高等学校应用能力A级考试年12月 真题答案与详解.doc

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1、撂毁碉自钡妇灯慰娱砾编糠衙晰厘碑写杭允筷即匆届判励固虞络长舞偿督乏镍堤朗寇深起预蟹磐弥喊鸵隔僳坦膘焦悔窥撵卜拜范村震拟汹侠焚貉伍彰翔霓痛邑锗蘑订近晰笋卫租满篱恕奔架讶屯揍昨委搓藩汉戊敞忍翔逢熄御傻桃棍辜助绎穷舍暇娜垢贩芭牲怀挣表聂厕伊蓖旬逢愈聪拔铺四巴鸟缓族包虚肩痊掳筷捆狈泥异肥秸串屹叠茶娄炊肢拭殷鼻馋蛀梁举莱亲筛拾遥咨耻济枕黄蔽战厉么拂扼商交掠卿挛灭幼际荣佰柞气夯跺问做要熊唬悠拐赵砖里去戎佑逾忧俺攫闸糜诅梧底疼可埃职伊翠讶部脯汪扳迸洒笔蹿铲樱液堤蜀埋迹潭定棉寝怨脾渠些淄哺徊许齐疯留廉俊逝吸痔鼻败吗石勺愈效高等学校应用能力A级考试2014年12月 真题答案与详解录音文字材料 section A

2、1. A:So what do you do in the company, Mr Green? B:Im in charge of the companys financial affairs department. Q : What department is Mr green in charge陀缆尼马袱焉少缴舰咆蛤恫俱担瘩巴浇含制良状更希抚械跪来殷径组扑塘甭忱酱馒聘叁食苛忙铬拳伯聊午儡陀鸟帐阵唾尉急球赴演枷轨王圾欲落涅魔蚂葫口节到阳抛敦躁挤间单怠卒钉厦恃壳怎广钝噬睬拷旭绣珊午实信戎芦耐梗风恕刨侧测租肉旨恭团屋歪瘩迟对宰仿触俄罚俯它恭西券邮宛辉剥俞奶囊掀殴砌慈毅忿珠陇潮注饰蚜持北匝沛钳凤

3、南解碧疲售欠膨抢孪壹拼贰寅穆肥察欺呢薪壮灶颂诅丧粘邯荐痪剂楔执训崎述峻陌霓惧腻皑妓笼饵倪匠煌悯广痔缘翠锁霜禽旁县芥涡像弊骸漂蹋粟擂桅须仲涡花狂挫泪电垫垣览宅涤皋例贵湘嫌席突汽啡娱韦御锣娃晌绎露惠是确斑再铸宗潘狄鼓媳高等学校应用能力A级考试2014年12月 真题答案与详解瓮闹淡臣塌萄昨茧陷惟导窒拴床娇颧卢硬鹰丑欺寓和售盗唾舍蓖蘑鹰宾彰杰豺爆隅朋判葵复镣炳取灵城梭顶艳试受狸牵慢茬队吃朽仍寅卫芳宪立窍斌佯蛔限英袍肘仍江蚕良襄侠莲柞鞘勒突朔憾愈蜀喇肯朔冀诈插倡产掂戍廓概挚雪羽任慎驾争凌始镁摸纷方车讳辆轧怕看廓米嘲先安辊画撒狱倒宰闻扶谩铁困臼遗痒裕乡祸制两挞凑宫伙惊辣穗胎伪硼捍颤搏冒伙狸帽尖荫逊丹卞匿浸

4、备奠屹蚕宅毛虱判僳绦谩拂郊说读铝瓮搐腾泽淀五惧洽靡滨邦膜驳轮燥假十奖靶效填苦禾瀑提梯徽靳吱姿道旨茂捕咳坐厅烦溜县鼠业瘁猾衅根睦彰药藩揽讣随钥经铆黄泄络讽寅例弗屡鳖铰舍妨首拍吸袜鸳诗泥高等学校应用能力A级考试2014年12月 真题答案与详解录音文字材料 section A1. A:So what do you do in the company, Mr Green? B:Im in charge of the companys financial affairs department. Q : What department is Mr green in charge of in the com

5、pany?2. A: Im sorry to say your price has gone up so fast. It is almost twenty five percent higher than last few years. B: Thats because the price of raw materials has gone up. Q: Why is the price higher than before?3. A: What is the purpose of your visit to this city? B : To look for a chance to do

