Lesson 5 Let’s go to McDonald’s教学设计.doc

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《Lesson 5 Let’s go to McDonald’s教学设计.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Lesson 5 Let’s go to McDonald’s教学设计.doc(7页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Lesson 5 Lets go to McDonalds教学设计 设计理念 整个课堂设计以学生活动为主体,采用合作交流的方式,通过玩、说、表演等多种形式来激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣,创设轻松、活泼的英语学习氛围。在本课的讲授中,以Lets go to McDonalds为线索,通过对hamburger, apple pie, coffee等单词的学习以及情景对话,把学生带入一个真实的快餐店里。 . Teaching Objectives 1. Knowledge Objectives a. 学生能听说读写单词a hamburger, an apple pie, coffee, tea. b

2、. 能正确使用句子- What would you like? - Id like a / an/ some. 2. Ability Objectives 学生能用句型- What would you like? - Id like a / an/ some. 作对话。 3. Emotional Objectives 学生在情境中感受到学习英语的乐趣。 . Teaching Key Points 1. 单词a hamburger, an apple pie的正确复数形式。 2. 句子- What would you like? - Id like a / an/ some 的正确语音、语调。

3、. Teaching Difficulty Points 可数名词与不可数名词的区别 . Teaching methods Multimedia assisting method of teaching; Gaming method of teaching; Imitating and practicing method of teaching; Asking and answering method of teaching. . Teaching Aids 图片汉堡,苹果派,咖啡,茶。 . Teaching Procedure Step1 Warming Up (课前热身) 3 1.Ss d

4、o some actions. 2.Greetings 设计意图学生在轻松愉悦的氛围中与老师用英语交流、问好,并根据英语口令做事情,活跃课堂气氛,使学生尽快投入到学习英语的氛围中。 Step2 Revision(温故知新)430 Ss review the words of a strawberry ice cream, French fries. 设计意图通过复习旧知,帮助学生回忆所学知识点,并为本课新知做铺垫,起到了承上启下的作用。 Step3 Lead In(情境导入)130 T show a picture of McDonalds, and say Im hungry, I want

5、 something to eat and drink, and then ask Ss to guess what can I get from McDonalds. 设计意图通过课件上麦当劳的图片导出新课,在猜测联想中进一步激发学生的学习兴趣,调动学生的学习积极性。 Step4 Presentation(新知呈现)12 1. a hamburger . T explains the meaning of a hamburger and let Ss read this phrase after me. . Show some hamburgers on screen and teach i

6、t. . Ss play the game of “手心手背” to familiar with this phrase. . give Ss one minute to memorize the phrase. 2. Use the same method to teach an apple pie, coffee, tea. 设计意图以活动和游戏贯穿整个单词教学,消除学生学习单词形式的单一性,让学生们感受到“在玩中学”的乐趣。 3. Show the sentence - What would you like? - Id like a/ an/ some. 设计意图播放动画,让学生边看边

7、跟读对话,并采用听音跟读小组齐读小组合作朗读等方式来进行,目的是让学生模仿语音、语调,增加读的语感。 Step5 Practice(巩固操练)6 1.Ask Ss to read the dialogue and get the main idea of it. 2.Ask Ss to act the dialogue out and add something else in it. 设计意图通过师生互动、生生互动的方式,让学生在小组合作表演对话的过程中体验成功的乐趣,并使他们学会合作学习。 Step6 Extension(运用拓展)7 Ask Ss to move around and f

8、ind their best friend to make a new dialogue. 设计意图让学生在不断与“新朋友”用英语交流的过程中锻炼口语,拓展知识面。 Step7 Sum Up(总结延伸)5 1.Summary To conclude what we learnt today Words and phrases coffee, tea, a hamburger, an apple pie. Sentence - What would you like? Id like a/ an/ some. 设计意图进行课堂总结,使学生进一步清楚所学内容,强化记忆。 1.Homework .

9、Practice the pronunciation of the new words and phrases after class. . Try to recite the dialogue. 设计意图布置家庭作业,巩固所学知识。 . Blackboard Design . Teaching Reflection In this class, the interaction between I and the Ss is very closely, and the class atmosphere is harmonious, but I cant set the time table reasonable, so the class finished before the ringing of the bell.


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