年终工作小结 英文.doc

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《年终工作小结 英文.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《年终工作小结 英文.doc(3页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、-精品合同推荐- 年终工作小结 英文工作总结频道为大家整理的年终工作小结 英文,供大家阅读参考。Think back on the past calendar year. What would you like to see different in 2019? And what are the smallest possible changes that could bring those results? Here, five suggestions of potentially painless asks that could bring big rewards in 2019.回顾过去

2、的一年。在2019年你希望有什么变化?有没有小改变可以给你带来你想要的结果的?以下是五个无伤大雅的要求可能为你在2019年带来巨大回报。1.Flex Time1.弹性工作时间Will flexible scheduling make you more focused on the job? Save stress by letting you skip a traffic-ridden commute? Try asking for an hour or two of flexibility each week (but be sure to stress that you will not

3、be cutting corners or missing meetings)and watch your well-being soar.灵活的时间是不是能让你更专心工作?避开拥挤的上下班高峰是不是能减轻你的压力?试着向公司要求每周有一两个小时的灵活时间,但要确保自己不会因此偷懒或错过会议。然后就等着自己快乐起来吧。2.Meeting Invites2.会议邀请Ask to be included in bigger projects, meetings with executives for a surefire signal that you want to contribute mor

4、e to the company and learn more in the process. Theres no cost associated with being a fly on the wall, and the exposure can be career-changing.要求公司让自己参与更大的项目,与公司高层一起开会,以此证明自己想要为公司做出更大的贡献,并在此过程中学得更多。列席管理层会议并没有产生成本,但这种个人展示可能会改变你的职业生涯。3.Mentoring3.工作指导A formal mentorship can be extremely beneficial to

5、 your career and requires only a time commitment from a senior employee. Request that you be partnered with a higher-up whose career path you aspire to follow.正式的指导关系对你的职业非常有益处。对于高层来说,也只是抽出一点时间而已。可以提出希望上级能对自己进行指导。这个指导你的人可以是你想要跟随其职业生涯路径的人。4.Career Training4.职业培训Many companies have policies to offset

6、tuition costs to pursue higher education in your fieldcheck with HR for details. But even if there is no set standard, approach your supervisor with suggestions of courses or conferences where you might learn critical skills that will benefit the whole team. An added bonus: your boss will look good to her boss when presenting the idea.许多企业都有培训政策,为员工在相关领域接受更高级的培训来支付费用,具体细节可以咨询人力资源部门。即便公司没有培训相关的规定,你也可以自己找主管,请求对方让你参加一些课程或出现某些会


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