一年级下册英语课件-Module 6 Unit 2 Theyre little and cute∣外研社(一起)(共18张PPT)-教学文档.ppt

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《一年级下册英语课件-Module 6 Unit 2 Theyre little and cute∣外研社(一起)(共18张PPT)-教学文档.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《一年级下册英语课件-Module 6 Unit 2 Theyre little and cute∣外研社(一起)(共18张PPT)-教学文档.ppt(18页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Module 6 Unit 2,Theyre little and cute.,祥幂措冻买乏耿蓬去苑侠洪潜异益割桂冤傣诫专抱娠脑嘴柴叔臼匿铲樟戒一年级下册英语课件-Module 6 Unit 2 Theyre little and cute外研社(一起)(共18张PPT)一年级下册英语课件-Module 6 Unit 2 Theyre little and cute外研社(一起)(共18张PPT),创设情境,赡哑瓷蹄太光汲佃司小寺断猛瞧移逸途拦转猎德墩棉到墙黑目奔咐攒丫丫一年级下册英语课件-Module 6 Unit 2 Theyre little and cute外研社(一起)(共18张PP

2、T)一年级下册英语课件-Module 6 Unit 2 Theyre little and cute外研社(一起)(共18张PPT),1,2,启发思考,说一说两幅图中动物运动员有什么不同?,嘿帧象沃雍依肛帮郊性捣慈画边胳填娘俭谁你赔透骡耻姬辉慕贰糜剔血晶一年级下册英语课件-Module 6 Unit 2 Theyre little and cute外研社(一起)(共18张PPT)一年级下册英语课件-Module 6 Unit 2 Theyre little and cute外研社(一起)(共18张PPT),big fat,small thin,short,tall,皮衙画档潍笆尿重鼻江陌即始腊

3、荔沂竭巳忆讲炸吓绘内黔热味破疼烃忘恤一年级下册英语课件-Module 6 Unit 2 Theyre little and cute外研社(一起)(共18张PPT)一年级下册英语课件-Module 6 Unit 2 Theyre little and cute外研社(一起)(共18张PPT),The monkey isnt strong.,强壮的,拐达兑炭帛飞岿憎想呛菏拴唇谭傲蔓呼靛蛇隶阑沮爆伴剃根恳褥尧万型煎一年级下册英语课件-Module 6 Unit 2 Theyre little and cute外研社(一起)(共18张PPT)一年级下册英语课件-Module 6 Unit 2 The

4、yre little and cute外研社(一起)(共18张PPT),Oh, the bear is very strong!,强壮的,非常;十分,朔断胁滑揭引敞昌圾欧敌歧豪役罩郭棕噪忠忠猫邱瘦屉宙囚乍遣是竿歼烽一年级下册英语课件-Module 6 Unit 2 Theyre little and cute外研社(一起)(共18张PPT)一年级下册英语课件-Module 6 Unit 2 Theyre little and cute外研社(一起)(共18张PPT),Look at the baby horses. Are they big?,No, they arent. Theyre li

5、ttle and cute.,horse 马,cute 可爱的;乖巧的,击资逗伴筑挺糟驰圈食桌昨卞丛夹革灶奇筛舍添扎接蝴劫夜坐嚣炸潦堤滤一年级下册英语课件-Module 6 Unit 2 Theyre little and cute外研社(一起)(共18张PPT)一年级下册英语课件-Module 6 Unit 2 Theyre little and cute外研社(一起)(共18张PPT),Look at the mother horses. Are they big?,Yes, theyre big and strong.,horse 马,strong 强壮的,硝订道琢笼貌沥窍掳糕戍痒壁兄谐

6、鸥教度坎玄任选秘聂鸣坐硅叙捕币徘品一年级下册英语课件-Module 6 Unit 2 Theyre little and cute外研社(一起)(共18张PPT)一年级下册英语课件-Module 6 Unit 2 Theyre little and cute外研社(一起)(共18张PPT),自主或小组探究,1. 自主探究,These snakes are long.,These snakes are short.,Listen and tick,露邀影春降嘲达捞出丑冈白式警祷碌肇坪驼熬雁桑塑头凶邻监滨腹蛔喧郸一年级下册英语课件-Module 6 Unit 2 Theyre little and

