《He can’t see.》教学案例.doc

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1、He cant see.教学案例 文章以新标准小学英语(三年级起)Book5 Module7Unit1He cant see.一课为例,探讨小学英语高年级语篇教学。通过游戏,活动等环节的设计,提高学生的学习兴趣;与此同时,研究如何处理好课堂教学效率与学生持久学习兴趣内化的关系,让学生积极主动的去发现和探索新知。一、学情分析我担任五年级英语教学,全班共有42名同学。学生有了一定的英语学习基础,但是对英语基础知识的掌握,出现了不同程度的分化,基础知识的掌握参差不齐。大多数学生对英语学习有很大兴趣,但基于学生的心理和年龄特点,在学习方法的运用方面有待进一步加强。对于小学高年级的学生来说,学习兴趣的培

2、养,不单是停留在游戏、唱歌等表面上,更应当注重学生持久学习兴趣的内化,让学生积极主动的去发现和探索新知。二、教材分析本模块是在第六模块Self-assessment之后,继续学习如何表达自己或他人的能力,是对之前教学内容的复习巩固,又为今后教学内容做好铺垫。通过本模块的学习,让学生学会如何表达自己或他人能或不能做的事情,并通过对其他人的了解,渗透相应的情感教育。三、教学目标1、知识目标能听说认读单词blind, deaf, firemen, programme, useful, sausage强化认读单词hear, see, walk, him, her, them.学会并应用目标语句He/

3、She/ They cant/can2、能力目标能够用can/cant 谈论能力。3、情感态度目标培养学生的爱心保护动物;关注弱势群体,并尽力去帮助他们。四、教学过程1、Warm-upTGood morning boys and girls. Before our class , lets say a chant. Are you ready?SYes!TOk! Stand up please!T&S See see see , I can see.Hear hear hear, I can hear.Speak speak speak, I can speak.Help help help,

4、 I can help.(课前热身时,教师先领学生说一遍。然后小组比赛,学生学习兴趣高涨活跃了课堂气氛为新课的展开做好铺垫。)TI can play the flute well. But I cant play basketball well.(边做动作边说) What can you do?S1I can play football well. But I cant play the guitar well. Ss2、IntroductionTBoys and girls, This class I take some friends for you. I think you should

5、 like them.(幻灯片展示学生熟悉的明星照片,让学生来猜测他们擅长做什么或不擅长做什么。)T Who is she? Ss She is Yang Mi.T She can sing well. But I think she cant play football well.T Who is he? Ss He is Yao Ming. He can play basketball well.T Yes, Can you guess what he cant do?SsHe cant play the guitar well. He cant TYes, maybe. Who are

6、they?Ss;They are Xiao Hudui. Ss He can sing well. But he cant well.(此环节以复习动词词组为主,教师先示范,然后幻灯片出示明星照片,学生看到他们熟悉的明星,顿时情绪高涨。尤其是猜一猜环节,学生特别感兴趣,争相抢答,之前学过的词组纷纷呈现,达到预期目的。)3、PresentationTlook at this picture. Can you guess what he cant do?(展示一位盲人在路上行走的照片)Ss He cant see.TYes. He cant see. Because he is blind.展示单

7、词卡片,教授单词blind(盲的)Tblind.(领读变声调,开火车,男女生分开读)See see, he cant see. Blind blind, he is blind.Ss See see, he cant see. Blind blind, he is blind.T Do you know this woman.(接着展示聋哑人邰丽华的照片)Ss She is Tai Lihua.TShe cant hear. She is deaf(聋的). 展示单词卡片,教授新单词deaf(聋的)Tdeaf (开火车,小老师领读) Hear hear ,she cant hear. Deaf

8、 deaf, she is deaf. T Look at these pictures. (用幻灯片出示不同环境下的盲人、聋哑人照片同时出示句型_cant see (hear). _is blind (deaf).引导学生描述每幅图)T Look at these men. Who are they? (出示消防员救火的图片,引入单词firemen(消防员)Ss 消防员TThis building is on a big fire. So these firemen cant find people.(教授新单词可采用高低音、开火车、男女生分读、齐读等方式展开)(此环节呈现本节课的重点词汇,

9、我采用多种形式进行教授,大部分学生能完成认读任务,个别学生的纠正可在第二课时来完成。由于词汇较多,这一环节所用时间较多,应注意把握好时间分配。)TLook at those people. This man is blind. He cant see. This girl is deaf. She cant hear. These firemen cant find people. They need help. Who can help them? (提出问题,听音回答)TI have a programme.在此过程教授新单词programme(节目)It can tell us who

