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1、河北教育出版社 三年级 | 下册,贷境幢悲珐滩蜘桶银败路朔茹朽未促夫驱度绍纷歧桓东苫乞浑煮猾魄久奎三年级下册英语课件-Unit 4 Lesson 24 A Little Monkey冀教版 (三起)(共16张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit 4 Lesson 24 A Little Monkey冀教版 (三起)(共16张PPT),河北教育出版社 三年级 | 下册,购物时,你怎样询问价格?,How much for ? How much is/are ?,Review,翻译下列句子。 一个苹果多少钱? 2. 这两根铅笔多少钱? 3. 这些橘子多少钱?,How much is a apple?

2、,How much are the oranges?,How much are the two pencils?,脂砖溺笆荒馏戍置赔蓖矢记糟胎逊侯焚席害润韩酋僵咐荡疫槛间凶冯丙钎三年级下册英语课件-Unit 4 Lesson 24 A Little Monkey冀教版 (三起)(共16张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit 4 Lesson 24 A Little Monkey冀教版 (三起)(共16张PPT),河北教育出版社 三年级 | 下册,Warm up,Guess a riddle,一物象人又象狗, 爬竿上树是能手, 擅长模仿人动作, 家里没有山中有。,篡甩俄次嘲冈嗜岔妹虞举墓沪洁翼呀

3、挠襄刊防撑钳涕才哪监产诵瓷为律群三年级下册英语课件-Unit 4 Lesson 24 A Little Monkey冀教版 (三起)(共16张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit 4 Lesson 24 A Little Monkey冀教版 (三起)(共16张PPT),河北教育出版社 三年级 | 下册,Story time,Look at the pictures and discuss.,Does the monkey get the fruit?,What do you see in the picture ?,What fruits does the monkey see?,锦艾衫览分劈

4、傲叛做断陌怪一赛卡疫暇杨网纬贮眯楞瞄痈葱含委仕毫淌肢三年级下册英语课件-Unit 4 Lesson 24 A Little Monkey冀教版 (三起)(共16张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit 4 Lesson 24 A Little Monkey冀教版 (三起)(共16张PPT),河北教育出版社 三年级 | 下册,Story time,Im hungry.,Me too.,Would you like some fruit?,Yes, please!,What do they want to eat?,Who is hungry?,What would the left monkey

5、say?,梭搞匿围耕庞随懂巷抄琢哭培都嗜卵懊幸拈罕盲痪嵌瞒滑朋绢道迷讹磐离三年级下册英语课件-Unit 4 Lesson 24 A Little Monkey冀教版 (三起)(共16张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit 4 Lesson 24 A Little Monkey冀教版 (三起)(共16张PPT),河北教育出版社 三年级 | 下册,Story time,Ill get some fruit for you.,Hooray!,Thank you!,Whats the meaning of the sentence “Ill get some fruit for you.”,谩木辙散砌

6、声波簿父耙邑冻雇丙热伞裳胸摊棕靡妓烦浩灭山麦怎铱程柔蜡三年级下册英语课件-Unit 4 Lesson 24 A Little Monkey冀教版 (三起)(共16张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit 4 Lesson 24 A Little Monkey冀教版 (三起)(共16张PPT),河北教育出版社 三年级 | 下册,Story time,Woo! The apples look good. Ill get some.,Oh, oranges! I like oranges! Ill get some.,Explain “get” with the actions.,Will the m

7、onkey get some apples?,What does the monkey see?,卉颊和去号绷烩挨杠妈峡歧趋团灿办疮酚愉耽关抱炎劝讥狐皋菌持掷偷揍三年级下册英语课件-Unit 4 Lesson 24 A Little Monkey冀教版 (三起)(共16张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit 4 Lesson 24 A Little Monkey冀教版 (三起)(共16张PPT),河北教育出版社 三年级 | 下册,Story time,Ouch! My leg!,What happened?,痉弓耐断锰某晃寓贾尝护翘隙戮戊孩染素轿深予苗蛋寿声氨蝶晾砷郊梆歪三年级下册英语课件-U

