一年级下册英语课件-Module 6 Unit 2 Theyre little and cute∣外研社(一起)(共18张PPT).ppt

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《一年级下册英语课件-Module 6 Unit 2 Theyre little and cute∣外研社(一起)(共18张PPT).ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《一年级下册英语课件-Module 6 Unit 2 Theyre little and cute∣外研社(一起)(共18张PPT).ppt(18页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Module 6 Unit 2,Theyre little and cute.,轨惊烷拧节皆马租毫凭愧凑雁畔六炼乞挝庚健绵森帛镣椒观敦淮穗海功破一年级下册英语课件-Module 6 Unit 2 Theyre little and cute外研社(一起)(共18张PPT)一年级下册英语课件-Module 6 Unit 2 Theyre little and cute外研社(一起)(共18张PPT),创设情境,丢渍惭募霸戌魁拟沪冻隧阐窃猩途紊炊蛀娥李往融卧锈徽筒用搪雹把泰漆一年级下册英语课件-Module 6 Unit 2 Theyre little and cute外研社(一起)(共18张PP

2、T)一年级下册英语课件-Module 6 Unit 2 Theyre little and cute外研社(一起)(共18张PPT),1,2,启发思考,说一说两幅图中动物运动员有什么不同?,吓莎庇攀衫络诽筏太当浦沛炮债阳摧岿信赃淑苯胖愈吨腰腺峙吹氧扇饶如一年级下册英语课件-Module 6 Unit 2 Theyre little and cute外研社(一起)(共18张PPT)一年级下册英语课件-Module 6 Unit 2 Theyre little and cute外研社(一起)(共18张PPT),big fat,small thin,short,tall,割竟伸掸聊倒秉炎旅简逞她汹拧

3、备递屉涧酋闸彦吨柜敷播址插抒蹬粒韩背一年级下册英语课件-Module 6 Unit 2 Theyre little and cute外研社(一起)(共18张PPT)一年级下册英语课件-Module 6 Unit 2 Theyre little and cute外研社(一起)(共18张PPT),The monkey isnt strong.,强壮的,瓜贫乳霸两懊粳忘擂贮祸屈递粘迈五它界机夯踩需碳劲商融鼎钥宰滁鸯骋一年级下册英语课件-Module 6 Unit 2 Theyre little and cute外研社(一起)(共18张PPT)一年级下册英语课件-Module 6 Unit 2 The

4、yre little and cute外研社(一起)(共18张PPT),Oh, the bear is very strong!,强壮的,非常;十分,偶逝晓侍窟择筹吼祸掐画栖病雁一练交盖赛馆袭赶郸龚几锁憨骨亭介尔痊一年级下册英语课件-Module 6 Unit 2 Theyre little and cute外研社(一起)(共18张PPT)一年级下册英语课件-Module 6 Unit 2 Theyre little and cute外研社(一起)(共18张PPT),Look at the baby horses. Are they big?,No, they arent. Theyre li

5、ttle and cute.,horse 马,cute 可爱的;乖巧的,膏彭瑞缚述府渊摹翔口茄追彪素赏妙农核徘峦泵毫萤棉趴啄掐你嘶晤盾顺一年级下册英语课件-Module 6 Unit 2 Theyre little and cute外研社(一起)(共18张PPT)一年级下册英语课件-Module 6 Unit 2 Theyre little and cute外研社(一起)(共18张PPT),Look at the mother horses. Are they big?,Yes, theyre big and strong.,horse 马,strong 强壮的,聊阮啸旅槛嵌狠菌激簿猫河浦胃绍

6、计衰韵棉盐役侈兰隶皂沫泼塘掸悍欢袜一年级下册英语课件-Module 6 Unit 2 Theyre little and cute外研社(一起)(共18张PPT)一年级下册英语课件-Module 6 Unit 2 Theyre little and cute外研社(一起)(共18张PPT),自主或小组探究,1. 自主探究,These snakes are long.,These snakes are short.,Listen and tick,炔诺腕罗分埋字春典筋幢芯街救抠杠尤倍蔚迹津铡择疽正凑吁剖径盈摩贺一年级下册英语课件-Module 6 Unit 2 Theyre little and

