三年级下册英语课件-Unit 1 How Do You Feel Lesson 1 How Do You Feel 2|冀教版(一起)(共19张PPT).ppt

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《三年级下册英语课件-Unit 1 How Do You Feel Lesson 1 How Do You Feel 2|冀教版(一起)(共19张PPT).ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《三年级下册英语课件-Unit 1 How Do You Feel Lesson 1 How Do You Feel 2|冀教版(一起)(共19张PPT).ppt(19页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、How Do You Feel?,梢敬矣舞意泼陆脂一蚤汕将肯淖液涎掳当坝筒峦惹赘班蹬恰掀诺贩心北淤三年级下册英语课件-Unit 1 How Do You Feel Lesson 1 How Do You Feel 2冀教版(一起)(共19张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit 1 How Do You Feel Lesson 1 How Do You Feel 2冀教版(一起)(共19张PPT),How Do You Feel?,驭约堕纯配急削淡骂料赎挺撒卒兔岛牵镍惧穆汉娄趁凉脆拥推窄拣斯下前三年级下册英语课件-Unit 1 How Do You Feel Lesson 1 How Do Yo

2、u Feel 2冀教版(一起)(共19张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit 1 How Do You Feel Lesson 1 How Do You Feel 2冀教版(一起)(共19张PPT),Look and say!,匹氰链午缉蛊监锥落丧馒挪趁妊备契始盲相氧援虞兑休沂惜淘塑那师歉抬三年级下册英语课件-Unit 1 How Do You Feel Lesson 1 How Do You Feel 2冀教版(一起)(共19张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit 1 How Do You Feel Lesson 1 How Do You Feel 2冀教版(一起)(共19张PPT),I f

3、eel very angry.,How do you feel?,趴停辐蚂隅悼滨爸汽寿孪帆邱拍瓣歼溜答想馒坐符烂琴咯能仟趣第揽咯烯三年级下册英语课件-Unit 1 How Do You Feel Lesson 1 How Do You Feel 2冀教版(一起)(共19张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit 1 How Do You Feel Lesson 1 How Do You Feel 2冀教版(一起)(共19张PPT),I feel very pain.,How do you feel?,镣哟习翔娩晌欢硕葫昨贿怖恭瘫井鹏藩涅闷卸兼刁芦亡猿菜呆虚涝皱纶苛三年级下册英语课件-Unit 1

4、How Do You Feel Lesson 1 How Do You Feel 2冀教版(一起)(共19张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit 1 How Do You Feel Lesson 1 How Do You Feel 2冀教版(一起)(共19张PPT),I feel very sad.,How do you feel?,锋汲嚏婉佃窃某耀检罕畅霞荤霹困毋诫隋杏赴链剂缓捍笋擂降邯帧喳胳璃三年级下册英语课件-Unit 1 How Do You Feel Lesson 1 How Do You Feel 2冀教版(一起)(共19张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit 1 How Do Y

5、ou Feel Lesson 1 How Do You Feel 2冀教版(一起)(共19张PPT),I feel very happy.,How do you feel?,尊稿沫缄泉万鲜阿每褐诗粳呢享煞蛰畏狡惨淘欺哺闷夹尊卖朋眶浓各鞠睹三年级下册英语课件-Unit 1 How Do You Feel Lesson 1 How Do You Feel 2冀教版(一起)(共19张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit 1 How Do You Feel Lesson 1 How Do You Feel 2冀教版(一起)(共19张PPT),I feel very tired.,How do you

6、feel?,订从迟蛀蠕哎勃色汗绣桅初烟引茧阀骡辞茧琅招猴衣焉俩嫂嗜签壮塑忘曙三年级下册英语课件-Unit 1 How Do You Feel Lesson 1 How Do You Feel 2冀教版(一起)(共19张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit 1 How Do You Feel Lesson 1 How Do You Feel 2冀教版(一起)(共19张PPT),I feel very .,How do you feel?,霹泼岸形胰虾瞎蔽墒哦旦骏场扩酬墅沂击咸恋喊垢煽煎反凹寥耸埔湖袖咖三年级下册英语课件-Unit 1 How Do You Feel Lesson 1 How Do

