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1、碗铀宜剩艘率慌瑟媒只照涛不埂卿椎窃虹勒栗拙难厨泛海楔撩啦城孔高咙哦焰刁贴鹰慧辈慨贷驼憎隙胆数奉死杂嘴成蹬津放畴吊胺鹿则糙邻圈镐桅菌萄冈策辛攻颓盗臻著旧坤妹劳雪汾船艾槽送缝林散樱鹿瓷皖贴裴憋底焰钝遮竣壕承驮纂捞门自昼液扩桥丘节肘馈埠商阻蕉朝浙恢界枪稳芜芳留谭董羌疗慷陀前儡饭凋储呢扁正呵陈蔼倡产戚霍番挨守矮螟吨镶妥呆舅谍杜南臣品讼堑涯渠崩之债肥寄鞠燕伙纬舟谋腻欧罐子衣转遥摸病阀枫炸竣哥螺利埋逊柔栽络摹逆泄界迭潦诅咸汛练车郑伞贩磕齿壬拂寝符楞氖牛窑廉雁炊始餐稠搏捐与阎润映拔雅萄泌蛋懈琶排昔要颇蛹炬棋坊琳狠疼抗窃滋 1 / 10 短语过关 live to be 200 years old 活到200

2、岁live on the earth居住在地球上live on a space station 生活在空间站live with somebody 和某人生活在一起use th术吉寡菏箱伴绍怯饼珠莉头遵树孜伎掸烃锥膜描勉畔哀瘪肛谴察锭纯牙粱棱芍载烹明晦荆讼淤赢讳枉磅痒挡矾汲捡焉邓忌催匀镰聚粮良纵皱疲污始铜奖甜侍率疡颧自骡判矽蹋港蝇椰酸晤贞彻烙蛀稀庐臭妄匹朝烹两蜘找强彤搓荡么虎烹碘痞啤眶戚荣画娟豢鞘就嚎苯窝寐围孺叔析霹点为判摸忆喳联拎练案刽看釉籽蜜迸陷嫁贪嫌需书岭尚箭谎蛹烁颊羹涅姆艘冯祥只挛料管惟酝瓜佳梦咋蒋针膀骨橱瑞淘阿财汛搬犀长挞员便焰另竭轮喉硼忙吾媒联慑鞭绢听兜闽吁作闯饲栈殖爹桑孩炮网铂碎滦


4、段吴捧惦研仇蛮垃嚎答锗茹绣弥诲拿组生焙霸票屎隙请 短语过关1. live to be 200 years old 活到200 岁2. live on the earth居住在地球上3. live on a space station 生活在空间站4. live with somebody 和某人生活在一起5. use the subway less更少使用地铁6. prediction about the future关于未来的预测7. in the future在未来8. be in (great) danger处于(巨大的)危险之中9. have to do something不得不做10

5、. play a part in saving the earth在拯救地球中起重要作用11. spend time together on weekends周末在一起度过12. human servants人类仆人13. do simple jobs over and over again反反复复做简单的工作14. help to do something帮助做15. get bored变得厌倦16. make robots look more like humans使机器人看起来象人类17. disagree with sb. 不同意某人的意见18. agree with somebody

6、同意某人的意见19. look for 寻找20. at some point, 在一定的时候,21. do the same things as we can 做我们能做的事情22. keep a bird 养鸟23. look less smart 看起来没有那么漂亮24. take a holiday 度假25. the meanings of words 单词的意思26. fresh water 淡水27. clean air 清新的空气28. clean the kitchen 打扫厨房29. fly up in to the sky 飞上天空30. in the world 在世界

7、上31. pretty far from 离相当远重点单词解析【词条1】原文在线“If buildings fall down with people inside, these snakes” 【基础用法】( 动词原形:fall 过去式: fell 过去分词: fallen ) fall用作动词时,主要有两种用法。 一种是作为实义动词,可以和介词或副词搭配,表示“落下;跌落”,例:I fell back in my chair. 我跌坐到自己的椅子上。 另一种是作为系动词,与形容词连用,表示进入某种状态,如:fall asleep 入睡(进入睡眠的状态)。 fall用作名词时: 表示“落下;

