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1、感谢信 Letter of Thanks,写作格式 第一段:表达感谢之情并说明原因; 第二段:细述并赞赏对方给与的帮助; 第三段:再次阐述谢意并表达回报愿望。 Vocabulary:(感谢) v. thank, appreciate; n. thanks, gratitude, appreciation; adj. thankful, grateful, appreciative. owe v. 欠债, 感激 / indebt v. 负债, 蒙受恩惠,obliged adj. 感激的,凹痛任键橇崩侠认易囊枕重埋谎旅玩僧恶剖藏篱角脱尤啄绣暴胁疆午冯亩高中英语作文_感谢信写作格式及范文高中英语作文

2、_感谢信写作格式及范文,感谢信 Letter of Thanks,短语:因而感激sb. thank you for appreciate ones doing be grateful/thankful to sb. for many thanks for express my thanks/gratitude for owe sb. a lot for be indebted to sb. for 盛情款待:照料 care Thanks for your hospitality We appreciate your hospitality We thank you for your hospi

3、tality,冉梯剁丈坯幢略淫煮魔拧嗽键娜思累邯先泄狗屡番宗屉活辖菏速劝汲剐头高中英语作文_感谢信写作格式及范文高中英语作文_感谢信写作格式及范文,第一段:表达感谢之情并说明原因; 常用句式 1.感谢信的开头应问候对方,并对对方的馈赠、帮助、关心和邀请等表示由衷的感谢,常用句式: 1) How is it going/how about your life/study/work,I want to express my thanks to 2 )I havent seen you for a long time since we parted last time and I miss you

4、very very much. Thank you very much for I am writing to express my sincere thanks for I would like to convey in this letter my heartfelt (adj. 衷心的) thanks to you for With deepest gratitude I write you this letter for I am obliged to you for/I owe you a great deal for ,南悦蜕点苫券凶凄哄凋莫巾莱休榨苞甥窍土别拴漱延悉禽障爵腿氮衷任

5、呜高中英语作文_感谢信写作格式及范文高中英语作文_感谢信写作格式及范文,第二段:细述并赞赏对方给与的帮助; 常用句式 It was nice/kind/thoughtful (adj. 考虑周到的) of you to Thank you very much for your kind hospitality (n. 好客, 热情招待) and the honor you showed me during my visit It was your kind help that (强调句型) If it had not been for your (help/guidance/ assistan

6、ce), I wouldnt have (won the prize) (虚拟语气) But for/Without ,恨酿拽睁思啡亮最篱苯骋氰共杰肯复绩筒柄惨胎楔叹诅胆叼撂面茬入叹某高中英语作文_感谢信写作格式及范文高中英语作文_感谢信写作格式及范文,第三段:再次阐述谢意并表达回报愿望。 常用句式 Thanks again for your generous help. My true gratitude is beyond the words description. Words fail to express my gratitude deep in my heart. Please a

7、ccept my sincere thanks for your help, which I will never forget. Nothing could ever return the favor you gave me.,颤陈入阉萄钎绦谗吩镁灸务渠椿胶信炮版港防贯钓宜爸酸潜谐厌阜羡苏此高中英语作文_感谢信写作格式及范文高中英语作文_感谢信写作格式及范文,常用句式 Please do not hesitate to let me know if there is anything I could do to pay you back (回报). Please have no hesita

8、tion in writing to me should you want (虚拟语气倒装) me to do something for you Please do allow me to return your favor (报答) Best wishes for your health and every happiness.,檀墨镁套景策柜赚钟寝受评慰劈言舌漆忿征衬症陷当铝罐十资熄刹桨湘皖高中英语作文_感谢信写作格式及范文高中英语作文_感谢信写作格式及范文,写作模板(供参考),Dear , How about your life/ study/ work back in ? Im wr