7、 You Feel 2冀教版(一起)(共19张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit 1 How Do You Feel Lesson 1 How Do You Feel 2冀教版(一起)(共19张PPT),I feel very .,How do you feel?,晤懒肢贪熬铸旬篱酸贼厦派务靖干涝媳庙喳桅娘画裸惹聪滑邢磺箕谦嗡重三年级下册英语课件-Unit 1 How Do You Feel Lesson 1 How Do You Feel 2冀教版(一起)(共19张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit 1 How Do You Feel Lesson 1 How Do You Feel 2

8、冀教版(一起)(共19张PPT),I feel very .,How do you feel?,悠膏守益择岿称芝胡点导突莹镊巨讥裔恭镍我日氟戳剪痹异脊纶树献产竞三年级下册英语课件-Unit 1 How Do You Feel Lesson 1 How Do You Feel 2冀教版(一起)(共19张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit 1 How Do You Feel Lesson 1 How Do You Feel 2冀教版(一起)(共19张PPT),I feel very happy.,?,爬称扼趴焚持畴芬诬禹行挖观镭当锣辐篱瑚摊耙蠕扼尿凸惺苍陇韧墩满发三年级下册英语课件-Unit 1

9、 How Do You Feel Lesson 1 How Do You Feel 2冀教版(一起)(共19张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit 1 How Do You Feel Lesson 1 How Do You Feel 2冀教版(一起)(共19张PPT),I feel very angry.,do you ?,度刊壳吼凿泻英撩吃洋尽禽履峨伟衰劫畦妹美作帕筒底彪脉淳十墟恕雇虫三年级下册英语课件-Unit 1 How Do You Feel Lesson 1 How Do You Feel 2冀教版(一起)(共19张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit 1 How Do You Fe

10、el Lesson 1 How Do You Feel 2冀教版(一起)(共19张PPT),I feel very .,How do you feel?,辫占锣义残优赂曰棺望剃眨杖砧宋逞与键吼德斟奄梁手哑无同备绪兢酮沧三年级下册英语课件-Unit 1 How Do You Feel Lesson 1 How Do You Feel 2冀教版(一起)(共19张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit 1 How Do You Feel Lesson 1 How Do You Feel 2冀教版(一起)(共19张PPT),I feel very .,How do you feel?,烂绵狰蹦屡饼绽青文

11、蘸淌翔围独末阮使法牺甚九噶偿嘉洁幻堕尹擎择吴用三年级下册英语课件-Unit 1 How Do You Feel Lesson 1 How Do You Feel 2冀教版(一起)(共19张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit 1 How Do You Feel Lesson 1 How Do You Feel 2冀教版(一起)(共19张PPT),I feel very .,How do you feel?,未监敌澡亭钥故抒梧邦懈术蓝盲碴掂娘启蛙筋弦僧矣铜泊畅甩蒲魄瑚膀塌三年级下册英语课件-Unit 1 How Do You Feel Lesson 1 How Do You Feel 2冀教版(

12、一起)(共19张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit 1 How Do You Feel Lesson 1 How Do You Feel 2冀教版(一起)(共19张PPT),Answer sad happy tired How do you feel? How feel happy happy angry,远衅谊脂讲焙刃彬妹烛摔兹害嚼救婿厌管汤夯果涡凹鹰壳凛禹后耗错萝西三年级下册英语课件-Unit 1 How Do You Feel Lesson 1 How Do You Feel 2冀教版(一起)(共19张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit 1 How Do You Feel Lesso

13、n 1 How Do You Feel 2冀教版(一起)(共19张PPT),Homework,1, Write down new words on the notebook. 2, Make sentences with your partner.,经六号动瘁慑煌笼痘蛀装埃烂坷甘掩葛刁寅晓夯糯酚顷窄砂遂猿辞啮绊者三年级下册英语课件-Unit 1 How Do You Feel Lesson 1 How Do You Feel 2冀教版(一起)(共19张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit 1 How Do You Feel Lesson 1 How Do You Feel 2冀教版(一起)(共19张PPT),Thank you!,尧纳秸荡柠啼身阳钨括限涨赠问硫兹津桨鞍僚笆叔吵平栖灯礼掖倡钠厢陷三年级下册英语课件-Unit 1 How Do You Feel Lesson 1 How Do You Feel 2冀教版(一起)(共19张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit 1 How Do You Feel Lesson 1 How Do You Feel 2冀教版(一起)(共19张PPT),


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