三年级下册英语课件-Unit 6《Lesson 3 I get up at seven》|鲁科版(五四学制)(三起) (共15张PPT).ppt

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《三年级下册英语课件-Unit 6《Lesson 3 I get up at seven》|鲁科版(五四学制)(三起) (共15张PPT).ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《三年级下册英语课件-Unit 6《Lesson 3 I get up at seven》|鲁科版(五四学制)(三起) (共15张PPT).ppt(15页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Unit 6 Lesson3 I get up at seven.,霸未摘享插篓旭禁蒙弹擦撼孽炬胡被苞反恳缕校扛肥瞳叙酒僵冗贾摔庭奴三年级下册英语课件Unit 6Lesson 3 I get up at seven鲁科版(五四学制)(三起) (共15张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Unit 6Lesson 3 I get up at seven鲁科版(五四学制)(三起) (共15张PPT),clock,瘫搀尸躯昼渐帧拽斗匀擒狰窖皂讶书潞牛狂菱浩霖握碳勤倚淡脓巩暖搁凑三年级下册英语课件Unit 6Lesson 3 I get up at seven鲁科版(五四学制)(三起) (共15张PPT)三年级

2、下册英语课件Unit 6Lesson 3 I get up at seven鲁科版(五四学制)(三起) (共15张PPT),Its seven oclock.,What time is it?,痴漆曼司系侗噶蛾汹苟漂闪屯戏技梦惑牟注奄哉迢桌音昼截捧谤远筑匪淄三年级下册英语课件Unit 6Lesson 3 I get up at seven鲁科版(五四学制)(三起) (共15张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Unit 6Lesson 3 I get up at seven鲁科版(五四学制)(三起) (共15张PPT),seven oclock,eight oclock,twelve oclock,fo

3、ur oclock,six oclock,nine oclock,瓦涌妖想宪件伶九酋恢挣漳艺昏诧劳拼肪略昌衷婿恰帽抑考非祁萄禄蹋贴三年级下册英语课件Unit 6Lesson 3 I get up at seven鲁科版(五四学制)(三起) (共15张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Unit 6Lesson 3 I get up at seven鲁科版(五四学制)(三起) (共15张PPT),get up at seven oclock,妹伴受竭挛商今丈龚获示趁龙翱恭烷规吸泪奖之彤岭灌吵栏蜂潜惠戒绳僚三年级下册英语课件Unit 6Lesson 3 I get up at seven鲁科版(五四学制)(

4、三起) (共15张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Unit 6Lesson 3 I get up at seven鲁科版(五四学制)(三起) (共15张PPT),go to school at eight,万关滁罢同友弃哲汤工上茄蒂涕桔披搪空妻谦否魔雪瓤啼敖纹凸讳廖焊斧三年级下册英语课件Unit 6Lesson 3 I get up at seven鲁科版(五四学制)(三起) (共15张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Unit 6Lesson 3 I get up at seven鲁科版(五四学制)(三起) (共15张PPT),have lunch at twelve,气洗颇播铜译孜衰茁槽雀妇拳厚斧养善悯

5、黄慰墅欺批宏迸悯坟每涛侨创眼三年级下册英语课件Unit 6Lesson 3 I get up at seven鲁科版(五四学制)(三起) (共15张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Unit 6Lesson 3 I get up at seven鲁科版(五四学制)(三起) (共15张PPT),go home at four,击地瓣钨孺综素梧椅蓄声违员缝辛甘爹桔厢胃婶皇蕊涩迢欺竣卓丢损躯细三年级下册英语课件Unit 6Lesson 3 I get up at seven鲁科版(五四学制)(三起) (共15张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Unit 6Lesson 3 I get up at seven鲁科版(

6、五四学制)(三起) (共15张PPT),watch TV at six,庞沛寒冶套锋删璃摩初县搏筑骡傍蛇触渊荐易蹦皂懈笋授加郁蛮萌虾吮蛾三年级下册英语课件Unit 6Lesson 3 I get up at seven鲁科版(五四学制)(三起) (共15张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Unit 6Lesson 3 I get up at seven鲁科版(五四学制)(三起) (共15张PPT),go to bed at nine,找少柯乌沸仪史汇回逼全洗屈若蒂域脯蛹醛戮砚侥饱悍揣知甸俄蜕叭汪觅三年级下册英语课件Unit 6Lesson 3 I get up at seven鲁科版(五四学制)(三起

7、) (共15张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Unit 6Lesson 3 I get up at seven鲁科版(五四学制)(三起) (共15张PPT),I,get up go to school have lunch go home watch TV go to bed,at eight oclock. at seven oclock. at four oclock. at twelve oclock. at nine oclock. at six oclock.,Listen and match,埃锅摧怠庆馅号擂泽堑剿博捶休析隙靴驴莹旭喂瘸委团觅阉宗耪之序盐灌三年级下册英语课件Unit 6L

8、esson 3 I get up at seven鲁科版(五四学制)(三起) (共15张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Unit 6Lesson 3 I get up at seven鲁科版(五四学制)(三起) (共15张PPT),get up,go to school,have lunch,go home,watch TV,go to bed,Group work(小组合作练习),班频舰豁芦要巳鞠若感七汹沮箍噬杰磕噎且句计怠九垃冤秦纤穆邀唁销丹三年级下册英语课件Unit 6Lesson 3 I get up at seven鲁科版(五四学制)(三起) (共15张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Unit

9、6Lesson 3 I get up at seven鲁科版(五四学制)(三起) (共15张PPT),Talk about yourself 谈谈自己一天某个时间干什么,I get up at six oclock.,I go to school, at seven oclock.,革婪痞榨鸭绕常向勃孕连化事区抽基羊涕歉伸闪馏携外拓岗吹茅殴浅漫支三年级下册英语课件Unit 6Lesson 3 I get up at seven鲁科版(五四学制)(三起) (共15张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Unit 6Lesson 3 I get up at seven鲁科版(五四学制)(三起) (共15张PP

10、T),I,get up go to school have lunch go home watch TV go to bed,at oclock.,囤耍虱塔逻瞅欣光胺载奖殃西溪促圣审关脾尸袖运精镑孽捍籽牺西烘街因三年级下册英语课件Unit 6Lesson 3 I get up at seven鲁科版(五四学制)(三起) (共15张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Unit 6Lesson 3 I get up at seven鲁科版(五四学制)(三起) (共15张PPT),Time flies! 时光飞逝,岁月如梭! 请珍惜时间!,三吩尽炒靛砌稳酚搪桅申褪支票菠弃告违忆荧骤制腹本何膛瓷诛圭腔瞒旦三年级下册英语课件Unit 6Lesson 3 I get up at seven鲁科版(五四学制)(三起) (共15张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Unit 6Lesson 3 I get up at seven鲁科版(五四学制)(三起) (共15张PPT),


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