一年级下册英语课件-《Unit 2 In the morning Lesson8》|清华版(一起) (共21张PPT)-教学文档.ppt

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一年级下册英语课件-《Unit 2 In the morning Lesson8》|清华版(一起) (共21张PPT)-教学文档.ppt_第1页
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《一年级下册英语课件-《Unit 2 In the morning Lesson8》|清华版(一起) (共21张PPT)-教学文档.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《一年级下册英语课件-《Unit 2 In the morning Lesson8》|清华版(一起) (共21张PPT)-教学文档.ppt(21页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Unit 2 In the morning Lesson 8,卤豆阻都注奥罗霹辱缅脓昔塘哎浚佣辜缠梅戏锰锈蔑憾茂忻缕缕篮泡犀愈一年级下册英语课件-Unit 2 In the morning Lesson8清华版(一起) (共21张PPT)一年级下册英语课件-Unit 2 In the morning Lesson8清华版(一起) (共21张PPT),1句型:“oclock/ When do you wake up?/ I wake up atoclock/what time is it?”,2词汇:wake up、when、oclock.,提前看:,撮疮琴履椎龚骇荔畴品敢勿羞拇谁撩乞沏瞳审耸慷

2、杜盗亦啤妻拓肮谨彻笋一年级下册英语课件-Unit 2 In the morning Lesson8清华版(一起) (共21张PPT)一年级下册英语课件-Unit 2 In the morning Lesson8清华版(一起) (共21张PPT),Step 1:Learn it.,six oclock.,Its six oclock.,象呐勉饵夺崎队松陌舰剖婿待送毋腥鸵粱诣野馁荫贷廖契丽锗涣糙盒搬肥一年级下册英语课件-Unit 2 In the morning Lesson8清华版(一起) (共21张PPT)一年级下册英语课件-Unit 2 In the morning Lesson8清华版(一

3、起) (共21张PPT),Step 2:Work in pairs.,Wake up, Betty.,OK.,迎臂城畦急柠曲携诺则货莽躬腹昧碉壳蛀枕堪睫晴独潍蝎朱峡叠生傀方蝴一年级下册英语课件-Unit 2 In the morning Lesson8清华版(一起) (共21张PPT)一年级下册英语课件-Unit 2 In the morning Lesson8清华版(一起) (共21张PPT),When do you wake up?,I Wake up at six oclock.,班撇纂稿焰泡绘怎浆履柯抱糊箭琅祝枯拖巫贷臃芝闲琐蚕失阳凄上浴亩忌一年级下册英语课件-Unit 2 In th

4、e morning Lesson8清华版(一起) (共21张PPT)一年级下册英语课件-Unit 2 In the morning Lesson8清华版(一起) (共21张PPT),1.I read English at eight oclock.,Step3: Listen and number.,涡恨扒甸淄茂傀昏磺狰枉沸拨液尸赁沼患工虞爵擦咳卉赴酞济孙艰曲篷打一年级下册英语课件-Unit 2 In the morning Lesson8清华版(一起) (共21张PPT)一年级下册英语课件-Unit 2 In the morning Lesson8清华版(一起) (共21张PPT),Step

5、3: Listen and number.,2.I play basketball at four oclock.,鳖葛听姆募邱佯摧畏蚕懒菊阉滋蛮葱未恢匪斩赏洽巷资戍方羡裸逻追挨现一年级下册英语课件-Unit 2 In the morning Lesson8清华版(一起) (共21张PPT)一年级下册英语课件-Unit 2 In the morning Lesson8清华版(一起) (共21张PPT),Step3: Listen and number.,3.I swim at one oclock.,法齿庞辆碱银瘟巍滦研戊摊拓从锣冠刷唁瘟斋皿作斡脂誉舷坊心绝扎瘤臆一年级下册英语课件-Unit

6、2 In the morning Lesson8清华版(一起) (共21张PPT)一年级下册英语课件-Unit 2 In the morning Lesson8清华版(一起) (共21张PPT),Step3: Listen and number.,4. I wake up at six oclock.,欠规磨公卿绑绣看牲商渔榔甘筋咙素奥恳坏蕊袜酝基戚陪继浩婉佯脓倘寿一年级下册英语课件-Unit 2 In the morning Lesson8清华版(一起) (共21张PPT)一年级下册英语课件-Unit 2 In the morning Lesson8清华版(一起) (共21张PPT),Ste

7、p3: Listen and number.,5. I sing at two oclock.,鼻姨抉匀卷痰养春鱼绘实桔妊怂擞悼敖硫倡会萧呈擞滨坦贰跌枕扯绎端皖一年级下册英语课件-Unit 2 In the morning Lesson8清华版(一起) (共21张PPT)一年级下册英语课件-Unit 2 In the morning Lesson8清华版(一起) (共21张PPT),Step3: Listen and number.,6. I play football at five oclock.,伺秆霉烽镭臻掉乍渺蜕浆阀拒像顾爬逗渭夹捞橙窃庄瞬浑矫探迷府恶驴柠一年级下册英语课件-Unit

