三年级下册英语教案-Unit 1 Lets go to school Lesson 1_人教版(精通)(2014).doc

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1、小学英语学科课时备课教案死记硬背是一种传统的教学方式,在我国有悠久的历史。但随着素质教育的开展,死记硬背被作为一种僵化的、阻碍学生能力发展的教学方式,渐渐为人们所摒弃;而另一方面,老师们又为提高学生的语文素养煞费苦心。其实,只要应用得当,“死记硬背”与提高学生素质并不矛盾。相反,它恰是提高学生语文水平的重要前提和基础。 A:基本要求(听、说、读、写,演、画、唱) B:高级要求(理解和运用)家庭是幼儿语言活动的重要环境,为了与家长配合做好幼儿阅读训练工作,孩子一入园就召开家长会,给家长提出早期抓好幼儿阅读的要求。我把幼儿在园里的阅读活动及阅读情况及时传递给家长,要求孩子回家向家长朗诵儿歌,表演故

2、事。我和家长共同配合,一道训练,幼儿的阅读能力提高很快。 课题“师”之概念,大体是从先秦时期的“师长、师傅、先生”而来。其中“师傅”更早则意指春秋时国君的老师。说文解字中有注曰:“师教人以道者之称也”。“师”之含义,现在泛指从事教育工作或是传授知识技术也或是某方面有特长值得学习者。“老师”的原意并非由“老”而形容“师”。“老”在旧语义中也是一种尊称,隐喻年长且学识渊博者。“老”“师”连用最初见于史记,有“荀卿最为老师”之说法。慢慢“老师”之说也不再有年龄的限制,老少皆可适用。只是司马迁笔下的“老师”当然不是今日意义上的“教师”,其只是“老”和“师”的复合构词,所表达的含义多指对知识渊博者的一种

3、尊称,虽能从其身上学以“道”,但其不一定是知识的传播者。今天看来,“教师”的必要条件不光是拥有知识,更重于传播知识。 Unit 1 Lets go to school. Lesson 1学习目标AB语言要素词汇classroom school语音语言目标Lets go to school. OK. Lets go.话题呈现同学们再次见面问好任务设计小组之间合作交流能力目标能在真实的情景中运用所学知识交流情感目标培养学生学习英语的积极性教学重点classroom school教学难点字母组合oo的发音课型New lesson教具powerpoint pictures tape学具objects教

4、法情境教学法 愉快教学法学法积极主动参与交流板书设计:Lesson 1classroom school作业:Write the words : school classroom 教学效果反馈:Teaching procedure(教学过程)教学程序具体教学环节教法学法及教具Step 1 warming-upStep 2 Presen-tation1.Play an English song “Nice to see you again”.2.Greeting: Good morning, boys and girls./Glad to see you.1.Show the picture in

5、 Lesson1, ask some question: Where are Gao Wei and Kate? Is the time morning or afternoon? What do you think Kate and Gao Wei can say?2.Play the tape and listen to the tape, then let the students answer the question above. 3.Listen to the tape and read the drills in Part1 again. 4.Tell the Ss “Lets

6、go to school.”是祈使句,5.ask some question: Whats the meaning of “Lets”? Translate “Lets go to school.” into Chinese. Guess Whats the meaning of the word “again”?6.Teach the words: school classroom 愉快教学法歌曲PicturesTape活动教学法Teaching procedure(教学过程)教学程序具体教学环节教法学法及教具Step 3 PracticeStep 4Homework7.Learn to s

7、ing: Nice to see you again. 1.Show the words cards: school classroom pen pencil ruler eraser glue sharpener bag .2.Read the words below: glue leg balloon rice rabbit red orange doll apple milk noodles purple Write the words : school classroom 愉快教学Cards宝坻区小学英语学科课时备课教案A:基本要求(听、说、读、写,演、画、唱) B:高级要求(理解和运

8、用)课题 Lesson 2学习目标AB语言要素词汇textbook storybook 语音语言目标I have a new textbook/storybook.话题呈现互相介绍自己有什么新东西任务设计小组之间合作交流能力目标能在真实的情景中运用所学知识交流情感目标培养学生学习英语的积极性教学重点storybook water bottle教学难点字母组合oo的发音课型New lesson教具 pictures tape学具objects教法情境教学法 愉快教学法 游戏教学法学法积极主动参与交流板书设计:Lesson 2textbook storybookI have a 作业:Write

