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1、2018高考综合模拟题(六) 一、?蜗钐羁眨?15小题,每小题1分,满分15分) 1. Hearing the doorbell, I ran to answer it but found my son had me and let the guests in. A. anticipatedB. interrupted C. overlookedD. interfered 2. I think youd better drop him a line immediately. ? Hell come here tomorrow. A. How comeB. So what C. Why notD

2、. Why bother 3. Its the present situation in poor areas that much higher spending on education and training. A. answers forB. provides for C. calls forD. caters for 4. The Silk Road Economic Belt aims to enhance economic cooperation, traffic connectivity, as well as peopletopeople and cultural excha

3、nges. A. to be builtB. being built C. is builtD. having been built 5. If 53,667 people differently, Hillary Clinton would have keys to the White House. A. votedB. had voted C. should voteD. should have voted 6. Im totally confused about why she steals things she could easily afford to buy them. God

4、knows! A. ifB. when C. whileD. because 7. Dont be so discouraged. If you such feelings, you will do better next time. A. carry onB. get back C. break downD. put away 8. Singeractor Nicholas Tse it, the reality TV show The Twelve Feng Taste returned for a second season last month on ZheJiang Televisi

5、on. A. hostedB. hosting C. hostsD. is hosting 9. According to the central bank, the 2018 edition bills will circulate previous editions and will have the same face value. A. in terms ofB. in parallel with C. in defence ofD. in case of 10. A Santa Monica High School teacher put on leave after using p

6、hysical force to control a student selling marijuana (大麻) in his classroom surprising support on Facebook. A. who; has received B. who was; was received C. was; was received D. that was; has received 11. With the word PM 2.5 appearing in media reports, people pay greater attention to it and seek hea

7、lth tips for smoggy days. A. immediatelyB. consequently C. permanentlyD. constantly 12. The average income of the Jiangsu has been on the increase and is three times it was in 2018. A. thatB. which C. whatD. the one 13. When it comes to the majority of the latest technologies in the next 20 years, h

8、as greater potential than the technology being developed in these young peoples company, in my eyes will lead to a revolution. A. nothing; whichB. none; where C. nothing; whereD. none; which 14. Thank you for your assistance, without I might have been in danger. Thats all right, anyone in my place t

9、he same thing. A. that; will do B. which; would have done C. it; would D. which; can have done 15. The guys girlfriend broke up with him while he was out of work. . We should give him a hand. A. It never rains but pours B. Every dogs has its day C. A miss is as good as a mile D. The grass is always

10、greener on the other side 二、完形填空(共20小?;每小题1分,满分20分) In modern society loneliness can be seen as a social phenomenon and people can experience loneliness for many reasons. It is a very common, 16 normally temporary, consequence of a breakup, divorce, or loss of any important longterm 17. In these cas

11、es, loneliness may 18 both from the loss of a specific person or from 19 of social circles. The loss of a significant person in ones life will 20 lead to a grief response; in this situation, one might feel lonely, even while in the 21 of others. There are many different 22 to treating loneliness. Th

12、e first step that most doctors recommend to patients is treatment. Short term treatment typically 23 over a period of ten to twenty weeks. During treatment, 24 is put on understanding the cause of the problem, thoroughly changing the 25 thoughts, feelings, and attitudes resulting from the problem, a

13、nd exploring ways to help the patient feel 26. Some doctors also recommend group treatment a means to connect with other sufferers and establish a support system. 27 treatment is animalassisted treatment. Studies and surveys indicate that the 28 of animal companions such as dogs, cats, rabbits, and

14、guinea pigs can 29 feelings of loneliness or depression among some sufferers. 30 the companionship the animal itself provides there may also be increased opportunities for 31 with other pet owners. Results of a study also suggest that 32 improper social cognition (认知) offers the best chance of reduc

15、ing loneliness. 33, loneliness can sometimes play an important role in the creative process. In some people, temporary or prolonged loneliness can lead to remarkable artistic and creative expression, for example, as was the 34 with poet Emily Dickinson, and many musicians. This is not to imply that