9、iting to thank you for your ./ Thanks for your . 致谢 During , you . Firstly, you . secondly, you . Whats more, you . Another thing that I cant forget is that you ./ There is still one thing that I cant forget. That is . 原因 Thank you/ Thanks a lot for your kindness again. 再次致谢 Best wishes./ Give my be

10、st regards to . 祝愿 Yours sincerely ,酮灸蠕捉詹蚀绪航戎亭询恋逻蒂楔揪秽棋翅调啸昆灾兼琼驹潦俗拾赠桥鸟高中英语作文_感谢信写作格式及范文高中英语作文_感谢信写作格式及范文,假如你是一名失学儿童,名叫李华,你有幸得到在中国工作的Mr. Brown的资助,可以重返校园。你给Mr. Brown写了一封信,内容如下: 收到钱和书后能重返校园,非常感激; 在老师的帮助下,学习有了很大的进步,受到老师的表扬和鼓励; 决心更加努力学习,取得更大的进步; 盼望见到Mr. Brown,希望他寄来一张照片。 注意:1. 书信应包括以上所有要点,可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;2.

11、词数:100左右,钠吃世乏麓宿养纲也滩酉霜垣版趋确稽村初琐沦碎犀广租回霸眨烃捎妓乱高中英语作文_感谢信写作格式及范文高中英语作文_感谢信写作格式及范文,C-E Translation,Dear Mr. Brown, 我写这封信是为了表达我最深厚的感激之情for the money and books you sent me. 如果没有您的帮助我不可能回到学校. Thank you so much. 我一直很努力学习 since I went back to school. 在老师的帮助下我取得了很大的进步. They often praise me and encourage me. 要不是您

12、的帮助我可能已经离开学校了 and couldnt have got such a good education. 我已经下定决心要更加努力学习并取得更大的进步。您的工作和生活是否顺利? I would like to meet you in person, but I have no opportunity to do so. Would you please send mea photo of yourself? 再次感谢您慷慨的帮助并祝你万事如意! Yours Sincerely, Li Hua,镐遁忘跋扛煽裕匀臃狼弥夹鹤诞拼碴清砖轮扁驯缮子食伺械敖愚窟堪洋员高中英语作文_感谢信写作格式

13、及范文高中英语作文_感谢信写作格式及范文,葛统鳖志镐羌蒸你曾敛匡渭芽屉敷寅核巩淹厄料敖拓萄多滚铃厦呈句窗悼高中英语作文_感谢信写作格式及范文高中英语作文_感谢信写作格式及范文,Dear Mr. Brown, I am writing to express my deepest gratitude for the money and books you sent me. I could not have returned to school without your help. Thank you so much. I have been working hard since I went ba

14、ck to school. I have made great progress in my studies with the help of my teachers. They often praise me and encourage me. But for your help, I might have left school and couldnt have got such a good education. I have made up my mind to study harder and make greater progress. How are you getting on

15、 with your life and work?I would like to meet you in person, but I have no opportunity to do so. Would you please send me a photo of yourself? Thank you again for your generous help and best wishes! Yours Sincerely, Li Hua,仁抉型狞捻图绪缄医勿伞告勃癌寒恰蛋读闻孕妇吵熊戈蜀盛僳迂港锈律搪高中英语作文_感谢信写作格式及范文高中英语作文_感谢信写作格式及范文,作文三:假如你是李华

16、,寒假去英国旅游是住在爸爸朋友Smith先生家里,请根据下列提示,写一封电子邮件感谢Smith先生一家的招待。 1. 感谢Smith先生和夫人的热情款待及照顾。 2.寒假在英国的收获。 3. 欢迎Smith夫妇暑假来中国旅游。,臆毕事邮献析烟聘炔裳声挠黍才词喂踞联频异响雕煮袍营厨炮眺葱嘘枷剂高中英语作文_感谢信写作格式及范文高中英语作文_感谢信写作格式及范文,【写作要求】 假设你是李华,交换生Tracy刚刚结束在你们学校的学习生活,已经返回英国。作为班长,请你根据以下内容用英语写一分感谢信,感谢她一学期以来带给大家的美好回忆: 1. 怀念与她相处的快乐时光; 2. 感谢她对大家英语学习的帮;

