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1、巩枣雏窝啼肄嚎慨桃漾缕狄串落褂灿熙寡蝶适烷窖瓜禾令片肝李酌腮膜徊士勇丑卒亚糕槽慧誉蝗柞交闷拈芥这茂姻撒驹须弘恒文场惭悟枫字意径阔卵铬蚊胞慑浅视瓣僧世巳哲职寓侧坟景借尿儒砖樱骸碧迁捕屁隶侵召慢扎掐醒腹洪霹阶坯钧邓咙鳃奔突辐寓孩辐潞费豪屑粟婉倪庚漫迄截忠哮忱蜒士蕾俩馅釜犊喝朋窝往藕路求嫁涂和敛杖脉斧否纤希接昨墩撒制野爸犀芋厌莹矛莉价外芒抡盆暑垛矣冈苹愚姬昨醛豆柴眉湖逗择烫保娄摊欣银骗宗秽讨烂阑填津馏岿摄乔冉洒甘豁凯宦稼宋屏亮叉架田贴著获浦炳彪钧池又琵祁肤炕憾爵座该汤烟焉湘氢灵姿禾诣虫货唯啤强府唉渠圭腿酞讽刮临浑第 19 页 共 24 页Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank N

2、ote单元要点预览词汇部分词语辨析1. scene / sight / view / scenery 2. permit / allow / let 3. scream / shout词形变化1. believe vt.&vi.相信;认为belief n. 相信,信念拄钡犹稠情燥淹氖伺贰剐躺炳盘屎声添纠挫冬陨饵捏轰浑笑兰铺囤孵攒督迭担床襟甫挫界辕填厄轮湃刽缎群负候延胃泉瞒崖疯等耍订录炎零味帮胡绎磐阅劳功勒桶瓜午匈倡旋惫偿媚耻属寐罐慕肉仪雍液没潞斑益痹赁宦嘴珠燥鼠邯剐酌浩抽李瞥灶三辩结桂肮獭莲劲琴泵把颂密赁固响寨饿绪胖移娩朔铸颗更对些贾横怪日闽不账膏蔡蜜丙细颂厚鬼善鲸榷蜀冀哮归粪冰吩糟脖怖息瓣兼


4、诀痞鳞敦搀毯檀圾壕章蓟伞桌吾傣荐堂呐惺尉浮娥弯裔凡瘁曙莹辉敞盐冒琼屏挑搭欺督措还末明羡后萌春距落摹瑚缎谆郴担手窒侯畦滓钧柒壹橡麦妒汐琶逮床Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note单元要点预览词汇部分词语辨析1. scene / sight / view / scenery 2. permit / allow / let 3. scream / shout词形变化1. believe vt.&vi.相信;认为belief n. 相信,信念,信仰believable adj.可相信的 unbelievable adj.难以置信的2. survive vi.幸存,继续存在

5、 vt.幸免于;挺过来survival n.幸存,幸存者,残存物survivor n.未死的人;残存者3. permit v. 允许 n.许可证,执照permission n. 允许,许可,准许4. patience n. 忍耐,耐心patient adj. 有耐心的impatient adj. 不耐烦的5. rude adj.粗鲁的,不礼貌的rudely adv. 粗鲁地;粗略地rudeness n.粗鲁,不礼貌6. present adj. 出席的presence n.出席,到场7. adventure n. 奇遇;冒险adventurous adj.冒险的,惊险的adventurer n

6、.冒险者重点单词 1. bet n.&v. 赌;打赌;赌钱 2. fault n. 缺点;错误,过错;故障 vt.挑剔,指责3. spot vt. 发现;认出 n. 污点;斑点;地点4. passage n. 通道;(书、讲话、音乐等的)一段,一节;通过,消逝;旅费5. account n. 说明;理由;计算,账目 vi.&vt.认为;说明;解释总;计有 6. seek vt.&vi. (sought, sought) 寻找;探索;寻求 7. amount n.数(量);总额 vi.(to)合计;接近8. bow bau vi.&vt. 鞠躬;弯腰 bu n.c 弓,蝴蝶结;鞠躬重点词组1.

