Developing the Speech Text.doc

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1、-范文最新推荐- Developing the Speech Text chapter ii developing the speech texti. announcing the beginning of the speech textto begin with, i would like to talk about a principle.i think it would be best to start out by looking at some pictures.the first thing i would like to talk about is the definition

2、of the terms which i¡¯11 use in my presentation.ii. shifting to the next main pointwell, let's move on to the next point.we will now come to the second problem.turning to the next question, i' 11 talk about the stages of the the second topic, i shall stop here. now le

3、t' s turn our attention to the third much for the methodology of our experiment. i would now like to shift to the discussion of the, let's move away from the first part and switch over to the next part of my presentation.that's all for the introduction and now we can

4、 go on to the literature, i would like to turn to a more difficult problem.the next point i'd like to talk about is the feasibility of this project.that brings me to my second point.i am glad that we can now leave this rather boring subject of mathematic deduction and go into a more

5、attractive one, that is the application of the formula.iii. resuming the topiclet' s come back to what i said in the first part of my speech.getting back to the subject of the problem of theoretical considerations we can find that.i want to return to the first part of my, to get

6、 back to the effect of temperature, you may be aware that the problems have been solved.this brings me back to the question of this point i would like to refer again to the question of methods in the first part of my lecture.referring again to the first question, i think.referring to the

7、 coming pointi'll deal with it later.i' 11 touch upon that point in a moment.i shall tell you in detail shortly.iv. introducing the supporting materialsi think this part is the most difficult, so i'll explain it in greater detail.i think this part of my paper is most important, so i plan

8、 to spend more time on it.please allow me to deal with this matter more extensively.being the most important part of my presentation, i will elaborate on it with more slides.i' 11 expand this topic with drawings and figures.indicating the points brieflylimited by the time available, i can only g

9、ive you a very brief account of this matter.i don't think that i should describe the methods in detail, because they are included in the handout.i will not go into detail on it.this point has been talked about repeatedly in this symposium, so i am not going to spend too much time on it.let's

10、 go through the following points very rapidly.i just want to outline for you what i experienced in using this new drug.i shall not go over all these explanations. my time is running short. so i'¡¯11 be is sufficient to say that these experiments were poorly designed and witho

11、ut controls.v. repairing a slip of tonethe first of such experiments began in 2000, rather than 1999.may i have the lights, i mean the slides.the temperature increased, i shall say decreased.the population is 13 million, sorry, 31 million.the exchange rate dropped from 2.5 to 1.8, i beg your pardon,

12、 you can see from the first row, excuse me, the second row, that the output increased two expressions concerning audio-visual aidscould we have the lights off? and the first slide, please.lights off, first slide, please.dim the lights, and first slide, please.the slide is not so clea

13、r. please darken the room a little more.could you please turn on the lights, please?now, we can have the lights on.please switch on the lights.lights on, please.i apologize that this slide is not so clear, but i hope you can still make out the general idea.sorry for the small print.i'm sorry we

14、left a figure out explaining the contents on the slidesthis slide demonstrates .on this slide, you can see.this curve in this slide shows.this figure in this slide exhibits.this table on this slide presents.this diagram on this slide depicts.this chart on this slide displaces .the picture o

15、n this slide shows .the photomicrograph on this slide shows .the flow-chart on this slide points out.the circuit diagram on this slide represents.indicating the sources of the content in athis figure is taken from., by dr. li.this diagram is after that of prof. wang with some modificationvii. demand

16、ing to show the next slidemay i proceed to the next slide, please?i think we can move on to the next slide.let me show you the next, we can go on to the next slide. 'next slide,, !viii. returning to the previous slideto make a comparison, can we return to the fi

17、rst slide, please?let's go back. no, not this one. one back. back one more. yes, that¡¯s it. thank you.may i go back two slides, please?could you return to the second slide?may we have the previous slide again?ix. correcting a mistakesorry, this one is in the wrong order. may i have t

18、he next one?oh, this slide is misplaced. please skip over it. yes, this is the correct one.i'm afraid i didn't ask for this slide. can we go back to the previous one?, not this one. next, please. yes, this is the one i need. thank you.i'm afraid you may have lost one slide whic

19、h is a flow chart of the procedure.sorry, there seems to be one slide missing.x. indicating the speed of running slideslet's go through the following slides rapidly.the following three slides we will go through quickly without explanation.wait a minute, please. i want to say more about this slid

20、e.because of the shortage of time, i' il have to omit the following slides.time is up, let's come to the last slide directly.would you please skip the next slid-e and go on to the table?next, next. go ahead. that's it. *all are brothers in the four seasabove all, i would like to thank ev

21、eryone here. i would like to thank every chinese friend of mine. i would like to thank these who may read my speech but who i have no chance to make acquaintance with. i would like to thank the great and outstanding chinese people and her leaders.since about 40 years, it is they who encourage me to

22、work. it is they who encourage me not only to work, but also practice medicine. it is they who encourage me not only to practice medicine but also study, i found i was rooted in china as i was 21 years old. 4 days ago it was my 78 years birthday. my feelings still remain as those of past.