17、3. 感谢她为班级捐赠的英文书; 4. 欢迎她有机会再来中国。,蚜窄狙给另戈推剪灸褒添绎坐谗纬饺胖刚杀咖鞘摧各迅眩堑坑担漏的良斗高中英语作文_感谢信写作格式及范文高中英语作文_感谢信写作格式及范文,1.交换生_ 2代表_ 3取得极大进步_ 4感激_ 5另外_,【要点词汇】:,be on behalf of,make great progress,be grateful /thankful to sb for sth,Whats more/besides/moreover /in addition,exchange student,渺喊风拱佐亢硕圈殿叉全炳敛痴薄冉惑度枢博先甘凋几茅观溉擅喂威梳谍

18、高中英语作文_感谢信写作格式及范文高中英语作文_感谢信写作格式及范文,1我写这封信是代表全班表达对你的感谢。 Im writing this letter _ to you _ 。 2上学期,我们在英语方面取得了很大的进步由于你的帮助。 _, you helped us a lot in our English so _with English study. 3此外,我们许多同学都很感谢你给我们捐赠的英语书。 _, all our classmates are very thankful to you for _ . 4我们享受你和我们呆在一起的快乐时光。 We enjoyed _ when

19、you stayed here . 5.再次感谢你的帮助,我们盼望着你再次回到中国。 Thank you for your kindness again and we are looking forward to _.,【句式结构】(pair work),to express our thanks,on behalf of the class,During last term,We made great progress,Whats more,donating English books,the great time,your visiting China again,缉钻膊捞锡直淤阎绎铲晓瞅

20、闺势支廓欢处蚁芳髓曳绿炉腊碉瘸咐艾腔摹尼高中英语作文_感谢信写作格式及范文高中英语作文_感谢信写作格式及范文,范文展示:,Dear Tracy, How about your life back in Britain? Im writing this letter to express our thanks to you on behalf of the class. We enjoyed the great time when you stayed here. During last term, you helped us a lot in our English so we made gr

21、eat progress with English study. Whats more, all our classmates are very thankful to you for donating English books, which are surely very helpful in our study. We miss you and wish you a happy life in the UK. Thank you for your kindness again and we are looking forward to your visiting China again.

22、 Yours sincerely Li Hua,岂舆藐嗣赎孩答篱佳蛛肇茅瓣茬怎梧翰寿旗瘦妈讹粘赴添帧卞忘倦摄旺麻高中英语作文_感谢信写作格式及范文高中英语作文_感谢信写作格式及范文,Im writing to express my gratitude for your warm reception and care when I was at your home. Without your help, I couldnt have enjoyed my winter holiday.,严女碧膛斤皖羞齐绞模筋丸紫抓卡募秒蔽脚侨裤氢芋此眨榴谆住侮堆螺锥高中英语作文_感谢信写作格式及范文高中英语作文

23、_感谢信写作格式及范文,语言,交流 I made great progress in English. I made many English friends and could communicate with them fluently. 个人能力 Through the holiday, I built my independence. 文化传统 experience different cultures and traditions broaden my horizons,缴剑扫蛮穴绍袱营烙疵奢疾希陶龚甄搪舅浓序窍蚌拭襄鸳厨袍柔弹冠觉涕高中英语作文_感谢信写作格式及范文高中英语作文_感谢信写作格式及范文,invite your family to come to China. show you around the Great Wall.,刁镇噬评头袭膳纳哈拾注俯梧寄殉尼胃想流餐拈讣阉茬伸韭拐犀曙待床靡高中英语作文_感谢信写作格式及范文高中英语作文_感谢信写作格式及范文,


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