新概念英语青少版2A Unit7 A good example(课堂PPT).ppt

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1、1Unit 7 A good example好榜样2have breakfastI usually have my breakfast at home.Is Willi a good example?3QuestionsWhat are they talking about?Breakfast.4Questions1.Does Williams assistant have her breakfast at home every day?2.Does she work late twice a week or three times a week?No,she doesnt.She works

2、 late twice a week.yes/nosentence5Questions3.How many people in Britain eat breakfast at work?4.What does Williams assistant do nearly every night?5.Who can get any breakfast at work?Twenty-two percent of people.She goes out with friends.William can get some breakfast at work.6New words and expressi

3、ons example zmpl n.例子 a waste of time 浪费时间 hard h:d adv.努力地 nearly nili adv.几乎,差不多 get up v.+adv.起床 late adv.晚地 rushr v.冲,奔 twicetwas adv.两次7New words and expressions goodness!dns Int.天哪,哎呀!once wns adv.一次,一回 exactly zktli adv.确切地,精确地 grandmother rndm,rn-n.祖母,外祖母 seaside sisad n.海边,海滨 medicine mdsn

4、n.药 fortnight f:tnat n.两星期 grandparent n.(外)祖父母8 Robert:How about this,Dad?Twenty-two percent of people in Britain never eat breakfast.Sixteen percent eat breakfast at work.Unit 7 A good examplework前不用冠词,表示“工作”这一通常意义上的目的。Never表示非确定的频度副词9Notes on the text Twenty-two percent of people数字+percent of+带零冠

5、词的复数名词,表示百分之多少 never eatnever,表示非确定的频度副词,代替not加强否定含义,通常放在助动词后面,主要动词前面。10Whats the difference between job and work?job与 work 都是指工作,但job是可数名词,work是不可数名词。work作名词,有体力或脑力劳动的意思,job 作为“工作”解,其实有两层含义:一个是“干活”的“活”,一个作为职业的“事”。作为名词job更侧重于种类,而work侧重于量 11The difference between have and eat have为普通用语,有“吃、喝”之意。在英国多用

6、eat代替have。在美国多用have代替eat。have 是用餐和吃饭,强调整个吃饭的笼统过程,多用于短语中。eat 很多时候,强调吃这个动作,就是强调把东西放进嘴,一般后接具体的食物。当与meal dinner以及三餐名词连用时,多用have,而不用eat.e.g.I eat an egg and some bread for breakfast.e.g:We have lunch at twelve oclock.12 William:Its true.My assistant has her breakfast at work every day.Its a waste of time

7、,really.Karen:Poor girl!She works very hard.Unit 7 A good example13 a waste of time 浪费时间 Its a waste of time doing sth 浪费时间做某事 e.g:It is a waste of time working on this problem.Poor girl,poor,adj:表示“值得同情的”;poor,adj:short of money,表示缺钱的,穷的;Very hard,hard此处用作副词,用来修饰work这一动词。Notes on the text14 William

8、:She goes out with friends nearly every night.Then she gets up late,and rushes to work late.Unit 7 A good example15Notes on the text rush V猛冲,快速行进;do sth in a hurry e.g:A schoolgirl rushed into a burning flat to save a mans life.V赶忙做,仓促行事;e.g:Before you rush to book a table,bear in mind that lunch f

9、or two would cost 150.在你着急去预定一张桌子之前,记住,两个人午餐的成本是150.get up late,此处late用作副词。16William:Then she has breakfast at her desk!It doesnt look good.具体地点用介词at,表在旁。Its not elegant.17 Karen:She works late twice a week,too.William:Well,we all do that.Goodness,is that the time?Goodness-表示惊奇的感叹词!Unit 7 A good exa

10、mple18英语表示频率的词 在表示一次和两次两次的时候,是用once-一次 twice-两次,一般不用two times来表示两次 e.g:They go to the theatre once a month.在表示大于两次的时候,我们用 基数词+time的复数形式,e.g:He visits London four times a year.19twice a weekonce three times a month a year a day once a week 一周一次 一个月两次 一年三次twice a monththree times a year20I He She We T

11、hey usuallyoncetwicethree times four timesa daya week a fortnight a month a year eg:We usually listen to the news three times a day.He usually takes his medicine twice a week.Make sentenceshas a music lessongo to the gymgo to the cinemalisten to the newsworks lategoes for a work21William:I must rush

12、.Karen:But what about your breakfast?William:Thats all right.I can get some breakfast at work.take and haverun quickly,in a hurry22 Twenty-two percent people in Britain never eat breakfast.My assistant has her breakfast work every day.3.Its a waste time,really.4.She gets late,too.5.,is that the time?Multiple choice23Homework:1.背诵单词,下次听写。2.朗读课文,要求会背诵。3.完成该单元相关练习册。4.预习U8,跟读录音至少三遍。5.下次上课时间2014年1月25号,12:30-15:302403Thank you!


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