16、loneliness itself ensures this creativity, rather, it may have an influence on the subject matter of the artist and more likely be 35 in individuals engaged in creative activities. 16. A. howeverB. and C. butD. though 17. A. friendshipB. relationship C. neighborhoodD. community 18. A. breakB. suffer

17、 C. resultD. benefit 19. A. turning outB. dropping out C. falling outD. putting out 20. A. occasionallyB. intentionally C. typicallyD. casually 21. A. chargeB. company C. faceD. absence 22. A. meansB. suggestions C. approachesD. ways 23. A. hitsB. occurs C. strikesD. turns 24. A. pressureB. attentio

18、n C. focusD. emphasis 25. A. negativeB. explicit C. positiveD. original 26. A. affectedB. touched C. satisfiedD. connected 27. A. OneB. Other C. AnotherD. The other 28. A. presenceB. switch C. controlD. management 29. A. deleteB. save C. easeD. solve 30. A. BeyondB. Except C. WithoutD. With 31. A. w

19、restlingB. training C. popularizingD. interacting 32. A. calculatingB. correcting C. assessingD. transmitting 33. A. HoweverB. But C. ThereforeD. Though 34. A. turnB. case C. wayD. return 35. A. absorbedB. rich C. lostD. present 三、?读理解(共15小题,每题2分,满分30分) A IUCN, the International Union for Conservati

20、on of Nature IUCN WORLD CONSERVATION CONGRESS(大会) 615 September 2018, Jeju, Korea Forum Addressing the worlds most pressing sustainable development challenges, the Forum offers a unique platform for debates, workshops, dialogues, roundtable discussions, training courses, music and exhibitions. Event

21、s are organized by the IUCN Secretariat, IUCN Members, Commissions and partners and the host country. The Call for Contributions invites you to propose events to be considered for the Forum, part of Congress which is open to all (from 7 to 11 September 2018). Simple steps on how to submit a proposal

22、 for the Forum 1) Click hereCall for Contributions propose an event for the Forum. 2) Go below“Sign in” and create your account. 3) Edit your proposal Check again all the information you provide and make changes if you want to. Click on Save draft. 4) Invite coorganizers Get people to join you in or

23、ganizing the event by inviting them via email. 5) Click on Submit Proposal. Basically, you have the opportunity to teach, host a discussion, give training or just show your work. Workshops (TEACH) 120 minutes session, number of people to be confirmed. The idea is to promote understanding on a specif

24、ic issue while engaging participants to share their knowledge and knowhow. Knowledge Caf (DISCUSS) 120 minutes session, suitable for 12 people at the most. These aim to share collective knowledge (explore areas of common interest) and gain a deeper understanding of a subject and the issues involved.

25、 Conservation Campus (TRAIN) Half day or full day modules, for up to 30 people. Its an interactive training session where participants develop new skills and knowledge transfer on relevant conservation topics. This type of event provides more indepth exploration of topics aimed at building the capac

26、ity of participants. Posters (SHOW) Your posters are meant to display conservation work and achievements in an easy and direct way. Owners will have time to present their poster during lunch breaks (approximately 10 minutes). 36. The Call for Contributions is intended to . A. appeal to the public to

27、 protect the environment B. invite more people to participate in workshops C. collect proposals for the Forum of IUCN Congress D. introduce the 2018 IUCN World Conservation Congress 37. We can learn from the passage that . A. the Forum will last from 6 to 15 September 2018 B. the host country is the

28、 only organizer of the Forum C. areas of common interest will be explored in Workshops D. certain procedures are required for your proposals to be considered B I think that genetically modified foods should be banned. Heres why. We have no idea of the real impact they have on our environment. While

29、theres currently no hard proof that environmental damage is being done by genetically modified foods, there are a few worrying and suspect events that may actually be tied to these products. Most important is the sudden loss of huge numbers of bee hives. Bees are necessary to the pollination (授粉) pr

30、ocess for soybeans and many other food crops. Its entirely possible that “the law of unintended consequences” has caused the loss of these extremely important insects. Theres also no real way to prevent cross contamination (交叉污染) between modified crops and natural crops. When neighboring fields are

