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1、五年级上册英语期末试卷-轻巧夺冠15415-16人教版(无) “教书先生”恐怕是市井百姓最为熟悉的一种称呼,从最初的门馆、私塾到晚清的学堂,“教书先生”那一行当怎么说也算是让国人景仰甚或敬畏的一种社会职业。只是更早的“先生”概念并非源于教书,最初出现的“先生”一词也并非有传授知识那般的含义。孟子中的“先生何为出此言也?”;论语中的“有酒食,先生馔”;国策中的“先生坐,何至于此?”等等,均指“先生”为父兄或有学问、有德行的长辈。其实国策中本身就有“先生长者,有德之称”的说法。可见“先生”之原意非真正的“教师”之意,倒是与当今“先生”的称呼更接近。看来,“先生”之本源含义在于礼貌和尊称,并非具学问

2、者的专称。称“老师”为“先生”的记载,首见于礼记?曲礼,有“从于先生,不越礼而与人言”,其中之“先生”意为“年长、资深之传授知识者”,与教师、老师之意基本一致。听力部分 唐宋或更早之前,针对“经学”“律学”“算学”和“书学”各科目,其相应传授者称为“博士”,这与当今“博士”含义已经相去甚远。而对那些特别讲授“武事”或讲解“经籍”者,又称“讲师”。“教授”和“助教”均原为学官称谓。前者始于宋,乃“宗学”“律学”“医学”“武学”等科目的讲授者;而后者则于西晋武帝时代即已设立了,主要协助国子、博士培养生徒。“助教”在古代不仅要作入流的学问,其教书育人的职责也十分明晰。唐代国子学、太学等所设之“助教”

3、一席,也是当朝打眼的学官。至明清两代,只设国子监(国子学)一科的“助教”,其身价不谓显赫,也称得上朝廷要员。至此,无论是“博士”“讲师”,还是“教授”“助教”,其今日教师应具有的基本概念都具有了。 一、 听录音,选择你所听到的内容。 课本、报刊杂志中的成语、名言警句等俯首皆是,但学生写作文运用到文章中的甚少,即使运用也很难做到恰如其分。为什么?还是没有彻底“记死”的缘故。要解决这个问题,方法很简单,每天花3-5分钟左右的时间记一条成语、一则名言警句即可。可以写在后黑板的“积累专栏”上每日一换,可以在每天课前的3分钟让学生轮流讲解,也可让学生个人搜集,每天往笔记本上抄写,教师定期检查等等。这样,

4、一年就可记300多条成语、300多则名言警句,日积月累,终究会成为一笔不小的财富。这些成语典故“贮藏”在学生脑中,自然会出口成章,写作时便会随心所欲地“提取”出来,使文章增色添辉。 ( )1. A. pears B. parents C. presents( )2. A. pretty B. pity C. please( )3. A. put B. cut C. our( )4. A nine B. nice C. next( )5. A. children B. child C. people( )6. A. easy B. early C. every( )7. A. cat B. ca

5、r C. card( )8. A. cold B. fold C. home( )9. A. message B. merry C. miss( )10. A. finally B. pudding C. turkey二、 根据听到的对话及问题,选出正确的答案。 ( ) 1. A. He makes some cards. B. He goes to see Father Christmas. C. I eat a turkey and Christmas pudding.( ) 2. A. Yes, she does. B. No, she doesnt. C. Yes, he does.(

6、 ) 3. A. Shes a teacher. B. Shes a writer. C. Hes a teacher.( ) 4. A. He doesnt like Maths and PE. B. He likes Science and Music.C. He likes Chinese and PE. 笔试部分 一、 写出下列单词的适当形式。 1. child(复数) 2.knife(复数) 3.photo(近义词) 4. front(反义词) _ 5. too(同义词) _二、英汉互译。 1、在树下 2、买一个长筒袜 3、过的愉快 4、给他写封信 5、读一本故事书 6、fold a

7、 card 7、look great 8、wake up 9、have a big lunch 三、用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. People eat _ (we) on Christmas Day.2. The girl _ (look) sad. 3. She (not like) (eat) pudding.4. Mike usually (buy) pretty things and (put) them on the tree.5. Whats wrong with (he) ? He cant find (he) book.6. On New Years Day, (child)

8、 always send presents to each other.7. Dont (jump) up, little dog! You will get juice on my jacket.四、单项选择。 ( ) 1.We always _ a lot of _ at Christmas.A. have ; funs B. has ; fun C. have ; fun( ) 2.There arent _ presents under the Christmas tree.A. some B. any C. an( ) 3. Mike _ them _ our friends .A.

9、 buy ; to B. buys ; to C. buys; for( ) 4. Father Christmas _ an old man.A. be B. is C. are( ) 5. There _ a pen and two pencils in the pencil case.A. are B. is C. be( ) 6. People can _ a big lunch at Christmas.A. having B. to have C. have( ) 7. The girl _ a nice lunch _ Christmas.A. have ; on B. has

10、; on C. has ; at( ) 8. Wed like _ some presents for the children.A. buying B. to buy C. to buying( ) 9. We often buy presents _ our parents. A. to B. for C. at( ) 10. I always have lunch _ my family New Years Day.A. and at B. with on C. for on五、按要求改写句子。 1.They have a big dinner at Christmas.(改为一般疑问句

11、)_ they _ a big dinner at Christmas ?2. Children put a stocking on the beds. (对划线部分提问)_ _ children _ on the beds?3. He looks sad. (改为否定句)He _ _ sad.4. goes sometimes Sam see to his grandparents(连词成句)_5、early open up presents and wake my I (连词成句)_六、改错。 ( )1. We have a lot of funny at Christmas. _( )2

12、. What do you do at Christmas Day? _( )3. His mother usually fly kites on Sunday. _( ) 4. Then, write you message on the card. _七、阅读短文,选择适当的答案。 Hello, Im John. Im an Australian boy. I study in Shanghai. I like China very much and now I know a lot about China. Spring Festival (春节) is Chinese festival

13、. It is different from our Australian New Year. There are 12 different names for each (每) year. They are the year of monkey, the year of dog, the year of tiger Before (在之前) Spring Festival, Chinese people are busy shopping and cleaning. On the New Year s Eve, there is a big family dinner. They usual

14、ly eat dumplings (饺子). After dinner, the family stay up late (守夜) to welcome Chinese New Year. On the first day of Spring Festival, they wear new clothes to visit their relatives (亲戚) and say “Happy New Year” to each other. I like Spring Festival.( )1. John is from .A. the UK B. the US C. Australia

15、( )2. There are different names for Chinese years.A. ten B. twelve C. twenty ( )3. Chinese New Years Eve is the Spring Festival .A. morning before B. evening before C. evening after ( )4. Chinese people before Spring Festival.A. sing and dance B. eat dumplings C. go shopping and clean the house( )5. Spring Festival and Australian New Year are _.A. the same B. on the same day C. different 八、写作请以“My good friend”为题,介绍一下你的一位好朋友。可以介绍他或她的外貌、年龄、爱好、周末活动以及喜欢的学科等。要求:条理清楚,标点正确,意思连贯,语句通顺,语法规范。不少于5句。_第 6 页


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