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1、论课堂英语教学 On English Classroom Teaching Abstract: In past half century, the study of English has been beneficial and rewarding and the prospects seem exciting. During the course of todays English teaching, teaching includes two aspects: teachers teaching and students learning. Students should be taken

2、 as a center in English classroom. Teachers only act as the role of guiding the students. Drills are quite important .Developing the students, ability should be emphasized to adapt to new situation, so we must change the old teaching pattern. According to the conditions of different learners, this p

3、aper puts forward corresponding teaching approaches in order to arouse their interest and improve their school records. Key words: teaching and learning; teaching method; types of English learners . Introduction As the development of the technology, the requirements for education become high, there

4、exist some shortcomings in present classroom teaching. In order to improve the quality of teaching, studying on English classroom teaching is very necessary. . The different types of English learners in English classroom Every people is different from others, so in English classroom. There must be m

5、any types of English learners. For this teacher must know students characteristic in order to use the suitable method to teach them. A.Flexible learners and less-flexible learners In English classroom students usually means using his perceptual strengths to learn. There are four sensory channels: au

6、ditory(hearing), Visual (seeing), tactile(hands-on) and whole-body movement. B.Left-brain dominant learners and less-flexible dominant learners We all know that left brain has different functions from right brain. Through a series of experiments the researchers explored the functions of the two halv

7、es of the brain and discovered profound differences. So left-Brain Dominant learners and right-brain, dominant learners all have their own characteristics. The following diagram can display their difference. C.Field-independence and Field-dependence Field-Dependence and Field-independence are two op

8、posite role in the English classroom. An independent student has his own agenda. He relied on his own judgment to decide what he wants to learn and how he wants to learn it, he rejects attempts by others to guide him or to structure his experiences. In contrast, the field-dependent learner counts on

9、 others to guide and teach her-especially the teacher with her position of authority. .The Methods in Classroom English-Teaching No method is subject to no change, because it means technique and techniques of English teaching are related not only to the simultaneous development of science and techno

10、logy, but also to different learners and situations. So according to different students, teacher must use the various methods. A.Audio-visual approach and imitation and analogy 1.Audio-visual approach In English classroom, some flexible learners refer to use his perceptual strengths to learn. I thin

11、k the best way to teach them is use Audio-visual. In the Audio-visual method, speech is regarded as a major activity, beginning with dialogues. 2.Imitation and Analogy As an important learning technique, this is always used by less flexible students to learn skills of a foreign language Oral imitati

12、on and written one, both of which follow an order from easy to difficult and from rough to explicit alongside with comprehension and memorization by students. B.Situation Simulation and the Visual Approach 1.Situation Simulation By simulating situation technique in teaching English, We mean basicall

13、y that the teacher should create a relevant classroom situation based on the content of teaching materials in order to help students to understand comprehend and memorize better and apply the material efficiently to communication in real life. 2.The visual approach In English classroom, some student

14、s are tired of jejune content, so a teacher can use some methods to attract them. Drawing is one of ritual method. Drawing in the classroom can promote personalized content strengthening personal self-esteem and cultural pride. It can make some effects in classroom. C.Question and Answer practice ap

15、proach and Intuitional approach 1.Question and Answer practice An independence student always relied on her, so teacher can use question and answer practice to make sure if the student is understand. Question-and-answer technique is very traditional, and is much closely related to real-life language

16、 activity. 2.Intuitional approach Intuitional approach is easy for students to memorize and apply what they have learned. In terms of its content there are three types of intuitivism. It is a technique by which English is used to help students directly comprehend the material being learned. .Conclus

17、ion Firstly, the thesis introduces three main relations in English classroom; secondly generalizes three different types of English learners, thirdly ledges some methods to teach the students. From this we know that we cant use the same method to teach the different students. Teachers must choose th

18、e suitable teaching approach which the students are adaptable to. Using the right method can not only arouse students learning interest but also make students become talents who are competent in the modern civilized construction. References: 1Tricia Hedge. Teaching and learning in the language class

19、room M Shanghai: Foreign language education Press, 2001: 65-84, 92-101. 2Joy, M. Reid. Learning styles in the ESL M. Beijing: Foreign language Teaching and Research Press, 2002(8): 65-68, 170-196. 3Bloom, B. S. Human characteristics and school learning M. Beijing: Foreign language Teaching and Resea

20、rch Press, 1976: 87-105. 4Zhen dong Zhang. A bilingual Course of English Teaching Methodology M Beijing: Scientific Press, 1999: 276-285, 302-325, 394. 5Michael, P. Breen. Classroom Decision-Making M Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign language Education Press, 2002: 48-51, 102-105. 作者简介:李沛(1983.2-),女,汉族,山西太原人,山西财经大学经贸外语学院2009级研究生,主要研究方向:英语教育。


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