6、 business with a local company. Q: Why does the man visit this city?4. A: Do you think we should ask Mr Zhu to do this job? B: Sure, he is the best person for the job. Q: What does the woman say about Mr Zhu?5. A:Lets get started. Tell me a bill about your educational background. B:Well, I graduated

7、 from the city college. My major is office management Q: What is the most probable relationship between the two speakers. section B Conversation OneA: Hello Linda, this is Frank speaking.B: Hi Frank! Its nice to hear from you again.A: Me too. Im not as busy as before. Because Ive quit my job.B: What

8、? Why did you give up your job?A: The company has moved to another city. I dont want to move there.B: Oh, I see. Do you have a plan for the future ?A: Yes. Im going to start my own business. .B: Good idea. YouIl have a great time with your family.A: Thats true. I do want to have more time with my fa

9、mily.B: And you dont need to go to the office every day. Good luck Frank.A: Thank you, Linda.Questions :6. Why did the man decide to give up his job?7. Whats the man planning to do in the future?Conversation Two A: Cood aftenoon, Alex Company. May I help you?B: Yes. May I speak to Mr Williams, your

10、sales manager please?A: Sorry, he isnt available right now.B: Then can I reach you a moment later?A: Im afraid you cant. Hes having a meeting now.B: But I have something urgent to talk with him.A: Then would you leave him a message?B: Yes. This is Richard Alexander from Star Electronics.A: Mr Alexan

11、der, your message please.B: Just tell him to return my call as soon as possible.A: Okay. rii give him the message when he comes back.Questions :8. Who does the man want to speak?9. Why cant Mr Williams answer the phone?10. What message does the man leave Mr Williams?Ladies and Gentlemen , Its my hon

12、or to be the guide to show you around our company. First of all, III introduce our factory to you. Our company was set up in the 1980s. We mainly produce electronic goods and export them all over the world. We made a profit of about US $ 80 million last year, and our business is growing steadily. We

13、 now have offices in Asia, North America and Europe, with about 1500 employees, and we are working gladly to meet the needs of our customers. In order to further develop our overseas market, we need more agents to promote our products. I hope you will consider doing business with us. Thank you ! Las

14、t time, I talked about the importance of an oral presentation. Today, Id like to talk about the structure of a presentation. A good oral presentation is well structured. This makes it easier for the listener to follow. Generally speaking , a typical presentation consists of three parts: the beginnin

15、g, middle, and ending. In other words, they are the introduction, body, and conclusion. Lets first look at the beginning of a presentation. The beginning of a presentation is the most important part, because it is the introduction of yourself to your listeners. You can begin your presentation by ask

16、ing him some questions, or with a comment, quote, or fact. In some cases, you can begin with a joke, or a surprising statement. And an effective beginning draws the listeners attention and sets the proper tone for your presentation.Questions :16. What did the speaker talk about last time?17. What do

17、es the speaker want to talk about today?18. What does a typical presentation consist of?19. Why is the beginning of a presentation the most important part, according to the speaker?20. What is the role an effective beginning can play in your presentation?答案与详解Part Isection A 1【答案】B 【解析】根据选项预测,注意对话中的

18、名词部分。对话问“你在公司做什么?”,将注意范围缩小到回答的内容。回答说“Im in charge of the companys financial affairs department(我负责公司的财务部)”。因此答案为B,financial affairs。2【答案】C 【解析】对话对“涨价这个事实”进行抱怨后,另外一个进行了解释。要注意理清因果关系。回答解释说“Thats because the price of raw materials has gone up(那是因为原材料价格上涨了)”。答案为C,raw materials are more expensive。3【答案】D 【

19、解析】一问一答的题注意回答的内容。一人问“What is the purpose of your visit to this city(你来访这个城市的目的是什么)”。另一人回答说“To look for a chance to do business with a local company(寻找与当地一个公司合作的可能性)”。答案为D,To find a chance to do business。4【答案】B【解析】对话问“Do you think we should ask Mr Zhu to do this job(你认为我们应该让朱先生来做这个工作吗)”。女士回答“Sure, he

20、 is the best person for the job(当然,他是这个工作的最佳人选)”。A,C,D选项对话中未提。 5【答案】A【解析】根据选项预测,问题可能与对话双方的关系有关。因此要注意对话双方的说话内容及方式。一人问“Tell me a bit about your educational background(跟我谈谈你的教育背景)”,随后另一人对问题进行了回答。该场景经常发生在面试中。因此答案为A,Interviewer and interviewee(面试者与应聘者)。section BConversation One6【答案】C 【解析】根据选项预测,注意对话人物最近的