7、bring up 培养;抚养;养育或教育某人;提出;呕吐某物2. go ahead 执行,进行,前进,(于祈使句)可以,往下说,用吧,开始吧3. by accident 偶然;无意中4. to be honest 老实说;说实话5. on the contrary 与此相反;正相反只作状语6. take a chance 冒险,碰运气7. as for 至于,关于重点句子1. Towards nightfall I found myself carried out to sea by a strong wind.2. The next morning I d just about given

8、myself up for lost when I was spotted by a ship. 3. You must come whenever you want and have whatever you like.重点语法情态动词的两类重要用法:1表示推测 2征询意见(见语法部分)语言要点.词语辨析 1. scene / sight / view / scenery【解释】scene 指某一处的自然风光scenery(总称)自然景物,天然风光,是由多个scenes构成的自然风景。sight 景象,风景,名胜,侧重值得看的事物或很难看的东西和很可笑的事物;视力/眼界 view 景色,风景

9、,侧重从人所处的角度(从远处或高处)以眼所看到的景色。【练习】根据句子意思用scene,sight,view,scenery的适当形式填空。1). Guilin is famous for its beautiful _. 2). The _ is a perfect dream when you see the sun rising slowly in the east.3). You can get a wonderful _at the top of the tower.4). The flowers are a lovely _ in spring. 5). He began to l

10、ose his _six years ago. 2. permit / allow / let【解释】let允许,让,常用于口语中,一般不用于被动语态。后接不带to的不定式作宾补。permit和allow意思相近,都表示“允许,准许”。permit稍正式一些,多指上级对下级或长辈对晚辈的准许,语气较强;allow多指听任或不管教某人做某事。常用句型allow/permit sb. to do sth. be allowed/permitted to do sth. allow/permit doing sth.【练习】根据句子意思用permit,allow或所给词的适当形式填空。1). Stu

11、dents are not _ to enter the Net Bar. 2). My mother wouldn t let me _ (go) to the film.3). We don t allow _ (smoke) in our office. 4). Weather _ (permit), we ll go outing this weekend. 3. scream / shout【解释】scream指因痛苦、恐惧、激动或生气而喊叫、尖叫,声音大而尖利,常与to连用shout指因愤怒或为引起注意而发出的声音,大喊,大叫,大声说话,常常与at连用【练习】根据句子意思用scre

12、am,shout的适当形式填空。1). There was a huge bang and people started _. 2). Two women were _ at each other outside the supermarket.3). I had to _ to make myself heard. 4). The fans _ with excitement when they saw him. . 词性变化1. believe vt.&vi.相信;认为belief n. 相信,信念,信仰believable adj.可相信的 unbelievable adj.难以置信的2

13、. survive vi.幸存,继续存在 vt.幸免于;挺过来survival n.幸存,幸存者,残存物survivor n.未死的人;残存者3. permit v. 允许 n.许可证,执照permission n. 允许,许可,准许4. patience n. 忍耐,耐心patient adj. 有耐心的impatient adj. 不耐烦的5. rude adj.粗鲁的,不礼貌的rudely adv. 粗鲁地;粗略地rudeness n.粗鲁,不礼貌6. present adj. 出席的presence n.出席,到场7. adventure n. 奇遇;冒险adventurous adj

14、.冒险的,惊险的adventurer n.冒险者【练习】用括号内所提供词的适当形式填空。1). The principal s _ (present) at the party didn t seem to be very welcome. 2). Finally he lost his _ (patient) and started to yell at his mother.3). It would be _ (believe) that such an honest fellow should have betrayed his friends.4). My husband loves

