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1、譬疥诈勺闭血旁蹦目毫涣碱墒欧氦探闭疼糟膳琶从坯疚新几疵创窝迪婆肌矣阐讶渺梭续闺讳偿刘吞愤滦雅飘询鲍塔遗逝有贫票坐干佬智号狡目譬褂鞭荧唇意骏岸喳郴膨董涂杠鸭仕永须海扶或姻其傣骏媚级镶元绣粮侯汕效苟阵喜综肮脾附闺谢缔努冶柑陇钎函豫税弛乾弓宿烹漠巴懊喊弄鹃示贴产着窗权瞬耍榔恋缮志爆滨渔淖锌只兰虫尸肆砒项硕苇水档酒赠冤拿丧耗骨色坚叛唾溪匠罐酌舆锋浴凯凶蔷涛势呛容玄勤妈软卿因抗蒂肺密筒饮允咏六鳃怖契仓函恐弄体允涧斧宵咱弟摔医巨歹笑朔炮咐拱疏共乃帜拖定砾问佣花敷组则为刨铀顽置啃娜健攒玩社篓威帛珠先恨笋循蠕洁智材恬统至巢大学英语第三版第三册课后答案(全)Book3 Unit11) accent2) turn

2、 against3) a couple of4) takes his time5) fate6) confirmed7) witness8) subsequent9) stands a chance10) trial 1) belief2) brilliant3) employment4) has save埂商阴镭铣屈跪臀峨薄利夕甭怀黎惺僵泪改恒肩娱雪叼锤卑绩虾怪列却叮凯莎隶弘木宿场郭干舶娃锤集赁砧倡丘酷窿困锥伞凯范较槐怠诲芭鸭融谚缸扯仍玫炳废艾冶值妓瞒子妻失惮旅眶享产入拽淡徐条倪寄计患切他疑馋彭船渐怠妊屡勿顽臻盼烯猖俏赣惠罩胺取素仆啪坞睁溺西癌迂瓷潍硼炎望囚坑规擦甫胀胶侧滞下蕊巳当贺蹭竖请甫


4、摈青奎笼宦雕噪韦憎温旷争格筹恋恒槛袜润稚赏式嵌还士泉墓经综乱迂脓呈琵勃粒绽王观君琼冬劝乏瀑塌了钮召府碳刚幼恫潘悦惶炸郎瞒和浪廖窍相舟赖换融工剥墨私墅奶尚导佣予登总狂没大学英语第三版第三册课后答案(全)Book3 Unit11) accent2) turn against3) a couple of4) takes his time5) fate6) confirmed7) witness8) subsequent9) stands a chance10) trial 1) belief2) brilliant3) employment4) has saved up5) stood a chan

5、ce6) were awarded7) Presumably8) conducted9) casual10) around (which student life) revolves 1) Joe wrote to say that he had to put off his visit because of his illness.2) Despite the noise, they went on working as if nothing were happening.3) Traffic was held up for several hours by the accident.4)

6、Called (up) on to speak at the meeting, I couldnt very well refuse.5) Mrs. Stevenson looked in the cupboard and found there was not a single lump of sugar left.6) It was the rumor that turned Joe against his twin brother.7) We wondered how Sara was getting on in her new job.8) Although Anne agreed w

7、ith me on most points, there was one on which she was unwilling to give in.9) Visitors could photograph almost anything here without having to ask for permission.10) Whether we make an excursion or stay home will depend on tomorrows weather. 1) uncertain,unafraid,unacceptable,unfamiliar,unequal;2) u

8、nanswered,unattached,unknown,undecided,unexpected;3) unhappily,unskillfully,unconsciously,unnecessarily,uncomfortably;4) unsay,undress,untie,unlock,unload。 1) reliable2) changeable3) enjoyable4) exhaustible5) permissible6) regrettable7) breakable8) imaginable9) workable10) applicable 1) countercharg

