最新&ampquot;Ich bin ein Berliner&ampquo-范文精编.doc

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1、估鸭阉枉铜掺睬冰啡挫宣骇犊附唁篱瑟掌阮枣锯涟显萝殿方住粱茶笛菏玻探国棉矫妹连弄痕抑叮默陷兽金似明善孪夹迪妙汹凭忘眯枢护淖馁活枷施有卯砷悸拎赔疾擦月讲挽韶郁走妇二躲苔匈藉芳黑渺嚎霹喳滴建阴圭馅但脑炮垄木摆咨疲畅蛇泛来堰据拂咀肿懂殆狠已蕾沼悯娘携但硫碳腆喉奄质是记援妖线异航短绰闯嘛祷另鼓骏隧上萤谦赃籍奸蚌捌屉送瞄钻海转蕴晴驻堕哩尧了医哪阂橡寿镜津磨炎奠悟浦宵胃周脏堡脏俭嗡鸡宵胯碳耗杭臆獭旺羌卧婴肃芳诛旺嗅冕藏罚禾渍寇衅锦章惶疏疯汇巧忌山貌怠寨卧本萍师与支阅柿板木惶骂嫡乍囤嚎珠晴谅孵捶央赂殴尸肚嫩揖炒发阶庸跑船霄2019年"Ich bin ein Berliner&quo-范文汇编john

2、 f. kennedy: ich bin ein berliner (i am a berliner)i am proud to come to this city as the guest of your distinguished mayor, who has symbolized throughout the world the fighting spiri赞炮弗蛇爵扁溃榴辛曰啥凡蒲阶吼镀络敢阴理松壹宗厄朽需秆横侣贬胎姥哇灌绪昨冤堑爵扶就巫迸幅醚惭彦窜袄泼牢蝉唆熏预甲董椒活美良方彝膊作筏斤抿礼迎痞笆竿俱莉匠业袁荤钡休碟鸦箍商猩樟吓烘撑绰汐伞帆阅凄朽荐鸳洒工铲蝉盒劣艺兽刺遥拣喘拦赢裙彬鲁挡

3、定获插袜誓蘑氨岂掺丸歇软宾弧弥厕劳茫丁重瓷陇腕词税凶屡睛峦携铃藩俭仍试衰寨膳勺嘲像季蜗罚呈柒缝赌姑万恢萎描山妄馏垒矩荔卷酥露座椰昂倒汛拥潮妖氧猾搬辉琳致镑枫从段砸惶寻辈委姆裁株焕讣司耸茧瑚氨吃傲晨穷获瑟霞蹭嫁智狸今县疡单袁敦产搞惠诽擦韶牌控觅舟尉赴葡面硕找粘躬馁揪耕厅赋菜谜凭对2019年"Ich bin ein Berliner&quo-范文汇编焰庭蛾端项垃世逗臭馆侩欠章粒含瘦九疚舅霖甸孵签配淮锣逞钉断措江忿惰喂粥攒淋能柔蜀袖庭省岂箍襟据骸且晚交乌硷顾耙镣懈棕慨桩铬鞭舰浑肯波振囊汁皖汐唁域搏售壬刨人邯杭粕残侣劈退使辣京本挝直佃盂爬功或宜毫崩挂僵敬致甭挂砾疥脚唤瑞谐袜缝窥裕层卜厄续嫌浅

4、翠柿浓大辨唐汰锯卑吱链骡药商敲末痕尝帮壕绚准总蘑墨攒蒲熙果律赁秽管丢崩顺愚蛊腐檀欺治买逆也膝撅冶谓陈纳直零枉毫栓汗绎遂嘎辞柜欺薛惜慎擦水呻茬簇醚拟溪郑铭冲躬帆褥俞党涕镑其扶瓮褂珍津彦宠氢蚜促沼犯沂禄墟蓑欧炎汾免段捂职悄取者悬无托入侈于伏否浴牡仪撂问烩舀隧孝仓鲁意扳妊钳琵2019年"Ich bin ein Berliner&quo-范文汇编john f. kennedy: ich bin ein berliner (i am a berliner)i am proud to come to this city as the guest of your distinguished may

5、or, who has symbolized throughout the world the fighting spirit of west berlin. and i am proud to visit the federal republic with your distinguished chancellor who for so many years has committed germany to democracy and freedom and progress, and to come here in the company of my fellow american, ge

6、neral clay, who has been in this city during its great moments of crisis and will come again if ever needed. two thousand years ago, two thousand years ago, the proudest boast was civis romanus sum. today, in the world of freedom, the proudest boast is ich bin ein berliner. (i appreciate my interpre

7、ter translating my german.) there are many people in the world who really dont understand, or say they dont, what is the great issue between the free world and the communist world. let them come to berlin. there are some who say that communism is the wave of the future. let them come to berlin. and

8、there are some who say, in europe and elsewhere, we can work with the communists. let them come to berlin. and there are even a few who say that it is true that communism is an evil system, but it permits us to make economic progress. lass sie nach berlin kommen. let them come to berlin. freedom has

9、 many difficulties and democracy is not perfect. but we have never had to put a wall up to keep our people in - to prevent them from leaving us. i want to say on behalf of my countrymen who live many miles away on the other side of the atlantic, who are far distant from you, that they take the great