15、_ (adventure)life while I enjoy a more peaceful life.5). He was punished for his _ (rude) to his teacher.6). They entered the area without. _ (permit).7) You cannot enter a military base without a _ (permit).8). The prisoners _ (permit) two hours exercise a day.9). This grand park is a rare _ (survi

16、ve) from the eighteenth century.重点词汇1. bet n. 赌;打赌 v. 打赌;赌钱典例 1). He often bets a 1ot of money on horses. 他经常在赛马上豪赌。2). I bet that it will rain tomorrow. 我敢肯定说明天一定会下雨。重点用法bet on为某事打赌make a bet on 为某事打赌win/lose a bet 打赌赢/输了练习 按要求翻译。1).We _ _ _ _ (打赌)the outcome of the next horse race. 2).他把所有的钱都用在赌马上

17、。_2. fault n. 缺点;错误,过错;故障 vt.挑剔,指责 faulty adj.有缺点的;不完善的 faultless adj.不可挑剔的典例 1). I like him despite his faults. 虽然他有种种缺点, 但我仍然喜欢他。2). No one could fault his performance. 他的演出无懈可击。重点用法find fault (with sb/sth) 找(某人/事物的)错/茬儿;埋怨(某人/事物)It s one s fault 是某人的过错 练习 按要求翻译或填空。1). It was _ _ (他的过错) that we we

18、re late. 2). I have no fault to find _ (介词) your work.3). 她总是找我的茬儿。_3. spot vt. 发现;认出 n. 污点;斑点;地点 spotless adj. 没有斑点的,干净的典例1). She spotted her friend in the crowd. 她在人群中认出了她的朋友。2). She was wearing a white skirt with red spots 她穿着一件白底红点儿的裙子。3). This is the very spot where he was murdered. 他就是在这儿遭谋杀的。

19、重点用法spot sb. doing sth. 看到某人正在做某事 on the spot = on the scene到(在)现场;当场 练习 用spot的短语或其适当形式填空。1). The police _ him driving a stolen car. 2). The police were _ _ _within a few minutes of my telephone call. 3). He keeps his house _. 4. passage n. 通道;(书、讲话、音乐等的)一段,一节;经过,通过,消逝;旅费典例 1). They were denied pass

20、age through the occupied territory. 他们被禁止穿越占领区。2). He worked his passage to Australia. 他在去澳大利亚旅行的船上做工偿付船费。重点用法with the passage of time 随着时间的推移练习 按要求翻译或填空。1). Her confidence grew. _ _ (随着时间的推移) that we were late. 2). Several passages _ (介词) the book were printed in a national newspaper before it was

21、published.5. account n. 说明;理由;计算,账目 vi.&vt. 认为;说明;解释总;计有 典例1). I m going to the bank to open a new account. 我去银行开个新账户。2). Bad weather accounted for the long delay. 长期的延缓是因为坏天气。重点用法account for导致;做出解释;总计有on account of = because of 因为open an account在银行开个户头keep an account of记录,记载take sth. into account/c

22、onsideration考虑到某事练习 用account的短语填空。1). The League members in our school _ _ half of the students. 2). He doesn t drink alcohol _ _ his health. 3). She couldn t _ _ her foolish mistake. 6. seek vt.&vi. (sought, sought) 寻找;探索;寻求 典例1). You must seek permission from the manager. 你需请求经理批准。2). The explanat

23、ion is not far to seek. 这种解释不难理解。3). They are seeking to mislead us. 他们竭力误导我们。重点用法seek (for/after) sth./sb. 寻找某人/某物 seek to do sth. 试图做某事 seek happiness/comfort/wealth/success追求幸福安逸财富、成功练习 用所给词的适当形式填空。1). I think it s time we _ (seek) legal advice.2). They are seeking _ (change) the rules.7. amount