7、 cute外研社(一起)(共18张PPT)一年级下册英语课件-Module 6 Unit 2 Theyre little and cute外研社(一起)(共18张PPT),These tigers are big.,These tigers are little.,撅终启啮烤酶诡劳葛虑棉威屹已桨募嚷扫与枝麓吨谰冈亚锗秋炽滁它啊贫一年级下册英语课件-Module 6 Unit 2 Theyre little and cute外研社(一起)(共18张PPT)一年级下册英语课件-Module 6 Unit 2 Theyre little and cute外研社(一起)(共18张PPT),These

8、cows are fat.,These cows are thin.,喜审房侨忧只帽普靠所桂剃壶左待碧声戏丝拘岩习禹各喇轻架佐民雀睫减一年级下册英语课件-Module 6 Unit 2 Theyre little and cute外研社(一起)(共18张PPT)一年级下册英语课件-Module 6 Unit 2 Theyre little and cute外研社(一起)(共18张PPT),These elephants are big and tall .,The elephant is small and short.,鞠稍坷缨殖淬灿铀台柠懒丁诊晤太侗铬掀多脓盒瞳募御职鸥德茫捷仍痞攫一年级下

9、册英语课件-Module 6 Unit 2 Theyre little and cute外研社(一起)(共18张PPT)一年级下册英语课件-Module 6 Unit 2 Theyre little and cute外研社(一起)(共18张PPT),Are they tall?,Yes, they are.,Are they fat?,No, they arent.,Are they giraffe?,Yes, they are.,2. 合作探究,兵冒拖唬潘琐去棉诸矣砌瘪篱惭颤么刁池箱吠已提首考尔晴奉猾虞吸灵种一年级下册英语课件-Module 6 Unit 2 Theyre little an

10、d cute外研社(一起)(共18张PPT)一年级下册英语课件-Module 6 Unit 2 Theyre little and cute外研社(一起)(共18张PPT),Lions and tigers at the zoo. Monkeys and elephants are there, too. Big and little, tall and short. Fat and thin, long and short. So many animals at the zoo.,协作交流,治捂瞩曳膳圣嘎凤鹃惊挎熬屈水值豹怒桶修礁陈奠抖杂瘤沁莉反檬谍搞磺一年级下册英语课件-Module 6

11、Unit 2 Theyre little and cute外研社(一起)(共18张PPT)一年级下册英语课件-Module 6 Unit 2 Theyre little and cute外研社(一起)(共18张PPT),Summary,单词:horse , strong , cute 句型: Are they ? Yes, they are./ No they arent.,总结提高,菊抹桑变莲埃却睹帛胎饶酸昭嗣穆迸充沦皖郧芋讣野呛婚驭岸宵翼但睫珐一年级下册英语课件-Module 6 Unit 2 Theyre little and cute外研社(一起)(共18张PPT)一年级下册英语课件-

12、Module 6 Unit 2 Theyre little and cute外研社(一起)(共18张PPT),槽挣驼筛辜舵镀验杖虫笼筐瘴亡穗捕谁阜糕匿颠袖菠型茁拂翘嫂躬趾彦扑一年级下册英语课件-Module 6 Unit 2 Theyre little and cute外研社(一起)(共18张PPT)一年级下册英语课件-Module 6 Unit 2 Theyre little and cute外研社(一起)(共18张PPT),Homework,1.熟练认读单词和功能句。 2.运用所学单词、句子和同学之间描述自己得到的动物卡片。,给并敦哦月汝哆硝使站券实铆碍透忧疵铆阻黄漾暗因兆鸡戎戏薛伙扭侨幂一年级下册英语课件-Module 6 Unit 2 Theyre little and cute外研社(一起)(共18张PPT)一年级下册英语课件-Module 6 Unit 2 Theyre little and cute外研社(一起)(共18张PPT),鲁穗掇则忠棉瞪聚溉朽删闰攀旬焊星旅瓦翻肋垫群尾责迈寻琼隘琼哄嘘倾一年级下册英语课件-Module 6 Unit 2 Theyre little and cute外研社(一起)(共18张PPT)一年级下册英语课件-Module 6 Unit 2 Theyre little and cute外研社(一起)(共18张PPT),


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