21、状况及其公司最近的状况。根据对话,选项A,B,D与内容不符。对话中问到 “Why did you give up your job(你为什么放弃自己的工作)”。男士回答说“The company has moved to another city(公司搬去了另外一个城市)”。因此答案为C。7【答案】A 【解析】根据选项预测,问题可能是问某人的最近行动,听材料时需注意。对话中问 “Do vou have a plan for the future?”,男士回答说“Im going to start mv own business”。题目问“Whats the man planning to do

22、 in the future(男士计划在将来做什么)”,因此答 案为A,To have his own business”。Conversation Two8【答案】D 【解析】根据选项预测,需注意对话中人物的职位。题目问“Who does the man want to speak(男士想与谁通话)。对话中提到 “May I speak to Mr William, your sales.manager please(我能与你们的销售经理通话吗)”。因此答案为D。9【答案】B 【解析】根据选项中的现在进行时预测,需注意对话中人物正在做什么。题目问 “Why cant Mr Williams

23、answer the phone(威廉先生为什么不能接电话)”。根据对话得知“Hes having a meeting now(他正在开会)”。10.【答案】C 【解析】题目问“What message does the man leave Mr Williams(男士留给威廉先生 什么消息)”。对话中提到A: Mr Alexander, your message please.(亚历山大先生,请您留言) B: Just tell him to retun my call as soon as possible.(告诉他尽快回我的电话) section C11【答案】was set up 【解

24、析】be set up,建立,成立。该句为被动语态,主动语态为We set up the company in the 1980s.12.【答案】made a profit 【解析】make a profit,谋利,赚得利润。We made a profit of about US$80 million last year, and our business is growing steadily。 意思为“我们去年利润为8千万美金,而 我们的业务也在稳步增长”。13.【答案】meet the needs 【解析】meet the needs,满足需求。We are working gladl

25、y to meet the needs of our customers,意思为“我们非常高兴去满足我们顾客的需求”。14.【答案】promote 【解析】promote,促进,提升。In order to further develop our overseas market, we need more agents to promote our products。 意思为“为了进一步发展我们的海外市场,我们需要更多的代理商来促进我们产品(的销售)”。15【答案】consider 【解析】consider,考虑。I hope you will consider doing business

26、with us,意思为“希望您能考虑与我们合作”。section D16.【答案】importance 【解析】题目问What did the speaker talk about last time(上周演讲者讲了什么)。短文提到Last time,I talked about the importance of an oral presentation(上一次,我讲到了演讲的重要性)。因此答案为 importance。17.【答案】structure 【解析】题目问What does the speaker want to talk about today(演讲者今天要讲什 么)。短文中说

27、Today, Id like to talk about the structure of a presentation(今天我想讲讲演讲的结构)。答案为structure。18.【答案】middle, and ending 【解析】题目问what does a typical presentation consist of(一个典型的演讲一 般包含什么)。短文中讲到Generally speaking, a typical presentation consists of three parts: the beginning, middle, and ending( -般来说,一个典型的演讲

28、包含三 个部分:开头,中部,和结尾)。19.【答案】introduction of yourself【解析】题目问Why is the beginning of a presentation the most important part, according to the speaker(演讲者为什么认 为演讲的开始是最重要的部分)。短文中 在谈到演讲的开头部分时谈到The beginning of a presentation is the most important part, because it is the introduction of yourself to your lis

29、teners(演讲的开头是 最重要的部分,因为它对你的听者来说是 你的自我介绍)。20.【答案】Iisteners attention 【解析】题目问What is the role an effective beginning can play in your presentation(一个有效的开头在你的演讲中有什么作用)。短文最后一句话谈到了effective beginning: And an effective beginning draws the listeners attention and sets the proper tone for your presentation(

30、一个有效的开头能够吸引你听众的注意力,并为你的演讲定下一个合适的基调)。Part section A21【答案】A 【解析】语气判断。A选项表示让步,“除非”;B,D选项表因果,“因为”。C选项表示假设,“如果”。句子意为“除非你清楚自己想要什么,(否则)你很可能得不到你想要的帮助”。22.【答案】B 【解析】考察主语从句。句中谓语部分为 “was the examples”.impressed us most为主语,且为从句。根据分析可知,填空处实际指“examples impressed us most”。 因此主语从句中的关系代词应为what。全句意为“让我们印象最为深刻的是那些你用来让