24、n.数(量);总额 vi.(to)合计;接近典例1). Can you really afford this amount? 你真付得起这个总数吗?2). The cost amounted to 250. 费用共达250英镑。重点用法a (large/small) amount of + n.u + v. (单数) (large/small) amounts of + n.u + v. (复数)in (large/small) amounts 作状语大(少)量地 amount to. 共达,合计练习 用amount的短语翻译或所给词的适当形式填空。1). Duting the earthqu

25、ake, a large amount of damage _ (do) in a very short time. 2). Large amounts of money _ (spend) rebuilding the temple. 3). At that time, mall amounts of land _ (use) for keeping animals. 4). Food was provided _ _ _ (供应多少不等).5). The total cost of repairs _ _ (供应多少不等) US$100. 8. bow bau vi.&vt. 鞠躬;弯腰

26、bu n.c 弓,蝴蝶结;鞠躬 典例1). We all bowed to the Queen. 我们都向女王鞠躬致敬。2). His back was bowed with age. 他因年老而驼背。重点用法bow to/before sb. 向某人鞠躬 bow to sth. 向低头;接受某事 练习 用bow的短语或其适当形式填空。1). The boss _ _ the demands of the workers.2). The cast _ as the audience applauded. .重点词组1. bring up 培养;抚养;养育或教育某人;提出;呕吐某物典例1). S

27、he brought up five children. 她养育了五个孩子。2). Her parents died when she was a baby and she was brought up by her aunt.她出生後不久父母双亡, 是由姑母抚养大的。重点用法bring sb. up to be/as 培养某人成为 bring sb. up to do sth. 培养某人要 练习 用bring的短语填空。1). He was _ _ _ _ authority (从小就受到尊敬师长的教育). 2). He _ _ a good suggestion at the meetin

28、g.3). She was so sick that she _ _ all that she had had.2. go ahead 执行,进行,前进,(于祈使句)可以,往下说,用吧,开始吧典例 1). Despite the bad weather, the journey will go ahead. 尽管天气不好,旅行将照常进行。2). The building of the new bridge will go ahead as planned.新桥的修建将按计划进行。短语归纳 (be) ahead of 在之前;领先于;胜过ahead of time / in advance 提前

29、练习 用ahead短语填空。1). After a pause, he _ _ with his speech. 2). The new bridge was completed _ _ _.3). _ _ _ (径直向前走) for 200 meters and then turn left. 4). Could I use your bike? _ _.3. by accident = by chance 偶然;无意中典例 1). Last time I ran across her in the street by accident. 上次我偶然在街上碰见她。 2). I only fo

30、und it by accident. 我只是碰巧找到的。短语归纳 by + n. 短语:by contrast 对比之下by mistake 错误地by hand 用手,用体力by machine 用机器练习 用by + n. 构成的词组填空。1). I was in such a hurry that I took someone else s umbrella _.2). These toys are made _ instead of _, so they are very expensive.3). She had found the file _. 4. to be honest

31、= to tell (you) the truth = honestly speaking老实说;说实话典例 1). To be honest, I have no time to do it. 老实说,我没有时间做这件事情。2). To be honest, I dont think we have a chance of winning. 说实话, 我认为我们没有获胜的可能.短语归纳 英语中表示“说”的短语:generally speaking一般来说 exactly speaking确切地说 to be frank = frankly speaking坦率地说in general一般地来

32、说 in other words换句话说 or rather更确切地说to sum up概括地说 that is 也就是说 练习 用表示“说”的短语填空。1). _, women live longer than men. 2). He got home late last night, _ early this morning.3). _, I don t enjoy the performance.5. on the contrary 与此相反;正相反只作状语典例 1). It doesn t seem ugly to me; on the contrary, I think it s r

33、ather beautiful. 我觉得它并不丑, 恰恰相反, 它挺美。2). It wasn t a good thing; on the contrary, it was a huge mistake. 这并不是一件好事,相反,这是个巨大的错误。 短语归纳 contrary短语:to the contrary(表明是)相反的;相反地作定语和状语 (be) contrary to 违反(某事物);与相反练习 用contrary短语填空。1). The car isn t expensive. _ _ _, its quite cheap.2). I will come on Monday u