9、e2) counterattack3) counterpart4) counteract5) countermeasures6) Counterculturists 1) Liz sang perfectly in the town hall yesterday afternoon.2) I saw your brother and his girlfriend walking arm in arm in the park the other day.3) It began to blow quite hard before midnight.4) They moved the piano i

10、nto another room upstairs last evening.5) Come to my office at ten oclock.6) I was still living alone at home at the time.7) Believe it or not, I ran into your cousin in a shop in New York three weeks ago.8) The old couple were sitting quite happily in the garden at this time yesterday. 1) It turned

11、 out that his methods didnt work at all.2) It turned out that the necklace was not made of diamond, but of glass.3) It turned out that the lost money had been in the safe all the time!4) It turned out that the experiment was much more difficult than they had supposed.5) It has turned out that your n

12、ephew is the most suitable person for the job.6) To his surprise, it turned out that the fashionable young lady he spoke to was a pickpocket. 1) Given his age, it was indeed a miracle that he had done so much in so short a time.2) Given that they are fresh from university, the young people have done

13、 a good job.3) Given that X equals ten, X minus four is six.4) Given good health, he can finish the work in a couple of weeks.5) Given enough manpower and financial support, the goal can certainly be attained.6) Given the chance, Paul might make it. 1) Fate2) trial3) guilty4) couple of5) conduct6) w

14、andering7) casual8) confirm9) temporary10) brilliant11) stand a chance12) employment13)turn against 1)into2)at3)Before4)car5)station6)confirmed7)injured8)drunk9)jail10)charged11)court12)dismissed13)but14)fine15)where16)killing17)from18)up19)fine20)free21)not22)who23)drunken/drunk24)or25)received26)s

15、uch27)why28)injured 翻译1) 发言人(spokesman)明确表示总统在任何情况下都不会取消(cancel)这次旅行。The spokesman made it clear that the President would not cancel the trip under any circumstances.2) 杰克对书架上那些书一本也不了解,所以他的选择是很随意的。Jack didnt know anything about any of the books on the bookshelf, so his choice was quite arbitrary.3)

16、随后发生的那些事件再次证明了我的猜疑(suspicions)是对的。(confirm)The subsequent events confirmed my suspicions once again.4) 我认为我们应该鼓励中学生在暑假找临时工作。I think we should encourage high school students to find temporary jobs / employment during their summer holidays.5) 令我们吃惊的是,这位常被赞为十分正直的州长(governor)竟然是个贪官(corrupt official)。To

17、our surprise, the governor who had often been praised for his honesty turned out to be a corrupt official.6) 少数工人得到提升(be promoted),与此同时却有数百名工人被解雇。A few workers were promoted, but meanwhile hundreds of workers were dismissed.7) 如果有机会,约翰也许已成为一位杰出的画家了。(given)Given the chance, John might have become an

18、outstanding painter.8) 数小时后,有人看见那个男孩在林子里瞎转。Several hours later, the boy was found wandering around in the woods.Unit21) fruitful2) evolution3) limitations4) versions5) Despite6) intends7) In short8) access9) nowhere10) super11) messy12) online 1) despite2) contracting3) data4) intended5) (his) limit

19、ations6) fruitful7) uncovered8) definitely9) view10) milder11) notable12) quest 1) think up2) bring up3) took out4) setting back5) gives off6) springing up7) came to8) lit up9) made for10) left behind 1)made2)snow3)shot4)state5)beaten6)wind7)felt8)enemy 1)loving2)man3)saving4)record5)cutting6)fact7)

20、raising8)tone 1)the youngest in his family2)the cheapest here3)The smallest4)the most dangerous5)the deaf and the blind6)All the sick and the wounded7)the employed and the unemployed8)happy people9)the young10)Intelligent people 1) Martin was about to go to bed when there was a knock at the door.2)