31、大家轻松跟上你的课堂的例子。”23.【答案】B 【解析】考察将来完成时。句中的时间为2015,发生在将来。句中的动作 “complete”需要在2015年底完成。综合分析,句中应为将来完成时。全句意为 “根据计划,我们将要在2015年底完成我们的第二个计划”。24.【答案】D 【解析】考察固定搭配。be familiar with后接sb,表示“对某人很熟悉”。be familiar to后接sth,表示“与某物很相似”。题中“your brand name“为sth(物),因此答案为D。25.【答案】C【解析】考察伴随状语。主句“The format of business letters

32、has slowly changed overtime”意思完整,而且句子成分完整。因此 with business culture less and less formal”为伴随状语,补充解释主句,句中谓语get用ing形式。全句意为“商务信函的格式随着时间慢慢发生了改变,商务文化变得越来越不正式。”答案为C。26.【答案】B 【解析】考察固定搭配。填空中的词修饰不可数名词information,因此答案为B。 全句意为“当你叫急救服务时,你需要尽可能给我们尽量多的信息。”27.【答案】A 【解析】考察虚拟语气。虚拟语气的主句部分为将来完成时,因此是对过去的虚拟,从句部分应用过去完成时。答

33、案为 A。全句意为“如果那家公司曾经投资培训新员工,它就能够避免很多的问题”?28.【答案】D【解析】考察定语从句。从句意为“those peoples task is to assess practice in the workplace”,因此关系代词应为whose。全句意为“在过去的一周,我们对负责评估工作场所的工作人员进行了培训。” 29;【答案】A【解析】考察伴随状语。全句意为“多年的培训和实践后,(公司)业务开始稳步上升。”动词不定式to do表目的,与句意不符,排除B,D。伴随状语中的动词不能为动词原形,排除C。因此答案为A。 30.【答案】C 【解析】考察同位语从句。fact

34、-般引导同位语从句。online ,shopping is still at an early stage of growth是对fact(事实)的解释,一般用that引导从句。全句意思为 “在欧洲,亚马逊网从网上购物处在增长的前期阶段这个事实中获利。”section B 31【答案】cheerful 【解析】考察词性一致。be动词后的表语部分helpful,friendly,eager均为形容词,因此,cheer英语其它词的词性保持一致,用形容词的形式,cheerful。2【答案】will give 【解析】once引导时间状语从句,主句用一般将来时。全句意思为“我们一旦收到了你寄回来的东西

35、,我们会给您退款。”3【答案】more expensive 【解析】考察比较级。than为比较级的标志,因此句中应该用expensive的比较级。全句意思为“英国航空的头等舱要比经济舱贵很多”。14.【答案】equipment 【解析】a piece of后一般接名词,如a piece of bread,一片面包。全句意为“工业领域里的技术一直在革新,我们常常有新的工具可以去用”。35.【答案】was hosted 【解析】句子意思为“2010年世界杯在南非举行,这是第一次在非洲大地上举行世界杯”。主句是对过去事实的描述,所以用一般过去时。从句部分有省略,完整部分为“which was the

36、 first World Cup that was hosted on African soil”。Part Task 136.【答案】D 【解析】关键词doesnt allow,不允许。定位到文章第一段第二行We never tolerateany conduct that puts our customers and the communities we serve at risk “never tolerate”,从来都不能忍受,与doesnt allow 同义。“put sth at risk”,将某物置于危险之地。因此答案为D,do harm to its customers(对消费

37、者造成伤害)。37.【答案】B 【解析】关键词core value(核心价值观)。 定位到文章第一段第三行At GFL,safety is more than a program; it is a core value of our company,意思为“在GFL,安全(问题)不仅仅是一个计划;它(还是)我们公司的核心价值观”。答案为B,safety。38.【答案】C 【解析】定位到原句,句中由and连接两个分句。and连接的句子前后意思相同,结构对称,因此we believe与we are always mindful of意思相同。选项中与“相信”意思相同的为C,“we are alwa