9、the words : textbook storybookListen to the tape.教学效果反馈:Teaching procedure(教学过程)教学程序具体教学环节教法学法及教具Step 1 warming-upStep 2 Presen-tationStep 3 PracticeStep 4Homework1.Sing an English song “Nice to see you again.”. 2.Review the old words: pen pencil ruler book eraser sharpener bag pencil-box 3.Practice

10、 the dialogue in Lesson1. 1.The teacher shows a bag and says: I have a new bag. Then takes out some things and says: I have a new ruler. I have a new pen. 2.The teacher shows a textbook and teach to read the word: textbook. Then shows a storybook and teach to read the word: storybook. 3.Listen to th

11、e tape and read the drill in Part1.1.Practice the drills: I have a new 2. Learn to chant: I have a Write the words: storybook textbook愉快教学法Objects实物教学法Tape愉快教学法小学英语学科课时备课教案A:基本要求(听、说、读、写,演、画、唱) B:高级要求(理解和运用)课题 Lesson 3学习目标AB语言要素词汇Chinese book English book语音语言目标Whats in my bag? A Chinese book./An Eng

12、lish book.话题呈现问你的书包里面有什么任务设计小组之间合作交流能力目标能在真实的情景中运用所学知识交流情感目标培养学生学习英语的积极性教学重点Chinese book English book Whats in my bag? A Chinese book./An English book.教学难点可数名词单数前面要用a/an.课型New lesson教具 pictures tape学具objects教法情境教学法 愉快教学法学法积极主动参与交流板书设计:Lesson 3Chinese book English bookWhats in my bag? A Chinese book.

13、/An English book.作业:Write the words : Chinese book English bookListen to the tape.教学效果反馈:Teaching procedure(教学过程)教学程序具体教学环节教法学法及教具Step 1 warming-upStep 2 Presen-tation1.Sing an English song: “ Nice to see you again.”.2.Review the words: storybook water bottle bag book pen pencil glue eraser ruler pe

14、ncil-box3.Practice the dialogue in Lesson2. 1Practice the drills: I have a Use the words below: bag book pen pencil storybook textbook, then teach the new words: Chinese book English book 2The teacher takes out a big bag and says: Look! I have a big bag. Practice the drill: I have a pencil-box I hav

15、e a storybook. Then points to the bag and asks: Whats in the bag? 3Review the old words: storybook pencil-box 4Show the picture in Lesson3, then play the tape and read the drills.愉快教学法活动教学法Objects情境教学法PicturesTeaching procedure(教学过程)教学程序具体教学环节教法学法及教具Step 3 PracticeStep 4Homework 1.Practice the drill

16、s: Guess whats in and Look at 2.Practice the dialogue in pairs. Write the new words: Chinese book English book活动教学法小学英语学科课时备课教案A:基本要求(听、说、读、写,演、画、唱) B:高级要求(理解和运用)课题 Lesson 4学习目标AB语言要素词汇exercise book notebook 语音语言目标Whats in my desk? Its an exercise book.话题呈现问你的桌子里面有什么?任务设计小组之间合作交流能力目标能在真实的情景中运用所学知识交流

17、情感目标培养学生学习英语的积极性教学重点exercise book notebookWhats in my desk? Its an exercise book.教学难点不定冠词an/a 用法课型New lesson教具 pictures tape学具objects教法情境教学法 愉快教学法学法积极主动参与交流板书设计:Lesson 4exercise book notebookWhats in my desk? Its an exercise book.作业:Write the words : exercise book notebookListen to the tape.教学效果反馈:T

18、eaching procedure(教学过程)教学程序具体教学环节教法学法及教具Step 1 warming-upStep 2 Presen-tationStep 3 Practice1.Sing an English song: “ Here we go round”. 2.Greeting each other: Good morning, Miss Song. Good morning, boys and girls. 3.Practice the drills: Look at, How nice! Whats in 1.Teach the new words: exercise bo

19、ok notebook. And ask: Guess whats this? 2.The teacher takes out a bag and ask: Whats in my desk? Can you guess? The Ss answer: exercise book notebook.The teacher says: Yes. Look, an exercise book/a notebook. 3.Play the tape and read it. 4.Practice the dialogue: Whats in my desk? Can you guess? 1.Pla