21、The travelers were about to cross the river when a storm broke.3) The film was about to start when cries of Fire were heard.4) I was about to write to Aunt Sophia when she came to visit us.5) Jenny was about to leave when Mark arrived so she stayed a little longer. 1) An officer is meant to set a go

22、od example to his men.2) The diagram is meant to explain how the machine works.3) Examinees are meant to write their names at the top of the paper.4) Parents are meant to love all their children equally.5) This experiment is meant to test a new theory recently proposed by some American scientists. 1

23、) Despite2) data3) download4) web5) limitations6) fruitful7) uncover8) evolution9) notable10) view11) In short12) thinking up 1) Asking2) their3) had4) no5) could6) way7) imagine8) instead9) what10) If11) encourage12) child13) follow14) do15) deal/cope16) same17) when18) as19) creative20) to VII. Di

24、ctationOne of the ways you can encourage children to be creative is to talk things over rather than to give instructions or make a model when they ask for help. If you show a child how to draw a flower or a person, they will try to draw one just like yours. This can be frustrating because no matter

25、how hard children try, their pictures will not be as good as yours because they do not have the skill that you have. Chances are that children will compare the two pictures and not be happy with their own. They may even decide not to try. Be creative yourself and think of ways to encourage childrens

26、 creativity. IX. Translation翻译迅速方便地获得信息是很重要,但学会以新的方式看信息甚至更为重要。医学上一次重大突破也许能说明这一观点。科学家本想寻找一种治天花的特效药,但他们没有成功。英国医生爱德华詹纳放弃寻找特效药,而是通过找到一种预防天花的办法征服了这一疾病。显然,是创造性思维使他的工作获得巨大收 获。总之,记住下面这句话肯定大有裨益:有多种方法可以用来看待你下载的大量资料。It is important to have easy and quick access to information, but it is even more important to

27、learn to look at / view information in new ways. A major medical breakthrough may illustrate the point. Scientists had intended to find a cure for smallpox, but they got nowhere. Edward Jenner, a British physician, abandoned the quest for a cure and conquered the disease by finding a way to prevent

28、it. Obviously, it was creative thinking that led to his fruitful work. In short, it definitely pays to keep this in mind: there is more than one way to look at / view volumes of data you download.Unit31) urban2) analysis3) keep a diary4) pace5) technological6) catch his breath7) intuition8) convince

29、9) Civil10) was/has been renovated 1) took (detailed) notes2) switched3) energetic4) stimulated5) built on/is built on6) renovate7) learned (man)8) compelled9) distributed10) repay 1) switch to2) has set up3) kept on4) leave out5) called on6) send off7) stayed up8) found out 1) dictatorship2) profes

30、sorship3) sportsmanship4) scholarship5) martyrdom6) readership7) leadership8) officialdom9) partnership10) hardship11) boredom12) workmanship 1) the point2) points3) There is no point in4) Whats the point of5) The point6) a point 1) I didnt leave college because I was tired of learning.2) We didnt s

31、et up the corporation merely because we wanted to make profits.3) John didnt marry Alice because she was rich, or because she was pretty.4) He didnt join the Confederate army because he stood for slavery.5) The police didnt arrest him because he had really committed any crime, or because he was an e

32、scaped prisoner. 1) We all left the meeting convinced that the project was feasible.2) Peter got home tired out from the three-month-long journey to the Antarctic.3) They went hunting for hours, but they returned empty-handed.4) He entered the office still annoyed by the way she had spoken to him. 1

33、) himself in the ward of a hospital2) themselves surrounded by enemy forces3) themselves reading it with fresh eyes4) himself tailed by a man in black5) myself doubting my own judgment6) ourselves in a large valley 1) analysis2) professions3) energetic4) catch his breath5) staying up6) convinced7) s

34、timulating8) administrative9) switch10) pace11) reflection12) spark13) repaying 1)you2)or3)wonder4)parent5)of6)help7)on8)how9)telling10)treat11)when12)and13)criticize14)with15)response16)you17)class18)not19)realize/understand20)Because21)specialized22)about23)know24)well25)too26)what27)different28)f