23、i should say i am a very lucky woman. as for work, i am a doctor, an author, a public speaker, and a scholar of economist, social activist and politic scholar. i am a wife and a mother as well. now i have become grandmother and great grandmother. all these have become possible because of you all, be

24、cause of the great chinese people: my friends.chinese revolution is a brilliant achievement which has changed the world. world changes with each passing day instead of remaining unchanging. the chinese people have their great leaders and will continue to have their great and outstanding leaders who

25、know quite well about what happens in the world. by the way, i would like to mention that many countries in the earth envy china her leaders who own wisdom and broad visions. mr. deng xiaoping is a very distinguishable and great leader. with his guides, the chinese people would have overcome their d

26、ifficulty successfully. with his guides, the chinese people have gained their very important positions in the very time when we face a new one in the 21 century.i always think that it is natural for peoples of the world to promote each others understanding, because i am a half-breed of chinese and w

27、estern people, just a medium between the two cultures. different thinking ways should not result in hatred and discrimination instead we should learn form each other and get a better understanding. i enjoy good health so i loyaly abide by the ancient chinese philosophy and this is within the four se

28、as all men are brothers. 首先,要感谢大家,感谢所有的朋友,感谢所有那些我尚无缘识君但也许要阅读这篇讲稿的人们,感谢伟大的卓越的中国人民及其领导。 几乎40年来,是他们鼓励着我的工作。不但鼓励着我写作,也鼓励着我行医;不但行医,也鼓励着我研究人生。 今天,如同21岁时一样,我发现我的根在中国。4天之前,初度七十有八,感觉依然如故。 我是一个十分幸运的女性,因为我的工作,无论是作为一个医生,一个作家,一个演讲者,一个经济学、社会学和政治学者,还有作为人妻,作为人母,现在又作为祖母和曾祖母,所有这些工作之所以成为可能,那是因为有了你们,我的朋友们:伟大的中国人民。 中国革命

29、是辉煌的业绩,因为它改变了世界。世界并非万古不变,而是日新月异。中国人民拥有伟大的领导人,而且继续拥有熟知世界重大变化的领导人。在此, 我想说一下,世界上许多国家羡慕中国,因为她的领导人富有智慧和远见。邓小平先生是一位非常伟大的人物,多亏了他的引导,中国成功地克服了困难,因而在人 类要面对崭新的21世纪时,取得了十分重要的地位。 由于我本人是中西合璧的混血儿,介乎于两种文化之间,因而一贯地认为,促进世界上各民族之间的理解,乃是十分自然的事。思考方法之歧异,不应导致仇恨和排斥,而是应该学习和努力理解。我身体力行,只是遵循中国古代哲学而已:四海之内皆兄弟也。 chapter iii ending

30、the speech texti. signaling the beginning of the end partlet¡¯s look at what i have talked about.well, that brings me to the end of my presentation. this last slide is a brief summary of what i have talked about.before i stop/finish, let me just close my speech, i' 11 show you

31、the last i'd like to summarize my summarize, i have talked about three aspects of the cancer problem: .finally, as a summary statement, i would like to sum up the major points i have made.ii. summarizinglet me just run over the key points again.i'll briefly summarize the ma

32、in conclusion,¡­in closing,¡­in a word,¡­to sum up .in brief,¡­briefly.all in all,¡­finally,¡­iii. concludingas you can see, there are some very good reasons .to sum up, my conclusion is that the present program is the best

33、 conclusion .let me conclude my talk with the following comments.allow me to conclude by listing out all the factors influencing the conclusion, i would like to point out the following aspects.i'd like to leave you with the following conclusion.iv. quotinglet me close by quoting dr.

34、einstein, the famous physicist, who said that¡­i would like to come to a close by quoting what sir newton once said.therefore, i would suggest that we.i'd like to far as i'm concerned, the only solution to the problem is.v. closingthat's all, thank you.that's the

35、 end of my much for my speech, thank you.thank you for your attention.thank you for your listening.other expressions that may be useful in the end part of the speechsorry, i see the red light is shining so i have to skip the last part and jump to the chairman is signal

36、ing me, i have to stop here and leave out the remaining part to spare samples sample 1 we have proposed a framework of a hierarchical planning system for robots. first of all, the system is an automatic plan system that can guide the robot intelligently in terms of the environment. secondly

37、, it is based on hierarchical planning. the planning problem has been hierarchically decomposed into two sub-problems: global destination selection and local motion planning. and finally, the simulation and application has proved it as an effective design.(show the last visual)that's all for my

38、presentation. for any question to be raised, i'm quite willing to discuss them with you at any time. thank you, every one. sample 2 'finally, we can draw the conclusion: edge detection and denoising are two important branches of image processing. if we combine edge detection with denoising,

39、we can overcome the shortcomings of the commonly-used denolsing methods and without blurring the edge notably.furthermore, there are many denoising and edge detection methods now. different methods are suitable for different types of images and noise models. we can do further research on how to comb

40、ine these various denoising and edge detection methods according to the content of the images and nature of noise.that's all for my talk. if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask me. i'm quite willing to discuss them with you at any time, thank you. sample 3 that's all t wanted to show you about machine vision and one of its applications, agv. thank you! sample 4 (turn to 12th ppt) ok, that is all i'm going to talk today.thank you ! sample 5 that's all. thank you! 17 / 17


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