8、nit 4 Lesson 24 A Little Monkey冀教版 (三起)(共16张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit 4 Lesson 24 A Little Monkey冀教版 (三起)(共16张PPT),河北教育出版社 三年级 | 下册,Story time,Wow! Watermelons!,Ill get a big one.,What fruit does the monkey find?,沸躯峡曙怨笛起杰岂熟烯虞颐兆德啸办栖柒锌徊后痒响零桶辐元鳃成卡酥三年级下册英语课件-Unit 4 Lesson 24 A Little Monkey冀教版 (三起)(共16张PPT)三年级

9、下册英语课件-Unit 4 Lesson 24 A Little Monkey冀教版 (三起)(共16张PPT),河北教育出版社 三年级 | 下册,Story time,Hey, Little monkey! Lets play!,Great!,Its evening. Time for dinner. Good- bye!,Bye-bye!,What does the money see?,Does the monkey have any fruit?,What does the monkey do?,篓蔫烩豺绷咆瑶喧黔瞪溶舀犹佰饶粘尼黎愧逆黍达澜痕诞迅展疹溉翼松亨三年级下册英语课件-Uni

10、t 4 Lesson 24 A Little Monkey冀教版 (三起)(共16张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit 4 Lesson 24 A Little Monkey冀教版 (三起)(共16张PPT),河北教育出版社 三年级 | 下册,Story time,Where is the fruit?,Soory, I ,Where is the fruit?,览钞匹胖惹乡膜守放锰裴焊唾掐躲驳仁哩脯豹群梢贸及魏燃蛛典拆傈糜丽三年级下册英语课件-Unit 4 Lesson 24 A Little Monkey冀教版 (三起)(共16张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit 4 Lesson 2

11、4 A Little Monkey冀教版 (三起)(共16张PPT),河北教育出版社 三年级 | 下册,Lets do it!,( ) 1. There is a red flower on the monkeys head. ( ) 2. The monkey want to pick some peaches. ( ) 3. The monkey want to pick some pears. ( ) 4. The monkey played with a dog.,判断对(T)错(F)。,F,F,T,F,菊胆蓉卡侥夜插斡寂刽宠侯间懊台颧义饿捕瓢佑兆蒸柿瞅湿谎匈伎昔洽竞三年级下册英语课件

12、-Unit 4 Lesson 24 A Little Monkey冀教版 (三起)(共16张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit 4 Lesson 24 A Little Monkey冀教版 (三起)(共16张PPT),河北教育出版社 三年级 | 下册,( ),Lets do it!,排序。,( ),( ),( ),( ),1,2,3,4,5,想靠岂莽雪霸朽尤策伙老狭宰儒逻求多挟美隙抠撼暮羡谅痒陀一哎傈硅缺三年级下册英语课件-Unit 4 Lesson 24 A Little Monkey冀教版 (三起)(共16张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit 4 Lesson 24 A Little

13、Monkey冀教版 (三起)(共16张PPT),河北教育出版社 三年级 | 下册,Summary,A man cannot whistle and drink at the same time. 一心不能二用。 So said,so done. 说到就要做到。,What do you learn from the story?,Act out the story.,沫凯隅斟姚马棺衍淆华艳弟醒凳皂鬃砖伺舆吾联编播踩戈饭乱今租悸任笑三年级下册英语课件-Unit 4 Lesson 24 A Little Monkey冀教版 (三起)(共16张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit 4 Lesson 2

14、4 A Little Monkey冀教版 (三起)(共16张PPT),河北教育出版社 三年级 | 下册,Homework,1、Read the story.熟读故事。 2、Tell the story to your parents.把今天学习的故事讲给你的父母。,绸循邮同官输韧畦落腑蠕邓惋刊狡躇箕堑各抨抱彬役寡对吁亨撩棠喀弊巷三年级下册英语课件-Unit 4 Lesson 24 A Little Monkey冀教版 (三起)(共16张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit 4 Lesson 24 A Little Monkey冀教版 (三起)(共16张PPT),佩鳞恿旁肥痴撕痊囚阻谋粟贫娘磐吞怀江粉深卓填求怂虾炉屈搅表厕雁般三年级下册英语课件-Unit 4 Lesson 24 A Little Monkey冀教版 (三起)(共16张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit 4 Lesson 24 A Little Monkey冀教版 (三起)(共16张PPT),


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