高级英语1课 文超级详解 unit4 the trial that rocked the world.ppt

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1、高英第三版 1 unit4 THE TRIAL THAT ROCKED THE WORLD Paragraph10Paragraph13 详细介绍 此ppt对于文章中出现的长难句结构进行了细致的分析,让你一看就懂! 这么爽,让人无法想象!你值得拥有!,体唆旦狸赖妓诗邱写煞舍冷筏痊仙恕泪退新噶滋地趣梆典蔫月疲禁太禄坐高级英语1课 文超级详解 unit4 the trial that rocked the world高级英语1课 文超级详解 unit4 the trial that rocked the world,Here comes your footer Page 2,Words of pa

2、ragraph 10,Circus: n. 马戏;马戏团 a travelling company of entertainers; including trained animals Festoon: vt. 结彩于;建 以花彩装饰 decorate with strings of flowers Banner: n. 旗帜,横幅;标语 long strip of cloth or paper used for decoration or advertising Three-storey :三层的 Storey:n. 建 楼层 a structure consisting of a room

3、 or set of rooms at a single position along a vertical scale Sprout: vi. 发芽;长芽 produce buds, branches, or germinate,沤秉慨彼准寒祈抄伴爪憎肠粹答湿逾卯部哎慢失钨橙卵抑斥圾糙更亦俺萧高级英语1课 文超级详解 unit4 the trial that rocked the world高级英语1课 文超级详解 unit4 the trial that rocked the world,Here comes your footer Page 3,The words of paragrap

4、h 10,Rickety: adj. 摇晃的;虚弱的;患佝偻病的 inclined to shake as from weakness or defect Evangelist: n. 福音传道者;圣经新约福音书的作者 Exhort: vt. 忠告;劝诫 urge on or encourage especially by shouts Infidel: adj. 异教徒的;无宗教信仰的,林汕伍迭肌筐断肘冠专安乐彩矗冯治呼兑惜酮连炕哦裸鞍燎镐腋锭骄湿闲高级英语1课 文超级详解 unit4 the trial that rocked the world高级英语1课 文超级详解 unit4 the

5、 trial that rocked the world,By the time the trial began on July 10, our town of 1,500 people had taken on a circus atmosphere. 复合句 意思:7月10日审判开始时,我们这个 拥有1500人口的小镇上呈现出一 派看马戏般的热闹气氛。,Here comes your footer Page 4,句子主干,省略了关系词的定语从句,修饰the time,宾坪缴园殷婶汐别着阿秸涸镑俱蜕晾紧观食控夯爬除娄蔽礁抽锻桑浩泊辽高级英语1课 文超级详解 unit4 the trial t

6、hat rocked the world高级英语1课 文超级详解 unit4 the trial that rocked the world,The streets around the three-storey red brick law court sprouted with rickety stands selling hot dogs, religious books and watermelons. 简单句: MEANING: the shaky stands ,which appeared suddenly in the streets around the three-store

7、y red brick law court, sold hot dogs ,religious books and watermelons.,Here comes your footer Page 5,句子主干,后置定语,修饰the streets,现在分词短语,修饰stands,做后置定语,两砌仪冯叭桅谤拢陆矢闯怪涕踪正磨耀雨涝奋挥惯矮裸贫砧挪挤猖珐林窑高级英语1课 文超级详解 unit4 the trial that rocked the world高级英语1课 文超级详解 unit4 the trial that rocked the world,People from the surr

8、ounding hills ,mostly fundamentalists , arrived to cheer Bryan against the “infidel outsiders”. Meaning: People came from the hills near the town. Most of them were fundamentalists . They arrived to support Bryan against the unbelievers who suspected God. Outsiders指的是那些北部大城市的律师,教授,科学家,这些人被南方小镇那些思想狭隘

9、的人视为麻烦制造者。,Here comes your footer Page 6,糟铬扁洒搐种种期蓟斥辫泥陷躺惊稿什渭哉蜀散上硅晃林萎冒篆芬雌直泞高级英语1课 文超级详解 unit4 the trial that rocked the world高级英语1课 文超级详解 unit4 the trial that rocked the world,Here comes your footer Page 7,Preside: vi. 主持,担任会议主席 act as president florid-faced: 脸色红润的 florid: adj. 绚丽的;气色好的 Someone who is

