An informal invitation.doc

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《An informal invitation.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《An informal invitation.doc(3页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、-范文最新推荐- An informal invitation Dear Miss Chang,We have planned a house party as a sort of farewell before our trip to Soochow, and we are particularly anxious to have you join us . I hope there is nothing to prevent you from coming out to canton on February 25th and remaining here with us until the

2、 eighth of March. Mr. Simpson Chen and Mr. And Mrs. L. T. Ying will be here too, along with severa l others whom you do not know, but whom I am most anxious to have you meet.I am enclosing a time-table for your convenience, And I have checked the two tra ins that I believe are most convenient for yo

3、u. If you take the 7:10 in the morn ing you will arrive here at 11, and you will be able to meet some of our guests at tiffin at 12. There is an earlier train in the morning if you prefer it. If y ou let me know which train you expect to take, I will see that there shall be a car at the station to m

4、eet you.Very cordially yours,Margaret Li-Huang.     Dear Sirs,    We have pleasure in advising you that your order of March 6 has been shipped today by MY Applol from TokyoPlease find enclosed our invoice for 6182 and note that we have drawn on you for this am

5、ount at sight attaching the shipping documents to our draft    As arranged,we have instructed our bankers to send the documents against payment of our draft which we recommend to your protection。    Yours faithfully,    中文对照  &nbs

6、p; 敬启者:    阁下3月6日订货已交由阿波罗轮承运,今天已从东京港启航,特此奉告。    现随函附上美金6182元汇票,开给贵方的汇票是见票即付期票,同时附上装船文件,敬请查收。    依照安排,现已指示我方银行发出我方汇票付款文件,对贵方是有利的。    敬上 祝贺信(Letter of congratulation)是向对方表示祝贺的信件,一般用于对方有什么喜事或取得了什么成绩,以及节日寿 诞等。祝贺信是人们情感交流

7、的一种方式,多写祝贺信可以使亲戚朋友同事之间加强联系, 增进了解,彼此关心。祝贺信的主要内容有:(一)向对方表示祝贺在正文中要首先向对方表示热烈的祝贺。要写明向谁祝贺、祝贺什么、为什么祝贺等。可以 写自己是怎样听到好消息的。听到消息后的心情怎样等。要感情饱满地写,但要简明扼要。 (二)提出自己对有关问题的看法该项内容要根据所祝贺的事情发表自己的看法、主张,提出一些建议、意见等。如对重大节 日或纪念活动的祝贺。可以说明其重大的意义和对所取得的成绩表示祝贺,可以分析一下所 取得成绩的主客观原因等;庆贺寿辰的贺信,可简要准确地赞扬对方在事业上的成功; 婚姻 庆贺,则可以谈些自己关于婚姻生活的一些认识看法等,以期对对方有所帮助。(三)写出自己的希望和美好的祝愿正文的结尾要写上再次表示祝愿的话。如:“With renewed good wishes,and kindest re gards to you and your spouse。”(再次敬候你同新夫人安好。)又如“May the years to come bring every blessing to you both.”(愿你俩年年福寿无疆。) 3 / 3


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