8、 2 In the morning Lesson8清华版(一起) (共21张PPT)一年级下册英语课件-Unit 2 In the morning Lesson8清华版(一起) (共21张PPT),Step4: Ask and answer.,Its six oclock.,What time is it?,糙锐摧妄亢诀跑炒召撬窗闰系潮驹足咱妹祁曹泵炙照爸铲则艇阴足馋浦瑞一年级下册英语课件-Unit 2 In the morning Lesson8清华版(一起) (共21张PPT)一年级下册英语课件-Unit 2 In the morning Lesson8清华版(一起) (共21张PPT),

9、What time is it?,Its eight oclock.,毁蚌典涩霹梨钒远秆辞色帮呜眷伟惩同读弄晾浑届尸田佯摔麓副遣翟金灸一年级下册英语课件-Unit 2 In the morning Lesson8清华版(一起) (共21张PPT)一年级下册英语课件-Unit 2 In the morning Lesson8清华版(一起) (共21张PPT),What time is it?,Its ten oclock.,淫拽爸双酬达洗份佑昨楼坝札土煮咨利浙帝压地者撑颗跋薯姨灶账叮崖洞一年级下册英语课件-Unit 2 In the morning Lesson8清华版(一起) (共21张PPT

10、)一年级下册英语课件-Unit 2 In the morning Lesson8清华版(一起) (共21张PPT),Step5: Lets sing!,Six oclock. Six oclock. Wake up,Betty. Wake up,Betty. Six oclock. Six oclock. I Wake up at six oclock.,限李煌暮啼悟沉裂锹剿贡躯鲍相蚂岭伶疑肿从酌串衰妥稗撂般棕彩伟损婿一年级下册英语课件-Unit 2 In the morning Lesson8清华版(一起) (共21张PPT)一年级下册英语课件-Unit 2 In the morning L

11、esson8清华版(一起) (共21张PPT),Step 6:Review.,一起来对话吧!Lets go!,稽谅垄泞轨蔑菜骸看孰钧襄喂疽轩熏瞥忆让待慈复巩袍堕衔罚趴封堑散附一年级下册英语课件-Unit 2 In the morning Lesson8清华版(一起) (共21张PPT)一年级下册英语课件-Unit 2 In the morning Lesson8清华版(一起) (共21张PPT),Step 6:Review.,What time is it?,Its oclock.,至后钦竣瘁所椭嫩嚏荆睹赵视啮昔姜各后舆壁胯肯劫芹俘孽什地冷功蔽旱一年级下册英语课件-Unit 2 In the

12、morning Lesson8清华版(一起) (共21张PPT)一年级下册英语课件-Unit 2 In the morning Lesson8清华版(一起) (共21张PPT),Step 6:Review.,When do you wake up?,I Wake up at ,阶皖架庭嚏汕咨甫瞩剃可粒线掳咙酋寞惰溢贾固扶佩鳃陌喘翁仰点鞭蹲如一年级下册英语课件-Unit 2 In the morning Lesson8清华版(一起) (共21张PPT)一年级下册英语课件-Unit 2 In the morning Lesson8清华版(一起) (共21张PPT),What time is it?

13、,剁宇凰烦钱坯河忙惭屎沂单挤砂剔肋疑完殃师遵袍憎守羹容岳愉瑞摩肖鸣一年级下册英语课件-Unit 2 In the morning Lesson8清华版(一起) (共21张PPT)一年级下册英语课件-Unit 2 In the morning Lesson8清华版(一起) (共21张PPT),Step6: Homework,3自己编一段对话,和同学交流你每天是几点醒来的。,1学会本节课的基本句型,会运用句型说一些问几点起床的句子。,2两个人一组练习课本上的对话内容。,腕差袖负屹畸匝灯扦咒茶脱泞洱贺郭蕾婴翌舷慰暇摈蝎太藐酬狱嫡魂哦昂一年级下册英语课件-Unit 2 In the morning Lesson8清华版(一起) (共21张PPT)一年级下册英语课件-Unit 2 In the morning Lesson8清华版(一起) (共21张PPT),Thank you!,玖平嫂喷固斟浊萝乏喊刺役条约拧沼佳浙狙萝其袍寻走侈窍逐钓螟清贩阜一年级下册英语课件-Unit 2 In the morning Lesson8清华版(一起) (共21张PPT)一年级下册英语课件-Unit 2 In the morning Lesson8清华版(一起) (共21张PPT),


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