《英语》六(下)Unit 8 Our dreams story time 教学设计.doc

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1、英语六(下)Unit 8 Our dreams story time 教学设计 一、设计思路 1.关注学生的阅读方法,培养阅读技能 Lets match让学生通过感知发现构词规律,帮助理解并记忆单词。Fill in the form环节让学生阅读发现课文的整体架构,帮助学生理清脉络,学会复述,学会有条理地表达。Self reading通过教师的导学让学生学会阅读的方法与思路,学会自学。Make a dream card环节,让学生谈论自己的梦想,并将自己的梦想卡放进许愿瓶,促进了语言运用能力的提升,激发了学生树立远大理想,并努力实现理想的情怀。 2.关注人文渗透,体现价值引领 通过复习Bobb

2、y和Billy的梦想,学习课文主人公的梦想,以及设计自己的梦想。不断深入,促进学生对拥有梦想、追逐梦想和实现自己的梦想的感悟。 二、目标预设 1.学生会听说读写单词dream,future,tooth,scientist,artist,take care of. 2.学生会听说读单词care about,astronaunt,spaceship,fo- otball player,World Cup,dancer,pianist,come true. 3.学生能熟练使用句型What do you want to be in the future?并掌握其回答方式进行操练,并正确地理解?n文,朗

3、读课文。 4.通过课文学习,学生能形成正确的价值观,树立远大的理想,并能运用所学语言表达自己的梦想。 三、重点、难点 1.能熟练使用句型What do you want to be in the future?并掌握其回答方式进行操练,并正确地理解课文,朗读课文。 2.学生能运用所学语言表达自己的梦想。 四、教学过程 Step1 Revision 复习Unit6、Unit7 cartoon time TWhat does Bobby want to be in the future? SHe wants to be a traveler. TWhat does Billy want to be

4、 in the future? SHe wants to be a cook. (Teach “in the future”) TBobby and Billy both have dreams .Do you have a dream? SYes,we do. TToday,we are going to talk about “our dreams”. (设计意图通过复习前两个单元cartoon time的两个生动有趣的卡通人物Bobby 和Billy的梦想,直接导入课文,学生非常喜欢,很感兴趣,让学生不感觉陌生,很快运用文本情境在新知和旧知之间搭起了桥梁。) Step2. Lets ta

5、lk T Do you have your dreams? TWhat do you want to be in the future? S I want to be . TWhy? SBecause . (Students ask and answer in pairs.) (设计意图口语练习的话题和句型依据新授内容而定,既充分利用学生已学内容,又自然、适量地融入部分新知,让学生在轻松、愉悦的活动中发展口头交际能力和接触、感知新知语言。) Step 3 Lets Match Just now we talked about many jobs.Read the words loudly an

6、d find his friend as quickly as possible! (设计意图通过连线,让学生发现单词的构词规律,将语法教学做到润物无声,让学生能科学地记忆单词。) Step 4 Lets guess THe can fly a spaceship to the moon.What is he? He can play the piano very well. What is he? He care about peoples teeth.He can take good care of them. What is he? (Teach astronaut, pianist ,

7、dentist,呈现artist ,scientist发现规律,识记单词) (设计意图通过呈现名人的图片,激发学生的兴趣,铺垫新的短语,同时学习重难点的词汇,让学生通过英文解释猜词汇,达到英文来理解、解释词语的目的。) Step5. Presentation 1.Read and answer(看第一幅插图) TMiss Li is asking the students about their dreams.Who are they? SThey are Mike ,Wang Bing, Liu Tao,Su Hai, Nancy and Yang Ling. 2. Listen and c

8、ircle Circle all the jobs mentioned in the tape.(呈现职业类图片和单词farmer,dentist worker,astronaut,teacher,football player,dancer,policeman,dancer,writer,singer,pianis) (设计意图通过听力练习,让学生整体感知课文内容的同时,训练学生抓住关键信息的听力能力。) 3. Guided Reading (1).Match and say (呈现P78课文视频) What do the boys want to be? (Watch the cartoo

9、n and match the pictures) Say out the boys dreams with the sentence patten“.wants to be a/an.” TYou know their dreams, but do you know what the boys want to do? Why do they have those dreams? (2)Read and say Read the passage and try to find out the reasons. Read and underline some useful sentences.