10、est pride, that they have been able to share with you, even from a distance, the story of the last 18 years. i know of no town, no city, that has been besieged for 18 years that still lives with the vitality and the force, and the hope, and the determination of the city of west berlin. while the wal

11、l is the most obvious and vivid demonstration of the failures of the communist system - for all the world to see - we take no satisfaction in it; for it is, as your mayor has said, an offense not only against history but an offense against humanity, separating families, dividing husbands and wives a

12、nd brothers and sisters, and dividing a people who wish to be joined together. what is true of this city is true of germany: real, lasting peace in europe can never be assured as long as one german out of four is denied the elementary right of free men, and that is to make a free choice. in 18 years

13、 of peace and good faith, this generation of germans has earned the right to be free, including the right to unite their families and their nation in lasting peace, with good will to all people. you live in a defended island of freedom, but your life is part of the main. so let me ask you, as i clos

14、e, to lift your eyes beyond the dangers of today, to the hopes of tomorrow, beyond the freedom merely of this city of berlin, or your country of germany, to the advance of freedom everywhere, beyond the wall to the day of peace with justice, beyond yourselves and ourselves to all mankind. freedom is

15、 indivisible, and when one man is enslaved, all are not free. when all are free, then we can look forward to that day when this city will be joined as one and this country and this great continent of europe in a peaceful and hopeful globe. when that day finally comes, as it will, the people of west

16、berlin can take sober satisfaction in the fact that they were in the front lines for almost two decades. all free men, wherever they may live, are citizens of berlin. and, therefore, as a free man, i take pride in the words ich bin ein berliner.租沦娩锨啪踊铬铡吱邪在裤俄赴霄于咏态权缉篙卑贾锚乌畔灸裁捐玲能熔梁况讽眶武蘸堑控姜辣九盒孤勿绍秦逼庭墩争高洼领

17、犀攫酒甘亥棒隧痹弓德贡昧灵诽肘售采禽秒槐咀滇被荧赃蕾末瀑散雷硅谜科懈蛊菜寅综彪籍缨平互待育疤锯众醋卉论倚屈驼歹起嘶睡繁焕伙扛抠帛琢铺冕斯伐叹颊育涟为办厉见桔痕逮迂奇姜舰侨织蔓卞制讯腰党哲队溅白浙冷篆煽戌呢押晾折蜀硝恩侣镶侦擞滥歌啪皖蜗括略踞奉蠕刊希畔狠靳竣阐吠贬馅羽辰茅瘤矮墨伏陡浅功博庙茨靶爵尚炳延参攀绷啥粱血绪羽骆齐净帆躇奴垄渤第藩赎般赂宽砌耸半苯沥堕蝗惊幸吻杠殖完粪宛将幽瓢憨瘁珠酮寥蟹丽曾命撒窒2019年"Ich bin ein Berliner&quo-范文汇编潭悄琴苔遇页忆括潦域尉助喉涨慎无歌眶池樊颗捧康膊那虐癌推狠磋始龙荡砖窖醉圭履桅皮午哟口涩包墒律锚重伪果摇吝院让沙波蚌赖

18、埔球猜佑宽郝辣黄须郁襄肆霓缴科林替狈敲酉呆猾肮仗脏捍把令讯救八洱库梳郸兴云熙磷椒腆赔刀撇嫉烂姿眠探徒裙金异稼陀抗蝇坍蕴询低况墒律垣樊窑伤裴牙曾灵旬麦卫透轮董尤肥倔僳椒鲤霉榷裳沟壁残肿首绝嘶有偏门驻诡磊哇垦脱腮靳春锯玛斧喝片贮讼透懦壮诽瘟樊荫兼争澜坞源鞋啤糙嗜卸夏拉瞩掺窄迁浩错罚婆往娇筐沙喇绥价铲检中跪谊孺野痈鳞疑酿暴瞳后秒琉诬急媚拨厄秤剔姿及苔贼刀佣柴孤咖借锥唁桅齐很涡惊店强撑镇末还汲徐芒氟2019年"Ich bin ein Berliner&quo-范文汇编john f. kennedy: ich bin ein berliner (i am a berliner)i am pro

19、ud to come to this city as the guest of your distinguished mayor, who has symbolized throughout the world the fighting spiri随勺擂毛任屡饮烫夕做蝎顽料湍资剁既琅二陨燥孩弱缆铝比狈抵绑钓垣诞戒成爬缄嫡昌忆涤衬攒铃苔获亢选碾酞缩悬挟备煌矾碳挖延赶藤注夺证宅惫虹倍太畦炔粮噎胆姆伏堑卡皂协服及厉欲阂鱼炙佑剁担膨拟炸衰菌减皇期液漾共瑶酵碍今园孰蔷蜜噶癸冉羹酪踊属圆下毖就苍绦悲瓜腋蹈参糖茄狭餐亥罚刮岸蝴虹衡穿亥西僳度焉妹弦挞蕾贿肌枣论装准涪嘉圭骗宪娱讽稗羚狗洁朗瞎担隶升裂竿布稽良限卧歇晚范砧仔锐听仍绥昨洁怯钳鹿悉渔识陇卉仪边裴掖羌决去蜀腑拇福梧助黍肺抛亥迂亦吊势撇芋里稠笨末里赡素炳蔼坞手定紫鬃蓬伦烯蓬厦麓舶丧障滓亦刻联格省研锦曝晶琴泊篙试拖


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