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1、年 级三年级学 科英语备课时间年5月11日课 题 Unit 8 Childrens Day Lesson 18主备教师参与教师 教 学 目 标1)words:boat ,lake ,seesaw 2)review the phrases:on the swing,on the slide3)复习现在进行时态的构成和用法。4) The drills:They are running.Sally is playing on theWang Tao is playing on the.Chen Ling is playing on the Hu Ping is playing on the 5)元音

2、字母U在闭音节中的读音。重点、难点现在进行时态的构成和用法。资 源 准 备Some pictures .a recorder and a tape教 学 过 程资源应用Step 1 Warming up1. Greeting.2. Sing the song :“ Happy Childrens Day.”3. Review the following words : sing-singing、dance-dancing、draw-drawing、run-running、swim-swimming、fly-flying ,play-playing Ask students to spell o

3、ut these words in many different ways.Step 2 Presentation 1.Show the title of Unit 9 Childrens Day Lesson 182.The teacher asks a boy and a girl to do the actions and then ask the other students: What is he/she doing? Lead the students to answer : He is drawing. She is drawing .- They are drawing . (

4、他们)3.Ask students to open the book on page 85,part 3 , look and say .write the phrases on the blackboard :in the park, on the swing,on the slide 4.Read the phrases then ask students to make sentences with themStep 3 Practice1.Do the exercise on page 84 part 2 Look, tick and cross.Look at page 83 and

5、 answer these questions,yes or no2.Listen, read and copy these words . U- run duck uncle but3.part 5 listen and circle the right pictureStep 4Sum up They are running.Sally is playing on theWang Tao is playing on the.Chen Ling is playing on the Hu Ping is playing on the Step 5Home workCopy the wordsFinish off the activity book of Lesson18。Blackboard Design Unit 9 Childrens Day Lesson 18 sing-singing dance-dancing swim-swimmingdraw-drawing run-runningfly-flying play-playing They are running.U- run duck uncle but出示单词卡片,复习单词学习课文判断正误听音选择来源:学科网ZXXK教学反思与 建 议来上课时间年月日第节授课教师第 3 页


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