20、y a game: Guess whats in my desk? A pencil-box. 愉快教学法活动教学法师生问答情境教学法Tape活动教学法GamesTeaching procedure(教学过程)教学程序具体教学环节教法学法及教具Step 4Homework2.Review the old words: pencil-box Chinese book storybook Write the new words on the note: exercise book notebookpictures小学英语学科课时备课教案A:基本要求(听、说、读、写,演、画、唱) B:高级要求(理解

21、和运用)课题 Lesson 5学习目标AB语言要素词汇desk chair语音语言目标What on the desk/chair? A Chinese book/An English book.话题呈现桌子上面有什么任务设计小组之间合作交流能力目标能在真实的情景中运用所学知识交流情感目标教育学生要能收拾好自己的东西教学重点desk chairWhats on the desk? Whats on the chair?教学难点注意介词on 的用法课型New lesson教具 pictures tape学具objects教法情境教学法 愉快教学法学法积极主动参与交流板书设计:Lesson 5de

22、sk chairWhats on the desk? Whats on the chair?作业:Write the words : desk chairListen to the tape.教学效果反馈:Teaching procedure(教学过程)教学程序具体教学环节教法学法及教具Step 1 warming-upStep 2 Presen-tationStep 3 PracticeStep 4Homework1.sing an English song: Colour song.2.Practice the dialogue in Lesson4. 3.Review the old w

23、ords in Lesson1-4: marker Chinese book English book pencil 1.Practice the drills: Whats in the pencil-box/bag/paper bag? 2.Teach the new words: desk chair Ask the question: Whats this? Whats that? Its a desk/chair? 3.The teacher puts a book in the desk, then ask: Whats in the desk? Whats on the desk

24、? Whats on the chair? 4.Play the tape and read the drills. 1. Practice the drills: Whats in the desk/chair? 2. Play a game: Show me and Touch Write the words on the note: desk chair愉快教学法Pictures情境教学法情境教学法Tape活动教学法小学英语学科课时备课教案A:基本要求(听、说、读、写,演、画、唱) B:高级要求(理解和运用)课题 Lesson 6学习目标AB语言要素词汇Some old words in

25、 Unit 1.语音语言目标Some old sentences in Unit 1.话题呈现用所学句子进行交流任务设计Act out the Fun story.能力目标能在真实的情景中运用所学知识交流情感目标培养学生整理自己东西的好习惯。教学重点the words in Unit1教学难点Fun story课型Revision教具 pictures tape学具objects教法情境教学法 愉快教学法学法积极主动参与交流板书设计:Lesson 6作业:Write the words in unit 1.Listen to the tape.教学效果反馈:Teaching procedure

26、(教学过程)教学程序具体教学环节教法学法及教具Step 1 warming-upStep 2 Presen-tationStep 3 PracticeStep 4Homework1.Sing an English song: Nice to see you again. 2.Revise the words in Unit1: school classroom textbook storybook Chinese book English book Exercise book notebook desk chair1.The teacher takes a big bag first, the

27、n says: I have a big bag. Guess whats in it? 2.Let the students look at the pictures and guess the meaning of the story. 3.Listen to the tape and read the drills. 1.Act out the dialogue in Part1. 2.Play the tape and do the hearing practice. Listen to the tape in Unit1 at the home.愉快教学法情境教学法PicturesT

28、ape活动教学法小学英语学科课时备课教案A:基本要求(听、说、读、写,演、画、唱) B:高级要求(理解和运用)课题Unit 2 Im in Class One, Grade Two. Lesson 7学习目标AB语言要素词汇one two three语音语言目标Im/My names Im in Class One/Two.Pleased to meet you. Pleased to meet you, too.话题呈现介绍自己在几班任务设计小组之间合作交流能力目标能在真实的情景中运用所学知识交流情感目标培养学生积极主动交流的好习惯教学重点one two three Im/My names

29、Im in Class One/Two.Pleased to meet you. Pleased to meet you, too.教学难点字母组合th 的发音课型New lesson教具 pictures tape学具objects教法情境教学法 愉快教学法学法积极主动参与交流板书设计:Lesson 7one two three Im/My names Im in Class One/Two.Pleased to meet you. Pleased to meet you, too.作业:Write the words : one two threeListen to the tape.教学