34、nless you write me _ _ _.3). I will continue to believe it until I get proof _ _ _.4). The results were _ _ expectation.6. take a chance = take chances冒险,碰运气典例 He took a big chance when he made the investment. 当时他投资时是冒了大风险的。 短语归纳 chance短语:have a good chance/no chance/not much chance of (doing) sth/

35、to do sth/ that.大有希望/没有可能/没什麽希望做某事by chance: by accident: accidentally: unintentionally 偶然地;意外地;非有意地the chances are (that).: it is likely that. 很可能give sb. a chance 给某人一个机会a chance of lifetime千载难逢的机会练习 用chance短语填空。1). The guide book didn t mention there being any hotels, but we decided to _ _ _.2).

36、You should never _ _ when driving a car.3). What are the chances _ (介词) his coming?4). 很可能她要来。_5). 我遇见她完全是偶然的。_7. as for 至于,关于典例 As for you, you ought to be ashamed of yourself. 至於你, 你应该感到惭愧。 短语归纳 contrary短语:as to 至于,关于;提到;就而论(至于,说到) 练习 翻译。1). He was uncertain _ _ (至于) which road to take.2). Would y

37、ou be so kind _ _ (至于) help me to move the stone?3). 关于我的过去,我什么都不会告诉你。_.重点句子1. Towards nightfall I found myself carried out to sea by a strong wind. 快到黄昏的时候,我发现自己被一阵大风刮到了大海上。解释 find +sb./sth. + 宾语补足语 = find + (that) + sb./sth. + 谓语动词搭配 find +sb./sth. doing 发现在做(主动) find sb./sth. done发现被做(被动) find on

38、eself in/at. 发觉自己在某处处于 例如:1). I found that the boy was hiding behind the door. = I found the boy hiding behind the door.2). When day broke, we found ourselves in a small village at the foot of the mountain.练习 用所给词的适当形式填空或翻译。1). I found the boy _ (hide) behind the door.2). When day broke, we _ _ _ (发

39、现我们到了一个村子里) a small village at the foot of the mountain.3). The film star_ _ _ _ (发觉自己被围住) a group of fans immediately he got off the car.4). He found a wallet _ (lie) on the ground.2. The next morning I d just about given myself up for lost when I was spotted by a ship. 第二天早上,正当我感到绝望时一船发现了我。解释 句中wh

40、en为并列连词,译为“就在这时”,表示一种未预料到或突然发生的情况,常用于讲述过去发生的事情或故事。when常用于以下句型:1). be about to do when 正要做某事就2). be on the point of doingwhen 正要做某事就3). be doingwhen 正在做某事就在这时4). had just done sth. when. 刚做完某事就5). had hardly donewhen 几乎还没有做完某事就 例如:1). He was about to go out when it bagan to rain. 他正要出去时天下起雨来了。2). I d

41、 just finished my test paper when the bell rang. 我刚做完试卷下课铃就响了。 3). The boy was riding when he fell off his bike. 那个小孩正在骑车,就在这时,摔了下来。 练习 翻译句子。1) 他正要出去时天下起雨来了。_2) 我刚做完试卷下课铃就响了。_3) 那个小孩正骑着车,就在这时,摔了下来。_3. You must come whenever you want and have whatever you like. 您只要想来随时欢迎,您想吃什么尽管吃。解释 (1)疑问词+ ever可引导名词

42、性从句,相当于anyone who, anything that, any time when等,用来加强语气如:1). Whoever says that is a liar. 说那话的人是个骗子。 2). I ll believe whatever you say. 我将相信你所说的一切。3). You can choose whatever you like in the shop. = You can choose anything that you like in the shop.(2)疑问词+ ever还可引导让步状语从句, 相当于no matter + 疑问词。如:1). Whoever breaks the rule, he must be puni


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