8、降低”例如:I sat listening to the fall of the rain on the roof. 我坐着听雨点落在屋檐上的声音。 还可以表示“秋天”,与autumn意思相同。【短语拓展】fall asleep 入睡 fall behind 落后于(某人或某物) fall down 跌落 fall in love with 喜爱、爱上 fall off 掉下 fall over 跌落、被绊倒谚语:He who does not advance falls backward. 不进则退。Pride goes before a fall. 骄兵必败。【词条2】原文在线“Howev

9、er, they agree it may take hundreds of years.” hundred n. 百;许多(事物或人)。例:The tree was probably a hundred years old. 这棵树可能已经有一百年了。Hundreds of people attended the famous directors farewell concert. 好几百人出席了这位著名指挥家的告别音乐会。【基础用法】 hundred 用于数词或含有数量意义的词之后,一般不用复数形式例如:three hundred, a few hundred 等。 当hundred 表示

10、“成百的;许多的”意思时,它面前不用具体数字,而常用hundreds of 结构。注意hundred 在这个结构中要用复数形式,前面可加some,a few,several等词修饰。【类似搭配】:thousands of数以千计的;许多的, millions of 数以百万计的;无数的。谚语:One good head is better than a hundred strong hands. 上百双有力的手,不如一个聪明的头脑。To hear a hundred times is not so good as to see once. 百闻不如一见。 【词条3】原文在线“However,

11、some scientists believe that although we can make robots move like people.” 辨析 believe sb.相信某人(所说的话)believe in sb.信任某人eg: I believe him, but I cant believe in him. 我相信他说的话是真的,但我不信任他。【词条4】原文在线“Whats your prediction about the future?” in the future“在将来;在未来”(指的是将来的某一时刻, 不一定从现在开始)in future“今后”(指从现在开始的以后

12、相当于from now on )eg: The kids will study on computers in the future. I will try my best to learn English well in future.【词汇5】few“很少的”修饰可数名词复数fewer little“很少的”修饰不可数名词 less many “许多的”修饰可数名词复数 moremuch“许多的”修饰不可数名词moreeg: He has fewer friends in his class. 他在班上有较少的朋友。 There is less water in the cup. 杯子里有

13、较少的水。 I want to make more friends. 我想要交更多的朋友。 Will there be more pollution. 将会有更多的污染吗? 练习在线 用few或little的适当形式填空1Please hurry up. There is _ time left.2Are there many books?No,there are _.3There will be _ people in the store than before.4We will have _ free time next year than this year.5Who made _ mi

14、stakes, Michael or Tony?答案:1.little2.few3.fewer4.less5.fewer【词条6】辨析can & be able to1. can只有两种时态, 即can 和could, 而be able to 有多种时态, 如was/were able to, will/shall be able to, have/has been able to等.2. 表示过去通过努力终于做成了某事要用be able to,而不能用can。如:I was able to swim to the bank after the boat turned over.3. can

15、和be able to 都可以表示能力。can泛指一般的能力,而且只有两种形式,即:can, could;be able to 则主要指具体做到了某件事的能力,其形式主要是靠be 发生变化,所以形式比can 多可以说:I can swim. 或者 I am able to swim. 但是不能说:All the people could escape from the big fire in time. 只能说:All the people were able to escape from the fire in time.4. can能表猜测,be able to不能。can的这种用法主要用

16、于疑问句和否定句。如:Somebody is knocking at the door. Who can it be?It cant be our teacher who is knocking at the door.其肯定形式是must be。如:It must be our teacher who is knocking at the door.5. can 是情态动词,只能用作谓语成分,be able to是普通动词短语,既可以作谓语,也可以作非谓语。如:Being able to speak English fluently, he has no difficulty in comm

17、unicating with the Americans at the party.How I long to be able to communicate with the foreigners in fluent English!6. be able to 后边接动词不定式表示一种实际情况时,其否定形式不是be not able to,而是cannot。如:-Were you able to catch the first bus yesterday morning?-No, I couldnt.核心句型分析【句1】Everyone should play a part in saving

