三年级下册英语教案-Unit3 (1)_闽教版.doc

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1、年 级三年级学 科英语备课时间年03月10日课 题 Unit 3 Food Lesson 5主备教师参与教师教 学 目 标1) New words: grapes, melons, carrots, peaches, sweet, 2) The drills:I like / I dont like./Theyre not sweet.重点、难点1.New words ofpart 3 and the sentences of part 2.2.Use the sentences of part 2.资 源 准 备Some food objects or some pictures ofnew

2、 words. .a recorder.教 学 过 程资源应用.Warm-up1.Greetings2.Sing a song二 .Review the fruits. Presentation1.Show a banana to the Ss and ask : Whats this ?lead to bananas 2.Show again a cake ,egg to the Ss and ask : What are these ? Lead to cakes,eggs3.Use the same way to teach: grape/ melon/peach/carrot.4. S

3、how a toy monkey and lead to ask and answer :What do you like,Monkey? I like bananas.5.Show the other toys and lead to say :I like fish .I like grapes. I like melons.I like carrots. I like peaches.6.Read after the tape.7. 7.Get the students to listen to the tape on Page 19 and then repeat 8.Get the

4、students to open the books and read Part 1 after the teacher .9.Get the students to read together and read each other .Practice1. 1.Read the new words2. 2.Part 3 on page213. 3.Play the gameHomework1. 1.Listen to the tape and repeat .2. 2.Finish the exercises in your activity book Lesson5. .Writing d

5、esign:Unit 3 Food Lesson 5 grapes I like . melons I dont like . carrots They are sweet. peaches Theyre not sweet.出示水果的图片,学习相关的单词跟读磁带教学反思与 建 议 课前通过带来的图片、实物等来复习之前学过的一些关于水果食物的单词,之后老师指着香蕉说I like bananas.引出教学新单词like(喜欢),接着出示单词卡片,教学grape、cattot等7个单词的教学。遇到学生大多不喜欢的食物时,引出句型I dont like .,再以I like . 和I dont like .两种句型来复习巩固所学单词。这样学生对单词记忆更深刻,句型也渐渐熟悉接着学课文时,也轻松了很多!学习对水果食物很感兴趣,学习效果较好!学生对 carrots 和 peaches两个单词,还是记得不够牢固!上课时间年3月23日第1节授课教师第 2 页


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