31、planted with different varieties of computable (可共存的) plants, there is a virtual guarantee of some cross pollination between the fields. We have no idea of the real impact they have on human beings. There is already documented evidence that genetically modified foods may be the cause of higher aller

32、gy (过敏) rates in children. Its impossible to guess what other effects they may eventually cause. I suspect that most people have forgotten the serious health scare and complete failure that occurred in 1989 that caused death or health problems for hundreds of people. The product causing the problem

33、was Ltryptophan (色氨酸), an amino acid. Commercially produced Ltryptophan is developed through a bacterial fermentation (发酵) process. One maker of the supplement developed a genetically modified strain of bacteria which was capable of producing higher quantities of Ltryptophan. Unfortunately, the proc

34、ess “broke” somewhere along the line with the genetically altered bacteria creating an altered form of the chemical which had destructive effects on people who consumed it. Since there is no way to predict these kinds of changes, its both foolish and dangerous to introduce genetically modified produ

35、cts into the food chain. Finally, theres no need for genetically modified foods. Most companies that produce these products will send out statistics about higher output per acre or plants that are more tolerant to negative conditions. But the truth is that the claims, while at least partially true,

36、are mostly rhetoric. These companies are really just looking for a way to increase their bottom line profits. They may not actually intend to damage the ecosystem or create new health problems for people. But in my opinion its not nice to fool Mother Nature. She may offer up a variety of severe surp

37、rises in response. 38. What does the passage mainly talk about? A. Dangerous to introduce genetically modified products into food chain. B. Why ban genetically modified foods. C. The real impact genetically modified foods have on human beings. D. Disadvantages of genetically modified foods. 39. The

38、sudden loss of bee hives may be due to . A. environmental pollution from human beings B. genetically modified products C. crosscontamination between modified crops D. cross pollination between the fields 40. Which of the following words best describes genetically modified foods? A. Risky.B. Deadly.

39、C. Harmful.D. Healthy. C The defeat of Lee Sedol, the worlds strongest Go (棋) player, by a Google artificial intelligence (AI) program, looks like another milestone towards a world where computers can do almost anything a human can. It is not. There are uncountable things that only a human can do, a

40、nd that no computer seems close to. The problem is that the purely human things are not economically useful to anyone. The things that computers can be taught to do are by contrast economically fantastic. But even the most powerful programs are not human, just as a shovel (铲车). They have no feelings

41、. What they have is power, but this power is growing at a rate that should frighten us all. With no way to use emails, instant messaging, chat or social media, we would have to take advantage of the option of a telephone conversation, or sending snail mail. Communication via the internet is free, wh

42、ereas the options available otherwise would cost you extra money and time. Your would have to write letters and buy stamps, as we used to do before the Internet became popular. The Internet has become a huge sea of information and resources. No Internet would mean no instant and easy access to infor

43、mation at the click of a button. You would have to walk down to your local library and actually search the whole place to get the information youre looking for, with little chances that youll find what you seek instantly. The students who were accustomed to using the Internet for completing their as

44、signments would have a tough time. There would be no way to get an education without actually going to a school or a college physically. Without the Internet, things at your workplace would be turned upside down. If your work was largely Internetbased, your company might have to shut down. If your w

45、ork involved only minor use of the Internet, for example, using online system to acquire statistics from the Internet, this simple task would now be a complicated and timeconsuming process. Your desk would be full of documents and files, and you would have a nightmare searching or sorting them out b

46、y hand. In any case, life without the Internet would seem like nightmare! So enjoy living in the paradise we call the Internet and make wise use of it! Can you imagine the world without the Internet? Paragraph outlineSupporting details Lifestyle It would take you much longer time to get some public

47、(51) The pace of your life would (52) down (53) You would not know how to share your things with your faraway friends You would have difficulty (54) with people living outside your locality You would need to (55) a club or a community to befriend new people You would always be obliged to make facetoface conversation with others Communication Without emails, instant messaging or social media, you would have to use old communicating ways like telephone convers


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