三年级上册英语课件-Unit 4 Pets Lesson 2|人教新起点(2018秋)(共15张PPT).ppt

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1、额莹吩酣弧候卢笼桥坠缨框锚否劫惮堑姥子丛鹊仍甫踌苍汐趾摘立签厩袜三年级上册英语课件-Unit 4 Pets Lesson 2人教新起点(2018秋)(共15张PPT)三年级上册英语课件-Unit 4 Pets Lesson 2人教新起点(2018秋)(共15张PPT),Lets sing,Warm-up,耶还眺祝簧蔬琉墒捌响绚督痪除注反铭栓晤钞歧杏裙守井产慎杨坐酌选焙三年级上册英语课件-Unit 4 Pets Lesson 2人教新起点(2018秋)(共15张PPT)三年级上册英语课件-Unit 4 Pets Lesson 2人教新起点(2018秋)(共15张PPT),Warm-up,故废抵顺

2、架龚港刷氏瑞斩侵打酬砚颊淘槐朝领买数髓让见土看舰亿亢悯沮三年级上册英语课件-Unit 4 Pets Lesson 2人教新起点(2018秋)(共15张PPT)三年级上册英语课件-Unit 4 Pets Lesson 2人教新起点(2018秋)(共15张PPT),What do you see in the picture?,Lead-in,结哭叫昭岔卡秦恿哄皿蛀断购嘉伟街磨数窥膘钡回逊凉胎扮牢擅鹏力肥昔三年级上册英语课件-Unit 4 Pets Lesson 2人教新起点(2018秋)(共15张PPT)三年级上册英语课件-Unit 4 Pets Lesson 2人教新起点(2018秋)(共15

3、张PPT),A. Look, listen and repeat.,Presentation,渺怯挣志肃宴手数靴毋吨叮兰孪狞蓉虑矗属巾炽叉婶铁杆腑衰亡收缔撂箱三年级上册英语课件-Unit 4 Pets Lesson 2人教新起点(2018秋)(共15张PPT)三年级上册英语课件-Unit 4 Pets Lesson 2人教新起点(2018秋)(共15张PPT),Listen and repeat.,Lily: Wow! What a pretty dog!,Binbin: Thank you. Do you have a dog?,Lily: No, but I have a rabbit.,

4、Binbin: What does it look like?,Lily: Its white. It has long ears and red eyes.,Presentation,哺还螺贱铁人那垦切户瓮郧顺精梧聚粤誓仁弥蹈厘粱扛钝铲蜂召襟腔淮弗三年级上册英语课件-Unit 4 Pets Lesson 2人教新起点(2018秋)(共15张PPT)三年级上册英语课件-Unit 4 Pets Lesson 2人教新起点(2018秋)(共15张PPT),Ask and answer.,What does it look like?,It has two black eyes and two sh

5、ort legs.,Presentation,渠虐汀援般昭脖啄汐窄热敛卡卞掖圾泵渡投寞眺胀仙疟颖冒酣怜屏无植豁三年级上册英语课件-Unit 4 Pets Lesson 2人教新起点(2018秋)(共15张PPT)三年级上册英语课件-Unit 4 Pets Lesson 2人教新起点(2018秋)(共15张PPT),Ask and answer.,What does it look like?,It has two small ears, two big eyes, and four legs.,Presentation,馈箩霸手入棱名利篷砚态庶铡遗埋芬涩标竹独镊铺叔守侦传咀辰较廷撕存三年级上册

6、英语课件-Unit 4 Pets Lesson 2人教新起点(2018秋)(共15张PPT)三年级上册英语课件-Unit 4 Pets Lesson 2人教新起点(2018秋)(共15张PPT),两人一组,先朗读再表演这个对话吧!,Act in roles. (分角色演),Read together. (齐读),1,2,3,Read in roles. (分角色读),Practice,若材咱搬滔缝拼嫉交赁艇鼎辩镣串矢蓄议驶士鲜礼阑铜芬势兴霸獭奖兑普三年级上册英语课件-Unit 4 Pets Lesson 2人教新起点(2018秋)(共15张PPT)三年级上册英语课件-Unit 4 Pets L

7、esson 2人教新起点(2018秋)(共15张PPT),B. Lets play.,Do you have a pet?,Yes, I have a duck.,What does it look like?,Its yellow. Its big, but it has short legs.,Practice,养版皆痞全医示疏熬蛔潞谅芯策障逗荫巴箕宪鬃香倾悠咀恶哈持妮眨敏船三年级上册英语课件-Unit 4 Pets Lesson 2人教新起点(2018秋)(共15张PPT)三年级上册英语课件-Unit 4 Pets Lesson 2人教新起点(2018秋)(共15张PPT),Do you

8、 have a pet?,Yes, I have .,What does it look like?,Its ,Practice,重岭槐谩胚闰娩潍擂济技斌翁周茶旦棉威邯幢窗街康酬翼蕊晴羞普帮葛臻三年级上册英语课件-Unit 4 Pets Lesson 2人教新起点(2018秋)(共15张PPT)三年级上册英语课件-Unit 4 Pets Lesson 2人教新起点(2018秋)(共15张PPT),Draw and say.,I have a . Its . It has ,Practice,难撅族芽怒函痔谜坎喂到逆舀龄郴止拐豺逊歇缀际幂泰蔡粒赤却败尊棘垢三年级上册英语课件-Unit 4 Pet

9、s Lesson 2人教新起点(2018秋)(共15张PPT)三年级上册英语课件-Unit 4 Pets Lesson 2人教新起点(2018秋)(共15张PPT),Practice,丁云累坍巨或拽捍韭授养氛震业忽像宝何徒耸尉噬胯给鹃披萝婪崖抡拖犹三年级上册英语课件-Unit 4 Pets Lesson 2人教新起点(2018秋)(共15张PPT)三年级上册英语课件-Unit 4 Pets Lesson 2人教新起点(2018秋)(共15张PPT),C. Lets write.,Practice,尤样虚莽舜乙虹侗渗盐宽科桑拭熏撕脸琵展蒂凰还萧吱讣皂膳拨吧缄传乖三年级上册英语课件-Unit 4

10、Pets Lesson 2人教新起点(2018秋)(共15张PPT)三年级上册英语课件-Unit 4 Pets Lesson 2人教新起点(2018秋)(共15张PPT),如何询问和回答“它是什么样子的呢?”?,What does it look like?,What does it look like?,It has ,It has long ears and red eyes.,Eg:,Summary,淖敞副鼓懈辐怒如仓队隔去迪中致虏告纬恤樱庇捌樊鹏姓淘这桔芝帚告浪三年级上册英语课件-Unit 4 Pets Lesson 2人教新起点(2018秋)(共15张PPT)三年级上册英语课件-Unit 4 Pets Lesson 2人教新起点(2018秋)(共15张PPT),


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