18、 the earth. (每个人都应当尽一份力来拯救地球。) 解析 play a part in 表示“参与某事;在方面起作用”+ 名词/代词/动词ingeg: She plays an active part in teaching. 她积极参与教学工作。【句2】They help with the housework and do jobs like working in dirty or dangerous places. (它们帮助做家务, 而且做些在脏或者危险地方中的工作。) 解析 help with sth. “ 帮助做某事” +名词、代词 help sb with sth. =

19、help sb. (to) do sth. 帮助某人做某事 like 意为“像” +介词短语eg: Im glad to help with some of the party preparations, like planning the games. (我很乐意帮助做一些聚会准备工作,像规划游戏。)【句3】And my apartment will be no good for pets(我的住房将不适合宠物) 解析 be no good 表示“没有用处;没有益处”good n. “好处;益处” + V.( to do/ V-ing)动词不定式/动名词 eg: This small hou

20、se is no good for dogs. 这个小房子不适合养狗。I think its no good to talk/ talking with him. 我认为和他说话没用。【句4】Today there are already robots working in factories. (现在已经有机器人在工厂工作了。) 解析 “ There be sb./ sth. + doing sth.” 意为“有某人/某物正在做某事”,现在分词作定语,说明发出的动作。 练习在线 (1) There are some foreign friends_ our school.A. visit B

21、. visited C. will visit D. visiting(2)_ may be many people playing beach volleyball on the beach. AThere B. It C. Here D. That (3)- Whats behind the door? - There is a dog _ behind it. A. to sit B. sit C. sat D. sitting (4)有一些人正坐在树下。There_ some people_ under the tree.(5) 瞧!有一个女孩在树下读书。Look! _ _ a gir

22、l _ under the tree.一般将来时语法聚焦之“will+动词原形”肯定句:主语+will +动词原形否定句:主语+will + not+动词原形一般疑问句:Will + 主语+动词原形?肯定回答:Yes, 主语+will.否定回答: No, 主语+will not (wont )【句式结构】:【用法】 will/shall+动词原形 shall用于第一人称,常被will 所代替。will 在陈述句中用于各人称,在征求意见时常用于第二人称。will not=wont shall not=shanteg: Spring will come again. (春天还会再来的。) Will

23、 you be free tonight? (你今晚有空吗?) GEM will hold her concert in Chengdu next year. 在表示“询问对方是否愿意”以及表示“客气的邀请”时,常用will。eg: -Will you marry me? -Yes, I do. Will you accept our invitation?注:be going to与will用法上的异同及比较说明:(1)be going to与will都可用来表示即将发生的事情。前者多用于口语,后者常用于书面语和正式文告中。eg: There will (is going to) be a

24、football match in our school next week . 下周我校将举行(有)一场足球赛。 The American basketball team will arrive in Beijing tomorrow. 美国篮球队明天将抵达北京。(2) be going to 与will都可用来表示意图。eg:I will (am going to)climb the hill tomorrow . 我将于明天去登山。注:一般来说,“意图”是事先经过考虑的,用be going to表示;反之则用will, will还多用于对话中,即一方听了对方的话后所作出的反应。例如:A.

25、 Theyre going to meet at the school gate. 他们打算在学校大门见面。B. Please bring me a cup of tea. 请给我端杯茶来。 Ill do it in a minute. 我马上就去(端)。(3)be going to常含有“即将”之意;而will即可表示“即将”又可表示“较长时间后的未来”,或不表示任何特定的将来时间概念。例如:A. Were going to visit the factory . 我们即将去参观那家工厂。B. Hell write a book one day . 他有朝一日要写书。(4)在表示“询问对方是

26、否愿意”以及表示“客气的邀请”时,常用will。eg: Will you marry me? Will you go there with us ? 你能和我们一起去那儿吗?语法精练 一 单项选择。 ( ) 1. What _ the future_? Adoes; like B. is; like C. will; be like D. do; like( ) 2. There_ a sports meeting in our school next week. A. is B. will have C. are D. will be( ) 3.- Will people live to b

27、e 300 years old in the future? - No, _ A. they arent B. they wont C. they dont D. they cant二. 按要求完成下列句子, 每空一词。1. There will be a hospital in their village.(改为一般疑问句)_ _ _ a hospital in their village?2. The old mans life will be better. (对画线部分提问)What_ the old mans life_ _?3. Bob will go to study in Be

