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1、Look at this!I found a wallet.Lets give it to the teacher.Good idea.wallet/w:lit/钱包钱包give/giv/to 把。给。把。给。idea/aidi/主意,想法主意,想法I cant find my wallet.Hey,I found a wallet.Really?/rili/真的真的Where was it?It was under the slide.Where is it now?We give it to the teacher.Come on!Lets go.batShe found a bat.Wh

2、at did she find?Where was it?It was under the tree.She finds a bat.What does she find?They found a football(soccer).What did they find?Where was it?It was in the puddle.They find a football(soccer).What do they find?What did he find?Where was it?It was on the table.He found a comic book.What did he

3、find?Where was it?It was under the bed.He found an eraser.What did she find?Where was it?She found a watch.It was on the chair.What did they find?It was in the tree.Where was it?They found a kite.Did she find a bat?Yes,she did.Did she find a kite?broomNo,she didnt.She found a comic book.Did he find

4、a watch?No,he didnt.He found an eraser.Did the pig find a kite?Yes,it did.Did they find a football?Yes,they did.drink-drank/drk/eat-ate/eit/go-went/went/see-saw/s:/popcorn/ppk:n/soda pop(water)/sud/corn/k:n/玉米玉米French fries/frent/fraiz/cotton candy/ktn/kndi/Wendy went to the circus yesterday.She saw

5、 tigers and elephants.She ate French fries and cotton candy.She drank lemonade.It was fun.1.Where did Wendy go?2.When did she go to the circus?3.What did she see?4.What did she eat?5.What did she drink?Please look at page 67drink-drankeat-atesee-saw drink-eat-go-see-1让我们把它给老师吧!2 好主意 3跟着来,咱们走吧!4 他看见什

6、么了,他看见了猴子。5她们喝的什么?她们喝的苏打水。6她吃的什么?她吃的冰淇淋。上个周日上个周日 上个周日我过了很棒的一天。我去了马戏团。上个周日我过了很棒的一天。我去了马戏团。我看见了狮子,老虎和大象。我吃了一个汉堡和我看见了狮子,老虎和大象。我吃了一个汉堡和一些薯条。我喝了汽水和柠檬汁。一些薯条。我喝了汽水和柠檬汁。Last Sunday I had a great day last Sunday.I went to a circus.I saw lions,tigers and elephants.I ate a hamburger and French fries.I drank so

7、da pop and lemonade.Last Saturday Alan went to a museum.He saw rockets and airplanes.He took these pictures.rocket/rkit/airplane/eplein/take-took Last Saturday Joy went to an amusement park.She went on a roller coaster.She ate a hot dog and some French fries.She took these pictures.roller coaster/ru

8、l/kust/过山车过山车 Last Saturday Jim and Sue went to the beach.They went swimming and had a picnic.They found seashells.They took these pictures.havehadpicnic/piknik/野餐野餐seashell/si:el/贝壳贝壳Sounds and Sentencesthree/ri:/mouth/mau/teeth/ti:/He has three teeth in his mouth.mother/m/father/fa:/that/t/Her mother and father are by that tree.寒假作业 1 书中所以蓝色框,绿色框的句子 2 书中所有带标码的单词背会 以上内容回家读熟,开学来考


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