10、can help them. Now listen and find the answer.T Who can help them? Ss Dog.T Yes, dogs can help them. But These dogs are special. (出示导盲犬,搜救犬图片并做简单介绍)T So dogs are very useful. (教授单词) Pens are useful. Pencils are useful. Dogs are useful. (引导学生仿照说句子)T Dogs are useful. Dogs are our friends. Do you like

11、dogs?Ss Yes, we like dogs.T Sam likes dogs too. So he wants to have a dog. But can he have a dog? Next listen and find the answer.(听第二遍录音回答问题,在此过程中,学习新单词sausage)Ss No, he cant. T Because Ms Smart dont agree. Listen and repeat. (听第三遍录音,模仿语气跟读,然后学生自由读,让部分学生展示自己喜欢的一段。)(课文呈现环节,问题不多且难度不大,学生都能找到问题的答案。在新单词

12、呈现环节,已将课文主要句子呈现出来,因此对语篇的整体感知问题不大。课文后半部分学生掌握不太熟练,应在第二课时加强练习。)4、PractationT Boys and girls, you have done a good job. Now lets play a game. OK?IF your group does a good job, I will give you a star. Do you understand?Ss Yes. T Come on, boys and girls. (展示不同颜色的气球)T Which balloon do you like?Ssblue T ok.

13、(点击蓝色气球呈现图片小孩不会走路)SHe cant _walk_. His father helps _him_.(相同的方式展示其他需要帮助的人的图片)(本环节用气球的形式呈现,避免了枯燥乏味的练习形式,学生有很大兴趣,教学效果较好。少部分学生对人称代词的宾格形式掌握不太熟练,可在第二课时的继续学习中进行巩固。)TLook at this old woman. She is old. She cant look after herself.Look at these children. They are poor. They cant study at school.Look at thi

14、s man. He is disabled. He cant walk.They need help, so we should do something to help them. We also tell our friends to help them.We can write a letter to help them.Dear friends,There are so many people who need (需要)our help around (周围) us. They have difficulties(困难) in their life(生活).Some are disab

15、led(残疾的). They cant walk. Some are _. They cant_. Some are _. They cant_. Please help and look after(照顾)them.T Please discuss and fill in the blanks. Three minutes later, ask some students to speak out their answers and correct their mistakes. T We should reach out our hands to help others in order

16、to make the world full of love!T Boys and girls thats all for our class. lets see which group is the winner. Oh, Group x is the winner.Lets clap for them.(此环节进行情感教育,学生观看上述图片后,很有感触,意识到世界上还有很多需要帮助的人。在此基础上,呼吁学生给自己的朋友写一封信,告诉他们要做一个有爱心的人,让我们彼此帮助,让世界充满爱!)5、HomeworkListen and repeat.Do something for the peo

17、ple who need help.板书设计Module7 Unit 1 He cant see.He cant see. He is blind.She cant hear. She is deaf.These firemen cant find people.五、教学反思本节课是外研社第五册第七模块第一单元,继续学习如何用cancant 谈论能力。基于以往的学习,本课将“能力”融入社会,在学会如何表达自己或他人的能力时,在别人“不能”时,该如何去做,在此基础上挖掘情感态度目标,渗透情感教育,教会学生如何做人。根据小学英语课程标准,对五年级的学生,教学目标的要求更高。以学生为本,备教材,更要

18、备学生,从学生的学习兴趣出发,培养学生持久的学习英语的兴趣,因此不能单纯靠歌曲或游戏来实现。本节课词汇量较大,课文篇幅较长,对一节课的教学,应该有所取舍,不可能面面俱到。这就需要对教材处理更加灵活,针对这一现象,我们所研究的主要方面是如何将词汇教学更自然的融入到语篇教学。通过本节课的实践,能较好的完成教学任务,达成教学目标。在处理单词时,将本课重点句型渗透进来,并让学生进行适当操练,为后面语篇的呈现做好铺垫。巩固操练环节,将第二课时的人称代词宾格形式提前练习,虽然有点难度,但考虑到之前已经学过,对高年级学生的要求应该有点儿挑战性。实际操作时,大部分学生都能准确地完成教学任务,而且学生颇有成就感,使他们树立了自信。同时情感教育不可忽略,教书育人,最主要的是让学生学会如何做人,通过展示空巢老人、贫困山区的孩子、残疾人等,学生深深体会到还有很多需要帮助的人,学会助人为乐。这封书信的处理,时间有些仓促,如果时间充足,应该展示一下学生的书写。这节课内容较多,各教学环节的时间安排也有待进一步商榷。第 11 页


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