10、Discuss and complete the forms in your groups. Who Dream(图片) Want to./Why? Mike dentist Wang Bing astronaut Liu Tao football player Teach care about the childrens teeth fly a spaceship to the Moon play in the World Cup (?O计意图教师先带领学生先看动画匹配男孩的理想,再带领学生细读课文,发现男孩们树立这些理想的原因,在文本阅读中指导学生抓住关键短语,然后在小组中说一说,做到同伴

11、互学,校对答案。最后,教师巡视,抓住学生在说的过程中存在的难点,进行针对性的训练,做到有的放矢。) 4.Self-reading Read the passage and fill in the form by yourselves. Who Dream Want to/Why? Su Hai Nancy Yang Ling Check the answer 5.TWhats Miss Lis dream? S “I want to see your dreams come true.”(Teachcome true) 6.Talk in groups using the sentence p

12、atten .wants to be a/an. He/She wants to. 7.TCan you guess my dream? SYour dream is. TMy dream is see your dream come true,too. Like your parents. SThank you. (设计意图本文在理解上并不难,而且层次非常清晰。所以在Miss Li询问男孩的理想时教师进行了阅读上的指导,而在谈论女孩的理想时,教师完全放手,让学生进行自学、互学,充分培养了学生的自主学习的能力,真正体现了教师的主导地位和学生的主体地位。最后让学生根据板书说一说文中人物的理想,培

13、养学生的语言交际能力,让学生猜测教师的梦想,促进师生情感的交融。) 教师板书 Step6 Consolidation 1. Read the passage in different ways. a. Read after the tape. b. Read one by one. c. Read in paragraphs. d. Read in roles. 2.Think and write TMiss Li is writing about her students dreams, lets read and complete her notes. You can use it to

14、retell the passage. Read the passage in different ways. SThink and write(P80) (设计意图将热热闹闹的课堂归于理性,先让学生巩固朗读,然后训练学生写的能力的同时,发现学生在书面表达时存在的问题,及时纠正。) Step7 Make a dream card. 1.Enjoy a poem Dream is like sunshine in our hearts. It makes our life shining. It makes our future hopeful. Hold to your dreams, and

15、 try to make it come true! 2.Design your dream card. 3.Share it in class. 4.Put it in the wish bottle. (设计意图通过学生制作愿望卡,培养学生的写作能力,同时适当地延伸,使课堂延伸到课外,让学生了解为了实现愿望,我们需要做出哪些努力,激发学生的表达欲,深化课文的主题,将愿望卡放进许愿瓶,当孩子们长大后再拿出来看,自己是否实现当初的梦想,使得这个活动更加有意义。) Step 5.Homework 1.Listen and read the passage. 2.DiscussHow to mak

16、e your dream come true. 五、教学反思 1.从教师导学,学习目标词汇,学习阅读方法;学生互学,巩固目标短语;学生自学,理清课文脉络;学生固学,巩固文本信息;最后拓展应用,激发学生的表达欲,升华主题。从开始的听录音,选出职业;到看动画,将男孩和职业匹配;再到教师导读,补充男孩梦想的缘由,学生自主阅读,完成女孩的梦想表格;最后敞开心扉,说说自己的梦想。教师逐步放手,层层推进,旨在促使学生会学,善学,乐学。 2.本节课以“Dreams”为核心,从谈论六、七单元学过的Bobby和Billy的梦想,再到文章主人公的梦想,老师的梦想,自己的梦想,步步为营。学生充满好奇的同时,不断学习新知,深化主题。在教学中学生有话可说、学会说、乐于表达,教师教学也更流畅。 3.由于大部分学生的底子较弱,学生缺少说英语的环境,在教学中我比较注重基础知识的教学,所以文本没能挖掘得再深一些,对于部分学得好的学生,让他们在设计自己的梦想时,激发他们去说一说自己要怎么努力去实现梦想。让这些学生能积极调动所学知识去表达,并通过布置作业促使他们课后进一步去想一想,使课堂很好地延伸到课外,从而调动学生学习的积极性。


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