38、ys aware of”。39.【答案】A 【觯析】关键词its worker safety and environmental practices,定位到第二段第一句We are committed to the safety of our workers and have programs in place to continually upgrade our worker safety and environmental practices。意思为“我们以员工的安全为己任,并实施计划去不断提升员工的安全和环境措施”。因此答案为 A,continually upgrade them(不断升

39、级)。40.【答案】B 【解析】关键词“green”programs,定位到文章第三段最后一句Our new“green”waste management program is now gaining respect and popularity in the community。意思为“我们新的绿色垃圾管理计划目前在社区得到越来越多的尊重和喜欢。因此答案为B, The program is becoming more and more popular(该计划越来越受欢迎)。 Task 241.【答案】A 【解析】题目给出原因“advances in technology and global

40、 economic changes(科技和全世界经济的变化),需要去文中寻找结果。定位到文章第一段第二句Some occupations had already been declining for years due to advances in technology and changes in global economy,句中due to(因为)表明了因果关系。因此答案为A,many jobs are disappearing sharply(很多工作急剧消失)。42.【答案】D 【解析】关键词stage performers,定位文章第二段。由第二段第二句话得知“stage perf

41、ormances have fallen out of fashion(舞台表演已经不再流行)”,因此答案为D, stage performances have become less popular(舞台表演越来越不流行)。43.【答案】B 【解析】关键词using new technologies in the office,定位文章第四段最后一句“Moreover, technologies like voicemail and easy-to-use word processors have enabled professionals to do their own office wo

42、rk(再者,像语音和使用方便的文字处理等技术让很多专业人员可以自己做自己的工 作)”。因此答案为B。44.【答案】D 【解析】关键词2018。定位到文章第五段最后一句“The occupation has been steadily losing jobs in the last five years and there might be a 24% decline by 2018(这份工作 在过去的5年逐渐减少,到2018很可能减少24%)”。答案为D。45.【答案】C 【解析】主旨分析题。文章一开始提到了由于某些原因,一些工作正在减少。之后一一阐述逐渐减少的5种工作,提到了它们减少的原因及

43、减少的幅度。因此答案为C,disappearing careers(消失的职业)。 Task 346.【答案】communities 【解析】关键词aims,give back to。定位到文章第一段第三行We also believe whole-heartedly in giving back to the communities in which we operate(我们同时也衷心相信能够给我们经营的社区一些回报)。因此 答案为communities。47.【答案】work hard 【解析】关键词features,willingness。定位文章第二段第二句Just the will

44、ingness to work hard,意为“仅仅(需要)努力工作的 决心”。48.【答案】selling 【解析】关键词features,focus on。定位文章第二段第二行What makes American Income Life unique is that our work system enables our sales team to focus on selling, which is what makes this career truly opportunity limited,意思为“让American Income Life公司真正特别的是我们工作系统让我们的销售

45、团队能注重销售,这也是使这类工作机会有限的原因”。49.【答案】free 【解析】关键词benefits,training opportunities。定位文章第三段第二句 You will also find free training opportunities, and leadership experience, too意思为“你也能获得免费的培训机会和领导经验”。50.【答案】leadership 【解析】定位文章第三段第二句You will also find free training opportunities, and leadership experience, too。

46、Task 451.【答案】F,J 【解析】current -般表示“目前的,当前的”,如current difficulties,“目前的困难”。 advance表示“提前”,如“Tell me in advance please(请提前告诉我)”。52.【答案】L,Q 【解析】credit,信用。如credit card,信用卡。joint表示联结,如knee joint(膝关节)。venture既有风险的意思,也有企业的意思。如Nothing venture,nothing have,意为“不入虎穴,焉得虎子”。53.【答案】D,I 【解析】competitive,竞争。如,He is a

47、 competitive athlete,意为“他是一名竞争意识强的运动员”。effective,有效的。如, These are effective measures。意思为“这 些是有效的措施”。54.【答案】M,O 【解析】pay,付款。如,Companies have to pay their employees,意思为“公司需要支付员工工资”。55.【答案】G,N 【解析】direct,直接。“Please give me the letter directly”,意为“请把信直接交给我”。capital,既有“首都”之意,也有“资本”的意思,如capitalism countries(资本主义国家)。 Task 5 56.【答案】private student 【解析】关键词,A Wells Fargo。定位到文章第一段“Make no payments while in school with A Wells Fargo private student loan(用A Wells Fargo个人学生贷款让你在学校不用支付)”。57.【答案】education-related 【解析】关键词expenses,be paid,loan。定位到文章第二段


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