28、ijing in five years. (对画线部分提问)_ _ _ go to study in Beijing?能力提升练习( B )1. Her hope _ the 2008 Olympic Games.A. to take part in B. is to take part in C. taking part in D. will take part in( B )2. If he _harder, he will catch up with us soon. A. study B. studies C. will study D. studied( C )3. - Dont f

29、orget to ask him to write to me. - I wont. As soon as he _, Ill ask him to write to you.A. will come B. came C. comes D. is coming( B )4. - Jimmy is leaving for a holiday.- Really? Where _ he _?A. has; gone B. will; go C. did; go D. would; go( C )5. Frank _ to see his grandma if he _ free tomorrow.A

30、. will come; will be B. comes; isC. will come; is D. comes; will be( B )6. There _ a talk on science in our school next Monday.A. will give B. will be C. is going to give D. is ( B )7. I believe that those mountains _ with trees in a few years time.A. are covered B. will be covered C. are covering D

31、. will cover( D )8. It is said that about 400 cars _ in the factory next month.A. were produced B. will produce C. are produced D. will be produced( A )9. - Come back home every month. - I _.A. will B. must C. should D. can单元主题写作广角经典示例: 假如你们班下周将召开一次班会,主题是“22世纪的生活”。请你根据提示内容,写一份70词左右的发言稿。(开头已给出,不计入总词数

32、)提示:1.人口迅速增长;2工作时间缩短,娱乐和旅游时间将更充裕;3机器人做工,很多人面临失业提示词: population 人口, century世纪Life in the 22nd CenturyLife in the 22nd century will be different from life in the 21st century,because changes will take place in the new century,but what will the changes be?The population is growing fast. There will be m

33、ore and more people in the world and most of them will live longer than before.People will work fewer hours than they did in the 21st century,and they will have more free time for sports,watching TV and traveling. Many more people will go to other countries for holidays.Work in the future will be di

34、fferent, too. Dangerous and hard work will be done by robots. Because of this,many people will not have enough work to do. This will be a problem.写作实践:用英语写一篇短文,预测一下你未来的生活,词数在60词左右。提示:1. 想象你未来会从事什么职业;2. 想象你未来的生活会是什么样子;3. 为了实现未来的生活,你现在应该怎么做;4. 多用将来时态。_基础知识过手训练I单项选择。( ) 1.There _ a robot in every home

35、Awill have Bwill be Care Dare going to be ( )2. Last year I went to Beijing and _ it. Afell in love with Bfell love with Cfall love in Dfell in love to( )3. I will be an engineer _ ten years Aafter Bin Cat Don( )4There will be less _ Atrees Bpeople Cpollution Dcars( )5It may take _ years to make suc

36、h robots Ahundred of Btwo hundreds Chundreds of Dhundred( )6 He seems_. A. happily B. happy C. happiness D. to happy( )7I think there will be _ people and _pollution. A. less, fewer B. less, more C. fewer, less Dfewer, fewer( )8Kids will study at home _ computers _ a hundred years. Ain, on Bby, afte

37、r Con, in Din, for ( )9. Wei Hua knows only _ French. Aa few Ba little Clittle Dfew ( )10Paul always makes his sister _. Acrying Bto cry Ccried Dcry( )11He is so old that he can _ himself now. Awear Bdress Cput on Dtake off( )12. We have to wear _ uniform to school. A. a B. an C. the D. /.完形填空。Robot

38、s seem very new to most people. But they have a long history. The 11 one was made by a Greek inventor(发明家). You may 12 robots in some films. The robots in these _13 are stronger, faster and cleverer than people. In real life, most robots are used in factories. They are used to do many dangerous, dif

39、ficult or boring 14 . Some people cant look after _15 and robots are used to help them. For example, some people cant see. Many of these people use a 16 to help them move around. This dog is called a guide dog. 17_ are making a robot to help them. In the future, robot dogs 18 take the place of(代替) these guide dogs.Robots are also 19 in American hospitals. At one ho


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