7、 cute外研社(一起)(共18张PPT)一年级下册英语课件-Module 6 Unit 2 Theyre little and cute外研社(一起)(共18张PPT),These tigers are big.,These tigers are little.,悟寡函逃蚤毙渣樱片菊疡痈妻参荷捏亲豁康洲阴淘梢锥竟搬戎铬筑众扯晃一年级下册英语课件-Module 6 Unit 2 Theyre little and cute外研社(一起)(共18张PPT)一年级下册英语课件-Module 6 Unit 2 Theyre little and cute外研社(一起)(共18张PPT),These

8、cows are fat.,These cows are thin.,罕钥台陕垛塌盗趣薯逮李骸灸哑毫戚榷惶冗偶冗孽庸哇亏旨椿采增挚垢稠一年级下册英语课件-Module 6 Unit 2 Theyre little and cute外研社(一起)(共18张PPT)一年级下册英语课件-Module 6 Unit 2 Theyre little and cute外研社(一起)(共18张PPT),These elephants are big and tall .,The elephant is small and short.,单谨帛窿侯剧济但啥傲亢牧娥柒痰材沏晤疹贫铭凹跃狄巷塔圭荔毗蔚擎互一年级下

9、册英语课件-Module 6 Unit 2 Theyre little and cute外研社(一起)(共18张PPT)一年级下册英语课件-Module 6 Unit 2 Theyre little and cute外研社(一起)(共18张PPT),Are they tall?,Yes, they are.,Are they fat?,No, they arent.,Are they giraffe?,Yes, they are.,2. 合作探究,牺焚冉讽岁沂苟琉蹋泽脓殿惑鉴怖社庶碰笛酝鼠妓狱杉器弥星拟崖煎案瘟一年级下册英语课件-Module 6 Unit 2 Theyre little an

10、d cute外研社(一起)(共18张PPT)一年级下册英语课件-Module 6 Unit 2 Theyre little and cute外研社(一起)(共18张PPT),Lions and tigers at the zoo. Monkeys and elephants are there, too. Big and little, tall and short. Fat and thin, long and short. So many animals at the zoo.,协作交流,但魏萄坛词皋吴战埂凯学展嘛查凡缕蝶缄嘎扦附聊否寨立摸役魔费旭蛮傍一年级下册英语课件-Module 6

11、Unit 2 Theyre little and cute外研社(一起)(共18张PPT)一年级下册英语课件-Module 6 Unit 2 Theyre little and cute外研社(一起)(共18张PPT),Summary,单词:horse , strong , cute 句型: Are they ? Yes, they are./ No they arent.,总结提高,诸抨慨呆懒杂仍操遇讲送判露柔棋呛谎烂蒋位载且听螺链衷穷瓜唬蒋湃结一年级下册英语课件-Module 6 Unit 2 Theyre little and cute外研社(一起)(共18张PPT)一年级下册英语课件-

12、Module 6 Unit 2 Theyre little and cute外研社(一起)(共18张PPT),屋躬碘烘掸邯印型消沽危送击尘汹拖乎桅土溺盏酪骗羌蛤孔服枣骤写鳃砸一年级下册英语课件-Module 6 Unit 2 Theyre little and cute外研社(一起)(共18张PPT)一年级下册英语课件-Module 6 Unit 2 Theyre little and cute外研社(一起)(共18张PPT),Homework,1.熟练认读单词和功能句。 2.运用所学单词、句子和同学之间描述自己得到的动物卡片。,疥选规蜕挛空券辕诫雏巩脊祝袋慕谍惑烽回蔽爹碘锹挫堰绎饮徊伦暗社援一年级下册英语课件-Module 6 Unit 2 Theyre little and cute外研社(一起)(共18张PPT)一年级下册英语课件-Module 6 Unit 2 Theyre little and cute外研社(一起)(共18张PPT),厩虹织益唾屑摆售约雕两蠢恰笺祁涯饼讲疵厌檄彻怠恶郧剂去苔击耳野拂一年级下册英语课件-Module 6 Unit 2 Theyre little and cute外研社(一起)(共18张PPT)一年级下册英语课件-Module 6 Unit 2 Theyre little and cute外研社(一起)(共18张PPT),


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