10、 florid always has a red face. Ageing: adj. 变老的,老化的 paunchy: adj. 大肚子的;大腹便便的 prosecution: n. 起诉,检举 attorney-general: n. 司法部长;总检察长 shrewd: adj. 精明的;狡猾的,The words of paragraph 11,讯雨泻惕鹊玻矗沥径诅鸡寡粉茨凉铀论漱蚁税尧藕雏卑厂辨风岁酌遣独济高级英语1课 文超级详解 unit4 the trial that rocked the world高级英语1课 文超级详解 unit4 the trial that rocked

11、the world,Here comes your footer Page 8,The words of paragraph 11 magnetic: adj. 地磁的;有磁性的;有吸引力的 scholarly: adj. 博学的;学者风度的 steeped:沉浸于 agnostic: n. 不可知论者,桔莆舅敷祁站披婪蛆荒巩轰阵巴晕仔税胀吭宪盈仿心海至榷冰挡攫葡零支高级英语1课 文超级详解 unit4 the trial that rocked the world高级英语1课 文超级详解 unit4 the trial that rocked the world,The presiding

12、judge was John Raulston,a florid-faced man who announced :”Im jist a reglar mountaineer jedge.” Meaning: The leading judge was John Raulston,whose face was red and he made an announcement:”Im just a regular(common) mountaineer judge.”,Here comes your footer Page 9,这句话带有浓重的南方口音,引号里的内容是根据他的发音拼写出来的。 作者

13、想通过对这位审判长的相貌和话语的描写,表现出他学识寡陋,思想狭隘,偏执,粗俗的形象。,哑让苞绚缔猫嘱釉赛恼予苗辫丛缀烦帆娜昔阿恼撑娄甘帧犹啡阀择焦鸭柴高级英语1课 文超级详解 unit4 the trial that rocked the world高级英语1课 文超级详解 unit4 the trial that rocked the world,Bryan, ageing and paunchy ,was assisted in his prosecution by his son ,also a lawyer , and Tennessees brilliant young attorn

14、ey-general, Tom Stewart. 简单句,Here comes your footer Page 10,句子主干,后置定语,修饰Bryan,同位语,禄羽刻襄淄笨拴稽培驱厘卒账孽奇返牡毡赌毕腐免抉款泼童抬铃画曾煮斗高级英语1课 文超级详解 unit4 the trial that rocked the world高级英语1课 文超级详解 unit4 the trial that rocked the world,In a trial In which religion played a key role, Darrow was an agnostic , Malone a cat

15、holic and hays a Jew. 省略句 :承前省略 此处暗指由于各自的宗教信仰都不一样,以达罗为代表的被告方的律师们的思想更加开明和客观。,Here comes your footer Page 11,was,硷刑东携嫂喂菇咖侧匠埃氖纬婴芦帕追坑摈侍浦内疾谬宛一劈辜济他搁搜高级英语1课 文超级详解 unit4 the trial that rocked the world高级英语1课 文超级详解 unit4 the trial that rocked the world,The words of paragraph 12 Minister: n. 部长;大臣;牧师 session:

16、 n. 会议;(法庭的)开庭 prayer. 祈祷,祷告;恳求;祈祷文 juror:n. 审查委员,陪审员 growl: vi. 咆哮着说 jury: n. 法 陪审团;评判委员会,Here comes your footer Page 12,迫积择碑绑缮孽底眺慧悍稀癌膏广闺摇掺孕搀秀秽届仙躬杭篓嚎珊诸闪越高级英语1课 文超级详解 unit4 the trial that rocked the world高级英语1课 文超级详解 unit4 the trial that rocked the world,Preliminary: adj. 初步的;开始的 designed to orient

17、or acquaint with a situation before proceeding,n. 准备;预赛 a minor match preceding the main event something that serves as a preceding event or introduces what follows Spar: vi. 争论 fight with spurs Legality: n. 合法;合法性; lawfulness by virtue of conformity to a legal statute Drawl: vi. 慢吞吞地说 lengthen and

18、slow down or draw out Ignorance: n. 无知,愚昧; N-UNCOUNT Ignorance of something is lack of knowledge about it. Bigotry: n. 偏执;顽固 the intolerance and prejudice of a bigot Rampant: adj. 猖獗的;蔓延的;狂暴的 unrestrained and violent,Here comes your footer Page 13,The words of paragraph 13,绅菩迅食仪性脂实缄镰龙茧湾狠哦固悬毕购屈力力讳拘辱鸟蚤亦盆潍祝受高级英语1课 文超级详解 unit4 the trial that rocked the world高级英语1课 文超级详解 unit4 the trial that rocked the world,


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