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1、-范文最新推荐- 关于比赛的开幕、闭幕的英语演讲稿素材句子 1.welcome to the finals of the speech contest!欢迎参加演讲比赛的决赛! 2.thank you for coming to the speech contest!谢谢大家光临演讲比赛! 3.welcome and thanks to our judges!欢迎并感谢我们的评审! 4.now lets begin and lets all give the speakers our support.现在我开始,并让我譬都来为我们的演讲者加油。 5.it is a great pleasure

2、 for me to declare open the speech contest.我很荣幸宣布演讲比赛开始。 6.i now formally declare the speech contest open.我现在正式宣演讲比赛开始。 7.thank you very much for coming here today.今天非常谢谢大家的光临。 8.congratulations to you all!恭喜你们每一位! 9.we hope that the speakers will make the most f this rare opportunity to speak to th

3、e judges individually and ask them for a more detailed analysis of the good as well as weak points of the speeches they made.我希望演讲者善加利用这少有的机会个别向评审谈谈,并请求他们对于发表的演讲的优点和缺点作更详细的分析。 10.now i wasnt to make just a few remarks in closing this debating contest.现在结束这彭辩论比赛,我想讲几句话。 11.i now formally declare this

4、 speech contest closed.现在我正式宣布演讲比赛结束。 12.thank you all for coming, and well look forward to seeing you next year at the next contest.感谢大家的光临,我们期待明年下一次比赛再与大家见面。 13.what a joy it is to stand here before you welcoming the members of our debate team who distinguished themselves so well in the debating f

5、inals held in kaohisung week.能够站在大面前欢迎我们的辩论队队员,真是高兴,他们上个礼拜在高雄举办的辩论决赛中表现优异。 14.allow me to conclude by once thanking the judges for their kind cooperation and by wishing each of the speakers the very best of luck.最后再一次感谢评审们的合作,并祝每位演讲者好运。 15.i never expected that i would de invited to attend 5this as

6、one of the winners.我从没想到过会以获胜者之一的身皆受邀参加这欢迎会。 16.first, i am very grateful to the english speaking society of abc university for their graciousness in holding a grand reception like this.首先,我很感谢abc大学英语演讲学会厚意举办此盛大的欢迎会。 1.he is too well known to require my introduction.他太有名了,而不需我作介绍。 2.i want to welcom

7、e you all to the world peace symposium.欢迎大家参日世界和平研讨会。 3.mr. smith is so famous that any introduction would be superfluous.史密斯先生名气很大,任何介绍都是多余的。 4.it is my pleasure to introduce the keynote speaker for tonight, dr. smith.很荣幸介绍今晚演讲的主要来宾,史密斯博士。 5.were all anxious to hear mrs. smiths remarks, so let us a

8、ll welcome her to the podium.我们都渴望听听史密斯夫人的讲话,让我们欢迎她上台。 6.mr. smith, will you please give us the pleasure of hearing your speech?史密斯先生,不知有没有这份荣幸听听你的演讲? 7.we are sure to hear some informative lecturers, engage in some good profitable discussions, and make some friends, too.我们深信会聆听到让我们受益良多的演讲者发表演讲,参加一些

9、有意义的讨论会,也交交朋友。 8.i hope that you will enjoy his lecture and get out of it something that will be a permanent enrichment of your lives.我希望你们会喜欢他的演讲,并且有所收获,对于丰富你们的生活会是长久不变的。 9.the distinguished speaker who will address us on “ a history of english” is the american linguist, dr. smith.向我们演讲“英语的历史”的杰出演讲

10、者是美国语言学家史密斯博士。 10.ladies and gentlemen, it is my great pleasure to present to you the great british lawyer, mr. smith.各位女士、先生,我很荣幸来为大家介绍英国大律师史密斯先生。 11.on behalf of the faculty and students of this university, i wish to say a word of hearty appreciation to mr. smith for the very instructive lecture h

11、e has just given us on the world.”史密斯先生刚为我们演讲“世界中的台湾”谨代表本大学全校师生,为这篇受益良多的演讲,向史密斯先生表示衷心的感谢。 12.we hope that all of you can attend every meeting as well as the lecture.我们希望大家都能出席每一场会议及演讲。 13.i am also very pleased and gratified to see such a large audience made up entirely of young people.看到这么多的听众全都是年轻

12、人,我很高兴也很满足。 14.if you have any questions at any time, please feel free to see miss smith of the planning staff or me. well be happy to help you.任何时候如果有任何问题,请不必客气,来找企划组的史密斯小姐或来找我,我很会很乐意帮助你们的。 15.id like to take just a moment to introduce a special observer to our meeting today.我想花一点点时间来介绍我们天成会议的特别观察员

13、。 16.good-bye, and safe traveling.再见了,祝一路平安。 17.i hope to see all of you here next year.我希望明年在这里再看到大家。 trust and love good evening, everyone! throughout my years of being a student, ive had many teachers. none of them are the same, but the one that ill never forget and will always miss is my chinese

14、 bilingual teacher in the middle school i attended in seattle, ms. ho. she was a skinny, but stylish lady in her 50s. she was different from all the other teachers because she gave me something unforgettable. ms. ho and i became friends right in the first semester i was in that middle school. at the

15、 same time, i was having a really hard time with my subjects. since i had just transferred from a bilingual school, where i had stayed for two months after arriving in the us, my english was horrible; my average grade was below c. i almost thought it impossible to learn english. then, one day she to

16、ld me she strongly believed that i was capable of controlling my life, and i would be just fine. she said that she found we were much alike: both were stubborn, kind-hearted and a little bit simple-minded. she believed that i had the quality of becoming wise. she even said that she didnt have any wo

17、rries about me, about my not learning english. with her encouragement, i found the strength within myself and began to desire to work even harder. as a result, i soon proved her right, and at the end of the semester, i got a 3.8 average grade. today, i still keep in touch with her, and she still tel

18、ls me how she believes in me. sometimes, id think back, and wonder how i could handle all those things if it wasnt for her encouragement and trust. could i be the person i am today? then, it struck me: what we need has always been trust and love of others; because these things inspire us to do our b

19、est, and to live our life to its fullest. to sum up, id like to say to all of you: let us all appreciate trust and love of others and achieve our full potential in our life! 爱与信任 多年的学生生涯让我认识了不少的老师,每一位老师都不一样。但最让我无法忘怀的是我在西雅图所上的初中里的一位华裔双语老师何老师。这位老师对我有特殊的意义,因为她给我的不是课堂上能收获的东西。 我刚到那所初中的第一个学期,可谓举步维艰。当时我是从一所双语学校转入那所公立普通学校的。那时,我刚到美国两个月,英语差到无法与人沟通。在双语学校中的各科平均成绩在c以下。就在我对学习英语快要失去信心的时候,在学校中几个星期的时间却让我与何老师成为了朋友。在我灰心泄气的时候,何老师对我说,她非常相信我的能力,一切都会好起来的。她说她觉得我们很相似,我有那种克服困难的能力,更不要说学英语这个问题了。在她的鼓舞下,我找到了努力的欲望。结果,我验证了她所说的话。学期末,我的平均成绩上升到了3.8。 7 / 8


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