30、效果反馈:Teaching procedure(教学过程)教学程序具体教学环节教法学法及教具Step 1 warming-upStep 2 Presen-tationStep 3 PracticeStep 4Homework1.Play an English song: Nice to see you again. 2.Revise the words in Unit1: school classroom textbook storybook Chinese book English book Exercise book notebook desk chair3.Practice the di

31、alogue freely. 1.Revise the drill: Glad to meet you. Nice to meet you. Teach a new drill: Pleased to meet you. Pleased to meet you, too.2.Introduce myself: Im Li Yan. Im in Class1.3.Teach the words: one two three 4.Listen to the tape and read the drill in Part1 and Part2. 5.Let the students introduc

32、e themselves: Hello, Im Im in Class1/2.Practice the dialogue: Whats your name? My names Im in ClassWrite the words on the note: one two three愉快教学法活动教学法情境教学法CardsTape活动教学法小学英语学科课时备课教案A:基本要求(听、说、读、写,演、画、唱) B:高级要求(理解和运用)课题 Lesson 8学习目标AB语言要素词汇four five语音语言目标Im in Class Four, Grade Three. What about you

33、?话题呈现问你的朋友是哪个年级哪个班的任务设计小组之间合作交流能力目标能在真实的情景中运用所学知识交流情感目标培养学生学习英语的积极性教学重点four five Im in Class Four, Grade Three. What about you?教学难点four five 的发音 几年级几班用英语怎么表示课型New lesson教具 pictures tape学具objects教法情境教学法 愉快教学法学法积极主动参与交流板书设计:Lesson 8Im in Class Four, Grade Three. What about you?Im in Class_, Grade _. 作

34、业:Write the words : four fiveListen to the tape.教学效果反馈:Teaching procedure(教学过程)教学程序具体教学环节教法学法及教具Step 1 warming-upStep 2 Presen-tationStep 3PracticeStep 4Homework1.Sing an English song and clap the hands: Nice to see you again. 2.Show the pictures and revise the old words: one two three etc. 1.Revise

35、 and act out the dialogue in Lesson7 in Partner. Practice the dialogue: Im in Class_, Grade_.What about you?2.First revise the words: one two three. Then teach the new words: four five3.Listen to the tape and read the drills in Part1 and Part2. 1.Listen and learn the English song: Nice to see you ag

36、ain.2.Read the words: one two three four five3.Practice the drills: Show me (one two three four five) 手指表示Write the words on the note: four five愉快教学法情境教学法TapeTape活动教学法小学英语学科课时备课教案A:基本要求(听、说、读、写,演、画、唱) B:高级要求(理解和运用)课题 Lesson 9学习目标AB语言要素词汇six seven eight语音语言目标How old are you? Im eight.话题呈现 问你的同桌几岁了任务设

37、计小组之间合作交流能力目标能在真实的情景中运用所学知识交流情感目标热爱学习英语教学重点six seven eight How old are you? Im eight.教学难点How old are you?与How are you?的区别课型New lesson教具 pictures tape学具objects教法情境教学法 愉快教学法学法积极主动参与交流板书设计:Lesson 9six seven eight How old are you? Im eight.作业:Write the words : six seven eightListen to the tape.教学效果反馈:Te

38、aching procedure(教学过程)教学程序具体教学环节教法学法及教具Step 1Warming-upStep 2Presen-tationStep 3PracticeStep 4Homework1.Sing an English song: I have a2.Act out the dialogue in Lesson 7 and 8 in Partner. 3.Count the number from 1 to 5.1.Show the picture in Lesson9, ask some questions: Whats your name? How old are yo

39、u? 2.Let the students act out the dialogue in Lesson9.3.Play the tape and read the drills in Part1 and Part2.4.Teach the new words: eight nine ten 1.Listen to the tape 2.Learn to say the chant: How old are you? 3. 拿出数字卡片,打乱顺序,运用How are you?Im做对话练习4.教师指导学生做数字加法练习,加入数字eightWrite the words in the note: eight nine ten愉快教学法活动教学法Pictures情境教学法TapePicturesSay a chant情境教学法小学英语学科课时备课教案A:基本要求(听


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