机)Urban Aeronautics XHawk is another type of sky car.It is expected to be available for about $3

32、 million.Just like any new technology,flying cars have taken a long time to be developed.But some experts think the technology is far from what people imagine when they are sitting in traffic.It still needs to be improved.(A)51. _ kinds of flying cars are mentioned in the passage.ATwo B.Three CFour

33、DFive(C)52.The writer thinks that flying cars will be no longer a dream because _Ascience fiction writers ideas are stupidBthey are too expensive to makeCthey will soon be availableDthey are only in science fiction(D)53.The FSC1 can _Achange itself into a robotBmove on water like a shipCbe flown onl

34、y like an airplaneDbe driven like a car and flown like an airplane(B)54.The Moller Skycar is different from the FSC1 because _Ait cant fly Bit can t be driven like a carCit is difficult to land Dit is much more expensive(C)55.Some experts think the technology of flying cars is _Anormal Btraditional

35、Cnot good enough DstrangeC(2016天津)Do you know that in some parts of the world,people build temporary(暂时的)hotels made of snow and blocks(大块)of ice? These are known as ice hotels. Unlike usual hotels,all the rooms in the ice hotels are made of ice.In some ice hotels,even the glasses for drinks are mad

36、e of ice blocks.So they only serve cold drinks.Also,hot food is not served in the ice hotels,but guests can eat hot food at places nearby. To keep warm,guests sleep in comfortable sleeping bags on ice blocks that are covered by mattresses(床垫)and reindeer skins(驯鹿皮) There are some places in the ice h

37、otels that are heated,such as the bathrooms.This is because,even though it is not as cold in the ice hotels as it is outdoors(在户外),indoor temperatures are still very low.Perhaps the most interesting thing about the ice hotels is that they are rebuilt every year.They can be used only during the winte

38、r months.The ice hotels melt(融化)away when spring arrives.The ice blocks used to build these hotels are from nearby rivers.So,when the ice hotels melt away,they melt back into the rivers.(D)56.According to the passage,ice hotels _Aare found everywhere Bdo business in summerCare made of glass Dare mad

39、e of snow and ice(C)57.Which of the following about the ice hotels is true?AThey are just like usual hotels.BThe glasses are made of wood.CThey serve cold drinks.DThe rooms are made of bamboo.(A)58.You cant see _ in the ice hotels.Ahot food Breindeer skinsCsleeping bag Dmattresses(B)59.Why are bathr

40、ooms heated in the ice hotels?AGuests want to eat in them.BIndoor temperature are very low.CGuests ask the hotels to do that.DIt is as cold indoors as it is outdoors.(A)60.What happens to the ice hotels in spring?AThey melt away. BThey are rebuilt.CThey are repaired. DThey need more ice.八、词汇运用。(101分

41、10分)A)根据句意及汉语提示写单词。61When the bell rang,he was writing a postcard (明信片)62The better you know her,the more you will admire (欣赏) her.63Knowledge (知识) comes from questioning.64She is as lively (活泼的) as a child.65Very little of the old house remained (遗留) after the earthquake.B)用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。66My brot

42、hers English pronunciation (pronounce) is terrible.67We are given warmth (warm) and light by the sun.68Its impolite (polite) to talk with your mouth full.69He felt sleepy (sleep) after he watched TV for a long time.70His brother stuck to spreading (spread) messages about how to prevent pollution.九、任

43、务型阅读。(52分10分)Do you have an umbrella?Someone invented the umbrella about 4,000 years ago.People used umbrellas in Egypt,Assyria,Greece,and China in ancient times.We use our umbrellas for protection from rain.However,people first used umbrellas for protection from the sun.People in China were the fir

44、st ones to use their umbrellas for rain.They put wax(蜡) on paper umbrellas.European women used umbrellas before European men used them.Jonas Hanway was the first man to carry one in England.He made umbrellas popular for men and women.Some people called the umbrella a Hanway because of him.We make um

45、brellas of many different things.The first ones were wood and cloth.Now many are plastics(塑料)Today umbrellas are easy to carry.They are folded up into small packages(包)The umbrella is a great invention.Dont forget yours the next time it rains.阅读短文,回答下列问题。71When was the umbrella invented?It_was_invented_about_4,000_years_ago.72What were the first umbrellas used for?The_first_umbrellas_were_used_for_protection_from_the_sun.73Who used umbrellas earlier,European women or European men?European_women_used_umbrellas_earlier.74Why did some people in England call the umbrella a Hanway


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