35、rom29)behavior 翻译1) 许多美国大学生申请政府贷款交付学费。Many American students apply for government loans to pay for their education / tuition.2) 除阅读材料外,使用电影和多媒体(multimedia)会激发学生学习的兴趣。Besides reading materials, the use of films and multimedia can stimulate students interest in a subject.3) 这位律师试图说服陪审团 (jury) 他的当事人(cl

36、ient)是无辜的。 (convince sb. of)The attorney / lawyer tried to convince the jury of his clients innocence.4) 提问常常会引发创造的火花。Asking questions often generates the spark of creativity.5) 我已经把我的简历(rsum) 寄往几家公司,但尚未收到回复。I have sent off my rsum to several corporations, but havent yet received a reply.6) 她的结论是建立在

37、对当前国际情况进行了认真的分析的基础上的。Her conclusion is built / based on a careful analysis of current international affairs.7) 我们满怀期望地来参加会议,离开时却大失所望。We came to the meeting full of expectations, yet we left very disappointed.8) 暂时他只得接受了一份给一家化妆品公司发促销传单的活儿。At the moment he has to take the job of distributing leaflets

38、to promote products for a cosmetic company.Unit4答案 1) junior2) junk3) winds4) physical5) handicap6) Click7) decayed8) interpreted9) leaning10) limb11) twisted12) relationship13) surrounded14) at least15)in hopes of 1) covering2) runs3) affect4) dotted with5) Elaborate6) fancy7) grabbed8) maximum9) p

39、er10) spotted11) strained12) caught her eye13) sort of 1) add to2) curled up3) bring back4) called up5) grow up6) came up with7) work out8) was singled out9) take apart 1)statistician2)politics3) Venusian4)Mars5)magician6)library7)civil8)technician9)comedian10)Christian11)Russia12)Asia13)Australia14

40、)Confucius15)electrician16)music17)vegetable18)guard 1) taxpayers money2) playgoers3) Young songwriters4) babysitters5) housekeepers6) sunbather7) wheelchair8) driveway 1) that little progress has been made2) is doing a little better this season3) a little earlier than scheduled4) Little did he real

41、ize5) said little about her work experience6) little imagined then7) slow down a little8) have little contact with the outside world 1) Nigels novel was not as well received as he had hoped.2) He ran as hard as he could in hopes of breaking his record for the five miles.3) Some of the power stations

42、 have significantly failed to operate as efficiently as people have expected.4) The aging body does not absorb and distribute food as efficiently as it used to do.5) The British welfare system did not assist the genuinely needy groups as effectively as did some systems prevailing elsewhere. 1) But w

43、hy dont you pluck up the courage to do what youve always wanted to?2) He will help you prepare what you need to say.3) What is true for general histories also applies to surveys of more limited periods.4) I have noticed that what are commonly called warm colors is not necessary to produce the impres

44、sion of warmth in landscape.5) These travel books entertain readers with accounts of what travelers have seen. 1) Every time I see you youre even lovelier than I remember.2) Every time its sunny I enjoy driving.3) Every time the child completes a specified desirable behavior it will earn a toy.4) My

45、 ankle hurts every time I put my foot to the ground.5) Every time I sat down I went to sleep. 1) affected2) physical3) interpret4) spot5) handicap6) fastened7) maximum8) per9) extensively10) Straining11) surrounded 1)up2)wherever3)for4)the5)taught6)before7)being8)than9)who10)where11)still/even12)wit

46、h13)told14)and15)Yet16)sounded17)to18)straight19)With20)how VII. DictationBaseball is Americas national sport, played mainly by men. It developed in the mid 19th century from the British games of rounders and cricket. Baseball is also popular in Japan and several Latin American countries, and has been an Olympic sport since in 1972. Softball is similar but us


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